Best Friends Vs Identical Twins Challenge

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- Best friends versus twins, who really knows each other better? - Let's talk about that. (bright uplifting music) (liquid bubbling) (UFO whirring) (flame igniting) (bright uplifting music ending) "Good Mythical" summer. - Not to brag, but we've been best friends for almost 40 years. - That's a long time. And I don't know if there's anyone as close as we are. - Well, I think we could be a little bit closer. - I agree. (chairs clicking slowly) ("Mythical" Crew laughing amusingly) Do you think we know each other better than twins though? I mean, they have the same DNA. - Well, there's only one way to find out. It's time for "They Shared a Womb, but we Share a Desk! It's the 'Who Knows each Other Better' Spectacular." (exciting rhythmic music) - Welcome to the "shared genome zone." - Stevie, please orient us. - [Stevie] Today, you'll face a series of tests designed to find out if you know each other even better than twins do. - Yes. - [Stevie] If you win two out of the three rounds, you'll receive your very own twins in "Good Mythical More." - Okay. - [Stevie] Now, let's meet our first set of twins. Please welcome Javonne and Javonda. - Come on over! - Hey, excited to be here, I love it! - Hey, hey. - Nice to meet you. - Oh, you're givin' me one of these. What's up? And then- - Oh, I got both of them at the same time. I just love twins because it's like one person became two people. - That's right. - Yeah, so different hair, same face. - Yeah, exactly. - Who was first? - I was first, four minutes. It was the best four minutes of my life. (everyone laughing amusingly) - Okay, so how long you been twins? - Ugh, God. Next month makes 27 years. - 27 long years. - Okay. - Ever since I knew the girl. - Yeah. - Ever since the womb. - Alright, trick question. How well do you think we know us better than you know you? - I mean, you're not twins. I feel like twins have such a... There's just this baseline. - We have this bond. - Exactly. I don't know if you guys can- - But, we got more years of friendship than you have of life. - Well... (laughing) - Maybe we should do that, though. I like the way Javonne has her hand on her like this. - And same genes, we were split. - In twin years, we've known each other longer than you guys have in normal years, so it- - We're literally like- - Are twin years like dog years, or what? - Yeah, exactly. It like doubles, so. - Okay Stevie, what happens now? - [Stevie] For this round, I'm gonna deliver a series of words and phrases. And after each one, one person from each pairing will physically strike the pose that they think best represents the word. - Oh. - [Stevie] Then, their partners will do their best to match the pose they think their partner gave. - (laughing) Oh gosh. - [Stevie] You'll not be able to see one another as you pose, so you'll really have to be in-sync with how your partner thinks. The duo that has the closest match for their poses wins the round. - We got this, man. - All those nights we used to pose. - Yeah, pose-offs. - Pose-off nights. - [Stevie] Okay, we're gonna start with Rhett and Javonda. - Okay. - [Stevie] Rhett, you have never looked more giant- (everyone laughing amusingly) - It's a camera trick. - [Stevie] Than you do right now. (laughing) Okay, on my countdown, you're gonna hit your pose, and then Link and Javonne will try and match what you pose. So the prompt is "rockstar." Pose in three, two, one. (feet stomping) - Oh. - [Stevie] Alright, partners. - I heard a... (stomping) - Uh-huh, (laughing) uh-huh. - But, I didn't hear any screaming or anything. - (laughing) I know- - [Stevie] Try and match in three, two, one. (feet stomping) Alright, we've captured. Let's see how you did. - Yes. Oh! - Oh, wow. - Mm-hmm. Wow, you guys are different sizes. (everyone laughing amusingly) - [Stevie] What your partners did to match. - [Link And Rhett] Oh! - Nobody did the same thing! - What? - Who are we gonna give this to? I really think that... - I don't think anyone deserves the point. - I don't think any of us. (laughing) - No points awarded. - [Stevie] Okay, (buzzer blaring loudly) we're gonna start with Link and Javonne now. - Okay. - Cool. - [Stevie] So your prompt is "competitive bodybuilder," in three, two, one. Okay, (laughing) you're gonna have to hold that pose. (everyone laughing amusingly) Partners, try and match, in three, two, one. - Can I stop flexin'? - [Stevie] (laughing) yeah, yeah, yeah. - Whew, flexin's hard. - I know, I know. (laughing) - [Stevie] Alright, let's see how you initially posed. - [Javonne] I'm so scared. - [Link] Oh, we look good. Oh, we don't look good. - [Javonne] I look like I'm dancing, what is that? - [Rhett] What is happening? - [Javonne] That was mid-squat. - [Rhett] You look like "Karate Kid," Link! - [Javonne] We look like fools. (laughing) - I know. (laughing) - You look like Daniel's son gettin' ready for a kick! - [Stevie] And let's see how your partners posed. - [Javonne] Okay, yeah. - [Link] You guys did better. - [Javonne] You did the leg. - I don't know, ladies. - This feels like a tie. I'm just gonna say- - [Javonne] Such a tie. - [Rhett] I mean- - [Javonda] Come on, guys. - You guys, your legs are kind of matching each other, our legs are messing each other. I feel like I'm killin' it. - So, we try again? - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah. (bell chiming brightly) You have two more tries in this round to actually get a point. - [Javonda] Alright, let's do it. - [Stevie] Okay, we're gonna go back to Rhett and Javonda first. Your prompt is "school girl," in three, two, one. (feet stomping) (everyone laughing amusingly) - [Javonne] School girl, okay. - [Stevie] Okay. (laughing) Partners try to match, in three, two, one. (feet stomping) (everyone laughing amusingly) (laughing) Okay, we've captured. - Come on, Link. I believe in you, man. - Yeah. - [Stevie] Alright, let's see how you initially posed. - [Javonne] I think you might have been a school girl before. - [Link] Oh, look at that, y'all both look so prissy. - [Stevie] And how you tried to match. - [Rhett] Oh, dang! - [Javonda] Aw, that's cute. - Again, nobody has matched. - But, they're all so good. - But Rhett, me and Rhett's knees are together. - [Rhett] Our knees are together, and we have the same face. - [Stevie] The face that you're giving is- - [Rhett] School girl. - [Stevie] Is school girl, yeah. - It's giving school girl. - You look like you're holding your bladder. (laughing) - We get the point, Rhett! - Yeah! (bell chiming brightly) - [Stevie] Okay, Link and Javonne, your prompt is "angry cat," in three, two, one. - ["Mythical" Crew Member] Whoa. - [Stevie] Okay, and hold it. (laughing) - Sorry. - That's okay. (laughing) (everyone laughing amusingly) - [Stevie] Partners try to match, in three, two, one. Ooh. We've captured. - Okay good 'cause I pulled a muscle in my neck doin' that. Oh my gosh. - I should've... Ugh. - [Stevie] Okay, let's see how you initially posed. - [Link] Okay, so you did the cat ears. And I just want you guys to know that my left arm is supposed to be my tail. - Okay 'cause I was like... (laughing) - Okay, that was hard to anticipate, (laughing) just so you know. - [Stevie] How you tried to match. - [Link] But you did do... Y'all got down on the knees. - You don't look too angry over there. - I think they're quite happy. - They took it too quick. - [Javonda] You look in your head, I can tell. - [Javonne] Yeah, I was lost. - I just wish I had of anticipated the left arm tail thing. - That was cute though. - It was cute, it just wasn't the same. - But, I'll take the point. - Yeah, we'll take the point. - It wasn't point worthy. - [Stevie] Yeah, I mean either way, if this had been a tie and you'd taken the last point, you do take this round. (bell chiming brightly) Lucas made you special- - By default? You cheated! - I don't even know if y'all are twins! - Cheaters! - [Stevie] We just made you a special- - We lift our tail! - [Stevie] Guys, guys. Luke has made you special twinning stickers that he is very proud of- - Put it on my tail, Lucas. - Oh no, boo. - And he wants to give to you- - They're not real. - [Stevie] For winning this round. - They're not that sticky. - [Stevie] Thank you, Lucas. - I don't want a sticker anyway. - [Stevie] We're all paying attention, and we're ready- - Y'all don't even know each other, do you? - [Stevie] To move to the next round. (exciting rhythmic music returns) Please welcome our next set of twins, Kevin and David. - Welcome, David and Kevin. - Thank you guys- - Hi. - Thank you guys for having us here. - Nice to meet you. - You know, we have a Kevin and David here, but they don't look anything like you, or each other. - No, they don't. - We look a lot more similar, do we? - (laughing) Yeah, you do. - Yes, you do. I understand you're twins. - Correct. - Have you experienced remote referred pain of the brother? - I would say yes. Yes, definitely. - Tell me about it. - I think if he's hurt, or maybe he's feeling upset or sad, I would also feel a little bit of that. I think it's more of a mental connection. - What's the furthest it's ever happened? - I would say we would have to be in close proximity. - Well, that's cheating. - That doesn't count. - When he gets sad, I get annoyed, does that count? - [Kevin] Yeah? (laughing) - [Stevie] Okay, this next test is a very straightforward newlywed game style experiment, where we'll find out how well you know your respective partners, what they would say or choose in various real life situations. - Of course, of course. - [Stevie] Are you ready? - Yes. - Oh yeah. - [Stevie] Okay, so first up, we asked Rhett and Kevin, "If you ever got arrested, what would you be arrested for?" So Link, how do you think Rhett answered? - If you ever got arrested, what would you get a-Rhett-sted for? - I'm sending you the answer. - The first thing I thought of was like shoplifting, but why, man, why? (everyone laughing amusingly) And the stuff you're stealing, you don't even wear it. - Are you exploring this answer, or is this your answer? - - Yeah, I don't think that's the answer. I think it would probably be public urination. (everyone laughing amusingly) You know, exposing... I'll just go general, exposing himself. - [Stevie] Okay, let's hold that. - Arrest that man. - Okay David, how do you think Kevin answered? - Let's work on our mental connection here for a second. - Hold on, hold on, you're Kevin. - Yes, yes. - And you answered, and now you're givin' it to him? - Yeah, he's sendin' David the answer, just like I did for you. - Yeah, don't do that. - (laughing) Alright. - If Kevin got arrested, I think he would've been arrested for, maybe he got in a fight at a bar or something crazy like that. Maybe he saw his friend get in a fight and maybe he jumped in to help, something like that. - Right. He had good reasons, but it's not the first time, is it? (everyone laughing amusingly) - I just know that Kevin's someone that he has your back, you know, someone you can trust, and he'll always be there for you. - [Stevie] Okay, let's see if you're right. Rhett, what was your answer? - Public urination. - Public trespassing. - Trespassing. (everyone laughing amusingly) - Okay, listen, you gave a great comedic answer. But realistically, we would probably be arrested together. - You've peed in public. - Yeah, but trespassing is something that we have done throughout our lives, multiple times. And I was just thinkin'- - We did this past weekend. - Exactly. Logically, probably trespassing. - [Stevie] Okay Kevin, what did you say? - A self-defense fight? - Self-defense fight? - ["Mythical" Crew Member] Whoa. - Well technically, if you're defending your twin, you're defending yourself. - That's kinda close. (laughing) - Yeah, 'cause David changed it. He was like, "He would jump in and help." - Well, they get the point. - Y'all nailed it. (bell chiming brightly) - They get the point. - [Stevie] Yeah, this one's quite obvious. - Alright, alright. - The mental connection there. (laughing) Those stickers would kinda look nice on us, don't you think? - Oh, really? - Yeah. - You want a sticker, huh? - Yeah, I like your sticker. - Well, there's two more rounds, so slow your yapper. - [Stevie] Okay, next, we asked Link and Jason a question. - I don't know who Jason is. - Whoo! - No! - (laughing) There's three! (everyone laughing amusingly) - You should've seen your face! (laughing) - Okay. - Oh, wow. I was like, "Stevie, run it back." - Come over... Oh, yeah. - You're just like in shock. (laughing) - [Link] This is the sweetest, weirdest thing. - Don't tell me there's a fourth because I'm leaving. - Let's bring him in, Let's bring him in! We'll bring him in. - No. (everyone laughing amusingly) - No for real, let's bring him in, bring him in. No, I'm joking. (laughing) - [Stevie] Okay, we asked Link and Jason. - Jason. - [Stevie] "What is it about Rhett/Kevin that irritates you the most?" - Oh. - [Stevie] So Rhett, how do you think Link answered? - I know everything. - [Stevie] Okay. Is that your answer, or is that a- - He might have said I'm a know-it-all. - [Stevie] Okay, Kevin- - Because I know everything. (everyone laughing amusingly) - [Stevie] (laughing) How do you think Jason answered? - I would say when they borrow my clothes and they don't bring it back. - [Stevie] Okay Link, what was your answer? - My answer was... Oh, that's not the right one. (everyone laughing amusingly) I changed this a little bit, but I still think it works. - Why are you trying to be cute with it, man? - "Judging me for not knowing something he thinks everyone should know." I'm over you bein' a know-it-all, I just ignore that now. It's not annoying. - [Stevie] Okay Jason, what was your answer? - That's close enough. - My answer's written here, right? - I hope so. - Yes. - Alright, my answer was when Kevin leaves the bathroom light on. (everyone laughing amusingly) To be fair, we all get along very well. So I've only told him like once or twice, but it's not like a everyday thing, you know? - So, you guys split the electric bill three ways? - [Kevin, David, And Jason] Yes. - [Stevie] Okay, I think the point goes to Rhett and Link for this round. - Yes! - [Stevie] But, we still have one more question. - Alright man, it's a draw. - [Stevie] So we asked Link and David, "If you could permanently change one of your physical attributes, what would it be?" Rhett, how do you think Link answered? (Rhett laughing amusingly) - What are you... - I'm just lookin' you up and down. (laughing) (everyone laughing amusingly) I mean, there's two things that I've heard you complain about your body. One is that your shoulders are go out too far and create like problems for you. - Okay. - But that's not a bad thing, it's a good aesthetic feature, it just causes problems. - Thank you. Broad shoulders. - But, you complain about your chest. - My chest, okay. - [Stevie] Okay Jason, how do you think David answered? - I think I'm pretty confident on this one. I think if David was to change a feature of his body, I think it would be his nose. I would say maybe a nose job. - [Stevie] Okay, Link? - I'm just laughing 'cause well, you all have the same nose. (everyone laughing amusingly) - I wonder how you feel about that, okay. I said, "Bigger chest." - Oh, there you go. - You know, I've bench pressed, it just doesn't translate into anything. - [Stevie] David, what did you say? - I answered, "Nose." - Ooh! - (laughing) Okay. - Now, who here likes their nose? I like your nose. - I would say just a little bit better. Yeah, I would like it a little bit better. - But if one person gets a nose job- - We all go. - (laughing) Hey! They've totally discussed it like, "Oh yeah, yeah. We're not the Bella twins!" - [Stevie] Okay, that means that this round, you've tied. - Oh, yes. - [Stevie] Lucas's twin actually also made stickers that he would really like to give you, so. - Oh, look at that. - Oh, thank you. - What's his name, Shucas? - Appreciate it, thank you. - Thank you. - What's your name? - Lucas II. (everyone laughing amusingly) - I can tell it's not Lucas 'cause he's smiling, look. - Right, right, right, he's got a different demeanor. (exciting rhythmic music) - [Stevie] Please welcome Lucas Number Three! - [Link And Rhett] What? - Lucas number three? - Oh. - Oh, and he just happens to be wearing the Mythical Society Blanket Hoodie. This is our latest quarterly collectible item of the Mythical Society. The only way to get this is by being a Third Degree Mythical Society Member. And if I may, look at the... This thing is the- - It's so soft. - This is the coziest thing you can wear. - He's so soft. - And even on the inside of these, you got this thing. - You can fit a full dog in there, two cats. - It's so cozy, so cozy. - So join Third Degree Monthly, by July 31st, okay? Join Third Degree Monthly, by July 31st, Thank you, Lucas III. - [Stevie] Yeah, thank you Lucas Number Three. - He frolics. - [Stevie] Now, please welcome our next set of twins, Chase and Cherish. - Ooh! (everyone applauding welcomingly) Hey, Cherish. - Chase and Cherish! - Hey! - Alright. - What's up? - How are y'all doin'? - How's it goin'? Oh, over the top. - Okay. - I won't do that to you. (laughing) I won't do that to you. - Well, I just can't help but notice that there's a fraternal thing goin' on here. - We're totally identical. - No, yeah. - [Link] I'm sorry- - Can you tell the difference? - Come closer, let's get a... Get closer. - So there's identical within... Fraternal is not necessarily of the opposite sex? - No. - Right? - No. - So are you identical / the opposite sex, or are you fraternal / the opposite sex, right? There's like four different ways that twins can happen, right? - What? - I think the fact that Chase and I are a boy and a girl deems this- - [Cherish And Chase] Fraternal. - Yeah, Rhett. - Listen no, I get nervous around Chases. (Cherish laughing amusingly) - I love a good Chase. - [Stevie] This final round is all about touch. One person in each pairing will be blindfolded, and they will then touch a part of a body, somebody's body, to determine if that body belongs to their partner or a stranger. - Yeah 'cause you know how much twins touch each other. - [Stevie] Okay, first up, Rhett and Cherish, you have five seconds to feel a mystery elbow and determine if it belongs to your twin or BFF. So, will the elbows please come in? The elbows are in. Your feeling time, touching time, starts now. (laughing) - Where's the elbow? Okay. - [Stevie] Okay, time's up, elbows put down them. Rhett, did that elbow belong to Link? - No! (everyone laughing gently) - [Stevie] Would you like to expand on that? - Uh, no. (laughing) It just didn't... I'm goin' on instinct here. I didn't feel something that felt non-Link like as much as just the entire experience just sent me in a different direction. - [Stevie] Mmm, okay. Cherish, was that elbow Chase's? - It did not feel like Chase's. - [Stevie] Would you like to expand on that? - The length of the hair on his arm wasn't quite right. Like a half-inch off. - Oh, a half-inch off? - Yeah. - Wow. - [Stevie] Alright, you may both remove your blindfolds. - Oh no. - Hey, hey, hey! - Y'all both suck, y'all both suck at this! - She hates me, okay? - Look at the looks on their faces! - I was doing this the whole time! - Hold on, I said it wasn't Link. - I sent you the twin telepathy. (laughing) - Oh yeah, you were right. - It didn't work this time. - Aw, man. - What is wrong with you? - We didn't do our handshake. - Oh, that's what it was. - Yeah, you were right. - Yeah, right. (bell chiming brightly) - You were wrong. (buzzer blaring loudly) - Do you wanna do all that again, and just make fun of them? - Yeah. - Do that. - [Stevie] Link and Chase, you'll have five seconds to feel a mystery ankle. - Okay. - Oh, we're doing ankles. - [Stevie] Let's bring the ankles in. - Do you like touching ankles? - [Stevie] And let's get 'em in place. - I'm not much of an ankle grabber. Okay, is it in? - [Stevie] Okay, so yeah, you're gonna reach kind of forward and down. - For me? Forward and down? Oh, here. What the heck? - [Stevie] There you go. Five seconds. - This feels feminine. - Is it turned? Is the foot... I can't touch the foot, huh? I can only touch in between here. - [Stevie] Okay, your time's up. - There's the Achilles heel. - [Stevie] Link, please stop touching. What do you think, did that ankle belong to Rhett? - (sighing) It's tough. I mean, that was a bony ankle. I know that Rhett's got the boniest of ankles. The size seemed right, the boniness seemed right, but it seemed a little too hydrated. I'm gonna say almost, but not quite Rhett. It's the closest thing we got to Rhett though. - [Stevie] "The ankle was too hydrated." - Too hydrated, Rhett is not hydrated enough. - [Stevie] Chase, was that ankle the ankle of Cherish? - It did feel feminine. It did feel like this person shaved, moisturized, and almost dare I say it felt like mine. So maybe, it is my twin. Cherish, is that you? - [Stevie] So, you're saying it is Cherish? - It is Cherish. - [Stevie] Okay, you may both remove your blindfolds. - You both suck at this, man! - No, what the heck? - You both suck at this! - [Link] Hey, when we actually- - I got it right though, it was feminine. (everyone laughing amusingly) - So, that's Jenna. - I am feminine, yeah! - So hold on, you thought it was too dry? - You you were very complimentary, thank you. - What are you talkin' about "dry"? - Have you been hydrating? - No. - I hydrated. - [Link] Yeah, like I said- - I did hydrate. - I was thinkin'... - Decoy! - Everything about it was my ankle, and then you- - I thought it was David Hill's ankle. - I feel like, yeah, I feel like we have the same size shoe. Or no, you're a little smaller. - I think they're more twins than me and Cherish. - Yeah. - Sorry, Rhett, I don't touch your ankles enough. - Dang. - [Stevie] Okay, we're gonna up the ante just a little bit. So Rhett and Cherish, you'll be presented with three different noses, and you have to determine which one belongs to your partner. - [Rhett] Okay. - [Stevie] You're gonna have like 10 seconds-ish, but I'm countin' this thing, so we'll see how it goes. Lucas and Jenna are going to guide your hands so there's no cheating. So, let's go ahead and grab their hands to guide (laughing) and begin touching noses. Put out like a little pincher. (laughing) Okay. - Okay, I know for sure this is not Chase. - Okay. Ooh, that's a cold one. (laughing) (everyone laughing amusingly) - See, I remove Chase's blackheads on his nose, so I for sure know- - Y'all did a good job with this because it felt like the same nose, but one was cold. - Aha. - This one's a hot nose. - Aha. - This one's the hottest nose. This one's the coldest nose. - Okay, go ahead and stand- - And the first one was the Goldilocks nose. - [Stevie] What nose do you think is Link's, Rhett? - Man, I thought this was gon' be easy. - [Stevie] First, second, or third? - Man, I've never thought about how cold or hot his nose was. I think he was... I think he was nose number one. - [Stevie] Okay. And Cherish, which nose belongs to Chase? - Number three. - [Stevie] Okay, remove your blindfolds. - Yay! (everyone cheering happily) (bell chiming brightly) - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah! - Everybody knows the noses. - You got a cold nose, you got a hot nose! I didn't think that- - You were only thinkin' about the temperature, not the shape of the nose. - It was crazy because your noses are not actually shaped that similarly. But once you start touching a nose and pinching a nose, they all kinda feel the same. - [Stevie] Well the good news is that Rhett and Link, you have won the game overall. So, you get your very own twins in "Good Mythical More." - Yes! - [Stevie] And Lucas Number Three has more stickers. - We beat the twins. - It's okay, we're still the real twins. - Look at that, how close we are. - Yeah, we're not twins, we're just better than twins. - That's right! Better than twins! - We're real twins. - Thanks for subscribin' and clickin' that bell. Now y'all say, "You know what time it is." - [Everyone] You know what time it is! - I'm Jackson. - I'm Reid. - It's our ninth birthday. We're about to try our cake. Dink it, sink it. And it's time to- - [Jackson and Reid] Spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - They're twins. - You did it, boys. Good work. - Click the top link to watch us guess which popular movies have surprisingly unknown sequels in "Good Mythical More." - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Join Third Degree Monthly, by July 31st, to qualify for the Mythical Society Blanket Hoodie,
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 762,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: -ynxcm2EEVk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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