Mr. Krabs & Plankton From Friends to Enemies! ๐Ÿšซ | SpongeBob

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Now we all know what this day is. Today is the day when plans to. Try to steal the Krabby Patty formula like he does every day. But this time, he's not gonna catch me with the spatula down. Look, look, SpongeBob, you're on guard duty, boy. Yes, sir. Mr. Krabs, come. Out and I'll go undercover. Hop bar hop to trade for Krabby Patties on the bus stop. Around your chest. Oh. Mr. Krabs, I don't think Plankton's coming. Nonsense. See? It's that stinker plankton! Now, what do you want? A Krabby Patty. Why? I'm hungry. Mr. Krabs, that's just Sandy. I'm not falling for it. It's the worst squirrel suit I ever seen. Oh! Who? Do you think Mr. Krabs is acting strange? Lately? He seems fine to me. Maybe we should postpone our plans for tonight. Thanks. Ah, you're both working for plankton. Get out of my restaurant. Get tricky. Treacherous traitors! I love. Those two are. Working for plankton. Mute daughter. Oh, that old man Jenkins. Wow. Everyone really is out to get you, aren't they? My little formula? Mr. Krabs, you have got to come with me to the Chum Bucket, for plankton has kidnapped Squidward. Oh, so that's Plankton's evil plan. He wants me formula as ransom. What do we do? What? What's that? Oh, that's just brilliant. Hold on a minute. I'll go get the ransom. You want a Krabby Patty, do you? I'll give you a Krabby Patty. Ha! Ha ha ha! Ooh! Ooh! Okay, let's go rescue Squidward! Her father. Surprised? Crabs? Not at all sheltered. I knew you were up to something. Oh, yeah? How about now? Surprise! Oh, come, crabs. It's the anniversary of the first time I tried to steal your Krabby Patty formula. So we threw you a surprise party. You mean you weren't working for plankton? No, of course not, Mr. Krabs. Oh, I shouldn't have suspected you, SpongeBob. Who won't need these anymore? Oh, hey! Oh, boy! Krabby patties! Hey hey hey! Over here! Oh, no. Don't eat the patties. By. Tartar sauce. Yeah. While as the junior intern of Chumbucket labs, you're responsible for extremely important tasks. Oh, wow. Like what? Oh, you make an excellent ladder. Junior intern. Yes! My evil robot is complete. Nothing can stop me now. Except that tiny doorway. No one asked you, junior intern. By the way, I forgot to give you your very own lab instrument. Oh. What's it do? Why don't you push it around and find out? Oh. Oh. How was your first day at your summer job, sweetie? It's so. Boring. My boss doesn't let me do any of the fun stuff. Now, now, my little cetacean work ain't supposed to be fun. But, daddy, my boss is. It don't matter who your boss is. A good employee follows the boss's orders. If you say so, daddy. Morning, boss. Watch it. This instrument is very delicate. Can I have with the cool science stuff today? Mr. plankton, please? Can you materialize me a Krabby Patty junior intern? No, didn't think so. But I can give you the recipe anyway. You can get me Krabs secret formula. Well, he is my dad. Eugene Krabs is your father. Duh. Everyone knows that, huh? Are you free to attend a corporate espionage conference tonight? Senior intern? Oh, yes. Perforated pea brain should be home in bed. Let's get out of here. I think SpongeBob sleep cooking. SpongeBob is even more oblivious than usual. Look, he has no idea what's going on here. He says. You're gonna wake him. Up. Uh oh. Over here! Mayonnaise! Yell! Order up! Huh? Why didn't I think of that? Let. Like, where am I? Damn! Ah! Oh! Oh. Like that. You. Can almost taste that Krabby Patty now. The formula is mine. Come, come. You have to get past me first. Plankton! Krabs! And you have to get past me too! Oh! Oh! Tell your giant goon to hand over me formula. Plankton! Daddy, I'm a flunky, not a goon. Stay out of this! Pearl! Pearl! What are you doing with me? Bitter enemy. Working for plankton is my summer job. I was just doing what you said, remember? A good employee follows their boss's orders. Yeah, but. But no. When your boss says no, me and my big mouth. Honey, you don't have to work for this loser. You copy the formula and you can come work for me. Too late. Krabs, your daughter works for me now. I'll give you the formula back. Daddy, on one condition. Triple my allowance so I don't have to work for anyone this summer. Trip trip trip trip. Ooh! Ooh! Ah, right. Sorry, Mr. Plankton. But I quit. Ah! Sweet Neptune, she is gonna eat me. You can forget that letter of recommendation. Look at this place. How many plankton you ever hear a spring cleaning? What's the point? Do you know when the last time I had a customer was actually. I can't recall you ever having a customer. Well, there he is. That's why I've decided to quit the restaurant business altogether and turn the Chum Bucket into this. You want to turn your restaurant into a pile of junk? No. These are knickknacks for the new gift shop. I'm opening up. Oh, this is got to be a joke, right? I'm serious. Krabs. Soon the Chum Bucket will be a nice little store for bric a brac and bubble gum. All right, plankton, but be aware I'm not letting my guard down. Guard away? My ex enemy. I'll just be here starting my new competition free career room. Look at this. It means nothing. It's all a facade, a hoax, a con. A sham, a snowcap baloney with a side of flimflam and an order of jive. See who's the one with the problem. Look what. You've done. This is my livelihood. Sure it is. And this isn't the formula that you don't want. Come on. Hey! Too slow. Hey! Get out! Coming, coming. Ooh! Yo! Uh. Eugene. Hey, hey. Hey. Listen, uh, I just wanted to, you know, apologize for my behavior today. Wasn't right. What I done in. And I realized I hurt the feelings of, uh, um, of, uh, someone I care about. You still there? Yeah, I'm still here. Good. Uh. I want to make it up to you. What do you say we grab a soda? Sure. Glad you could make it, buddy. So what's this about crabs? I thought that since we're no longer arch enemies, maybe. Maybe we can start over. Yes, yes, I would like that very much. I don't know about this. Plankton. Oh, come. On, just fall back. Trust me. I'll catch you. That was truly amazing. Thank old buddy. I guess I really can trust you 100%. Thanks, Eugene. That means a lot to me. And just to prove it to you, I want you to have something. No, no. Come on now. No gifts. No, no, I want you to have this. It's my secret formula. I can't believe you would even think. Things are different now. Honestly, it would mean a lot to me. You. You're serious? Eugene, if I take this formula from you now, there will always be a hint of doubt. Come on. Take it. You sure? Life is good, Krabs. Sure is, buddy. Sure is. Yeah, baby. This is it. Yeah. Whoa whoa whoa whoa. Yeah. I got it, I got it. My diabolical, extremely convoluted plan worked. I should have been a politician. I never give you the formula. Ah, I fooled you with an even more convoluted charade. Ah ah. Yeah. He goes a little ยฃ300 pile up and they send you to boarding school. Well, better make the most of it and grab the best desk. Easy with that, honey. Eugene, this is my desk. You want that desk? You can have it. I'll just take this one. Oh, you want me to take this garbage desk so you can grab that prime seat and get all the teachers attention? Well, forget it, that one's mine. No, this. This one's. Mine, and this one's mine. This one's mine. No! It's mine. Mine, mine, mine, mine. My classroom stack. Look. Sorry, cutie. Shook up. Oh it's on. Oh! Bring it. Oh, I said knock it off now. Don't make me get rough brass knuckles. Huh? Respect. When driving, it's important to be aware of everything around you. That's why we have mirrors. And that's why it's important to constantly check our mirrors like this. Ah ah. What? He. Hey, hey, hey, what's going on? This is. The two new students are. Nothing. Nothing's going on. We swear. Welcome to the test track. Now I want you all to pull out slowly and carefully. Understand? Slowly and carefully. Got it. Oh. Now don't. Now, these are my last boats. And if you wreck them, none of you will pass my class. I can't believe I'm saying this, but be more like SpongeBob. He hasn't acted out once. Mrs. puff. That's the nicest thing you ever said about me. Mhm. SpongeBob. The parking brake lights come back out. Ha! You. Stop. I'm gonna lose my teacher's license. Catch me, Eugene. I'm the number one driver. Well, good for you, plankton. Don't congratulate him, SpongeBob. Mr. Krabs. Classmates support each other and. He just said he's number one. Oh, yeah. Then let's see him do this. That's easy. Hop down from there right now. Never. I'm a guard in this boat on my way to heaven. Top of the world. Ha ha ha! Ha ha ha! Uh oh. Did you both fail? Oh, come. On, don't we at least deserve some credit for not getting hurt? I mean, that was crazy dangerous. Yeah. It was. Now, that's a handsome looking burger. You said it, old chum. Attention! Get your Plankton and Krabs patties right here. Do you think it was a good idea to open in the dump? What's that? Music. I know that theme song anywhere. It's old man Jenkins. Oh, man. Jenkins. I've just been searching for some new shoes for old Betsy. You help me, mom and me through some tough times. It would be an honor if you'd be the first to try our delicious burgers. Why? I'd be happy to. Yay! That petie's K.O. , old man J. I can't believe we poisoned that sweet old guy. Well, he is old. Hey, that guy is like family to me. Well, it. Was your fault. The patty was tainted. You're the one. Who put too much seaweed sauce in the burger. You let it sit out too long. That's what did it. I'm taking the recipe and fixing it. No way. That recipe is mine. Stop. You're gonna. You want a fight over this recipe, I'll. Give you a fight you'll never forget. Well, that's ruined. But no use letting this go to waste. These kids will eat anything. I've done it. I've discovered the perfect patty batter. Meanwhile, plankton was back at the elementary school. But this time he was going it alone. Oh, no you don't. This is my turf. I think not, rag boy. What? Why are you. It's course you right now, you little. Get out of my face! Hey, look! Nerd fight! I got five bucks on Rag Boy. Ah, well, let the customers decide whose burger is better. Step right up, gents. Get a delicious chum burger right here. Big Johnny will eat anything. Have a chum burger. Johnny. Sir. Plankton. He had pieced together his own creation using memory and science. Go on, sir, tell your buddies what you think. I'm gonna try one of Ragbrai's burgers. Here you are, sir. You are the first to taste a Krabby Patty. Flavor edible. We can actually hold it down. This is the most flavor tastic sensation I still developing. Experience. I'll show you crabs. I'll steal that cursed recipe from you one day, and I won't stop till I do. Woo hoo! My recipe was, is, and always will. Be the best. You wouldn't have that recipe if it weren't for me. You calling me a. Liar, will you, man, stop yelling at each other? I can't believe you let a recipe ruin such a wonderful friendship. You were my only true friend. That. Didn't have a president printed on him. Big money does it back. My life has been nothing but a long line of disappointment since we became enemies. All these years have been trying to steal your formula. But I was really just trying to steal back our friendship. Really. It's all I ever really wanted to get back to the way it used to be. You and me against the world. How about a hug, Krabs old pal? I like that planky old chum. Doesn't this warm your heart, Karen? I suppose it would if I had one. I'm sorry, Krabs, old buddy. Me too. Me too. Now, Karen, back. Off, rag boy. Ah. Sabotage! Go, Karen!
Channel: SpongeBob SquarePants Official
Views: 456,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: krusty krab, krabby patty, spongebob, spongebob squarepants, squidward tentacles, squidward spongebob, patrick spongebob, patrick star, plankton spongebob, sandy cheeks, mr krabs, spongebob episodes, spongebob music, nickelodeon, nick show, animation, cartoon, classic cartoon, nostalgic, funny cartoons, cartoon food, cartoons for kids, weird moments, #youtubekids, throwback thursday, paramount, amazon prime video, amazon, paramount plus
Id: FyyFryznGn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 24sec (1404 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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