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He gotta get it right.

👍︎︎ 22 👤︎︎ u/Fluktuation8 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies

Did Drew Brees send his son to drama school? Can anyone elaborate for us non Americans?

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Namelessbob123 📅︎︎ Jun 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
- You know everything has just become fucking absolutes. In The States it's fuckin' nuts. Like that Colin Kaepernick guy, right? You knew when he was like protesting during the National Anthem, no one was gonna listen to what the fuck he had to say. No matter how much he explained it. He goes "I'm takin' a knee during the National Anthem "this is a protest about police brutality, "the way people of color are treated, we like to open a dialogue." He got about halfway through that, people are like "My brother's fightin' in Iraq, you fuckin' piece of shit!" (crowd laughs) It's just like, Buddy, Buddy, nobody is saying your brother isn't in Iraq fighting, you're not listening. This is about police brutality. "My brother's a firefighter! "He watched 9/11 on television!" (yells) (crowd laughs) Nobody's saying that your brother's not a firefighter. "I got a bone spur in my heel, I can still stand up during the fuckin' song!" Buddy, nobody is saying you can't see a fuckin' pediatrist. All right? You're not listening. That's what it became. You ever try to get abs? You ever try to get all the abs, get that shit down here. You ever try to do it? It's fuckin' impossible! Past the age of 19 you can't do it without tons of help. You gotta buy all these exercise tapes, you gotta read about nutrition, you gotta get a personal trainer havin' you fuckin' runnin' along. You need like your own chef, and he's like "Okay don't eat it yet. "Don't eat it yet. "All right now, eat it. "Start consuming it. "All right stop, slow down. "Stop, stop, spit it out! "Spit it out! "I told you to stop! "Get on the Elliptical. "You like that Brussel sprout? "Did you like that Brussel sprout, "'cause now you're payin' for it." It's a fuckin' miserable experience. Just walkin' around, your whole body's eatin' yourself. Y'know, you want some cake? "No, no I'll just take a salad. "Balsamic vinegarette on the side, no croutons. "Oh my god. "When is the photo shoot? "I wanna kill myself." It's horrible. You ever try to get fat? No, you don't have to. It's effortless. You can fuckin' lay on your back, watchin' your favorite show, just shoveling shit down your throat. "What're you doing?" I'm getting fat. I'm gettin' fat. "You gotta trainer?" Don't need one. It's natural. I just eat everything that makes my sugar salt go like, "Yeah! "Woo! Yeah!" Comes right in, nice roll of fuckin' flab. I wasn't, I didn't come from a family, I don't know about you guys, I didn't come from a touchy-feely, "Call me when you get there." (mimics kissing) None of that shit. (crowd laughs) First time my mom hugged me, I think like once when I was little, and then when I moved out. That was it. (crowd laughs) Now, we only hugged 'cause we knew we were supposed to. So we just tried to like, it was like two parking meters came to life. We almost bumped heads. It was horrific. Fucking horrific. Y'know to this day sometimes I drive down the street and I think about that hug, and it's just so, makes me, it's so awful I have to like shout the memory out of my head I'll just be driving down the street, just be like (screams and groans) Anybody else like that? You ever have to shout stuff out of your head? Like there something about me, like, all my regret comes up when I'm in the shower. I don't know what it is. I think cause I'm in the shower I have time to think, and I'll just think of shit I did in third grade. Where I just made an ass of myself, and I just will be in the shower just bein' like (yells) (audience laughs) And my wife's always just like, "Is everything okay in there?" I'll just be like, "Yeah, I just accidentally turned on the hot water. Turned it on too much." "Every day?" (crowd laughs) So... Yeah. I actually asked my mother one time, when I finally got out in the world and I saw how other families interacted and I finally asked her one day, I was like, How come we never did the hugging thing? You know what I mean? How come we didn't do that stuff? She's like, "Well I wanted to hug you kids "when you were little, but I was afraid it was gonna make you gay." (crowd laughs) And I was like, "You were afraid? You were afraid?" And she goes, "Well it was your father. "That's what it was. "Protecting him like I always do. "He was afraid. "He said, you don't know how to raise boys. "And if you hug them, that's what's gonna happen so- "In a marriage, you- there's compromises so-" Yeah. So she basically never hugged us, because my dad said if she did it was gonna make us gay. And I gotta tell you that was a great thing that my dad did for me. Let me finish before you start blogging, okay? And I end up on a split screen on Good Morning Atlanta. Y'know. "Comedy, can it go too far? "Laugh Night at The Tabernacle." Sit there next to some fuckin' Cheeto-eatin' blogger. (applause) So, yeah, this is the deal, I'm gonna defend my dad here because this is basically what happens, when you have a kid as far as I know. I don't have any kids, but as far as I would think, if you have a fuckin' kid, what do you wanna do? You wanna improve on your childhood. Okay? You wanna keep the shit that your parents did that worked and then you wanna get rid of the stuff that didn't work. So that was my dad, as fucked up as that was, that was his improvement on his childhood. That he never talks about, the way a veteran doesn't talk about going to war. Y'know? So I figure, if that was his improvement on his childhood, his childhood just- uh- must've been somethin' like "Don't change his shitty diaper, "let him figure it out for himself. "Get out in the rain, you shitty baby! "Hey, let me handle this, Lady. Why are you still standing here you shit toddler?" (crowd laughs) So, he took it from that, and knocked it down to don't hug him, it's gonna make him gay, all right? And then maybe some day if I have a kid I'll whittle it down to, he's not takin' drama class, all right? He's not takin' drama class cause I said so, Lady! Let me handle this! I won't fix everything. Ummm- Yeah, and that's not a homophobic thing either. That I wouldn't send my hypothetical son to drama class. Okay? It isn't. I would send, I'd let my hypothetical daughter take a drama class, okay? My son can't fuckin' do any of that shit, unless I'm sending him to one of those Fame high schools. Y'know, where everybody's doin' it? One of those creative schools. Go to the cafeteria everybody's like, ♪ Cottage cheese, what is it made of ♪ Right? Then he can do all he wants. Then he can do all the fuck he wants. (funky music)
Channel: Netflix Is A Joke
Views: 3,059,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bill burr, bill burr stand up, funny, stand up, Stand Up Comedy, bill burr reaction, bill burr joe rogan, bill burr podcast, Netflix Comedy, bill burr dog, bill burr conan, paper tiger bill burr, bill burr paper tiger, bill burr breaking bad, comedy show, Netflix Stand Up, Bill Burr Funny, bill burr women, bill burr helicopter, netflix is joke, netflix is a joke, comdey, snl, helicopter, funniest, bill burr tour, bill burr netflix
Id: j2D4BelPffU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 14 2019
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