Rebuilding A Flooded $2,000,000 McLaren P1 | Part 7

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okay three two one oh dude [Music] how's it going guys my name is savarish and this thing that looks like a broken Transformer behind me that is my 2015 McLaren P1 and we have done a lot of work on this but we're not done not by a long shot for nearly a decade since its release the McLaren P1 had been my ultimate Money No Object dream car but there was no way I could afford one because Prices for used examples started at two million dollars so when I found a flooded one for a fraction of the price I took out a second mortgage to buy it and got to work and what I discovered was that there was no part of the car left untouched by the flood now what that means is that everything on this car has to come off to get cleaned and or rebuilt that includes the engine and transmission and also that body because we do have some carbon fiber damage on the bottom of the tub now usually McLaren would say this is a complete right off they would probably say that about the flood but it doesn't matter if there is carbon fiber damage McLaren will not touch it but I have a person who will now aren't you a sight for sore eyes you guys should know him from the McLaren 675 rebuild this is Joey and uh Joey is the frame doctor he does frames on bicycles and uh boats and lots of things that are made of this material carbon fiber so uh Joey what do you think of my uh my Yellow Submarine here I'll be honest with you I don't think it's as bad as a 675 okay it's just bigger it's a little Marianas Trench we got there it was perched on what seemed like a toilet and then uh it was just dragged um and Jack says it was a toilet it wasn't a toilet it just kind of looked like one okay that's it doesn't I'm gonna that's that's a hill I'm gonna die on we have uh d gunkified uh the inside of the carbon tub because Joey was here a little while ago and we we saw some water didn't we we did I'm gonna get water all in my arm that's okay oh oh that's that's a good smell so gross that's a good smell oh oh it keeps going down my hand that one right in my mouth how much water could it be honestly it's not it can't be that much it can't be that much that is not that much look at that it's already empty it's our it's fine it's fine guys it's fine that's good look at this well we know one thing's twin streams it'll hold water all right let's see if this other side has it I don't think so all right because can't pop I don't think so oh oh that one smells oh awesome [Music] wow look at that oh there's like a film on it yeah we should uh it's like a jellyfish we should all go take a shower not together but you know you know what I mean yeah that was that was really crazy the water was everywhere so we're sure it's dry back here because there's bulkheads everywhere so it's kind of uh so the answer to that is no I'm not I have no idea I've been trying uh so you can I guess we'll find out you could drill some holes in you can figure it out so what's the process for repairing this because uh if it was up to McLaren they'd be like no we can't do this I mean the way this is built it's kind of like an egg crate okay where um the structure inside makes everything so stiff and Jack and I were looking at this side uh earlier today and it's incredible how flat it is yeah um really really flat this is not flat anymore okay so it's got kind of a kick in it so what we're going to do is we're going to make ourselves a section here and we're going to come out past where it's bad probably you know three four inches on each side you know there's some core there's some closed cell foam um that sandwich here it's really thin and I think it's only like eighth inch core so what we're going to try to do is step it we're going to step this off so that we get rid of all the core and then we have all good carbon so that we can see an outline of good carbon with the bad carbon fiber in essence is a you know Carbon Fiber strands which are these guys and then you have a resin on top and that's uh you know both of those things together give it strength right and this this uh McLaren rtms their resin transfer molding so what they do is they mold the carbon without resin and then they put it in the main mold close it all up and then they inject it under incredible amount of pressure okay I'll leave you to that we'll come back later when when this is uh cut out and then hopefully you're not also underwater yeah [Music] this is [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you what's going on here Joey well so again we had damage that went all the way down through there um so what we've done as you can see it's got a it's a closed cell foam so it's carbon foam carbon and as you pointed out to me this is the actual inside of the car is right there that's the yeah that's the floor that's the floor or the seat so not a whole lot here um but you can see it's has separated usually that's supposed to be like glued down should be all glued down actually come down here that's all nice and tight okay everything's tight here but the foam was damaged so we had to get rid of that so we'll do is we'll straighten it out a little bit um like I said before the bottom of this cars unbelievably flat really nice um but now what we have to do is bring the rest of it to the same place so anyway um we're gonna get ourselves some of this foam and we're going to make up a panel we'll straighten some of this out so it's so it's an even number all the way through here we're gonna make a piece at the shop and then I'm gonna bring it down here and I'm going to fit it and then we're gonna make a big glue joint here and a glue joint there pretty messed up and then you can see all the layers of carbon yeah like all the strands go this way and that way and that way exactly making it really strong because look this is I mean it's not even yeah it's super thin that's the only thing we're going to clean this all up take a little more out of it here and there um and then get this suit off yeah it's good it's getting a little itchy so I don't know if you guys can tell by now but I am obsessed with the safety and integrity of the cars I build because they need to meet or exceed the specifications of the original manufacturer but just in case something does happen and someone unfortunately gets hurt I'm glad that today's sponsor Morgan and Morgan makes it super easy to submit an injury claim right from your phone with over 800 attorneys operating in 49 states Consulting with the legal team has never been easier you can start a claim with the largest injury Law Firm Morgan and Morgan in just eight clicks by clicking the link in the video description or go to or just by dialing pound law that's pound 529 so we're Switching gears a little bit because I have my friend Matt from E3 Customs if you guys don't know Matt you definitely should because his shop E3 Customs has done the interior in my McLaren the Murcielago the super brother super that went to SEMA and then every other really cool car that you've seen on social media he's probably had a hand in they do the most amazing interior work like all custom stuff they do OEM replacement they do everything and I'm not gonna let them talk I'm just gonna say good things about him um but uh we have the dashboard out here and I wanted Matt to take this back home with him and see what he can do but he's not gonna take the whole dashboard out because this is carbon fiber and there's not really much to do I was hoping that he could take maybe the steering wheel and like some padding here what do you think of my uh P1 project it's a little salty it's a little salty yeah this needs to all come apart yeah and I'm gonna replace everything back here I mean everything's short of the actual events but all the wiring this and the uh the airbags absolutely do you think the airbags would be fine after being dunked in the water should be that is not no the airbags are bad I'm just kidding yeah so we're gonna replace all that I'm even gonna replace the steering column uh because the steering column surprise surprise is exactly the same as in any other McLaren so uh all this stuff is going bye-bye and we're getting new stuff but um this this guy though oh yeah so these are these are seats that you're quite familiar with yeah they're basically the same thing as the 675 exactly the same except these ones smell way worse yeah well that that other the 675 had some issues too it was also a little not not like this it's not it didn't have sand in it but it was in snow and then it melted and that shock and all that yes that is true um so I don't know what we're gonna do with these in terms of like what design and theme we're going for but it's going to be something that no one's ever seen before I actually like the color that we have in the 675 I love that color that I know you did Bentley English tan yeah metal English yeah uh Tans Browns uh something along that lines with the colors that you're thinking for the car yeah um really other than that there's not a whole lot besides Grays and whites and black but we don't want to do that that's too boring even with cool stitching it's just doesn't belong in this car it needs something better yeah um and the reason why this car needs something better is because I have some very big plans for it and I might as well get to them right now so it should come as no surprise to you that this car will be modified now a lot of you have been telling me just keep it stock but I think that if we're gonna build it we need to build it better so I've come up with some goals for this project and let's start with the horsepower so as you may know the P1 is a very very fast car and has a lot of horsepower the stock horsepower is 903 and that is good but it's not good enough so we're gonna go from 903 to between 1200. and 1400. horsepower now this has never been done before because as you can imagine people don't really modify two million dollar cars so we are pioneering the way for P1 modification here now the reason why we need 1200 to 1400 horsepower is because of this next bit top speed I was always a fan of the McLaren F1 that was my money no object dream car since I was a kid but since those cars are 20 million dollars plus I don't think I can ever be in the situation to afford one and I know that the P1 was supposed to be a spiritual successor to the F1 I want to make it a true spiritual successor and that means it has to be the fastest McLaren in the world right now the McLaren speedtail holds that record at 250 miles an hour nobody actually knows how fast the top speed of that car is well let's just say it's 250. we have to go 250. Plus and realistically if we do this right we have a 9000 RPM rev limit this can go 260 maybe 265 maybe more than that because we're going to be the first people to do this we have to take off the Speed limiter in the car which is currently at 217 miles an hour and modify it so it doesn't freak out and hopefully not put rods through the bottom of the engine I have never driven a P1 before but I've heard from people that there are certain things that could make the Driving Experience better and number one is Shifting speed on the transmission is not exactly the best stock because it uses the same sort of software as you get on the 12C and the 650s and that is generally kind of slow but if you use a software from my car the 675 LT or the 720s or 765 they improve those shift times even though the transmission is exactly the same we're also going to do something about the suspension so the suspension is very bespoke in this car and it's all hydraulic meaning that if you up the hydraulic pressure you change the feel of the car but another major thing that I want to tackle on this project are the looks although the P1 looks very very good that's Frank Stevenson design I think that we can improve on it just a little bit by making a bespoke carbon body that that's going to be hard that's that's that one's going to be a little bit difficult but in addition to the bespoke carbon body uh I'm gonna have a bespoke interior because I mean honestly I want to have a nice interior in this car I think that all the P1 Interiors are just kind of boring so we're gonna spice that up just a little bit we're gonna make it the hyper car the luxury hyper car that's always meant to be now when it comes to theming all this together will make a pretty formidable package and I have a name for it and I think it's very fitting for this car it's going to be called [Music] the P1 Evo [Music] let's get to work [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you this is now a lot lighter and if we just do this now it's a lot cleaner one of the things that we have to take care of is this guy right here but I think McLaren made it super super difficult to get this off I think this is just glued on here so we might have to do this when it's already on the car all right cool on to the next thing so welcome everyone to my very very dirty engine this is the 3.8 liter V8 Twin Turbo from a McLaren P1 it was underwater and it has a hybrid drive assembly and a transmission and a ton of hoses and a ton of wires and we need to remove all of them because this engine is getting rebuilt it's getting upgraded but not only that we're upgrading the turbos and then we have to see what everything back here is like because I don't know if this is watertight probably not and we're going to take off the e-motor the electric motor that sits on the side of the engine and I've never done this before so this is going to be a big time lapse [Music] oh [Music] thank you [Music] two steps forward one step back in here we have the cylinder head and in here we have some cylinder head damage that right there that is eaten away so this cylinder head is going to need to be welded up and maybe even ground down and modified you can see right here there's another instance of yeah this is just really really bad but it doesn't get any better because this turbo that used to be a little bit free now is completely rusted solid like I can't I can't move this at all with my finger but we might have a solution for this now I'm not just going to clean it up and put it back on the car we're going to rebuild this we're going to make this even better but I have a solution that I've been willing to try and it's over here hey guys what's up what's up hi yeah well we're going to see so I'm gonna take this turbo and we're gonna walk it oh the way over here and it is uh it is heavy so I'm gonna put it oh what is that that's that oh it just that is a it's a piece of poop that's incorrect yeah uh this is this is an ultrasonic cleaner and uh the way it works is you turn it on and it uh uses water and I don't know how it works so we filled this with distilled water and cleaning solution and in theory this should be a lot cleaner let's do it [Music] look at that there's also have a heater you can see it's already getting cloudy smell it it's releasing a lot of the uh oh boy that's doing a real good job so all that stuck on dirt and takes on mess it's just agitating the water really really quickly that's cool see the ripples in the water it's almost like a film on top so 30 minutes later and let's take a look oh that's actually not bad oh wow that's not bad at all uh does it spin no no not yet okay yeah maybe if we turn it around you know what we need to do we need to remove this uh this log manifold and in order to do that we got to cut these off that way we can stuff this turbo and the other turbo in there and see if they spin um I'm just doing this out of morbid curiosity to see if we can fix a turbo by just cleaning it but uh I feel like we can welcome back to cooking with tavaresh this is is doesn't smell good it smells really bad uh these are the turbos and boy are they looking honestly they're looking pretty good looks uh looks pretty nice uh not new by any stretch of the imagination but if you can tell this guy spins so this spins very very freely uh the other one not so much so uh the other guy that that is uh well he's had he's had a rough go of it and uh this one is completely seized so uh it's looking a lot better and this all I have to do now is dry them off and then we're gonna send them out and maybe take a trip out to the actual company that makes these this is uh made by a company in the Netherlands and they reached out to me and they told me that they would be able to custom make a set of turbochargers for me now I know this car seems like it's you know the latest and greatest but the car is 10 years old so new turbo technology has come out and I really want to put that in this so these turbochargers will no longer make the amount of power that they did on the stock car we're looking for way more power before we get to ahead of ourselves I need to take the transmission and hybrid drive assembly from that engine and see what that's about foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] so here's our predicament uh that right there is the e-motor and then that's transmission that's the engine the e-motor is stuck in between the engine and uh what seems to be the water pump down here so uh we don't know what to do we don't have a factory service manual for this car and we certainly don't want to break anything uh so we're just taking away all the bolts and moving things around and right now we have one bolt that is stuck behind the water pump behind a bracket that we can't get to and it doesn't seem like that's the right way to do it but also taking the transmission off is a no-go because we won't be able to uh take off all the bolts there are some bolts hidden behind the e-motor here so I don't know what we're gonna do we're just gonna have to we're gonna have to wing it just the the entire project was us winging it it's got us this far we're gonna do this so I'd live my life it's how you live your life just weigh it yeah 1p1 engine at a time yeah that's right [Music] we're having thunderstorms the light just went out uh that's okay I don't know if you guys can hear me over this rain but we just got the spline there's a spline shaft that goes in here and what you have to do is just put a bolt through and then just pry on it and then it just came right out so in theory this should slide down and then we can get this transmission out and then we can maybe inspect what's uh what's in here I'm now I'm excited I'm really excited I hope nothing broke I hope we broke nothing because oh my goodness I don't want to know what this thing costs to replace yep oh boy dude that's hell oh my God yep that's hail now I have no idea how much this e-motor weighs but it does not look light oh so turns out this is real heavy okay wow yeah oh boy it's a lot heavier all right yeah yay we got an e-motor out of a P1 [Music] foreign [Music] we have successfully disconnected the transmission and hybrid drive assembly from P1 yeah What is love baby don't hurt me don't hurt me yeah uh watch everybody watch your hands okay sweet now we just move it move it all back look at that yes we found more sand we found all the sand god there's a clutch in there that is so cool you guys should probably watch this look at this look at what we have accomplished this is a transmission and hybrid drive assembly and uh this is interesting because most McLarens don't have this guy that is a clutch like honestly like a real clutch and that uh tells the car or the car tells it how much power it needs from the hybrid drive assembly so I don't think this is very good I think there's probably some seawater in here or there was at one point uh this all needs to be cleaned up and I need to rebuild this I don't know who would do that but that's a problem for tomorrow that's who we'll do it oh this is It's Made by Alcon sweet it's a popular brand right actually Alcon yeah I have uh have really nice brakes from Alcon yeah yeah they make uh they make some good stuff they make like upgraded uh R35 breaks right yeah they do yeah yeah so okay so Alcon makes that um the company that makes the hybrid drive assembly it's called extract and they actually make the transmissions for like paganis and Koenigseggs and stuff like that yeah that's freaking cool yeah so it's crazy it really is crazy we took a P1 apart a P1 P1 P1 yeah persuasion yeah I was a little uh concerned and then Rex just sent it with uh with the pry bar there and then we got this off hey man it worked this this took quite a while yeah I mean from the turbos honestly from taking the engine out to figuring it out yeah and we didn't have any instructions at all uh we did get some help from Jesse from uh McLaren Orlando uh he did help us out with uh the e-motor but um yeah this is I mean we got everything stripped apart and what I'm gonna do with this uh in the coming I don't know week or so I'm gonna strip it even more down and I'm gonna send it to Cannonball garage so they can put their magic into it and when I mean magic I mean like a ton of horsepower but um yeah I'm gonna have to take that guy apart and then uh we'll see what else uh we can do with all this but for now this is all gonna go into storage and we're packing this up because I have something even more exciting for you guys to see now here's a quick thing this was an actual clutch assembly and we took that apart now if you look at this uh you can see that this had a water line and the water line was right there and uh I guess the water didn't get past this point but this is a sprung clutch meaning that there are Springs here to take up some of that tension and basically make it a little bit easier to drive but this works completely differently than any other clutch you see the mating surface is on the outside and it's super super thin usually when you have a clutch The Mating surfaces are quite big I have no idea who rebuilds this I'm gonna to try to get this rebuilt by whoever can do it uh I'm gonna I'm gonna put some feelers out Alcon makes this so I wager that we could probably not only rebuild this but upgrade it so it holds even more power um and we also have to clean this off because look at that okay now I'm going to show you something really really cool everyone this is the next day and I don't know if you can tell but I am excited because I am well I'm in the Philly area I just flew into Philly and uh there's something I want you to see and it is behind this door right here so this is a company called Exotic Car gear and they make as you can tell Exotic Car gear and there are some very interesting gear in there [Music] welcome everyone to a very interesting place now there's a bunch of boxes and stuff that's wrapped up but these are what make dreams come true especially in the case of my P1 now this is the owner of exotic car gear his name is David what's going on how are you doing today pretty good can't complain uh I'm enjoying your shop here would you mind giving us a little bit of a tour uh well here we have a pretty large inventory of uh priority wise Lamborghini McLaren and uh Ferrari carbon fiber parts majority of it about 90 of our production are better is a dry carbon autoclave just like the manufacturers do in the matching fabric of product for that um individual manufacturer and then we certainly can take those patterns and use a different fabric for custom elements to make custom carbon fiber parts I'm excited to see what you guys got over there oh dude this is big this is the start of my P1 becoming an actual car and becoming a car that no one has ever seen before so we work together David and I to develop a kit for this car and this as far as I know is the second in the world to be uh you know fit up like this I mean from this particular set of molds yes this would be the second set of pieces out yes and the first one was like a test fit yeah correct yeah so for a running driving car uh my car will be the first in the world with this kit but you know what let's let's just do it let's just do it okay three two one oh dude [Music] so ladies and gentlemen welcome to the very first P1 Evo body this is not a body kit this is an entire body made of carbon fiber and the P1 is made of carbon fiber anyway but this one I don't know if you can tell it's all symmetrical herringbone weave every single part is just right down the middle and it's it's perfect it looks so so cool so we got the molds from a P1 GTR and we modified them so this for all intents and purposes is a GTR front end but it doesn't have the little canards this is a more streamlined look but in the back this rear clam shell also 100 carbon you see this guy right here that is a cap you take that cap off and that is where the stock Wing is going to live this is going to be a McLaren P1 GTR with a stock wing with active Arrow I can't tell you how happy this makes me and the quality of the carbon fiber is really really good now this is a the second run of these things so we're gonna have to modify things we're gonna have to clean things up we're gonna have to sand it and block it and do everything but right out of the box this is insane and I've been working on this with uh with David I mean he's been working on it you know yeah yeah he's been working really really hard what sort of methods uh were used to make this uh we took a digital fan of the original car it's a great you know negative elements and molds to create a set of molds to produce the products and individual products and sort it out which one needed to be a casing style the overall size of the mold it requires a pretty large size autoclave I can imagine yeah it's a it's a whole card worth to create and this is not this is not a wing this is just a cap yes that's so if you utilize the actual um high-rise Wing yeah which we do also produce so that this piece compared to without a fabric slate and everything will just fill in that space you don't have like the look of two Wings in theory you could do two wings with this car now correct yes yeah absolutely I'm not sure how that would work but you know yeah my I would think that would look a little odd especially with the active Arrow many things are different on this but uh this is actually wider than uh the stock P1 right yeah by 60 millimeters 60 one six or six zero six zero six zero it's like it's like two inches we might need some spacers and or we might need some custom wheels but if you take a look at the side skirts these are different because they have air going right here there's like an extra scoop so there's a scoop here and there's a scoop there and then over here there's some more Arrow bits uh that go on the side skirt that are that's different from the road car but I wanted to make a road car race car hybrid and I think this is going to be the best version of that so David if somebody wanted to do this to their car like if they had a P1 and they wanted to make it look like this like the best P1 in the world uh what is the ordering process uh you would contact any member of our staff we can create a kit for you and have it produced we can look at options of it not being fully exposed to Carbon on that which is partially you know primered ready for paint okay um not sure of the Finish set you know you're going to have here on this so we left it fully exposed I think it shows the beauty of the carbon yes on it the kit does come complete where you can also add the option of the uh the GTR the wings the big Wing the big shopping cart who's in the canards for the front we do have molds for them uh this particular one we went without but it typically it would transfer over to the carcass of a of a stock P1 so if somebody wanted to do an actual like GTR kit this would fit exactly up um you also have the the diffuser I almost forgot this uh but this is a GTR diffuser and you can see right there that herringbone weave right in the middle um this I believe may be very very similar to the stock uh P1 so I might reuse mine or I might use this one um depending on I don't know which one is is easier to fit up and uh mine has a few boo-boos yeah it probably has a couple scuffs maybe a toilet seat Mark so right back here that's where the glass goes but I was thinking we could do something kind of custom so instead of glass we could do like louvers um because this essentially right here is like a louvered piece like this uh what do they call the armadillo McLaren calls it the armadillo we could look to continue that pattern like up there the base of the roof that's somewhat done at the top might mimic the outline of the roof scoop that would be fantastic the wear areas are interesting on this because uh on the P1 the regular P1 the bumper sort of comes down like this and on the GTR you can see that you're going to be able to see like the wheel like a quite a considerable amount of the wheel too okay let's uh let's put it in a truck and then bring it to my shop what's your availability sure we'll probably have it down to you within a couple weeks or so we just got to get it all packed back up and safe and sound and we'll load it in the trailer and we'll take a rundown sound wonderful so if anybody needs any sort of carbon fiber work I mean you guys do Aston Martin's Porsches look at that 996 with a wide body kit you do Ferraris Lamborghinis uh and custom work lots of custom work uh you have another shop too like around here right you have like we have a couple other buildings in this complex that just we have uh vehicles and some production work being done custom applications um pretty much half of what we do is on our website everything else is just individual custom stuff and we partner with a lot of other clients for SEMA cars and other custom show cars uh throughout so that's always the fun part is the small accents and then to be part of a kind of a bigger build you guys need to go to Exotic Car gear and that's okay um this is the guy to talk to this is the guy that knows everything about all this custom carbon fiber work so definitely go check them out everything will be in the link in the video description below uh let's go check out some cars and uh I'm gonna I'm gonna Drool on this for like another five hours [Music] Franklin's anti-run car has been prepared within an inch of its life as he's bucking and ruining and it's dancing all over the road and he's quickest by two and a half seconds at Malcolm now the race is on [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Tavarish
Views: 3,035,675
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aston martin, mercedes, amg, hyundai, bmw, lamborghini, ferrari, toyota, supra, mr2, sw20, 3sgte, 2jz, 1jz, sl55, r230, r231, m113k, vantage, v8, v12, v10, v6, gallardo, turbo, cheap, budget, diy, wrench everyday, doug demuro, chrisfix, hoovies garage, tavarish, jalopnik, mightycarmods, motor trend, roadkill, hack, bendpak, tools, lift, 4 post, 2 post, quick jack, welding, how to, tutorial, mclaren, p1, flooded, flood, exotic car gear, gtr, carbon fiber
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 18sec (2538 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 09 2023
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