Link Hacks The Hardest Game In The World

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- Will I succumb to the mental pressure or will he? - Well, let's talk about that. (bright music) - Good mythical morning. (thunder crashes) - Oh, you know what that means. Our beloved deity Belvedere has been watching too much "Taskmaster" yet again. (thunder crashes) Oh, did I say too much? I meant the exact amount fit for a god as feathered as yourself. - Which means that we, his lowly loyal followers, will have to complete whatever genius but convoluted demand he's come up with this time. - We should really come up with a better name than his lowly loyal followers. - [Both] (gasp) Cockalytes! - It's time for Belvedere says! - Joining us once again, it's Nicole! - Hi, everybody. - Hey, Nicole. - Hi. (crew clapping) I feel like a true cockalyte right now. - That's right. You like the name, too? - I do. Really into it. - Yep, it's our new name. - Yay. - It's the thing we're doing. - Cockalytes. (Nicole laughing) All right, Stevie, tell us. - [Stevie] Just like last time, you've all already completed or attempted to complete the task. Belvedere has demanded of you, so let's all see what that task was. (classical music) - Oh God, it's bright! - My body is ready. - It's time for my redemption. - Egg. Hello, Belvedere. I'm happy to serve you today, as always. - Hello. - To appease Belvedere the cockatrice? Trice. (crew laughs) Sorry. Topple all of the cans off their mantle. - Oh, look at the train! - All toppling must be performed from behind the throwing line, which cannot be moved. Your time starts when the first can falls. Fastest time wins. - Fastest time wins. - Fastest time wins. Fastest time wins. I got that. - Correct, correct. - Well. - Lots of cans. - So you guys did the same thing that I did. Oh, that's cool. - I mean, you seem to be very ready. You have the sunglasses on. - I was so ready, but I did not do as well as I thought I would, I'm gonna be honest with you. - Hey, hey, don't, don't, no spoilers! - I don't feel confident. I just didn't feel confident. - Spoilers! - Well, I didn't feel confident. I just didn't. - I wanted to, I said it, it's time for redemption, because last time I was trying to just serve you, almighty cockatrice Belvedere. I didn't, you know, I just got very frustrated. (crew and Nicole laugh) - Yeah. - So I, and I felt like I didn't think things through. What was your thought at this point when you look and you see this whole obstacle course of cans? - My thought was, I just feel like when I'm presented with a challenge like this, I always just default to just trying to win it. And I'm like, you know what? I'm just gonna have a good time this time. I'm gonna try, I'm gonna do my best, but like- - He didn't stick with that, there's no way. - I'm not gonna get super frustrated and like, you know, Link's probably gonna take up to half an hour to do this. And so, you know, I just was thinking I was going in and I'm gonna have a good time. I was focusing on the fun. - Okay. Against your own instinct. - Yes. - Okay. - [Stevie] Let's see if it worked, Rhett. - Your time starts when the first can falls. Fastest time wins. So it doesn't start until the first throw begins. Your time starts when the first can falls. So I have time to think about this. I can take my time. I could go get some sunglasses. I won't. So those are the cans. This is the throwing line. Oh, there's, oh, there's cans hiding. Oh, there's cans up there. There's a can on top of a candy cane stick. This skateboard, I can do as many things as I want, right? (crew laughs) Okay, that's pretty good, 'cause I think I can get all the cans. Can I break things? It didn't say I couldn't break things. 'Cause I feel like the way to get those cans is to throw something very large that just topples that whole thing over. (lively music) Like a keg. Like a whole keg. It'll be high and it'll be like, boom. (bird squawks) (cans rattle) (lively music continues) I think I could take out the whole train with this. Boy, I think if I can make contact with those walls, the, you know, trying to hit the cans. (cans rattle) Oh, look at that. The train fell over. Let's start by knocking all of those down by breaking through that thing with this keg (lively music continues) First throw! (keg thunks) Yes! (grunts) (cans rattling) (crew laughs) - [Crew Member] We're not talking. (crew laughs) (Rhett grunting) (cans rattling) - Okay. (cans rattling) (grunting) Okay. (cans rattling) (crew laughs) I think I broke the trampoline. (wheels rolling) (cans rattling) Yes! (crew cheering) I'm so proud of myself. Okay, I'm really gonna have to... My keg's in the way. I gotta thread this needle. (grunts) (keg rattles) (tire taps) (crew laughs) Dang, that was such a good idea, but my keg got in the way. (torso thunks) (crew laughs) This is a tall woman. This is a tall woman. (crew laughs) (cans rattle) (crew laughs) (racket thumps) (container thuds) Oh! There's something I'm missing. What am I missing? The throwing line cannot be moved. Oh. Oh. - I can go get things. (crew laughs) (Rhett laughs triumphantly) I can get things! (crew laughs) (Rhett grunts) (tire thuds) (cans rattle) (crew laughs) (leg thuds) (cans rattle) I need to make a path right here. (lively music continues) (wheels rolling) (cans rattle) (cart hits) (can rattles) (crew laughs) One can! (crew laughs) (wheels rolling) (cart hits) (cans rattle) (crew laughs) No cans. (crew laughs) (skateboard thunks) (Rhett laughs triumphantly) (crew cheers) (frisbee dinks) (Rhett and crew cheer) Okay, I'm done. (lively music continues) (kisses) (bell dings) (crew laughs) (lively music continues) (Rhett, Link, and Nicole clapping) I didn't mean to dress like Shaggy. (Nicole and crew laugh) Or kinda walk like Shaggy. - [Link] The whole time. - Act like Shaggy the whole time. - Okay, so I had fun. I was having a lot of fun out there. - Yeah, you- - So once you realized you could go out there, then you were like, I'm just gonna keep bringing this tractor tire back. - Yeah, because- - Then that didn't work. - No, it didn't. It was really the skateboard and the mannequin leg. And I'm just so anxious to see how you guys- - Oh my gosh. - ...approached this. - Did you use the woman? That's what I wanna know. - Me, I didn't use anything correctly, I don't think. But I will say- - I didn't even see the woman. - I will say the divine intervention of the wind and the air blowing yours down was incredible. - Hey. - I know. - If you're a good little boy. - No, that was, you should be ashamed of yourself. - It's an act of God, man. - Yeah, yeah, I thought that was pretty cool. - Belvedere was cheating on your behalf. - Belvedere decided to blow the train down. - All right. - [Stevie] I think the part is that Rhett didn't, correct me if I'm wrong, you didn't fully realize the time started when the first can fell over versus throw. - Oh, no. - Right, so it kinda worked against you. - And there was quite a lot of time between those two things, if I recall. - [Stevie] Yeah, yeah. - Mm-hmm. - [Stevie] Okay, well, we've heard a lot about how Nicole did already. Let's see how she did. (Nicole screams) - Yeah, Nicole. - Okay, I'm gonna put this right here. (crew laughs) Okay. (playful music) Shut up. We had this in the budget? That's exciting. (crew laughs) Let me just try this first. Oh no, hold on. (cans rattle) (bird squawks) Oh my god! Talent! (laughs) This is so hard. (can rattles) (crew laughs) (leaf blower whirring) Oh my God. - Great. Fantastic. Maybe there has to be something with water. (crew laughs) (crew laughs) Come on! I have to do all of those over there, too? You guys are crazy. (cans rattling) You guys are... There's a can up there? Are you guys... You guys are monsters. (crew laughs) I need to, you know, I need to reread. This is the throwing line. I can't move this line. If I move this line, I lose, right? I'm just gonna try every, I'm gonna try everything. (ball launcher clicks) (crew laughs) Oh my God. (ball thuds) That's didn't work. (crew laughs) Maybe I can, like, attach things to each other? Will I get far enough? (playful music continues) Hard, it's hard work. Hard work. (crew laughs) Are these what people use when they go on hikes? These the hiking things? Wow, I am not doing my mythical best right now. (crew laughs) (poles flop) (Nicole laughs) Should I try the hose again? I'm gonna try the hose again. (crew laughs) Oh, there's a bug on it, there's a spider! It's a brown spider! Is that a brown recluse? I don't wanna die for this show. (crew laughs) I love this show, but I'm not willing to die for it. - Jet, jet, jet! (crew laughs) - I think I have to read this one more time for clarity's sake. Your time starts when the first can falls. Fastest time wins. (playful music continues) I'm just gonna try this, and if I lose, I'm sorry. Belvedere, I'm sorry. If you get upset, I'm sorry. I have to do this just to say I'm doing it. (cans rattling) (crew laughs) (playful music continues) (cans rattling) (crew laughs) (playful music continues) That one's glued on there! You glued it on! You glued that on! You cheated! (cans rattling) - Okay, I think I'm done. (bird squawks) (thunder crashes) (playful music continues) - Nicole! - Nicole. - I call that one giving up in the middle of it. I just didn't know what to do. - You were like, I have to do this, I have to do this. - I don't know, I was just so frustrated and I just couldn't wrap my head around what it was asking me, either. I was, look, I was trying to be, like- - To knock over the cans. - I know, but I was trying to, like, be like, maybe there was a meaning behind it, underneath it, over it, but I just couldn't do it. - And maybe you can just go out there and just start knocking things up with a stick. - Yeah, yeah. - So- - [Stevie] Well, you also appeared to not have the instinct to physically destroy things as much as Rhett. Like, Rhett was like, "I will destroy everything that is here." And you are like- - I'm sorry. - [Stevie] "I have to, I'm gonna be nice about all of it." - Yeah, I was thinking about the art team and how much I love them all and I just don't want them to do all that work all over again, you know? - Yeah, I broke that trampoline so you didn't get to use it. - Yeah, but I still had fun. Anytime. - I love the fact that, like, you would have a good idea. Like, oh, here's a thing that launches arrows. And then you would just quickly abandon it and you would just be, like, throwing the arrows. - Yeah, I wanted- - Or the gun with the tennis balls. You'd be like, and then you were just throwing. - Yeah, I don't know. - You found all kinds of things that I didn't see that I wish I had've seen, but okay. - It was a cool time and I'm glad I did it. - It was a cool time. - Yeah, I'm glad I did it, yeah. - It was a cool time. - It seemed like you had fun. - Yeah, yeah. - You cheated. - A little. - You failed. - A little. - Okay, listen. Before we see how well Link did, which I'm very, very anxious to see, we would like to direct your attention to his shirt. - Check it out. This is a cool shirt. It's a metal-inspired T-shirt. It says Mythical Beast. And that's quite a randler down there. - And you can get the same design here in this silver sticker. - [Link] Yeah. - Badass. Can I say that on the show? (gasps) - [Stevie] Yeah. - Yeah, sure. - Okay, cool. - You just can't play the games legally. - Okay. - So go pick up the Randler reimagined as a mega metal beast at, sticker and t-shirt. - All right. Am I ready to relive my experience- - First of all, before you see it, Link- - ...for your viewing pleasure? Not really. - Are you feeling good about your performance based on what you just saw? - Well, I know I beat Nicole. - There's that. - Okay, okay. - I don't really know what your time was, but I don't know. Topple all of the cans of their mantle. Topple all of the cans of their mantle. What is a mantle? (lively music) To appease Belvedere the cockatride, topple all of the cans off their mantle. (crew laughs) There's another F. (laughs) (crew claps) I know I'm going to think (crew laughs) more this time. Really went all out with this. So topple all the cans using all of this stuff? This is big. (keg clanks) Huh, look at this. (sneakers squeak) Oh yeah. Those. This is gonna save me some time. (items clattering) See, I'm thinking now. Link using his thinker. That's right. I'm ready! Yeah, are you ready? (cans rattle) (bird squawks) (lively music continues) Well, here we go. Kinda fun. (cans rattle) (items thudding) Look at this. Oh man. Look at all those back there. (frisbee thuds) (frisbee clatters) Uh-oh! Yeah, this one should come back. (crew laughs) - [Crew Member] Oh! - Wow. (crew laughs) So I gotta stay back here and I can't move this, but... (broom whooshes and thunks) (crew laughs) Whoa! Did you see that? I got another one of these. (lively music continues) (broom whooshes and thunks) (crew laughs) What! What! (laughs) Yes! Let me keep doing that. Why are none of the cans falling? (crew laughs) (lively music continues) (broom thunks) Ow. (ladder clatters) (crew laughs) (lively music continues) I feel like I'm doing better this time. (crew laughs) (broom whooshes) (crew laughs) (broom clatters) (stick clunks) (cans rattle) (Link grunts) (torso thuds) (container thuds) (wiffle balls dinking) (crew laughs) Rargh! (mop clacks) (can rattle) Yes! (crew cheers) (cone thunks) (cans rattle) Get- (cans rattle) down! (crew laughs) (lively music continues) Yeah, oh yeah. (objects thunking) (Link yelling) (lively music continues) (object clattering) (crew laughs) (clock ticks) (Link grunts) (object thunks) (Link grunts) (object thunks) (Link screams in frustration) - [Crew Member] Whoa. (crew laughs) (cans rattling) (keg clanking) (indistinct) - To please Belvedere the cockatrice, topple all the cans off of their mantle. Off their mantle. All toppling must be performed behind the throwing line, which cannot be moved. That doesn't mean that I can't just be behind the... I can go out here, but I can only topple from behind here. Uh, yes? (crew laughs) Yes. (lively music continues) (cans rattle) (laughs) Look at me. (lively music continues) (laughs) (crew laughs) (Link grunts) (cans rattle) (Link grunts and yells) (crew laughs) (walls banging) (cans rattling) (Link yells) (cans rattling) Yeah! (crew clapping) (bell dings) (crew laughs) Yes! (crew laughs) (crew claps) - That- - Hey, man. - That was stressful to watch, but- - That was pretty I impressive. - That was incredible. - I used my thinker. - That was pretty impressive. - Eventually. - Yeah. - I think you, I mean, you did that last part so quick. I think that may have made the difference. - I don't know what, what are the times? - [Stevie] I mean, I'm impressed. I'll just say that. But I do have the times here. So Rhett, it took you 16 minutes and 31 seconds - From the time you didn't know you started. - Yeah. - Yep. Right. - [Stevie] Nicole, I'll just, I'll say your time, even though it doesn't really matter. - That's all right. Go ahead. - But it took you 12 minutes, 37 seconds. - Pretty good. - Oh, wonder why she did it so quickly. - Pretty good. - [Stevie] Link, it only took you seven minutes, 15 seconds, which is less than half the amount of time it took Rhett. But- (crew laughs) Unfortunately, there's something that we need to discuss. Let's roll the clip. (Link yelling) (crew laughs) (wall clunks) (cans rattle) - What? (Link yelling) (crew clapping) (crew laughs) (Rhett laughs) (Nicole squeals) (thunder crashes) - Oh my God. Oh my God. (crew laughs) I'm so sorry! Oh my God! - Oh, man. Hey, hey, man. - Oh my God. - I mean, it was so beautiful in every- (crew laughs) In every other way, it was so great, Link. - Even- - It was so great. - That was crazy. (crew laughs) - Even when I used my thinker? - It was so great. - Seriously? I do have a little tear. I don't know why. (crew laughs) - It was stressful to watch back. - I mean- - No, I get it. - It hurts, y'all, it really does hurt. - Yeah, I know, I get it, yeah, yeah. - To feel like you won for once and you were on top of the world and that you really- - Crashing down. - You really, you didn't use your famously brute force, but you used your delicate brain for something, and then for it to just all come crumbling down in front of zillions of people. (Rhett laughs) - Man, just one little can makes all the difference, huh? - I wanna go, I see it. I wanna go, I need to go knock it over! - [Stevie] Which means that Rhett- (laughs) - Hey, I was just trying to have fun. - I'm sorry, I'm sorry. - I'm sorry I won. - I'm sorry. - I'm sorry. It was, Link's was, beautiful performance. Just not thorough. - [Stevie] Yeah. - Next time I'm gonna use my thinker so hard, I'm not, I'm gonna come up with, I'm gonna, I'm not gonna do anything until I come up with the strategy that I came up with too late, and I'm gonna show you how it's done, Belvedere. I'm gonna show you my worth, that I'm worthy to be a cockalyte. - What do I win? - [Stevie] You get to sign the craze-a-doodle coop. - You get to sign this. - Oh. - Which I guess now is like the thing that- - It's beautiful. - It's like a shrine. - Cute! Super cute. - Now, don't... Who am I to tell you what to do? All right. (Nicole laughs) There it is, he signed it. Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - You know what time it is. - My name's Chris. - And my name's Amy. - And we're from Johnson, Iowa. Belvedere just asked her to prom. - [Both] And it's time to spend the Wheel of Mythicality. - Ooh. - Pretty clever. - He gets what he wants. - Click the top link to watch us try and identify headless Funko Pops on Good Mythical More. - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. The Randler just got brutal. Shop the mythical beast death metal tee and sticker, now at
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,035,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 13 2023
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