BEST of SpongeBob Season 10! (Part 1) 🥇 | 50 Minute Compilation | SpongeBob SquarePants

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<i>♪ Oh who lives in a banana</i> <i>Under under the sea? ♪</i> <i>♪ SpongeBob</i> <i>Squarepants! ♪</i> Whoa! Ow! I don't know. How about this Spicy number? <i>♪ Oh who lives in a hot</i> <i>pepper Under under the sea?</i> <i>♪</i> <i>♪ SpongeBob</i> <i>Squarepants! ♪</i> Hot listing, but no. Well, there's a yummy one. Mmm. <i>♪ Oh ♪</i> <i>♪ Who lives in a</i> <i>Chicken parmesan hero ♪</i> <i>♪ Under under the sea? ♪</i> <i>♪ SpongeBob</i> <i>Squarepants! ♪</i> Nope. How 'bout this one? Not bad, but let's think outside the box. Okay, so that's a no? I think I know what you're looking for. How' bout this for space? Hey, what's this lever do? [laughing] Automatic balconies! Squidward, watch this! Wait, wait, wait! No, no, no! Hey, Squidward, this is great! What does this button do? [screaming] [laughing] [groaning] [screaming] Thats what it does. Aw, why couldn't I live in that last place? That house was too dangerous for you. Ow. Besides, it was just a house, but this is a castle with a moat and everything. it's a long way from Bikini Bottom. I know. Huh? I mean, don't worry about it. It's a short 11-hour commute to the Krusty Krab from here. I don't know, Squidward. Doesn't seem like the safest neighborhood. [laughing] What was that? Ooh, that smarts. [laughing] Bull's eye! I thought we were the first kids on the block to get Whirly Brains. What are you thick? Every kid in town's got a Whirly Brain! Daddy, Daddy, can I have a Whirly Brain, too? Absolutely not, son. Your brain is your body's most important organ, not a toy. Ow! [laughing] Hooray! Now, we can play Whirly Brains with the whole neighborhood! Hey, kid! Race you to the end of the street! Eat my brain stem, slowpoke. Get ready. Get set. Punch it! [coughing] [laughing] [screaming] Yes! We're gonna beat him, Patrick! We're gonna win! Fly your toys into my yard, will you? Well, they're mine now! [mumbling] Hey, what's going on? Everything went dark! Patrick, can you see anything? Only the dismal abyss of black nothingness. Ah! Remote controls are dead, too! Oh, Patrick, I don't wanna jump any conclusions here, but I think that we have lost our minds! [laughing] M-O-O-N. [laughing] That spells moon! [laughing] Okay, don't panic, Patrick. We'll find em. Just take it easy! Take it easy! Patrick, take it easy! I'm taking it easy, SpongeBob. Our brains are probably right around here somewhere. Here, brains. Brains! Here, boy. Here, brains! Brainy, where are you? Brain, brain, brain! I think I found it, SpongeBob! I found mine, too! Oh, darn it! I still can't see. Yeah, my brain won't fit back in. [laughing] Uh, ma'am, you forgot something. That's okay. You can keep it. I'll take it! Oh yeah. Lookin' good. Eww! Gimmie that! Oh man! That felt all squishy! [laughing] Patrick, We need help. Let's call Sandy. Okay. Sandy! Patrick, I meant on the phone. Hello? Sandy! Dang! You two sure are lucky I created this missing brain detector last summer. I was beginning to think I'd never get to use this thing. I hope we find our brains soon. They're probably cold and hungry by now. Poor things, Brains! Brain, where are you? - Hey, brain! - Oh! Come out! We're looking for you! And it looks like you're not the only critters around these parts to lose your minds. Hmm. And my detector is leading us directly to that house. [snoring] Excuse me, kind sir? Would you mind too terribly if we just came in your house for a minute and looked around for my friend's missing brains? [snoring] We're gonna take that as a yes. Step lightly, fellas! This place has a 10 gallon case of the creepies! I wonder what's in... [gasping] Hey, fellas, I think I found your brains! Hooray! - Hey! - Huh? Where you sneak thieves doing in my house? Them brains violated my airspace and I'm keeping 'em! I'm calling the cops! [begging] Sorry, nothing! Look, old timer! One false move and I'll be on you like a horsefly at a Cracker Barrel! Bring it on, slippy whiskers! I'll 23 skadoo your bees knees with wooden nickels, sister! Alright, now you listen to me, you twisted coot. You can't steal somebody's brain just because it flies into your yard. That's brain knapping, and it looks like I'll be the one calling the police! Ooh, I love it when Sandy gets aggressive. Let's give her some room. - Ow! - Ooh! Whoa! Oh, brainy, you're back! Phew! I'll never be a no brainer again! [laughing] Oh yeah. This is the life. And best of all, there's no SpongeBob here to ruin it. Oh boy! Surgery! And on my first day, too. SpongeBob! No! What are you doing here? Nighty night, Mr. Tentacles. No, no, no, don't Oh, hi, everybody. Hi, SpongeBob! Doctor, the patient's over here, and he is ready for you to begin. Ooh! We're most eager to see which tool you select first. [mumbling] What do you do? Let me see. Whoa! Phew! Here we go! Whoa! Wow! Okay, SpongeBob, this can't be too hard. Just make an incision here no! Son of a gun! Oh, my bad! I'll take that. Ah ha! Mmm sushi. Eee. He's ah, really going to pieces over this nose job. [laughing] Thank you. Let's try it again, shall we? Order up! [laughing] Whoa! That shouldn't be in there. Ooh. Hmm. What? Oh. Tada! Wow! Nurse, sponge? Thank you, Nurse. I can't see! I wanna see! I still can't see! Tada! [cheering] [humming] There we go. You can wake him up now, Nurse. [mumbling] What happened? I finished your nose job, you silly goose. Take a look. SpongeBob, you idiot. This isn't even close to what I wanted! Why didn't you say so? Oh Nurse? Wait! No, no, no! I want a different doctor! I... No! No! Stop! I don't want to change my nose anymore. SpongeBob, I'll do anything, anything at... How's about the Squidward Classic. Hey, not bad. This looks even better than my old nose. Well, I did have to use a few of your other body parts to resculpt it. Oh! Look at the time. I have to go to work. But you're a doctor. You're at work. No, I'm just a fry cook. But it was fun playing with you guys. Bye! Fry cook? Don't be afraid, ladies. This sinus Adonis is on the market. [gasping] Okay, Patrick, you go in first and control his arms and legs. Then I'll go in and control the brain. Okay. Oh. Eww. [laughing] How's that feel, buddy? Not bad. Okay, get on my shoulders. Okay, Patrick, I'm gonna see if I can make Squidward talk. My name is Squidward, and I think SpongeBob is a lame brain. [laughing] Wow! You sound more like him than, than Squidward. [laughing] Alright, Patrick, we've gotta date at the Bikini Bottom Philharmonic. Let's get going. Whoa. Whoops. Watch out. Take it easy. Hey! Left foot. Right foot. [groaning] Whoa! Hey! Excuse me. Sorry. Yeah. Whoa! [screaming] Pardon me. Hey, twinkle toes, you're in a no dancing zone. Now, beat it! [mumbling] Patrick, I just realized I don't know where the concert hall is. Let's ask someone. Excuse me, ma'am. I'm looking for the concert hall. [mumbling] Young man, you don't need a concert hall, you need a hospital! Great Neptune, you're hideous! I manage a freak show and you're exactly the kind of act I need. Mommy, look! It's Frankenstein! [chattering] Oh! Patrick, that bus is going to the concert hall! Patrick, do you have any change? One second. Hey, I wasn't born yesterday. That'll be three fares! What some people won't do to cheat the system. And don't come back! Oh man. That conductor's brutal. [mumbling] Whoa! I was just... ow... thing... not on the thing. Oh, uh... Who is that imbecile? Squidward Tentacles. Apparently, he's a clarinet player. Alright. Whenever you're ready. The Clarinet! Where's his Clarinet? I got it. Eww. Why'd you put it there? I guess I never actually thought of the moment where we'd have to play it. Let's see. The ability to play Clarinet has got to be in his brain somewhere. It's just just a matter of squeezing it out. Alright, Thank you. Next! Ugh! Huh? He's magnificent. What? What's going on here? Where am I? I'm at the audition. I'm playing, but I'm not in control. I feel like I've been taken over by something. What's going on? I don't now what's happening! I'm losing control! Must... gain... control. That's an unusual playing style. But still he sounds magnificent. Patrick, I don't think I can command his brain much longer! Me neither, SpongeBob! What was that? SpongeBob! Patrick! You're inside me? How? How did this happen? Get outta my mind! Get outta my body! Get out! [mumbling] Tada. - Hi. - Howdy. - Greetings. - Go away. Ehh. Why? Hi, SpongeBob. We need to do talk. Why sure. - I... - Love to. - About what? - Who cares? You know, it's okay to be yourself, SpongeBob. I'mma tryin', Sandy! I'mma tryin'! You can do it, SpongeBob! Just concentrate and it'll all come back to you. Good morning, Gary. [meowing] Hey buddy! [laughing] Karate chop! I went to college! I said eat your patties! I can't do it! I'm a freak! A freak! I'm a freak! Hey! [crying] That went well. <i>♪ Who? ♪</i> <i>♪ Who... am I? ♪</i> <i>♪ Who am I? ♪</i> <i>♪ I just can't remember ♪</i> <i>♪ Who am I? ♪</i> <i>♪ I just can't recall! ♪</i> <i>♪ Who am I to sing this</i> <i>Somber song? ♪</i> <i>♪ When you've got six heads</i> <i>There's something wrong ♪</i> <i>♪ Who am I? ♪</i> <i>♪ Please tell me ♪</i> <i>♪ Who am I? ♪</i> <i>♪ Do you know me? ♪</i> <i>♪ My name could be</i> <i>Clementine or... ♪</i> <i>♪ It could be Freddie ♪</i> <i>♪ I just can't recognize</i> <i>Myself ♪</i> <i>♪ I don't know</i> <i>if I'm ready ♪</i> <i>♪ I'm ready! ♪</i> <i>♪ Who am I? ♪</i> <i>♪ I have a</i> <i>right to know! ♪</i> <i>♪ Who am I? ♪</i> <i>♪ Am I friend... ♪</i> <i>♪ Or foe? ♪</i> <i>♪ I have so</i> <i>many features ♪</i> <i>♪ It makes it</i> <i>hard to tell ♪</i> <i>♪ I don't know what</i> <i>My first name is ♪</i> <i>♪ But my faces</i> <i>ring a bell ♪</i> <i>♪ Who am I? ♪</i> <i>♪ Hello? ♪</i> <i>♪ Hello? To whom am</i> <i>I speaking? ♪</i> <i>♪ I... don't... know... ♪</i> The salty tear trail leads right in here. There he is! [groaning] Are you alright, SpongeBob? How many fingers am I holding up? B. Good, SpongeBob. I had the same answer. I know you're in there somewhere, SquarePants! We're sorry. The person you are calling, SpongeBob Squarepants, has been disconnected or is no longer in service. Okay, guys, SpongeBob imitates whoever he hears. So, we've all gotta imitate him to help him remember who he is. This should help. Hey! Mmm. Ah! Hold still, you little rascal! What a great idea. Blech! I'm a squaring yellow critter! [laughing] I like cooking with lard! [laughing] Mr. Krabs is the best boss in the whole ocean! [laughing] Oop! Sorry. I mean [laughing] I forgot the secret Krappy Patty formula Mr. K. Would you remind me again? Sure, SpongeBob. I got it right Oh no you don't, Plankton! Huh? That was a pretty good impression, though. Thanks. [mumbling] Ehh. It's not working, fellars! We need to combine our efforts and do an impression of SpongeBob all at the same time! Okay. All together now! I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready. I'm ready! I remember. I know who I am! I am SpongeBob Squarepants. And yes, I do like cooking with lard! Yeah, SpongeBob! Thanks, guys. You're the best friends a guy with memory loss could have. Sure feels great to just be yourself, doesn't it guys? Guys? [laughing] Oh no! Now, they have mocking mimicry madness! [laughing] Let me out. Let me out! Eh, Spongebob? Did you clean out that sweet Dutchman''s ghost! When's the last time you took a bath, boy-o? You're riddled with vermin! I-I d-d-don't know what you mean, sir. If customers find out you're touching patties with your... wormy hands, the health Department will shut us down for sure. I understand, sir. Mr. Krabs, will you excuse me for a second? Pickles, you heard my boss. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna have to ask you and your friends to leave. Please. Squatter's rights? What the heck is Squatter's rights? Ooh, they're lawyering up, boy-o. He's making a legal claim to keep living in your body. It's okay, Mr. Krabs. They're not hurting me. Son, you gotta understand. I can't have you work here in your present filthy condition! D'oh! That's the last straw! - Mr. Squid! - On it, sir! Hasta la Vista, Worm Boy. And don't come back until you're dewormed! What am I gonna do? Hey, SpongeBob. Whoa! I see you've got yourself a little problem with the cooties. Yeah, and I lost my job over it. Lost your job, you say? I might be able to help you, if you can do something for me. Anything, Plankton! Anything! [laughing] Ridding SpongeBob of his worms will put him forever in my debt. That secret formula's good as mine! Time to crash this lousy party! Get it? Lousy, louse? Oh, I'm good. Rawr! [screaming] You're on your own, Worm Boy. - Hello? - You gotta help me! Ahh! It's a monster with SpongeBob's voice! No, Patrick! Wait! Don't close the . aww. Squidward. I need a hug. [screaming] Does that mean no hugs? There will be no hugs! Get away from me, you monstrocity! Oh no! [screaming] [indiscernible] This is my life from now on, huh? [laughing] Just call me SpongeBob Wormpants. Cause that's all I am, just an apartment for worms! [laughing] [laughing] Well, that's better. Looks like I really wormed my way outta that one. [laughing] [meowing] Gary. It feels so good to be worm free. [screaming] SpongeBob, I need a hug! - Ooh! - What is that? Ooh. Alright, alright. Pleasant day for a drive, hey, officer? Sir, I'm going to need to see your license for that, um... [laughing] You don't need a license to drive a bubble. Hmm, I suppose you're right. Carry on, citizen. Gary! [meowing] You'll never believe it! I was out driving all day! Yes, driving! First, I drove down the street like this! Then I made a right turn on red like this. You should've been there, Gary! Oh, it was like a dream come true! [meowing] Hmm? I'm here for a bubble boat. Uh, yeah, me too! I want one! - Me too! - Yes, please. Oh, I'm not sure I have enough soap to make this many bubble boats. Please? Well, I suppose I could tap into my rainy-day reserves. One bubble boat coming up! Thank you! Down here, idiot! I wanna strike fear in the hearts of other drivers. You got something terrifying in that wand for me, SpongeBob? I sure do, Plankton! Oof! Ha-ha-ha, you fool! Now I will rule the streets! [laughing] Ouch! Strike fear... Hmm...blow me something that screams Larry, SpongeBob. I'm on it, Larry! Now, this is what I call a muscle car! I love your boat, Larry! [sighing] I'll never blow enough bubble boats at this rate. Yahoo! [cheering] Greetings, class. My name is [gasping] Mrs. Puff. Oh, now that everyone's driving bubbles, they don't need licenses. [sighing] I guess there's just no place in this world for an old driving instructor. Oh! Ahh! Hey, watch it, lady! Ah! I'm driving over here! Hey, hey, hey, hey! Hey! Pick a lane, butter-brain! [screaming] I'm going to have to ask you to step out of the boat, ma'am. Do you know why I pulled you over? You ran my plates and saw my rap sheet? What? No. Your vehicle has been outlawed, ma'am. Now that everyone drives bubble boats, real boats have been deemed too sharp and pointy to be street legal. But I've never driven a bubble! Bubble boating school? Please don't be SpongeBob. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Hi, Mrs. Puff. Of course. You must be here for the bubble lessons. Don't worry, Mrs. P. You'll be learning from a master. Whoa! [laughing] Great. Okay, Plankton. Since you don't seem to be able to do something nice, in this lesson, you're going to learn to say something nice. - Easy. - Great. So, turn to Patrick and say something nice. Say something nice. Eh, Patrick, you are not a total moron. Just half of one. No. Try again. Fine. Your color pink is not so repugnant. Thanks. I like, um, your antennas. What? What's wrong with my antennas? Plankton, Patrick was complimenting you. Yeah, right. You two are mocking me! Hey, SpongeBob? Do you think this is working? No. I think we better try something else. It's no use, SpongeBob. I'm just too brilliant to be nice! I'll never get Karen back now. Oh yes, you will. We obviously can't fix your terrible insides. But maybe, just maybe, we can work on your terrible outsides. Makeover time! Brother. Forget it, SpongeBob. Karen's the perfect woman. So smart, so conniving! Ah, she's never gonna take me back! Oh, yes, she is. You just need to do something big. Be vulnerable. Be sweet. show Karen your heart. That's a great idea. I'll cook up a scheme to make her jealous and crush her spirit! [laughing] That wasn't even close to what I said. Sure it was. And I know just how to do it. Rawr, rawr. Okay. I feel uncomfortable. Plankton, are you sure about this? Of course, I'm sure. Now, start doing a robot voice. Remember, you're not SpongeBob anymore. You're Shelby Nautica. Oh. I like that. Boop beep beep boop boop. Welcome to the Chum Bucket. Oh. It's you. What do you want? Yes, Hello. I would like your most romantic table for myself and my beautiful date, Shelby Nautica, the robot. Beep boop bop. Hmm. Hmm. Mmm hmm. Shelby Nautica, huh? Oh, what a beautiful name. Thank you. Ow! I mean, thank you. I'll be right back with our Lover's Special. [laughing] This is going so great, SpongeBob. Karen is totally jealous. Here we go. I whipped up a special batch of Chum for you, and for your lovely robot date, a bucket of grease, chock full of nuts and bolts. Plankton, I don't wanna eat this. Don't you ruin this for me, SpongeBoob. Just eat it! Oh, my dear, Shelby Nautica. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eye on! Oh, Planton Poo, you say the sweetest things. Oh brother. I never knew what love was until I met you. You have made me the happiest girl robot in the world. Hey, you! Get your hands off my man. You better step off, lady. No one can make Plankton happy like I can. We are soul mates and we are going to get married and print 1,347 babies. One thousand what? Oh well, you're really in love. I won't stand in your way. Plankton's all yours. - Yeah! - No! The whole point of this scheme was for me to get Karen back! And now you're ruining it! Sorry, Plankton. She said such nice things to me. Wait a second. You're not just being a jerk? You mean you cooked this whole stupid scheme up to win me back? Of course I did. I'd do anything for you, baby. Even hang out with this moron. Aw, that is so sweet. Get over here, you. Eww. It's that fat screensaver again. What? Now, Karen, take it easy. I'm gonna go now. [arguing] Help! Oh my. Are you high class caterers I hired for an extraordinarily large sum of money? - Yes! - No! Ow! Yes! I do not have time with the dumb foolery! I have a mansion full of very high class guests, waiting for very high class catering! Are you they or are nay? Indubitably, Madam. We are your high class caterers. But where are your tuxedos? Tuxidos? Just give us a moment to suit up, me good lady. Now, where are we going to get tuxedos from? You. Hey, what are you... Eww. Ready to serve you, Ms. Money Bag I mean, ma'am. Very nice. Here is your payment. Mr. Krabs, you can't take that check. We're not high class caterers. We are anything we need to be for me to make this money! Unless you wanna go back to the kids' party? [screaming] No! That's what I thought. You can start setting up inside. This place is so shiny. Yeah, and so are the people. Oh, there's no way these people are gonna think our junk food is high class. Hmm. You might be right. SpongeBob, go find something to fancy up the food. Fancy. Got it, Mr. Krabs. Good. Now, I'll just get the lay of the land around here... I want my birthday cake! Neptune's ghost! I want my cake! Hey, kid! Easy, easy! Just calm down, will you? I got your cake. You did? Yeah, Yeah. Your birthday cake is right through here. Where? I don't see any [laughing] Won't be seeing him again anytime soon. [screaming] I want my birthday cake! Phew! I want my birthday cake! [screaming] What do you think of this, Mr. Krabs? I call it Krabby Pate'. Classy huh? Serve it while it's hot, Patrick. SpongeBob! Were those jewels on the patties? Yeah. You said fancy up the food, so I found some shiny stuff for garnish. Got a whole box. What the [gasping] SpongeBob, you can't just go around taking people's precious jewels. I'm sorry, Mr. Krabs. I was just doing what you told me. Oh. Don t worry about it. Just tell me where you got them gems from. Oh! Upstairs. I went left and right. Then double and triple right. Then down, up, and right 18 more times. Then did four somersaults, a barrel roll, jump backwards twice, spin 'til you get sick... and you're there. Okay. Fancy foods. Get your fancy foods here. Delicious. I love delicious stuff. My turn! Yummy. I'll take a slice of that. Mine! [growling] Ouch! [growling] Who wants food? I'm a mindless drone with food, working for the man. Huh? Oh. - A hem. - Here you go, princess. [laughing] Let's do this thing. Hey, where you going? Oh dear. I never heard about marching quintet. Wait for me. Wait, wait, wait! Wait for me! Wait, Wait! Hey! Hey! Alright. Where did he say? Eighteen rights, then four lefts or five? Oh. I want my birthday cake! Oh you! Get off! [indiscernible] If you don't get me my birthday cake, I'll set off all these fireworks! Give me those! Young boy like yourself, shouldn't be playing with fireworks. They're too dangerous. Gosh, no one ever cared enough about me to explain that. It's like you're my real father. May I hug you? Aww. Mr. Krabs? [squealing] - Quick! In here! - Why, father? Why? What goes on, boy-os? Squidward is gonna try out the sushi maker. Why does he wanna do that? Oh, no worry, Mr. Krabs. He's got life insurance. He can't be hurt. That's not how life insurance works. It's not? Of course not. Life insurance is money the beneficiary gets when a person dies. By the way, who gets the money? Well, let's see. No name here. Hooray! E. H. Krabs. Go, Squidward! Yay! Fly high! Do or die! Preferrably, the latter. [laughing] [studdering] Do or die! Squidward, come down! You're not invincible! Life insurance is not what you think! You were right! Oh, it was just dumb luck! Now, I'm yelling, too! Oh, what are those ninnies going on about now? I can't hear you! Just shut up and watch me! Hey. Come back, Squidward! Don't do this! Will you stop shaking it? [screaming] Hot lava! No! No! No! No! [groaning] [screaming] Ow! Hey, Squidward, guess what I learned today. Apparently, a life insurance policy doesn't protect a person from injury. How about that? Oh. How about that? Squidward, how did you survive the sushi maker? It had to be this. Sea spider! We read every book and played every game. Hey, I know! How about another makeover? [meowing] You know, I can't go to the Krusty Krab, but I can play Krusty Krab! [meowing] Ooh! This could be the register boat! And you can be Squidward. [meowing] What's that, Squidward? Thirty Krabby Patties? Coming right up. [meowing] Okay, everybody order up! Guess I'm used to cooking Krabby Patties in mass quantities. [sighing] Ooh. How's about making some more of those delicious patties? I drew two more mouths on my face so I can eat three at a time. Okay, you guys, just make yourself comfortable. More patties on the way. Whoa! These are being sent back. What? What's wrong with them? Customer said to make em good, like they used to be. Like they used to be? It's the same formula. Hey! I see the problem! SpongeBob's not in the kitchen! [gasping] - I don't think so! - I don't know why but it's bad. Wait! Wait! Please don't go! We're having a two for one sale. For every two you buy, you can buy another one. [laughing] Hold on, everybody. I think I hear SpongeBob's hideous laughter coming from the kitchen! I'll show you that the customers are always wrong! Oh boy. [gasping] Go ahead, call attention to me. Hey, everybody, look who's back in the kitchen. Alright! I'm ready! I'm ready! That's SpongeBob? Man did he let himself go. Who cares? I'll take a Krabby Patty. - I'll order some, too! - I'll take some! Mmm. Is everybody enjoying their Krabby Patties? Yes. It's very nice. Ah ha! It was me that cooked those patties. You're all enjoying my food! Blech! I thought something was off! [gasping] Oh no you don't! Anyone who wants to leave has to go through me first! Goodnight, Boss. See you in the morning. The Aqua Phone! The Mermaland's telecommunication device, connecting City Hall with the underwater crime fighting hero Mermaid Man! - Yello? - Never mind. It's just this idiot. By the power or Neptune, Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy unite! To the invisible Boat Mobile! Yay! This must be the secret lair of an evil villain. You're right. Looks like there's evil afoot. And littering is a crime. What? I thought I had my house sponge and star proofed! Hey, Squidward, wanna play a Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy with us? No! Now, please fall and get seriously hurt. Whoa! I'm sure I've heard that no before. Holy something, Mermaid Man, you can't mean... Yes, my young pink ward. It's none other than Doctor Negative! ♪ I hate SpongeBob and I hate Patrick ♪ It's that denying desperado's siren song! <i>♪ Loathing SpongeBob ♪</i> <i>♪ Scorning Patrick</i> <i>La, la, la, la, la, la ♪</i> He's obviously raising an army of mutant vegetables. And that song he's singing will bring them to life! Although our foes were evil, their nutrition did not go to waste, Doctor Negative. We're watching you! That's it! I'm gonna clobber you two! Hey, Squidward, do you hear that? You'd better hurry up or you'll be late for work. Yeah. You'd better do something or whatever. <i>♪ Mermaid Man, our hero!</i> <i>Barnacle Boy, you too! ♪</i> <i>♪ Mermaid Man, crime-fighter!</i> <i>Barnacle Boy, makes do! ♪</i> <i>♪ Evil found its</i> <i>match today! ♪</i> <i>♪ Underwater justice</i> <i>And fair play! ♪</i> <i>♪ Super plan! Garbage can!</i> <i>Mini van! Mermaid Man! ♪</i> Will you two shut up about that stupid show?! Oh, did you say something negative, Doctor Negative? What the how did... I heard him say something negative! Mermaid Man, that injured victim's bandages have come undone! That poor man needs aid! Of the first variety. Oh! We've forgot the peroxide. That should hold you until your surgeons can amputate our torso. Justice restored! Hey, Superdorks! Your turn to take out the garbage. Alright, Doctor Negative. We'll play along and take it out. Hiya!
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 14,361,977
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus, ytao_sbsp, best of spongebob, new spongebob episode
Id: rsiz_w51GxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 28sec (2968 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 05 2023
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