How Does This Product Work? (Game)

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- That product does what? - How? - Huh? - What? Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) Good Mythical Morning! - As a dad, it is in my nature to reject an instruction manual whenever I see it in favor of saying, "It can't be that complicated, I'll figure it out." - Well, Rhett, I agree with you, and that attitude is gonna come in handy today, because the Mythical Crew has scoured the internet for a mixture of weird, unexpected, or just plain complicated products. Products that they're banking on us not knowing how to use. - Ah, yeah! - So it's time to put our stubborn dad brains to work and show 'em who's boss! Literally. We are the bosses. - Damn right we are! It's time for, "Do You Know What Dat Doodad Do?" (upbeat music) - [Stevie] Okay, here's how this is gonna work. Each round you'll receive a mystery product, and working together, you must figure out what the product is and how to operate it, meaning you have to successfully put it to use. You'll have 60 seconds to inspect it and run over to the Mythi Mart shelf for a little shopping spree. - I can see that there's a Mythi Mart, but I have not gone inside. - [Stevie] Exactly. The shelf contains items required to use the product, as well as some useless decoys. - Y'all and your decoys! - [Stevie] So you can grab as many items as you like, but be selective, because every decoy item you grab will cost you five seconds on the game clock. Only one of you may go to the Mythi Mart per round, and when he returns, you'll have four minutes to figure out how to use the product, minus any time you lost thanks to decoys. - And you can't go back to the Mythi Mart after that first minute, right? - [Stevie] You can make as many trips to the Mythi Mart as you like. - Okay. - [Stevie] Just remember that the clock is ticking, and bad picks only make it tick faster. If you can win at least three rounds, you'll take home some strange products of your very own. You get it? - We need to do it. - For the dads. - Okay. - [Stevie] Okay, you may reveal your first mystery product and your 60 seconds- - Do you want me- - [Stevie] Of inspection and grabbing begins- - You can be the shopper this round. - Wanna be the shopper? - Okay. - Well, all right, so I'm leaving. - Okay, so- - 'Cause we have 60 freaking seconds. - [Rhett] It's brown. (laughs) - There's so much crap- - Something goes in it! - [Link] Oh, there's a Kenny Rogers album! - Don't. I don't know if we need that. - [Link] A slinky, marshmallow fluff. - I feel like it's gonna... - Is it food related, do you think? - [Rhett] I feel like it's gonna hold something down. - [Link] I've got like- - Like these little arms are gonna hold something down and there's gonna be something in here, and it's gonna- - Does it need batteries? - Do you need batteries? - Does it- - No, no batteries. No batteries. - No batteries? - No plug, no power. - Is it food related? 'Cause there's a lot of food, like candy, marshmallow fluff. - It might be a marshmallow crusher. - No, but this- - We've only got 17 seconds, bro! - This is just fluff! Mustard? Water? - Yeah, yeah. - Does water go in it? - I think it squeezes something. - Like toilet paper? - Bring things! - Bring things? - The marshmallows are great. - Marshmallow fluff. Toilet paper, water, glue. (countdown trumpets) A donkey? - Okay. I guess your four minutes starts now. - [Link] Hold on. - Do I need that little rubber thing that keeps the little thing? - All right, so I've got three things. - Okay, Link, did any of this work? - [Stevie] 10 second penalty. - 10 second penalty, yeah. - So one of these three things is real. - Maybe the water goes into it. - I bet you pour the water in there. So I'm gonna take these- - But why would I put water in there? Like okay, so- - So what does this go on? - [Rhett] This is gonna hold something down. - And does it smoosh it? And there's this- - This is so dumb. - And then what's on the- - Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! This is going to hold something. Like did you get toilet paper? - Yeah. - Get the toilet paper. Put the toilet paper onto this. - No, no, no. - Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. And then if you want your toilet paper to smell real nice as you pull it off, you do this, and then there's something that comes out of there. - But look, this doesn't have wall mounting. This definitely goes down like that. - Uh-huh. - We've broken it. - [Rhett] That's okay. - And then when you turn it, it opens that. - Does it make a wet wipe? - Two of these things. - Two of these don't work. We know that this is right. - [Link] So toilet paper. - You go shopping again. - And then I don't want water or marshmallow fluff. - [Rhett] Go shopping again! (Link stammers) - Kenny Rogers album? - [Rhett] What can you? - Stuffed animals? - It says fill. - Two minutes and 30 seconds. - Glue? - It says fill! - It has to be water, dude. We're on the wrong thing. - Okay, so what else? - Shave gel? - What else could this go in though? I don't understand. (air horn squeaks) (crew laughs) - A air horn? Ah, crap. - So if we put water in here, there's- - [Stevie] Two minutes. - Garlic, Play-Doh, Hershey's chocolates? - Oh, oh, oh, oh! I'm thinking- - You wanna put Hershey chocolate on the toilet paper? - No! No, I think maybe the water goes inside here, not the TP. What else could this TP go on? What do you see over there that... I mean, that this could go on? - I think it pushes down on two... Like hot dogs? - Why would you push on hot dogs? - [Link] I don't know. - [Rhett] What could you push on? What is in the mart? - Hot dog buns? - What? What? I don't understand, does it power something? - I think it's the toilet paper. I think we've got that. And what do you want to do with toilet paper? - What could you put in here once the- - [Stevie] One minute. You've mentioned at least one of the things already. There's a combination of things in the mart that would make sense. - With toilet paper? - There's toilet paper? - No! (crew laughing) - Water. - No, what about chocolate, right? Chocolate? - Why is this thing brown? This is brown for a reason! - Oh, it's a s'more maker! - S'more maker! It's a s'more maker! - You didn't tell me there was freaking s'more maker! - Yes, yes, it's a s'more maker! - What is wrong with you, man? We're gonna freaking make s'mores! - It's a s'more maker! - 30 seconds. - I didn't realize there was all those things. I gotta shop next time, man! - [Stevie] I already gave you a penalty for one of the things that you have. - What goes in here? - [Stevie] I gave you a penalty for one of the things that you have. - [Link] This? - [Stevie] 15 seconds. - Do you wipe your... - What do you mean? How can we be getting a penalty? - You put water in it, right? - 10 seconds! - Yes. - It makes wet s'mores. Put the water in there! (crew laughs) - Okay. - Three. Two. - Chocolate, chocolate! Chocolate, chocolate! - One. - And then you pour it. (air horn trumpets) - [Stevie] Okay. Well... - It makes wet s'mores. - So, okay. In the end, you kind of guessed correctly. This is the Progressive Prep Solutions Microwave S'mores Maker. The thing is- - Oh, you put it in the microwave. - There's something in the mini mart to complete your situation. - Why didn't you see the marshmallows? - 'Cause they weren't there. (crew laughs) - Dude, you got pantry blindness, don't you? - Marshmallow fluff. - [Stevie] So yeah, Lucas, will you demonstrate how to properly use it? - It's obvious it's a s'more maker. That's what I was thinking. Is there something to press down? Oh, man. - You guys were so close. It was really hard to watch for a number of reasons. - A number of reasons? - Let's do a dry one. - Well, I know that there's- - So fun. - There's chocolate, right? I know you're gonna wanna have the chocolate. Probably. - Oh my gosh. That really got soggy. (crew laughs) That is gross. - What is it? Is it to fill the water? Is it to fill water with? - That's 'cause everybody knows a steamed s'more is the best kind of s'more. - Right. - Oh! So you put water in that. Oh. - Or I guess maybe chocolate first. It depends on your preference. - Okay. And then that and then this and then that. See? This is... - And then another. You top it. - Yep, yep, we put that. Oh my gosh. - [Rhett] And then it keeps it in place - And then you put this in the microwave. Dang. - This was good. - Aw, man. Shoot! I'm sorry, dude! - [Rhett] How many things are on that shelf over there? - [Link] A million. (crew laughs) - [Rhett] Was it really hard to see the marshmallows? - Oh, look at that. (microwaves chimes) It is a perfect s'more. - Dang! - Oh my gosh! That is actually a cool thing. So you don't put your toilet paper on it? (crew laughs) (upbeat music) - [Stevie] Okay, guys, your minute starts when you reveal your item. - And you do the shopping. - I'm going shopping. - It's a lot of clutter over there, man. - Okay, I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready. - I'm telling you. All right. Oh my goodness, look at this contraption. - This is for me to do. But look, are you staying over here? - So something's gonna- - I think you need to go over there. - So something's gonna go on that. - So there's like a string or something. - This is not food related. - Does this? Oh, you turn. This is the part you turn. - Does it need batteries? Does it light anything? Does it need fire? - There's fishing line over there. - Okay. - I remember that. - You could take fishing line and spool it around this thing. Does this come off? - I've got... I got rubber balls. Does it need a slinky? - But see, this thing... Look at it. This is a way to- - What's gonna go in those holes, Link? (Link stammers) - Like markers? Like markers? - No, no. - Like it's gonna- - Is there anything else like fishing line that you can spool through here and then wrap on a bigger spool? - Oh! What about paper? Oh, what about a paper? - More toilet paper? - More toilet paper. - [Link] No, dude. And then- - Time. - All right. Nothing else that you can wind up? Okay. So. - [Stevie] Show me your stuff. - Over here, Rhett. Oh, gosh. So what we got? - That is a 20 second deduction. - So none of these things work. - None of these things work. - None of these. But that was a good idea. - And your time starts now. - That was a good idea right there. Look at me! - Okay, so none of that worked. - It's a... It makes toilet paper dizzy. - Oh, hot dogs! Does it do hot dogs? - Maybe. Just bring 'em over, quick! Hot dogs. - [Stevie] That's a five second- - Dang it! - Ah! (crew laughs) - Okay. Kenny Rogers album! - No. It's gotta be something that winds up. Something that isn't- - Yarn? - Yarn. Yes, yes. (upbeat music) - No time deduction. - Yeah! - Okay. So I'm gonna just take the yarn. - It's gonna yarn something. What can we yarn? - Yep. You take yarn and you just put it over here, and then you put it through this thing, and then you put it through this. - Do we need to yarn meat? - And then you just start... Look at this. It makes a yarn ball. - [Stevie] You are correct! (crew laughs) (crew claps) - And it doesn't... Why would you want- - That's it? - Yeah. - Yeah. - It's just a yarn ball maker? - What? Why would you wanna do that? (crew laughs) (upbeat music) - [Stevie] Your time starts when you see the item. - Wait, let's keep our roles. You're the... - I'm the shopper, so I'll hand this to you. - You can be the shopper again. (crew laughs) You made it disappear. Okay, so this is a silicone witch with quite a ditch. This witch can ride something. I think she can ride a pencil. - I got pencil, pen. Could she ride a hot dog? - No. Yeah, let's bring one just for the fun of it. I'm feeling confident. So Sharpies, pencils, anything else that a witch can ride? Yeah, even a lighter. Come on, come on! Well, you got 27 more seconds, Rhett. - I got pencils, I got markers, I got a lighter, I got batteries, and I got a spoon. - [Stevie] Anything else you want in the next 15 seconds? - No! - Why'd you get batteries? - [Link] You gonna put a battery between your legs? - That's it. - [Stevie] Okay. Well, and you're 60 seconds now. (air horn trumpets) And we'll subtract 20 seconds. - Okay, so one of those things works. - Okay, well look. - Does it fit on the- - [Link] We can find out which one. - I think you would put it on this. - This is a little too... - This is... - No, this is so if when you're... - Oh! - This one's a little too- - Do I have to take my cart to shop? (crew laughs) - I think that this works. But would a battery work? - Check it, check it, check it, check it, check it. - [Stevie] No time deduction. - Ha! I got it, Link! Put it on the spoon! This is how- - A witches brew? (crew laughs) ♪ Stirring your brew ♪ Oh! It keeps it from, what? - [Rhett] Going in there. - Falling in there. So you could even... - [Stevie] No. No. - What? - Ooh! What about? - Well then, what do you- - It keeps your batteries- - Think about an actual- - From going in the pot. - [Stevie] Use case for the items that you have. (crew laughs) - Is it... This wasn't one of these? - It's to entertain yourself when you're cooking? - What did we learn? That this is definite, that's... - Use case. Use case? But it's for the pot! - Okay, but like what is the use case in which you would want to hold a spoon inside the pot? - If you were a witch. (crew laughs) - A witch? It's gotta be it, right? I mean- - Oh no, but she said that we know this. - That you're sitting there and you're, 'cause what do you wanna do? You wanna be able to... You don't want this to be, you want to be suspended. And then when you need it, it's there. So it's not down in it, it's up and out of it like that. - But why? - So that... I don't know, so you don't cook your spoon. You don't wanna cook your spoon, right? (crew claps) (score chimes) I didn't even believe in that, but it seems like we were right. Is that it? - [Stevie] Yeah, that's it. It's basically so you don't have to put your spoon down like beside your pot. You can leave it there. - Yeah. - Oh, 'cause the legs really do grip it a lot more than I realized. - Okay, got it. Ha, you can't fool us! - 'Cause when you put the spoon here, then it gets mess on the counter and you start yelling at your kids. (crew laughs) - Right. (upbeat music) We do a vinyl exclusively for the 3rd Degree members of the Mythical Society. Every year this year, we finally remade our hair song! - Mm-hmm. - We reversed it. And you can get it. You gotta join the 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual Membership by June 30th at in order to get it, but you should get it while the getting's good. - It's fun, it's a collectible. - Yes? - I've been watching you shop. - Yep. - And I think- - You've learned some things? - I want to give it another chance. - Okay. - I wanna give me another chance. - Okay, grasshopper. (laughs) - So can I be the shopper? - Yes. Take this. - So take a look. And I am gonna take a, ooh, little bit more of a look. - Okay. It's got lips. So I think shaving cream is gonna go in this. And a battery. No, we need to power it. Maybe... - Oh! Okay, I'm ready. So the front of that thing is like, where are the batteries, where are the batteries? Okay. So batteries- - It sucks, it sucks! It sucks! - It sucks your lips? - It sucks! - Oh. So it- - Oh. - It gives you a hickey? (crew laughs) It's a hickey maker? - [Rhett] It's a hickey maker. - So all we need is batteries. But I think you're right. I think if you put it on your mouth and you shave around it, it makes... It's a goatee shaver. - No, that's a horrible thing to think. - Shaving cream. - No! No, get something else! Get something! It doesn't need batteries, it's powered! - Batteries. - Yo! - 10 second deduction. - You're saying- - We don't need either one of those things! Get more stuff! No, both of these things are bad! - [Link] What? - Shop for other things! You have three seconds! Grab some stuff! Grab it, grab it, grab it! - Your 60 seconds is- - I can't understand your words! - Just grab some things! - [Stevie] Your 60 seconds is up and you get- - A lighter! - [Stevie] 10 second deduction. - Why would we need a lighter? - I don't know. We don't need anything! That's the thing. That's the trick. - Okay, no, no, no. Think about it. Okay, so something's gonna... It sucks something up. - Just your lips. - No, it doesn't suck your lips! - No, it might. It plumps your lips. You put it on your lips and you turn it on. - That might be true. - See, look at that! It's lips! (tool sucking) - Yep, I think he's doing it. Is this it? (tool sucking) It sucks your lips. (tool sucking) We're not getting a response, so that's probably not it. - Are they bigger? (crew claps) - Oh yeah! (crew claps) - We needed nothing. - We didn't even need to shop! - Did you like the sound of that? My lips being sucked? - I tried it on my lips, (tool sucking) but my beard caused it to not form a seal. (tool sucking) - Are they bigger? Are they pinker? It's a lip plumpification. - Yeah, they kinda work. I don't know how long you're supposed to do it for, but yeah, it's the Beambo Lip Gizmo, and it's a TikTok viral lip plumper. - Huh. - Meant to give to fuller lips for two to six hours. - Well, that was a great round for you to shop, Link, 'cause we didn't need anything. - Are they bigger? (upbeat music) (Rhett claps) - Okay. - We've already won, right? - Yeah, we have. - We really turned things around. - And since you didn't really get a chance to shop because that didn't need anything, why don't you shop again? It's the last round. - Okay. - Here we go. - Okay. - Whoa. - Bird house top on a... Or is it a dog house? - [Rhett] Already know what this does. - Is this like a- - You plug this in, and you put- - There's like metal down there? - You put what? Buns. It's a bun steamer. It's a bun steamer! - [Link] What? How do you know that? - Water and buns! Water and buns! - Water? - [Rhett] And buns! - Water? What about hot dogs? - No, we don't need... Well, yes! Yeah, yeah! Hot dogs and buns because I'm gonna put two hot dogs in here. - Buns! - And I'm gonna... Come on, you got it! Let's do it! And bring Kenny Rogers! Yes, please! (crew laughs) We should just have a five second penalty. - I just kinda want this really bad. - What's the penalty? - [Stevie] Okay. Five second penalty. - Yes. - Yes! - [Stevie] And we'll wipe the last, and here we go. - Okay, Link, make two hot dogs. I'm going to put some water in there. (crew laughs) - "You Decorated My Life." Great one. - Make two hot dogs! - Don't recognize- - We can listen to Kenny in a second! - "Coward Of The County." Very good one. - Two hot dogs. - Okay. - Ah, I just can't wait to hear the applause once these wieners start steaming. I love it when y'all clap for us. (crew laughs) - Uh. - Something about the way I was raised. (chuckles) - How does one open? - I love to be clapped for. It's why I'm in this career. - Hot dogs. - Forever seeking fulfillment. Forever seeking validation and never quite finding it. - So- - It's always just out of grasp. - There you go, there's one. - Oh, thank you. - [Link] Okay. - Yeah, and give me the other one right on there. These wieners are gonna take a little ride to steam town. - See, 'cause I think what it is, they always called him the coward of the county and they picked on him a lot, and then I think he like... They were picking on the girl that he liked, and I think they might've been trying to take advantage of her. - They're not clapping, they're not clapping! (crew laughs) They're not clapping, Link! - Well, 'cause I'm not done with my story. - Whoa! - And then I think- - We're not? This isn't right? - I think he kills him. I think the coward of the county- - Is it just buns? - He tracks him down and he kills him after they... (crew laughs) Here, we don't... (water bubbling) - [Rhett] This is great. - "She's a Mystery." (Rhett claps) You can say that again. (crew laughs) - Hey, they're not clapping. We're doing it wrong! (crew laughs) Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh! - Is there something else? - It's just wieners. Put all your wieners in there. - Close it. (water bubbling) What are we missing, man? Now I gotta go shopping again. - [Stevie] Remember I only gave you a five second deduction. - Oh, what about the... What? What? (crew laughs) That's dumb. (crew claps) (Rhett shouts) (score chimes) - Yes! (crew clapping) It's cooking. It's cooking the wieners and steaming the buns. - Oh! - And if you wanna do that like that, look at that. - And look at the inside of it. I mean, what a score! Is this our prize? - [Stevie] Technically, you open the buns, and you lay them like flat on the roof, but that works too. - Is there ketchup? - Oh, like this? - Is there mustard? And it really is steaming 'em. - [Rhett] Hey, let's celebrate. - That is nice! - Let's celebrate. (Rhett grunts) I think we get a prize, but. - Let's see our real prize. - [Lucas] Don't eat that. - Don't eat what? - [Lucas] Anything from that machine. (Link laughs) That's your prize, here you go. - Don't eat anything from this machine 'cause it's probably old and toxic? - [Lucas] Yeah, oh, it's real old and toxic, yeah. - Okay. Well, we'll celebrate with that. Let's see it. We can celebrate with garlic. - [Stevie] This is the first that Davin is hearing of this, and he has consumed a hot dog from that house. - Okay, so- - Oh, really? You've been eating hot dogs out of the house? (crew laughs) - Look, look, look, look, look. - So you take garlic and you put... We gotta figure out our prize, too? - No, yeah, and you stick it in there. And then you just. - And you turn it. What a prize. - Get outta here, Kenny. - [Stevie] It's a... Gracula. - It's a mixer! - [Stevie] Gracula Garlic Crusher. And the- - Whoa! - [Stevie] Dog house is the Sunbeam Dog House Hot Dog Steamer. - Well I'll be, we did it. Can't eat it, though, Davin. (laughs) - Yep. Don't know how we're gonna celebrate, but I think it's gonna involve a little bit of Kenny and a lot of quality time. - Look at those wieners, man. - Thanks for subscribing, clicking our bell, and, (laughs) applauding us. - Got a couple of dogs for you, Davin. You know what time it is. - I'm Emily. - And I'm Rachel, and we're from Montana. - And we're in London under the London Eye. And that's Big Ben. - [Both] And it's time to spin the wheel of mythicality. - London. - Thank you guys. - London, London! Click the top link to watch us rank the crew's prized possessions in "Good Mythical Morning." - And to find out where the wheel of mythicality's gonna land. Join our 3rd Degree Quarterly or Annual by June 30th to get our "My Hair Goes" vinyl,
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,693,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test
Id: se8Wqd9fFmw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 43sec (1363 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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