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good morning hokkaido butter chips my breakfast before my breakfast today i'm actually gonna go out to uh brooklyn chinatown i haven't done a regular food video in new york city in about three months hokkaido is known for their butter these are amazing i used to live in the chinatown brooklyn i'm gonna show you my old neighborhood where i used to eat and there's a few new places i gotta show you because they look absolutely incredible also there's a couple of really local hidden gems that you're going to want to add to your food bucket list too early right now though if i go now i can only eat some dumplings and maybe a balmy and then have to sit around for three hours so i'm gonna use some chips and watch this new anime i found called tower of god or climb god's towers it's really good anime also before we go a big thank you and shout out to fetch rewards for sponsoring this video if you guys don't know what fetch rewards is it's not that gives you free rewards in exchange for you scanning your everyday receipts yeah you know the stuff that i usually trash now you can eat that well don't actually eat that you know exchange it for food first basically they have thousands of participating products from cereals to diapers to stuff you use every single day and all you got to do is that every time you go shopping afterwards scan your receipt the process takes seconds you get reward points and once you have enough you can exchange it for things like domino gift cards or burger king other food places that you should definitely exchange these points for yeah but it's really easy to use it's simple to sign up you can see here you take your receipt go into your app take a picture of the receipt there you go that's all it takes you get your points and once you have enough go get yourself some free stuff and it's not just grocery stores you can scan your receipts from restaurants from pet stores basically everywhere and if you don't want to go out you just want to shop online that's okay too just utilize their yi receipt feature then you can just earn rewards just by shopping online so if you want to give this a try go to the link down below download the app and use my promo called mikey chen you're going to get 4 000 points when you scan your first receipt this is a limited time offer for you guys only so give it a try oh and uh i found a really good way to eat these chips dip it in my hot wire make sure to follow me on instagram because next batch launches i'm gonna announce it over there anyone need a little firewood i got a little bit [Music] welcome to brooklyn chinatown otherwise known as 8th avenue i spent about three years of my life living here well the house i used to live at is now like a medical service but yeah i lived in a basement apartment on this block for over three years got to tell you have you ever lived in a basement apartment in new york city before not the best of times and honestly this chinatown in brooklyn doesn't get nearly the love that the one in manhattan and flushing does there's actually a lot of great food places and hidden gems here so today let me show you a few of them this is a really awesome vietnamese place i always come to for sandwiches they have amazing balmy here also if you want to get like some vietnamese snacks shrimp chips whatever they've got it here [Music] now the problem is where am i gonna go eat this whoa someone left a full pack of chocolate wafers okay i can just do the best i can with what i got i don't have breakfast yet so i need a bite of this there's a lot of great food in south korea obviously love it one of my favorite places in the world but one thing you can't find a lot of is great vietnamese food and you i couldn't find a really good balmy place there and although new york is is not the best place for via food that place is balmy exceptional it's one of the places i missed so much after moving away from this neighborhood it was so convenient it was like three blocks from my house they're open super early like seven in the morning this is the most perfect breakfast sandwich and this one i got i love their grilled pork i mean it's not even just like an ordinary life it's more like a soulmate ross and rachel kind of love first of all they give you a load of pork and whatever sauce you're putting on this it tastes like a combination of fish sauce and mayonnaise and just pure auntie magic every bud just makes my heart flutter and even the vegetable part yeah i'm complimenting vegetables that's how much i love the sandwich even the vegetable part the spicy jalapenos are slightly sweet carrots and radish with that delightful refreshing crunch this this is what a reunion between two lost brands look like that was a great start i know exactly where to go next one of my favorite dumpling places why i lived here let me show you this place has been around for decades ever since i moved to new york which is almost 20 years ago this place has been here and this is my go-to place for dumplings so it's only three blocks from my house and also it's incredibly affordable wow the prices are still hasn't really changed much so right now you can get 10 fried dumplings for three dollars or what you can do is you can get 50 frozen dumplings for 10 that's like a dollar for five dumplings handmade big plum juicy dumplings that's a great deal i think when i used to live here it was like eight dollars for 50. so i only went up like a couple bucks in like the last 10 years the beef pink is only 2.75 or if you just won a sesame pancake like a dollar oh dang that chocolate bar is still there no it just feels like a trap this is how new yorkers are we're suspicious of everything forced to do a little on the hood dining so this is what i typically get whenever i go to this place order of fried dumplings go tia smalls hot and sour soup in one of these beef sandwiches total six dollars for this meal beautiful golden fried dumplings see that nice crunch on the bottom this is fresh out of the wok for sure these dumplings are massive with a huge juicy filling god i missed that the skin is not the thinnest on these dumplings but when fried it's just so crispy and satisfying and for me this is like partially pure nostalgia as well this place was a big part of my dumpling diet of 2006 where i pretty much ate dumplings every single meal of the day and only stopped when i started looking like a dumpling i mean five dumplings for a dollar for someone who was completely broke at the time that's pretty much heaven and i love this the beef pancake this is one of my favorite things to get at any dumpling shop and the great thing about this is look how big one slice of the sesame pancakes look how big it is see how big that is if you just want to get the get the sesame pancake which is only a dollar 25 that's amazing deal i used to get the whole massive pancake which i think at the time was only like six dollars or something get a whole massive pancake take it home i would open a couple of bags of instant noodles and just eat like half a pancakes or three four slices of this with the two pack of instant noodles and this is one of my favorite things to eat because i mean just look how pretty it is sesame toasted golden brown on the outside inside slices of junk overall marinated beef this is one of the greatest things you'll ever eat and then what i like to do is add some of that dumpling sauce mix with sriracha onto the beef just let it soak into the pancake cover that up and then just go to town on it trace it with some soup and even more pro move take the pancake dunk it into the hot and sour soup that was a big part of how i survived in new york on a super tight budget all this six dollars oh wow this place those are my go-to foot place i wonder how much the fuzz here now still not bad about seven dollars also on the way to the next place let me just tell you a little bit about this area so if you don't know there's three major chinatowns in new york city one in flushing manhattan and this one right here this is called eighth avenue i mentioned before there's also a bunch of little sporadic chinatowns that popped up over the years like the one in elmhurst there's one around fort hamilton now but this area right here what's really cool is that it's it's next to fourth avenue so if this is around 50th street so if you go to the 40s and 30s around 3rd and 4th avenue it's some of the best mexican food you can find in new york city and then if you go on the other side of 8th avenue to like the 11th avenues and the 60s some of the best italian food you can find in the city and also this chinatown is more cantonese people so you're going to find more cantonese thai food around here ooh i've never been to this place before look at how pretty that is this is like the asian version of a christmas tree with all of our favorite edible ornaments hanging up right here i got a rose pork over rice six dollars tax included it feels kind of hefty i don't know how much meat is in here yet but they give you a ton of food for six dollars holy moly there's a lot of meat wow look at this golden red chashu covered in glaze and juice now what are the half lean and half fatty look at this look at the fatty side oh my goodness look at that beautiful crust nice layers of fat connected to the lean parts of the meat and the sunlight just hitting this piece of meat making it glow even more almost like anointing at the king and underneath for all you veggie lovers out there and on the bottom rice oh my gosh look at this the juice from the meat has leaked into the rice not to be a veggie cyst but uh chinese broccoli only broccoli i like oh gosh great my heart is a racing right now fatty pieces of sweet rashu just completely melting your milk it's so rich and fatty like i'm begging for the sweet release of that broccoli first time those words ever came out of my mouth oh my goodness this is good [Music] amazing sweet and smoky flavor on the chashu accented by that glorious caramelized crust this is a great deal dare i say this is a better deal than waffle number one you get way more meats way more meat more like a buck 50 more what a fine this is guys if you're over here get yourself one of these oh that's so sad mr hotpot is closing my place have one of the best bone broths i've ever had in my life also as you move up through the avenue chinatown started getting busier and busier all right this is a new place i've never been to before and there's not a lot of information about it i just saw the name so i thought i'd come and check it out shanxi i mean they spell chansey wrong because in china there's a shanxi and there's a shanxi big difference but they have all the classic it looks like y'all know more land pita soup yeah more the pork burgers let's see how it is ah this is interesting a stall selling kanji xiaomi nangua pita and sorry oh this is good stuff [Music] okay i got my kanji i got my xi'an food and i'm gonna show you guys a bun place not a lot of people know about and that's mainly because it's all the way towards seventh avenue this is a super super local place and they sell all sorts of buns this of course great place to get egg tarts you know what i got a chance at him i'm just gonna walk into this place and see if i can get myself a tart usually you gotta book it but sometimes when you get lucky they have some leftovers they'll give you something oh i got lucky all right i think i have enough food you know what one last thing whoa over two hours later this pack of chocolate wafers are still there can somebody stop by after they see this video and see if the wafers are still there like a week later like honestly it's probably just a fine pack of wafers that maybe even someone left there to you know just give away to somebody whoever wants to come and grab it because we're all so suspicious no one takes it all right let's eat first things first the xi'an stuff looks pretty what whoa whoa whoa whoa what what is this is this some kind of a sick joke what is that doing there if it is a joke i am not amused broccoli at least this kind of broccoli is not part of traditional chinese cooking and it certainly ain't from my hometown so as we say in new york get out of here this is the liangpi that i got from the xi'an place besides the the use of that evil ingredient looks pretty legitimate nice giant pieces of gluten sprouts chilies and lumpy looks pretty soft that's really not too shabby could use a bit more vinegar but overall not bad at all chili's got a good amount of heat texture of the liam keep super springy and smooth yeah like i said a little more vinegar those would be perfect very nice i got the two types of burgers whoa look at this it's behind like a thin veil it's like lifting the veil on a beautiful bride a very flaky bun oh chunks of fatty pork inside i feel like there's potential here now chinchilla dry but the flavor and the texture of this bun is excellent look at this super super thin and again so flaky the pork inside i mean some bites are are juicier than others but overall i think they use just a bit juicier fattier meat this will be a home run now the lean parts of this meat is a little dry that's the only flaw i can find otherwise really good burger they actually have two of these burgers they said were supposed to be excellent and they wanted me to choose and of course i really couldn't do it so this is the lamb burger this is the cumin lamb burger and usually when when you eat this in china it wouldn't have the lettuce and tomatoes or the onions it would just be the meat in the bun i love the crunch of this bun inside big chunks of lamb oh cucumbers too onions lettuce tomatoes all right my verdict i like the pork one way way better that one the cumin flavor is nice it's spicy again the texture of the bun is amazing it's way too sweet and i feel like the extra stuff the lettuce and tomatoes in the mail pretty unnecessary like it will taste really good with just the smoky flavor of the cumin in the spices i think that with their with their crispy bun that's all they need to do with it it's not bad but it's not nearly as good as the pork one which they kept it really simple and that was nice but go and get this the mp is excellent you know except for that random piece of bread i feel like brock the broccoli gods has been been taunting me lately like there's so many dishes i've gotten this and i think of random times in korea just like one piece of broccoli just just sitting there mocking me i don't like bean mock especially not by the grand evil of all vegetables this i haven't had in so long xiaomi joe this is millet kanji this is something that i used to have all the time when i was a kid it must have been years since i had something like this oh this is so amazing this is so amazing for 250 oh that just warms my show up wow this is good one of the best things i had today i know that's weird because first of all it's really simple secondly it has no meat in there thirdly it's not spicy oh this is home for me though this is such a comfort food i think all chinese kids growing up we had xiaomi joe in this thing he mixed pumpkin in here as well so it's mildly sweet with that great texture and flavor of the millet ah so nice look for that kanji stand he's got all sorts of kanji if you're not into this but if you're from northern china this is home would you be my bao bay these are the ones i was telling you about oh they smell so good even from the outside this felt so good and this is such a great deal three dollars you get six medium-sized buns fresh from the steamer oh this is so good i miss this place so much tiny little buns but juicy and i mean juicy pork filling that is some of the most scrumptious umami filled delicious stuffing you can find in a mini bun guys again i may not know much in life i don't know why pluto was a planet and it wasn't a planet then maybe it's a planet again i'm not really sure i don't know why i listened to about 10 jho songs and i can only understand about one word i don't know much but i know this is one of the best buns you can ever put in your mouth it's too good if i could make buns dish good i would just quit everything right now and just go up in the bun shop you know if i can raise the dough get it raised raise though point is go get this trust me hundred thousand percent you need this in your life oh yeah dip this in my hot oil i'll make it even better also there's some foods in in chinatown brooklyn that i can't walk by without getting in this is one of them this is the crossing the bridge noodle soup well the dry version and i've been going to this place for years now and it's still every time i come to this chinatown cannot leave without getting this still to this day one of my favorite noodles it's still so good ah i miss this place it's so hard that's the thing it's really hard to come even though new york city is one big city traveling between boroughs sometimes it's just such a pink if you're a new yorker you'll totally understand that that's why i haven't had this in so long those are so good oh the amazing springy texture of the rice noodles the abundance little pieces of beef with the crispy peanuts and the cilantro providing such an amazing aroma this thing is spicy it's numbing the texture is what makes this even more fantastic must try noodle dish the best egg tarts in the city it used to be better because it used to be bigger but just like mcdonald's they decided to shrink their food most good item at brooklyn chinatown each piece the custard is so creamy with a great caramelized top and flaky crust obviously kind of cold already because just by walking around here kind of like walking in the freezer still so amazingly good these are of course portuguese egg tarts so a lot less iggy than typical egg tarts these will go great with some tea let's go get some [Music] when making tea the first pour make sure you add the hot water and then just pour the whole thing out this isn't just to wash the teeth of dirt or anything like that it's just to wake the tea up also if you're shopping for tea you're smelling it so when it's dry and it's already very very aromatic that means that tea is pumped for perfume and supposed to smell good until it comes alive with hot water [Music] look at this cool cup [Music] hmm pop this in the oven that becomes even more flaky i've always wondered about this banana cake the heck is this it's like a cake hugging a banana it's a banana cake with shaved coconut on the outside hugging a marshmallow on the inside not great not bad let me sit over there this is my first official i guess food filming outing since i came back to the u.s and i miss korea i really do but at the same time though it is nice to be back and just being a really mellow isolated environment so a couple things are in the works one is i told you guys i'm moving to houston so i gotta somehow move my stuff from seattle to houston and i'll do that when things get better hopefully soon and the other thing i'm working on is i'm working on a long-term visa to live in taiwan one thing that living in korea has taught me is that i want to do more of that so if i am able to um i'm applying for a three-year visa to stay in taiwan so if approved that's where i'm going to move to so i'll just go back and forth between houston and taiwan and then of course in new york to see my parents but again a lot of uncertainty so who knows what's actually going to happen you can have all the plans in the world but still never know anyway today was amazing haven't been to 8th avenue brooklyn chinatown in such a long time i found a couple places i absolutely adored the bun place it's i forgot how good that was you guys gotta go there and try out those little buns you will absolutely fall in love also the crazy amount of charge shoe they gave me for six to mind blowing how much they gave me and the quality is amazing as well anyway now that i'm back i'll try to support local small businesses as much as i can so anyone knows a real amazing hidden gem that i might have missed definitely dm me on instagram and i do apologize ahead of time if i don't see your message i do get a lot every single list i try to respond to as many people as i can but sometimes i just can't get to everybody but i do appreciate the messages and as always i'll put all the places i went to down below for you guys thank you all so much for joining me on this amazing brooklyn food adventure until we eat again i'll see you later
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 768,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: brooklyn chinatown, new york chinatown, nyc chinatown, ny chinatown, chinatown, chinatown food, chinatown eats, best chinatown, cheap eats, chinatown cheap eats, cheap food, new york cheap food, best food, best new york, best ny, best nyc, best eats, eating, brooklyn, new york, nyc, ny, travel, tourism, tourist, traveling, hotel, airline
Id: hHj5Fusq_ug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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