All You Can Eat JAPANESE WAGYU BEEF & Tempura OMAKASE in New York

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so i heard rumor of this all-you-can-eat wagyu beef buffet in koreatown new york city then the last time i saw ikea wacky buffet was in japan so i gotta go investigate this is all for [Music] science [Music] so this is the place that has the all-you-can-eat wagyu steak and there's a few options you can choose from you can either do the 99 option which would be all you can eat five to six cuts of meat where you can do the 135 dollar option eight to ten cuts of meat where they have a a five course menu that is also has the all you can get included in here as well so i am choosing the more expensive all you can eat meat menu in the first few cuts i'm going to ask for whatever comes with the 99 menu because honestly in my opinion a5 wagyu once you get to the really good quality as long as it's a5 wagyu you're not going to taste that much difference between the cuts because it's going to be so marbled and buttery because you know unlike the girl from food wars i don't have god tongue and to pair with my meat just some hot tea very good hot tea and my tools that i have at my disposal look at that knife tongues a spatula and because this is a korean place scissors and while i'm waiting for the ragu to arrive a huge thank you and shout out to surfsharkvpn for sponsoring this video and for supporting my channel all these years if you guys have not looked into a vpn service yet i encourage you very much to do so especially nowadays everyone's traveling more you're connecting to all sorts of different wi-fi these are all great opportunities for people to steal your personal information whenever you're typing something into your search engine or chatting about a brand or a product with a friend or even sometimes even talking about it that product where brands start popping up all over your phone your social media everywhere that's your personal information being stupid so what a vpn is it's a virtual private network and what surf sharp vpn does is that it encrypts and secures 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months for free plus you can try it out for 30 days if you don't like it get your money back something beautiful just walked in the door [Music] these are from the ribs this is from the back i think this is the tri-tip this is the tenderloin this is like the wing of the tenderloin these three cuts is what i'm paying extra for today and the daily cuts will change well daily if you got the 99 deal these would be the cuts which i mean it still looks tremendous like this freaking piece is just glorious this thing looks like it's been chilling on the couch stuffing its face with potato chips and ice cream that's how fatty and marbled it looks and this is just a work of art look at that it's like a landscape snow painting let's eat [Music] [Music] [Music] the first piece is ready this is the short rib oh yes that's just like blinded by this white out here short rib gonna add a little wasabi for a slight kick some salt as well you get 90 minutes um you got to maximize your time you can ask them to cook multiple pieces at once on the grill this way you can eat and go to the next piece the thing with wagyu is even if you try to eat a lot there's going to come a limit where you're going to hit the word in chinese it's called meat which is like it's just way too greasy so remember to chase it with a lot of these veggies but this is tremendously good i mean miyazaki wagyu any form of a5 wagyu it's just butter i love it there's a little bit of salt this piece here has a great trouble flavor to it oh everything is so good and this onion onion's gonna be delicious later on too [Music] i can't believe i finally found an all-you-can-eat wagyu buffet outside of japan so far i'm loving this place i don't know if you guys remember that first of all you can use wagyu video i made in japan where i only had like a few rounds and they only gave me 60 minutes so got to maximize the time [Music] this truffle salt is great by the way that's so delicious [Music] but salty are amazing that was definitely a leaner cut so it's got more of a beef flavor to it yeah and i definitely recommend get some hot tea while you're here so your stomach doesn't grease over same strategy just like in hot pot drink something warm the fat is not going to congeal in your stomach this is just a thing of beauty it did more than meld in my mouth it just turned into a ghost like gone in a millisecond this is definitely the most marble cheese that is the literal version of melting your mouth because meat looks like snow melts even faster especially with some of the truffle salt it just keeps it from being boring you know a lot of my friends in japan they actually don't like to go to all you can eat wagyu buffet because sometimes it does get a little boring just really fatty but a different flavor definitely helps to prevent that now for the more pricey three cuts [Music] so these are the best cuts very marbled this is definitely fattier than any any of the cuts i've had before it's not just the marble you can actually taste the fat pieces so that may be good or not good for some of you depending if you like the fat or not so this is the tenderloin wing that might be my favorite piece today just because it's not just melts in your mouth it's also on the leaner side so you get blasted definitely more with that great beef flavor from the wagyu and this is the uh the big piece this is the tenderloin and they recommend a little truffle salt that's my favorite piece today i think that one is the perfect note between marbling and nice lean deep flavor that's the best piece i think these three are my favorite pieces today but really you can't go wrong with any of the pieces that hit this grill so far getting wagyu that's one of the few times ever doing my meal while i'm craving salad i'm gonna 100 hit the repeat button on this cut here i just want to make sure all the rules for the all you can eat is very very clear because the rules will make or break the experience you have on an hour you can eat especially a higher end all you can eat um barbecue place so far i've been here for about an hour so going through the first round took me about 60 minutes of course i was filming and talking so there's multiple people here do they get more meats or do they get the same amount of meat as i got so they get like mommy they get more meat okay okay and also if they said i just want to like just all the pieces here you would do that okay i just want to make sure oh you'll let them cook by themselves okay that's cool too hmm it's just like the most tender galbi i've ever put in my mouth not overly sweet either all right i made my way around the wagyu world now we can get other cuts right i want that big thick uh that's in the light underline the wing yes thank you so the rest of my time here i have a little personal experience so ah see you guys after i'll definitely feel that one all in all i think that place is excellent so half the restaurant is basically private rooms so i went in and i asked for a private room they gave it to me right away i think the price point 90 something dollars for all you can eat for five cuts that's a pretty good deal i'm pretty sure somewhere around here there there's there's a place charging like a hundred bucks for one wagyu sandwich and you get all the different sizes the condiments the salt's absolutely delicious the service is impeccable super nice people over there it's really good place i 100 go back also if you guys didn't know if you're in new york mike's hot wheels available at bentos right now so this is where you can come and get the hot oil if you don't want to deal with the shipping and handling [Music] day two the food continues jesse's here with me you just got back from taiwan hey i did my dream i'm still waiting for my visa why'd you even come back i'm gonna go back in june are you i am oh okay hopefully we'll probably be back together around there yeah there's a big food there we're starting with uh common ramen i told you guys before this is one of my favorite ramen places you've never been here before right i've never been here this was one of my favorite ramen places um in new york city and they reopened here at 8th avenue this is actually where you know i used to work around here before this whole youtube thing yeah this really nice place i'm gonna try it out they got a couple new things on the menu and then tonight that's gonna be something special look at this tomato now it looks like a peach no it looks like a heart that's really good you know that reminds me of you know like when your kid like your grandparents will give you just mashed tomatoes with sugar so that tastes like that with a little yeah like this yeah but with a little salt and little crunchy onions too i always like the dumplings here that's so good the wrapper is super thin right nice and crispy all the wrappers like it's crispy but also uh the non-crispy part is kind of like mochi-esque it's really chewy yeah did the baby macro crunchy and meaty i love these things oh so fried love it i like eating a whole little fish because one once you fry it up it's really crispy and it's meaty too second reason is i like to pretend i'm like super big and i'm eating like a big fish giant mic like fish look at this karage balls oh this is actually really awesome i usually don't get stronger because i'm like it's really filling and it's really oily how good is that right that's so juicy wow our sauce is really good oh no sauce is great crunchy on the outside saucy and tender and juicy on the inside and you got that blast of sesame well knocked it out of the park with this one all right so this is the classic ramen the spicy tonkatsu beautifully toasted massive piece of chashu and of course gorgeous curly yellow noodles hmm no shimmer is really good is really good chacho's really good right as good as i remembered it oh creamy rich spicy porky broth i don't think i've ever tried the miso before oh miso is great miso is really good i'm gonna get the spicy miso next time the fermented flavor in that's fantastic right which one you like better i think i like i like yours better you like my better next time we can order opposites what is this what what does it mean creme brulee and a croissant had a baby i want to eat baby croissant i want that baby i want the baby one of each yeah okay so this place basically has portuguese egg tarts and this is the regular one this is really gooey [Music] flaky and gooey i love the fact that it's toasted in the oven oh my gosh we could eat a dozen of these we need some ice cream ice cream to cancel out some mm-hmm the chocolate one is sugar that's way better i thought super flaky gooey top-notch stuff there's definitely something that goes well with tea about a dozen of those i would eat a dozen of those [Music] wake me up hmm it's really sweet but it's really good it's not bad right diabetes part two i don't think i could eat this whole ball by myself dude i really like the crunchiness uh-huh that's good yeah i think the flavor of ice cream was uh well chosen uh we got blueberry cheesecake it's a good flavor the crunchy part is really nice with an oreo crust yeah oreo this is uh i think we both need to go on a 20-mile run after this should we sign up for a triathlon i think we can conquer it i think we could probably like maybe this is what batman did before like every time he fought crime was he one of these fried ice cream balls all that adrenaline just comes from it's pure spa sugar and without that ball of ice cream he just like he doesn't even like the dark that was not a take a break between meals kind of food that did not help our costs you ready for some tempura though i'm so ready all right over here all right we're our little private bubble it's super cute we got a little air purifier this is a nice setup we can see the world without being in the world so this is a napa cabbage soup right that's what he said it's cabbage we've seen cabbage soup look this pretty look at this there's fish rolled there's uni chives i think there's some truffle in here i forgot what this jelly thing was that he said oh wow oh that uni is so creamy this thing's got every single texture you kind of want that crunch from the cabbage the poppin uh fish roll the crunchy little pieces of fried rice pellets super refreshing and there's so much different flavors and textures to process by eating this like a barbarian shoving in my mouth that's delicious how to eat it so fast because i'm a neanderthal i'm a caveman when it comes to food i don't chew much oh by the way i don't think i said this i'm actually at this place called set yokota i think i hope i'm saying that right the menu changes all the time so i have no idea what i'm getting today so whatever i'm bringing to my table all i gotta do is just put it put it into this right here and so far it's been really pretty striped jack from fukuoka grilled egg sandwich soba noodle with duck and some sort of tea broth and unagi eel which is the most beautiful vegetables this is like butter so tender and silky and then you got the crunch from the from the radish you eat the daikon bottom so it's so mild and juicy the fish itself this whole thing that first bite really mild flavors texture is amazing everything is just very gentle very subtle at the same time immensely impactful this is crazy look at this egg sandwich not pretty it's just oh it's like somebody put a suit and tie in a tuxedo hat on top of a 7-eleven and fancied it up that's really really well that's everything i love about a japanese egg sandwich but better because the bread is toasted and this two pieces of smoked duck whoa the broth is like chillified oh this is so good i'm savage well you ain't seen nothing yet you taste so much of that nice buckwheat in these soba noodles the duck is tender or smoky it's like a good hit of wasabi in here with all that great cheap flavors and herbs that's definitely the most flavorful item on this plate and this just looks like a spring garden there's so many things i love about that it's fresh the fish is so tender and that texture is contrasted by the uber crunchy green sitting on the bottom after this plate one emotion definitely hit me i miss japan i really do this takes me back there all right one thing i love about tempura from japan is they give you the shrimp head fried on its own which is just amazing it's all the best flavor of the shrimp it's in the head all you got to do put this in your mouth that is so good you start eating a combination of a shrimp cracker with a piece of shrimp with the best flavor like the miso the really umami part of the shrimp which is again all in the head all that one single bite shrimp they said to take a bite of this on its own just to enjoy the pure natural flavors of it that's so delicate and sweet you really don't need anything else it's just so sweet oh i recommend don't dip down anything just enjoy the pure natural flavors of that shrimp what i love about tempura is that even when you're eating vegetables you're eating fried vegetables so this is a ramp and this could be either eaten with salt so i'm going to put some wasabi salt on here oh so light have you ever seen mikey eat vegetables it's so crunchy you never seen me eat vegetables i don't think i've ever seen you eat vegetables well how does it feel liberating it's like it's like seeing a unicorn uh-huh seeing a leprechaun at the end of a rainbow oh so good right so light and even though it's fried taste healthy parents just go to japan and take some tempura baking lessons and tempura fry the broccoli or something maybe if my parents did that i wouldn't hate broccoli so much right now so one it's gonna have a little lemon wow look how flaky this thing this thing is gonna be great i smelled as soon as he came into our enclosure our bubble oh oh my god this thing just melted my heart oh my god right so good i don't think i had such tender fish oh ever it's like a pillow you don't need anything you don't even need salt the way it is is just so good it's naturally sweet you just want to protect it you want to buy a health insurance you just want to co-sign an apartment for this thing you know it's exquisitely tender and fragile oh that just tastes like my future baby i'm not trying to eat my baby i'm just saying you want to protect your baby the same way you want to protect us fish oh i think honestly just some lemon juice all you need with this well that was an amazing piece of tempura we're so funny we're sitting in this bubble right so everyone walking can see us just stuff in our face and just staring at us like we're some exhibit at a museum yeah i recognize you oh thank you thank you so much see see what i mean something so pretty just appeared oh that is just beautiful look at that glistening scallop from hokkaido yeah hokkaido scallops oh lee mother of pearl natural flavor dwarves just with a splash of lemon juice mmm that's high with that fish turns my favorite sea urchin wrapped in uh perilla leaf yes oh that is beautiful looks like something we need to poo with sit on in the forest you know like a beautiful little log wow this is so creamy i'm just gonna add a tiny bit of soap that fell on the plate if it fell on the floor you would have saw something really disturbing oh ash greg just a complete contrast of creamy uni with a crunchy tempura on the leaf magical one more tempura left best for last king crab don't need much a splash of lemon juice there's a reason all other crabs bow down to this oh so sweet how good is that amazing this is the best thing today so good fitting conclusion oh wait we got dessert mentaiko yeah coming with dashi yeah where's the mintage from fukuoka that's the best yeah i'm glad they wore me i would just start digging in i'd be like fried rice then it would have came with a dashi broth and be like what are you doing [Music] oh this is so good i mean it's like a rainbow of flavors plus the mint coal [Music] oh my god right this is amazing so many different flavors in this fresh cucumbers great gentle fish flavor from the mint thai coke scallions with seaweed this is like the finale fireworks of food conclusions fabulous i'm definitely ready for dessert look at this matcha sorbet oranges red bean and a soy creme brulee that's really good it's so smoky too huh the red bean is delicious so creamy and nice just has been a really good meal this is a really good place it's wonderful service is excellent food is exceptional last two days i've been eating at some really great places yesterday was wagyu today was tempura it was fantastic fantastic dining experiences feel good this kicks off a good weekend just got home i just want to say if there's any uh horror film producers that want to rent out my barn to film i don't know friday the 13 part 89 or the conjuring part 13. whatever it's available anyway fun couple days of eating in new york oh but it's good to be here it feels so nice and it smells so good all right guys thank you all so much for watching see you later
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 1,156,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: omakase, tempura, new york eats, new york restaurant, new york food, all you can eat wagyu, ayce wagyu, all you can eat buffet, all you can eat, wagyu buffet, japanese wagyu buffet, buffet, wagyu, japanese tempura, eating, dining, dinner, lunch, cook, cooking, japanese food, japanese bbq, bbq, meat, beef, traveling, tourism, tourist
Id: iQCiaCnZw0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 39sec (1599 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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