Dean Martin: Happiness to Heartbreak (Jerry Skinner Documentary)

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This is Dino Paul [croce] the world nosing as dean Martin Dino crow Jetty was born on the seventh day of June 1917 in Steubenville, Ohio his Ferris Gaetano and Angela Cochiti were Italian immigrants Dino had one older brother William Alfonso born in Nineteen and 16 They called [Bill] Now this is a picture of dean Martin and his parents years later the coach antes only spoke Italian at home and Young Dino Didn't learn to speak English until he started elementary school he said that the kids often made fun of his broken English and He was self-conscious for years of the way he spoke The in once said that he was very proud of his Italian heritage That's who I am he said Dino and Bill attended Grant Elementary School They were always neatly dressed and well cared for as their dead made a good living as a barber the Brothers attended Steubenville High school and by the tenth grade Dino had decided that he knew as much as his teachers did So he quit school to go to work He tried several menial jobs before becoming a stock boy and a tobacco store Now the store turned out to be a front for illegal gambling activities in the rear Dino quickly became involved in the backroom activities Anything to make money? He even tried boxing as a welterweight making anywhere from ten to [tWenty-Five] dollars about He was so poor. He said that he couldn't even afford the tape to wrap his hands in and busted up [his] knuckles Dean said he fought 12 bouts and won all of them Except 11 in Reality of course he actually won more fights, and he lost But telling the truth was not near as funny While hanging around Matt clubs with friends he discovered that he [could] sing His friends would encourage him to sing for them after [hours] And he soon [began] saying with local bands that were close to home at 17 he [was] singing with their ernie [Mackay] orchestra? But he was soon spotted by Cleveland Orchestra leader Sammy watkins while toured with the Sammy Watkins ban Deer in 1938 through 1940 he was going by the name of [Dino] Martini [his] been said that it was sammy watkins that suggested the name Dean Martin while singing with the Sammy Watkins Orchestra Dean meets Elizabeth and McDonald Everybody called her bit They soon fell in love and made on the 2nd of October 1941 Soon after their marriage dean received his draft noticed. He served a year stateside before being assigned 4f because of a double hernia He received believed as a child He immediately went back on the road with the sammy watkins fan Dean was hardly ever at home always on the Road and Spent most of his money that he made party on June the 29th 1942 a year after their match their first child Stephen Craig Martin was born the next year in 1943 dean got an offer to play the famous real bumble room in May and He was replacing frank sinatra who had canceled his engagement Now this was the first time that dean had met his lifelong friend to be frank Sinatra Martin was now making good money and sent for beatty and his son craig to come and join him in New York the next year March 16th 1944 Beatty and Dean Had a daughter Claudia Dean Martin That same year then we'll meet a new comic by the name of Joey levites who? was going by the name of Jerry Lewis They having to meet in a coffee shop at the Belmont Plaza hotel and liked each other immediately and they actually become [friends], but they never even thought about performing together One was a singer and the other was a comic two years later both by Coincidence Was playing at the Havana? Madrid Club in New York It was the first time that they had tried a routine together Dean would sing and Jerry would heckle him the audience loved it but still they continued performing separately a few months later Jerry persuaded skinny D'Amato who [ran] the 500 Club in Atlantic City To give his friend dean a change Together they were great [19-Year] Old Jerry Lewis said of the 29 year old Dean Martin That he was the spine and strength of what Martin and Lewis was Even though he said I got all the credit Now by this time dean invade his third child Barbara Gayle was born on April 11th 1945 Even though Dean was making money. He was still spending most of it party Betty had finally had enough of New York and dean never being at home She had already moved back to her parents and then later on to his as home in 1947 they Act of Martin and Lewis was fast becoming the most successful Dual Act and show business history on 19 August 1948 Dean and [Betty] will have their fourth child [Deena] She was one year old when dean and betty divorced after [eight] years of marriage Betty had learned that dean was involved with 22 year old, Orange Bowl queen and Model [dorothea] jean Vickers everyone called [Jeannie] They were Mary said Timbre the first 1949 at a friend's home with Jerry Lewis [serving] as best man Jerry will say years later that Jeannie was the best thing that ever happened to dean Martin except for me of course after Betty's divorce from Dean the once beautiful high school athlete Who had been a wonderful mother to their four children? begin to [a] [draw] and Drank more During the next Few Years the children begin to suffer without support of a stable family Dean will be busy with his career and new family and between 1949 and 1956 Martin and Lewis will start at 16 films numerous television appearances and nightclub acts the money that dean was sending beatty each month for her and their children she was going through and moving place to place she became so unstable that Martin filed for custody and the three girls moved in with Dean and Jeanie Craig was living with his grandparents at the time in the Meantime Jeanie and Dean had three children Dean Paul born November the 17th 1951 Ricky James Born September the 20th 1953 and Gina Caroline born December the 20th 18:56 [genie] became their surrogate mother taking care of dean seven children Betty Martin will become more or less a recluse over the years and will quietly pass away at her slim Francisco home in June 1989 at the Age of 66 Her Ashes will be scattered over the San Francisco Bay She will never remain on july the 24th 1956 after 10 years performing together the most successful deal Martin Lewis called it quits at the Copacabana nightclub in New York City There are lots of reasons for the [breakup] For one g and his wife [patty] were very close friends with Dean's first wife betty that didn't help Whatever the reasons for the [to] party they both left with hard feelings It's been said the two will not speak for 20 years however in 1960 four Years after the breakup Both were performing their separate acts at the sands hotel in Las Vegas When Jerry caught the tail end of Dean's act? Dean invited him on stage, and they joked around for about 15 minutes in 1976 Martin made a surprise appearance set up by Frank Sinatra on Jerry Lewis's Annual Labor Day telethon for muscular dystrophy Lewis said they had more money donated that day and they ever had and They've renewed their friendship after the Martin and Lewis breakup dean began recording with capitol records and in 1958 he started with Marlon Brando [hogue] lang and Montgomery clift Now cliff tried to help dean during the making of the young lines So much, so that he never forgot and when Martin was [theming] the matt helm series in 1966 he insisted there be a part per [Montgomery] clift when no producer wanted cliff because of his drug habits unfortunately Montgomery clift passed away before filming started after [Young] [lions] Martin starred with friend John Wayne and Ricky Nelson in Rio Bravo in 1959 and in 1960 it was ocean's Eleven filmed in Las Vegas That started his association with the rat pack Frank sinatra Sammy Davis, Jr. Peter Lawford and Joey Bishop the Rat pack hit Las Vegas by storm Their nightclub act was sold out every night and their wild partying would usually continue until dawn Dean would usually Excuse himself to his bedroom as he loved golf so much He had to get to the golf course early the Vegas Rat Pack Act will last until 1965 in 1965 Dean was star on his own NBC television show the Dean Martin show and it will run for nine Years until 1974 His theme song was Martin's hit record in 1964 Everybody loves somebody sometime Initially dean didn't want to do the show He wanted [to] continue making movies and doing nightclub acts He requested an outrageous fee, and he said he didn't want to rehearse To his surprise they accepted He never knew who his guest star was going to be until he opened the door it was as much of surprise to dean as it was to his audience the [show] was a major hit Although dean pretended to be intoxicated on each show Most of the time it was apple juice and not whiskey Although he was at the top of his career at [that] time things were not going. Well at home as His daughter Deena said in her book memories are made of this That dean Martin was not a very good father But he was a good man, and in his world. That's what counted Now this is a picture of dino on the left [Ricki] Deena Jeannie Gina Dean [Gale] Claudia and craig and more happier times at their home at 6:01 Mountain Drive, Beverly Hills in the fourth year [of] the Dean Martin Show on December the 10th 1969 Jeannie announced their separation However, it will be 1972 before the 23 year marriage will officially end Jeannie will continue to raise their youngest child Gina [and] will never remain Although she will remain close to Dean's friends such as frank sinatra's wife Barbara The next year after Jeannie and dean divorced he will Marry Kathryn hahn on the 25th of April 1973 Dean was 55 and Kathryn Was 26 Kathryn was a model and a hair salon Receptionist she [was] introduced to deemed by his manager the next year in 1974 after [Marrying] Katherine the Dean Martin Show will close He was one of the highest-paid entertainers in Hollywood Dean was by no means ready to retire as The Dean Martin show was closed He was starting the Dean Martin Celebrity roasts And it will continue as one of the most successful shows on television for ten years ended in that [eighty-four] Again, Martin will become restless and file for divorce from his third wife Catherine after [only] three years of marriage in 1976 he [will] adopt Catherine six-year-old daughter Sasha His settlement with Catherine will never be disclosed and it seems that all [of] dean's wives gave him love and he gave them money in 1987 at the Age of 69 dean Martin will received the worst news that a parent can receive the Death of a child one of [his] sons Dean Paul Jr.. Dino had crashed his California national guard F4 Phantom Jet on a Routine training mission Flying with Captain Martin was his weapons systems officer, Ramon ortez They had departed March Air force base and crashed into the San Bernardino mountains during a snowstorm Dino was 35 [years] old at the age of 13 they no had joined [Desi], [Arnaz], Jr. And Billy hinkle to form the van Dino Desi and Billy He had become an actor and was nominated for Golden globe for best Male newcomer of the year in 1971 Dean Paul married actress, Olivia Hussey in 1973 they will have one child Alexander the two will divorce in 1978 four years later in 1982 He will Marry Olympic gold Medalist ice Skater Dorothy Hamill They were divorced two years later in 1984 as Dean Martin [Jeannie] and family waited for word from the crash site They held on to hope that their son would survive It took five days before the bodies were located and the four foot of snow Friends such as frank sinatra said that dean never Recovered from his son's death Dean told friends that he would never heal and that he was just walking through life Dean Paul Jr.. Was buried and the Veterans National cemetery in Los Angeles [during] Dean Paul's funeral dean learned later That Jerry Lewis had attended the carroll without anybody knowing Dean was so touched that he called J. And they spoke one or two times a week after that It seemed ended their [relationship] the next Year in 1988 one Year after Dean Paul's death Frank Sinatra as dean if he would be willing to go on a twenty six city tour in order to help their friend Sammy Davis, Jr.. Makes some money that was badly needed He agreed, but left after six performances. He was having trouble concentrating on his legs and forgetting song lyrics after [an] argument with Frank He went to an La hospital having Kidney Troubles Dean said that frank donated him a kidney He just didn't know whose kidney it was Now [Liza] [Minnelli] continued the tour with Frank and Sammy and Dean's place Sammy Davis, Jr.. Will Die two years later in 1990 of throat cancer Although Jeannie and Dean will not remain they'll become very close after dean Paul's death Martin [Worked] [Curtail] his personal appearances and abide his time watching old westerns on TV and Going to the same restaurant at night and ordering the same food But mostly he'd play golf In September 1993. He was diagnosed with lung cancer [at] a Los angeles Medical Center He was told only an operation could prolong his [life] He refused the operation He had already took care of business He had joined Sammy Davis his 60th anniversary celebration that aired only a few weeks before Sam his death and in 1990 at [the] Bailey hotel in Las Vegas he had his final reunion with Jerry Lewis in December of 1990 he had congratulated frank sinatra on his 75th birthday special Dean Martin will pass away at his Beverly Hills home at 3:30 [a.m.] Christmas day 1995 from respiratory failure Complications of lung cancer his second wife Jeannie will leave her annual Christmas party and rush to his bedside From her home just down the street She stated she laid by his side and held his hand until they come to take him She had kept the same vigil 28 years earlier in 1967 with Dean's Mother Angela passed away of Bone cancer The funeral of Dean Martin will be held on [the] 28th And he will be interred in a Crypt at the Westwood Village Memorial Park all his friends will be there Jerry Lewis will speak and Rosemary Clooney will think Everybody loves somebody sometime The words will be engraved on his tomb dean Martin has three stars on the Hollywood walk of fame [Deano] Paul Croce D Dean Martin was 78 years old The lights of Las Vegas would Dim and his honor Six years after her father's death claudia dean in Betty's second child will pass away on March the 16th 2001 from breast cancer She followed her dead into the acting business in 1956 at Age 11 she [was] interred [Ed's] movie, Hollywood or bust in 1964 it was for those who think young and several others including numerous television shows such as my three sons and the Donna [reed] show She married twice first to actor Kyle Martin with whom she had a daughter named Jesse She later married Jim Roberts and moved to Reno, Nevada where they owned a printing shop [Claudia] was 56 years old in August 2016 the youngest son of Dean and [Jeanie] Ricky James Martin passed away at his home in Woodland, Utah Ricky Had followed his father's footsteps also, and he was a talented singer and entertainer in his own, right working shows in Las Vegas and tour in the world Ricky made any [rasmussen] in the 1990s and she gave him three daughters pepper, Montana and Rio Ricky's Death was a Sudden shock to the family His death is believed to have been from a blood clot It could have been from a fall that he took earlier in the year Ricky Martin was 62 years old and Three weeks after Ricky's death the family was in for another shock When they learned that their mother [Jeannie] had passed away on the 24th of August 2016 after a long battle with cancer Jeannie was 89 [years] old she once said that she first seen dean Martin at a new Year's Eve party at the Beachcombers club in my Jerry Lewis and Dean were performing when she said their eyes met it was love [at] first sight Craig Barber [Gal] deena Jeannie and even [sacha] all followed their famous father in the show business All of his children have different memories of their father Dina and her book memories are made of this Seems to be an honest account of her life growing up around famous friends of her father both good and bad [the] [remarkable] thing about all dean Martin's children is that they strive to keep his memory and Legacy alive Not realizing that it's not the wonderful songs that he's saying Nor the [60-something] movies. He was in nor the famous Las Vegas nightclub acts Or even the thousands of fans that adored him the real Legacy that dean Martin Left is The love his children have for him the ones that knew him based
Channel: Jerry Skinner
Views: 4,900,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dean Martin, Jerry lewis, Deana Martin, Frank Sinatra, Dean Paul Martin, Claudia Martin, Jeanne Martin, Dino Martin, Martin and Lewis
Id: cq4mygNC4bE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 56sec (1556 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2017
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