International Pickles Taste Test

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Link Neal, a 44 year old man that thinks that wasabi is a palette cleanser

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 64 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fuckjustpickwhatever πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I know it's just supposed to be a fun game that doesn't matter.....but what in the world was up with Rhett's cheat in this episode? Just throwing an Encyclopedia at him and say good luck? Give him a pickle and slap some mustard on it as a pickle dart or something.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 36 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/othaniel πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Did they put the wrong picture for the Haiti dish? It looked like the Antigua and Barbuda soup stuff with the cucumbers

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 22 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/whotookmyshit πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

not gonna lie, i laughed when chase said 'vlassic' instead of 'classic'

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 24 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/avoidance_behavior πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Alternative title: Link can’t stop hitting Morocco

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/walshurmouthout πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was sus that the outcome was scripted because Link rarely guesses correctly. It's like he's suddenly cultured lmao but he does seem genuinely surprised and happy to be right πŸ₯³

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/wrottenmelon666 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

I love how Rhett is enjoying the cheerleader more than Link is. Link just seems over it so early.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/adrianaloveyou πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sushinoyas πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

David Hill truly puts the cheer in β€œcheerleader”.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ResponsibleFudge8701 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 03 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
- Pickle me this. Where do these pickles come from? - Let's talk about that. (cheerful music) Good Mythical Morning. - And happy spring break! (crew cheers) - That's right, today's the start of our spring break, which means episodes will be dropping exactly like they're hot on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, but don't worry, to make up for it, we're gonna make sure every spring break episode is extra juicy. - Oh, and speaking of extra juicy, you know what's real juicy? Pickles. You like a good pickled thing. - Oh, yeah, I do. Okra, egg, sausage, the sport of tennis. Mm! (crew chuckles) - But are you ready for some international pickles? It's time for β™ͺ Where in the World β™ͺ β™ͺ Do These International Pickle Dishes Come From β™ͺ - [Stevie] All right, boys, today you're gonna be trying different pickle dishes from around the world and throwing a dart at the country you think they came from. Chase, the pickle cartographer, will tell you how far you are from the correct answer. - Look at him. - You can't even see his midriff anymore. It's all pickled up. - Midriff? - Midriff. - I feel like this is a weird thing for fans. Like some people wanted me to button up more, so I'm completely unbuttoned, and I'm making them mad, but like there's no midriff, so, yeah. Get the whole cucumber today. - [Stevie] Oh. (crew laughs) I really enjoyed the way that you danced to the intro music in that costume, though. Do you wanna give a little...? - [Rhett] Show us what you got. Yeah. Oh, yeah. - [Stevie] Okay, that's a little bit more performery than you were, but okay. - He'll be at a children's birthday party later. - [Stevie] Sure. Whoever has the lowest score at the end gets to lead hide the pickle in Good Mythical More. Rhett, last time we played. You lost again, so you get the advantage in this game. I'm not gonna reveal what it is until you're ready to use it. And Link, you're on a winning streak, buddy! Two in a row! - Don't use that tone. - [Stevie] Oh, I'm just being really supportive. In fact, you know what, we have a bunch of celebrations planned for you. Look at this! - Link, Link, you're our hero! Two game win streak is better than zero! Yay! Yay, Link! Woo! - That's wonderful. - Now that tone, you can use every day. (acapella music) Hoo. - Hungry? - Nope! Not anymore. So this is a fish wrapped around what appears to be a, I guess a pickle. - And there's... - A little gurken. - What maybe is mustard? - Yeah, it's like a spicy mayo. I mean mustard. Is that a dried fish that's been reconstituted in pickle brine? Man. It's not bad, actually. I mean once you get used to the fishiness. - I don't know if it was ever dried. 'Cause I think the consistency would be different. Maybe it's just a fish that's been pickled. It's a pickled fish. - And anything pickled, it's kinda like, it's such a different lane, you know, of food. It's almost like a palate cleanser type thing, it's kinda like what's that green stuff that you eat with sushi? That stuff, "Woo!" That stuff. - You're talking about ginger, but you're saying green, but I think you're talking about- - No, the paste. - Wasabi. That's not... - Wasabi. - The actual palate cleanser is pickled ginger in sushi, which is weird that you said it was wasabi. - Oh. What's the wasabi? - It's just a spice, it's just an accompaniment. You put it on the sushi. - Oh, I don't do that. - The pickled ginger is not to put on the sushi, it's to cleanse the palate between courses of sushi. - Oh. - [Stevie] Wait, wait. You're gonna say... - I eat the paste... - Okay, yeah, what do you do? - On its own. - [Stevie] What? - Just to give me a boost in the middle of my dining experience. I was doing it the other night, and Christie was like "Stop doing that." - Yeah. 'Cause she understands how it's supposed to be done. You can do whatever you want to, though. - All she told me was "Stop doing that." And you know what I did? I complied. - All right, Link, because you've won not only two times in a row, but also last time, you get to go first. - I am gonna go for... I mean, I'm tempted to go with Iceland, because, you know, some sort of pickled herring, or pickle wrapped in herring, or whatever that is. And, I'm gonna stick with my guns. Iceland. Oh, yes! Did I? Did I? - You did, you hit it. - Did I? - Yeah, you did! - You don't even need to walk over there? - [Rhett] I feel like David Hill should come out. I mean, I'm gonna be honest with you, I feel like this is the moment for David Hill. - What? Is it? Yes, it hit the white. - Link! Link! Link! Link! Oh. Link! Link! Link! Link! (Rhett guffaws) Link! Link! Link! Link! Link! Link! Link! - Either way, either way, we get it, it's an L. - Hey, pace yourself, man, 'cause you're gonna need to keep doing that. - Man. Link, that was incredible. It was incredible. You may be right. - I'm four and a half feet from the map. - You may be right. - I always have been. - Pickled fish, I'm assuming is really big in Iceland. The only thing that's sending me from Iceland to Germany is the mustard. Because that's a German mustard, man. That's like the kind of mustard you put on a sausage. And you've already done as well as you can do to hit Iceland, so now I've gotta try to hit Germany. Oh... Okay. Okay. - Mm-hm. Okay, okay, I like where this is going. - [Stevie] You just had rollmops, a dish consisting of pickled herring filets wrapped around ingredients such as gurkens, onion rings, or green olives, served cold, with or without bread. This is a popular pickled snack found in Germany. - No! Rhett. - Hey, but that was impressive. It was impressive. You hit Iceland. - All right. Link, you did hit Iceland, which is a big dill. But you had 10. And Rhett, you had five. - Okay. Big dill, get it? He's a pickle. (acapella music) Whoa, look at this, man. We've got pickled citrus. - [Link] Lemon? Is it a lemon? - [Rhett] It could've been a lemon. - I think these are all lemons. And can you bite the rind and everything? - Yep. Yep. Gh! - Oh, wow! Oh, good gosh! - Man, that is so intense. That is so intense, it got more intense! - Everything that lemon brings, and more. - This definitely has the lemon left outside sort of vibe. You know what I'm saying? Like a lemon that got dropped behind the couch. And then you're looking for... - Like it rotted? Because it landed in a pool of this stuff. Now you're going first. I'm just getting out your way. - Oh. - It's like everything in here just is seizing up, from the sourness. - Wow. I mean, this is such an intense flavor. I have nothing to go on here. Is this the kind of thing that when you finally get lemons in Iceland, you're like "We gotta hold onto these, because they're definitely not from around here, and we gotta pickle 'em so they'll stay forever good." Like is it that kinda thing? You know what I mean? Or is it just, this is a place that likes really intense flavors and will do something like pickle citrus like the Philippines? We never see Fiji on the map. I think I'm gonna go with my instinct about just flavor, daring flavor, and go Philippines. But, not feeling great about this, whatsoever. - Ooh, that's a good shot. I am thinking Morocco. Like what you were saying about Iceland, like it's cold up there, I don't think they have to pickle as much. They might salt some stuff. - I was just thinking they probably don't have lemon trees. - Like the taking a fruit, and then doing something unexpected with it feels very Moroccan to me. - Yeah, I've always thought that. Unexpected things with fruit is the first thing that I think when I think of Morocco. - [Link] Ooh. - [Rhett] You might be right, man. - A little bit to the west of Morocco. - Whatever, this is gonna be a big swing either way. - In the Atlantic Ocean. I know things. - [Stevie] You just had preserved lemons. Initially lemons were preserved in this country to be used after lemon season had ended. Now this ingredient is an integral part of this country's cuisine, and a year-round staple, while the pulp of the lemon is used to flavor soups, the rind is used as a condiment in Morocco. - Oh, dang, Link, I'm impressed, man! - I'm feeling good! David Hill, hang out with me, man. - Link, Link, Link, L-I-N-K, Link saves the day! Yay! (crew applauds) - That's wonderful. That's great. - How long has he had that shirt? (crew laughs) - Oh, he wore it his first day. - That's why I hired him. - Don't you remember? He wore it to the interview. - Yeah. Rhett, you had 43, and Link, we should get ready the sparkling brine, 'cause you had seven. - Nice. - Sparkling brine. (acapella music) Soup. - Some sort of soup. In this soup, there is a big chunk of... - This is just like a whole fish. - Yeah. - No, this, hold on. (indistinct) - It's too mushy to be a fish. And there's onions, and... - That's not fish. - It's very fatty, and cattle-like. - [Rhett] I think it might be pork. - Yeah, it's porky, not cattley. - It could be chicken. - No, that's pork, dude. That's totally pork. And then there's like onions, and cucumbers. Is the whole thing in a pickle brine? - I think it's chicken, man. It definitely feels too fatty for chicken, or it's like a pheasant? What is it? - Maybe it's a bird. - I think it's a bird. You're well in the lead, Link, so you go first. - What am I gonna do? I mean- - Woo, go Link! - Let's go, Link! Let's go! Let's go! - Hold on, hold on, hold on. - Does he really need it now? I mean... - We're encouraging you. - We're encouraging you for your throw. - Two win streak! - Woo! Link, Link, Link, Link, Link! - I mean, they got a point. - Thank you guys. (crew laughs) Where's David Hill? - We're here for support. - We're Team Link. - What happened to David? - I think David is probably thinking about his next cheer. Oh, there he is. - There we go. Thank you for being here. - Yeah, go ahead. - Go Link! - Rooting for you. - Go, Link! Link, Link, Link, Link! - Okay, I need a silent encouragement. - Give the man his space. - I've noticed that I can get a two for one with Antigua and Barbuda. Barbuda? - [Rhett] I think it's Barbuda. - I don't think that's the answer, though. Where's a place where you can't tell the pork from the chicken? I'm torn between South Africa and Philippines. Crap. I have no clue. I gotta really play defensive. I can't go all the way to Philippines, I don't think it's India. I'm gonna split the map and play the board. Okay. Oh. That was higher than I wanted to go, but basically right at the middle of the map. - Woo! - Link! - Link, Link, Link! - You did it! - Thank you guys. Thank you guys. - You're really getting a moment. - Get a shirt. Oh. With my name on it. (crew chuckles) - Okay, I'm in the hole here, and I don't have a lot to go on. I have some advantage, right? I would like to deploy my advantage. - [Stevie] You sure? I just, 'cause you only get to use it once, that's all I wanted to make sure. I just wanna make sure. - Yes. I need to make up some ground. If I don't make up some ground on this round, there's no way. There's no way to come back. - [Stevie] So your advantage is, we're gonna give you this encyclopedia, and you can learn so many things in this. And we're gonna give you 30 seconds, you can look up whatever you want. - The Usborne Geography 'Cyclopedia. - Hold on. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Am I gonna go to the soup section? - [Stevie] I don't know. No, Link, no! Thank you. - Sorry. - Is there a hidden prize in there? - Your time starts... You ready? - [Stevie] Yeah. - Now. - Let's just see if I can get lucky. Russia. Mkay. - [Link] Not on the map. - Brazil! Ha! That's all I need. I randomly opened to Brazil the second time. What are the chances? I'm going for Brazil. Let fate lead you. - I'd say the chances are pretty low. - Yeah, I mean I wasn't gonna guess Brazil, but, I have to now. - [Link] Ooh. And you missed it. - Didn't even hit the dadgum country. - 'Kay. - [Stevie] You just had souse, a light, clear soup served cold and traditionally made with pickled pig's feet, hot peppers, lime, onion, garlic, and other seasonings found all over the Caribbean including Antigua and Barbuda. - Oh! - Oh! So it was pig's feet! - Dang, if I had gone a little bit high in my Brazil guess... - This is a fun episode. I'm having a pickle ball. All right. Link, you had 28. Rhett, 17. - All right, and if anybody wants to know what weather is, here's a nice page to read. - Oh. That's cool. (crew laughs) (acapella music) - Nice shirt, man. - Check it out. - From what I can tell, it is a GMM logo, but in flowers. And it's in puff paint. - I've been complimented so many times today, just walking out here. - It's a fun little shirt. - KG said "Nice shirt." Mikayla said "Nice shirt." - Nice shirt. - Now pickle boy over there said "Nice shirt." I mean... - Get you that nice shirt. In whatever size you want. It's pretty festive. Look at this pickle ball. - [Rhett] We got fruit salad. - Pickle jar is what I meant to say. Okay, so there's... A fig. - Is that an apple? Kiwi. - A mandarin. Is that called a mandarin? - Cherries. - Mm-hm. - It's just pickled fruit, y'all. - But the types of fruit I think should give us some sort of a clue. Apples. That's a apple. I never had a pickled apple before, have you? - Yeah. Well, yeah, a second ago I had one. - Oh. - I'll have it again. - All that's good. - It's actually the first thing I ate. Link, still in the lead. By quite a bit. - I'm gonna use my lucky dart. - All my advantages are over. It's yours to lose, friend. - Hm. Figs are the thing that really stand out, but kiwis and figs don't cohabitate, do they? - It's a sin if they do. - Figs are taking me to Italy. Even though they could, of course they're everywhere now, in newtons. - Figs have gotten out. Figs have gotten around. I've noticed that about 'em. - Cherries. I don't know where kiwis come from originally, but, I don't know, this could be India. I think I have to stick with Italy. Doesn't that seem too obvious, though? Man, I'm only 20 centimeters in the lead, so I can't just (indistinct). - It's a pretty good lead. - But I'm just really thinking Italy. Yeah. I gotta stick with that. Oh, that's low. That's low, low, low, low, low. Are you agreeing with me? What are you thinking? - Figs, first of all, this is hard. I mean, the pickled stuff is hard. Because there's a pickle, sort of pickle leveling of the field, do you know what I'm saying? - It's kinda like everything gets mushed down, like a trash compactor. - And again, the only intuitive clue that I've had thus far has been the mustard tasted like something you put on a bratwurst. - Yeah, we remember you got that one right. - But nothing else has presented like that. You said figs take you to Italy, figs take me to India. - [Link] Well they're everywhere. - They have gotten out, though. - They've gotten out. - But, because, for some reason, and I don't know if it makes any sense... - I mean I have figs growing in my yard. - I've always thought it's a very Indian yard, that you had. (Stevie laughs) Golly, I can't throw today! - You're high and I was low. Don't feel bad about it. - [Stevie] You just had mostarda di frutta. - Ooh. - [Stevie] Candied fruit that's been pickled in lemon juice and mustard. These sweet and sour fruits are usually served alongside meats and cheeses in Italy. - Yes! Look at me! - Oh, dang it! - I've done it again! - Link, you're on a streak, man. - Yeah, Link, relish this feeling. You've got 10, Rhett, 26. - Dang. - And I don't think fig and Italy, but I think more that region. - Well, Middle East is what I was thinking, but that's not an option. - Close enough. (acapella music) And finally, we have a stack of- - Slaw. - Yeah, it does look just like slaw. Pickled slaw. 'Cause, you know, South Carolina slaw is kinda pickley. - [Rhett] Yep. - Woo! - I didn't tell you it was spicy. Didn't tell you it was spicy. (crew laughs) - I didn't even get the spice at first, I just got just blasted with vinegar. But that's a spicy vinegar. - Woo! - [Stevie] Reminder, this is the mystery round, so the country's not on the map. I mean, the country's on the map, but it's not labeled. You know what I'm saying. - You go first, and it's yours to lose, brother. - Uh-huh. β™ͺ Happy two streak to you β™ͺ β™ͺ Happy two streak to you β™ͺ β™ͺ Happy two streak, dear Link β™ͺ β™ͺ Happy two streak to you β™ͺ - [Team Link] Woo! β™ͺ And many more, maybe β™ͺ - I don't remember getting any of this. - Thank you guys. And that's... Thank you guys for that. You're really committing to it, now. - [Rhett] They adapted. - Not to this level. But... - We have to improvise. - Can I have a little of your cake? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know what? I'm in a good, generous mood. - Is it pickled? - [Rhett] It's not pickled, it's just good. - So it is... (crew laughs) Some sort of slaw pieces. Some sort of... - Oh, yeah. You guys can leave, now. - Pepper strips. I guess that's just lettuce. - Who made the decision to leave? Whose face did it register on? - And a whole bunch of coriander. - The cake's a little dry. But, at least it's not mine. - Man, this could be anywhere. This could be anywhere. It's so beautiful. - Yeah, but you have a 36 centimeter lead. Which is pretty hard to lose. - So I really can't... I cannot, it would be dumb for me to go for an extreme part of the map. And since I have no freaking clue where this is, I mean, again, this could be on a South Carolinian's table. So I'm saying this is South Carolina. But, I'm gonna throw the dart at whatever those countries just a little bit to the west of India are. - Yep, those countries. - That region. Oh. It went to the left, right in the middle of the board. I can't complain. - I don't think I can win now. I was really hoping you would actually go to the right. 'Cause my clue here, first of all, you're totally right that this could be on a Southern table, and it would go on collards. It's kinda like chow-chow. - Yeah. I like it. - Not prepared like this. My giveaway for my guess is the habanero. - Oh, that orange little stripe. - Which every time I have habanero in a hot sauce, it's like a Belize. I mean they're big in South America in general. They're big in Mexico and Central America. - Do you Belize in love? - I don't know where Belize is, exactly. I think it's like... I think it's that first big country that you hit when you get down to South America. Hey, if it's Belize, and I hit Belize, can I please win? - Yes. Three criteria? Yeah. - 'Cause I know I can't make up 36. - But, I get two advantages next time. - What? You've already got a three streak going. You got cheerleaders, you got cake! - You're not in a position to negotiate. So that's a yes. - If I win. - Yes. - I'll give you the two advantages next time. Oh. - [Link] Good shot. - Oh, I hit Central America. That actually might be Belize. No, it's not. Belize is all the way (indistinct). South America. - [Stevie] You just had pikliz. This spicy batch of pickled cabbage, carrot and chili is traditionally served with rich meats and fried foods. Its bright, fiery tang makes it a great sidekick for lightly seasoned dishes in Haiti. - [Both] Haiti. - Shout-out to Wyclef Jean. (Chase laughs) - Vlasic. - I got pretty close to Haiti. By accident. - I think you did, didn't you? - Yeah, Link, you had 27. - [Rhett] Ooh. - Rhett, you had four. - Dang, man! - Good luck, man. But that didn't do it, did it? That did not do it. - It got close, but nah, it didn't pull it off. Three in a row, all right. You gonna give him cheerleaders next time? When do I get cheerleaders? What's it take for me to get cheerleaders? - If you need to cut it back down to just one, you know who my pick is. No offense. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know- You not even coming in, David? I just concluded my... Increased my win streak. - Link for three, Link for three, Link for three, Link for three, yay yay yay! Champion! Woo! - I'm begging to be cheered for now. You know what time it is. - Oh, hi, I didn't see you there. My name's Nevin Hewett from Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, and if you'll follow me, I just made some pickle brine chicken. And it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. - Oh, that stuff's good. And listen, I think you did see us there. - Yeah, he did see us. - Click the top link to watch us rank pickle juices with Justine from Sporked in Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. - [Rhett] Feel as fresh as a daisy when you shop the new GMM floral flame tee. Available now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 2,004,259
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: uTQFi3A_q24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 03 2023
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