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[Music] so [Music] i filmed this great travel and food show called viewing shoe coming to a streaming service near you check it out [Music] it's already getting cold in new york 50 degrees right now that's uh something in celsius for you guys i have no idea the leaves are already starting to fall this is actually my favorite season of the year that's cute a couple baby gears just ran across the street and the parents just let them that was a pretty funny deer [Music] [Music] [Music] before heading off and meeting friends for food just stopping by and getting tested again in new york they recommend that you get tested once every two weeks and the place i go to give you results in under an hour so usually what i do is i get tested then i wait around for the results and when i know i'm good i'm off to meet people not taking any chances and while i wait a huge shout out to surfsharkvpn for sponsoring this video and continuing to support this channel if you guys don't have it already i highly highly recommend getting a vpn because what a vpn is is a virtual private network and there's a lot of benefits especially when things are opening up you're going out more you start using different hotspots connecting your devices to all these unsecured networks that could be a problem so what surfsharkvpn does is that it secures your data before it travels through the internet so that the people you don't want having access to your information they won't have access to it i always give this example try googling any keyword or any product next thing you know you're flooded with ads from that product or brand i mean nobody likes creepers and digital creepers not better and this will even happen if you're just having a casual conversation with your friend about something i mean honestly at home i swear besides the ghost kids across the street from me alexa is also listening to what i say surf shark also has hack lock id so anytime someone's trying to access something like your email you're gonna get notified right away so we all need to secure our personal data our personal information as much as possible especially now when identity theft digital crimes are all on the rise you got to be safe also another benefit i'm about to travel to korea so i'm going to be utilizing this you can actually use surfsharkvpn to set whatever country you want streaming services like netflix or hulu to think you're in and when you are in different countries there are actually different video catalogs on netflix so when you finish watching every single thing in your local region switch to another country and keep watching what i don't like though is switching to japan and watching anime because there's no english subtitles i mean i know it doesn't make sense that they would add english subtitles but just inconvenience cause a lot of great anime on japan netflix so if you want to try surf shark out go to the link down below use my promo code dumpling and you will get 83 off your order 83 and you'll get three month extra for free you can try it out for 30 days and if you don't like it for whatever reason you get your money back all right i think my results are almost ready so let's go grab that and go grab some food i'm in chelsea this is a neighborhood in manhattan and this is where i spent most of my time while i was living in new york city this is where i worked i was here seven days a week oftentimes slept at the office so i'm really familiar with all the stuff to eat around here not much to do some stuff to eat but in this video i want to show you guys some of the foods i found some amazing delicious foods i found while i was on extremely tight budget a lot of people may not know new york city it's really expensive to live obviously but to eat not so much at all so like i said i'm gonna show you guys some amazing chibis that i've had before i'm gonna show you guys some places that i've never been to but we're gonna go try together and we're gonna start all that off with something i ate almost every single morning for like 10 years new york city bagel my favorites bagel in new york city i was at this place before it became really popular now it's just lying out the door [Music] i'm going to tell you why i feel like the new york city bagel is one of the tastiest most iconic and also one of the cheapest filling meals you can ever have in the city because each of these ginormous ginormous that second giant enormous was an echo because of how ginormous this is these massive delicious must try items in new york with the cream cheese about four dollars and 30 cents without the cream cheese just a bagel which i will show you close to the size of my face one dollar and forty cents you know what's great about new york city bagel places is the fact that they give you so much cream cheese what i used to do because one bagel is never enough for me i would get a cream cheese bagel and a regular bagel with for a total cost of under six dollars and i will share the cream cheese from one bagel with the other bagel now i don't think it's a coincidence when i just started talking about the bagel and i unwrapped it the sun just hit it spot on it's like anointing it the king of new york food look at how much cream cheese is in here and i always get the everything bagel toasted and the telltale sign of a true new york bagel is this if you get bagel in most places around the world the toppings like sesame or whatever it's only on the top not in new york covered everywhere because we like our flavor now if you've never had a new york city bagel before i envy you i do because you get to put it in your mouth for the first time and taste this food royalty for the first time because how good the new york city water is not joking about this that's why the pizza and bagels here taste so scrumptious toasty on the outside warm and chewy and doughy inside with that deliciously smooth cream cheese 100 needs to be on your food bucket list if you came to new york city didn't have one of these where you may have got one from us from a street cart come back and get this it's worth the trip so again what i used to do to save money is i would just take the bagel and you can see the amount of cream cheese on here and i will eat it like this and then i will take my other everything bagel i'm on the hood of my car so i don't have a knife or anything but usually i wouldn't be in my office i would be we'll be able to cut it in half and be all tidy about this but you get the idea and then i would just spread the cream cheese the excess cream cheese on this one bago that i bought without the cream cheese and normally there's always more than enough cream cheese that they give you on one bag of to spread to two bagels very cost effective way to get a very delicious very fulfilling breakfast on the cheap so you can feed two people for under six dollars also another note about new york city bagels eat them right away do not try to travel with them they get stale really quick as soon as you get them devour them all right another place to get a great meal like a super filling meal for cheap is basically at any bodega in new york city by the way jesse's joining me now did you know this you go to any bodega in new york city you're gonna find a good deal yeah wow it's it's a it's a 99 cent store now this was the bodega i grew up eating like i literally work around the corner so i would come here and eat oh wow we'll just find another one all right this one is just a block where this is going here annie bodega maybe she's on a roll with some ketchup salt and pepper please thank you toast yeah thanks can we put some bacon on there uh too put some bacon on there too thank you well you do have these bodegas it's so incredible so anything you see here paninis any sort of cheese any of these ingredients this guy will make it for you whatever way you want it is that right sir oh yeah whatever you want this maestro will put it together here yeah new york city you get whatever you want it's open 24 hours a day i had a guy who used to go to one of these places he would ask for mashed potatoes with pasta with meatballs but that's the thing like whatever you want you guys will you guys will make it no idea so there you go come to new york city come to one of these places okay sir hey thanks so much sir appreciate it thank you besides getting sandwiches this is literally where a lot of new yorkers shop for groceries and these things are on almost every single street corner bacon egg and cheese 450. i do want to say there are these cars that line up new york city streets on weekdays you can probably get like a one of these sandwiches maybe without the bacon i don't know if they have bacon i think it's just an egg and cheese that bacon i think those are around 253 dollars i think with bacon i think it's a little more expensive so around three four bucks you can get a really good egg sandwich in new york city this is the cheap thing to eat when i was on a budget i would i would eat either a bagel or one of these every single morning or maybe a combo yeah i had this every day before work because they sell this everywhere and they would have special sometimes like three bucks for like a sandwich and a coffee or something like that cheers fresh egg melted cheese bacon on a fluffy chewy roll for like three four bucks for mcdonald's i know how many mcdonald's exists in the city like for breakfast this over mcdonald's 100 why would you even go you love eggs bacon why would you even consider mcdonald's i don't know what it is about this roll but it's like chewy and soft and so good i feel like an itch has been scratched like somewhere in my body that's just reserved for this cheap but delicious baked cheese sandwich ready for the next stop let's go this one's gonna be so good lavender latte i'm usually not into coffee at all but i had to pee so and this is good of course pizza is something i love to eat in new york city and if you're here and you love pizza and you're on a budget well it's okay because a lot of places it's only a dollar [Music] yeah thank you that's it that's it a little crushed red pepper and some garlic powder this is really good i need at least a slice of pizza a week a week this is like a daily theme for me when i used to live here i can't eat this every day yeah you eat every single day back when i had like maybe ten dollars to spend a day on food [Music] for a bloody dollar dollar pizza in new york it's better than expensive pizza in most other places it's about the new york waters who makes the pizza so good we have the cleanest water in all the cities in the in the country toasty crushed melty cheesed sweet crushed tomatoes or little bits of chili flakes it's subtly sweet very cheesy so incredibly thin this thing looks like it's been on keto his whole life it's not like a small tiny piece of pizza it's a massive piece of pizza one dollar also you know what's incredible about this it's been a dollar for like over a decade the pie is eight dollars yeah it's they haven't raised their prices it's been the same price since i came into the city which was like close to 20 years ago is it raining or some i got i hope it was raining i was like that's not rain when you walk around new york city you will get dripped on by by these little drips of mysterious water they even did a news report one year too to show that the water is it's safe did you know that no and it came from these air conditioning units so the reporter actually like had a drop drop into his mouth to prove that it was safe you know i'm just watching this i'm going what if that that moment a pigeon flew overhead nice place we're going to i've never been there before her great things you like indian food i love indian food oh my god okay so we're making a quick piss stop because have you ever had an egg cream before i had one a long time ago you know what it is it's such an iconic new york thing it's horrible for you i think we should get one yeah that's the stuff ah thank you all right i've never had an egg cream there's no egg and there's no cream there is milk so it's milk syrup and then sparkling water it's a super iconic new york drink probably not the best for you this one thing probably contains enough calories as my slice of pizza or more but if you're in new york you gotta get one it's like a hershey's milk with bubbles what do you think it's a chocolate milk it's good i mean there's nothing bad about it egg cream there you go also 275 under five dollars when you see an atm in front of an establishment you know that place only takes cash so you can get a small bowl with rice for 5.50 dessert heck yeah baby from drabi groceries and deli this is a really popular place for a super inexpensive indian food that is so good it's spicy though right that is so good that is marvelous socks i mean it looks small but it's like a hefty container it's so creamy and yeah it's spicy as heck but it's so creamy and nice and such a great you know spinachy flavor needs more rice yeah they don't give you a lot of rice but i mean i'm glad you have a lot of sauce a lot of sauce a lot of the the veg how's your other one it's so good potato and green pepper all right i'm gonna i'm gonna give some to you it's so good eat whatever you're eating right now i'm gonna share some of my potatoes and pepper with you it's god it's so good okay put this all in your mouth the whole thing is spicy nope do it that was the best thing that's better than this just creamy like the potato just turns into like a mashy all spiced up from all the masala and the pepper is sweet and smoky if you like spicy which i do the sog is great i'm down with this place though i like it i want to try their other dishes i think they have seven different vegetarian dishes yeah and they probably change it up depending on i guess what's available too it's a legit place no wonder so many people like him never heard of it before i was searching around for a really inexpensive indian place in manhattan because this video i'm only doing manhattan i'll do uh queens and brooklyn other places like there's so many cheapies all around new york city rice pudding time this way is killing me with how good it is yo jesse i want to try i'm comes friday rice pudding wow that is delicious yo that thing so creamy and it's not too sweet rice is perfect texture creamy and also so fragrant how much was this mic hmm two dollars we got a one dollar dessert because some guy next to us was like you need to get this it's only a dollar try it you try first it's like a grainy texture it's like a mumping cake yeah yeah that's good it's kind of like dried peanut butter it's not not as good as that rice bread pudding's the bomb now this you definitely need some water this is super sweet this is like typical indian dessert it's super sweet oh my gosh go to this deli no it is a it's just it's a bodega so i'm saying all the best cheap foods in new york city they all reside in voltegas go to your local baldega when you're talking about cheap eats in new york city you cannot exclude chinatown and this place was closed unfortunately best deal for dumplings fujo cuisine probably in my opinion the best boiled dumplings in all of manhattan they still sell the frozen ones that are so i'm gonna get some frozen ones i don't care i need these dumplings today but we'll get some other stuff first because lugging around frozen dumplings that's heavy this is a traditional very traditional hong kong diner place b's here again do you want the space you want to just take over you want to sit here i'm sure when i have food you're going to be back aren't you anyway traditional hunk on these dishes each dish not expensive about seven eight dollars for a massive portion of food we got a bunch of stuff and we got the baked rice baked rice chicken baked with uh some portuguese white sauce on it with cheese we got a chicken one and we got a pork wand and then we also got some what we got a soy sauce noodle soy sanduro so everything is like seven dollars or eight dollars and also hong kong milk tea this is jesse's recommendation for cheap eats i like this i've been here so many times it's good i feel like it tastes like the ones in hong kong yeah soy sauce noodle okay and we got the traditional hong kong milk tea this looks crazy it looks like a casserole what do you think of my choice noodle salad this is lumiere basically it tastes like lumia which are like steamed noodles this is good i've had similar noodles like this and this is actually one of my favorite types of needles growing up my grandma my mom made this all the time the texture is super chewy it's a great mouthfeel and it is going to be oily i call it a cantonese glaze or i call it the cantonese glisten i think a little hot oils be even better i'm really intrigued by this baked rice i've never had a baked rice before like good lord this is a lot so this is like curry chicken baked rice honestly that's not bad i mean this is a heavy dish that is a heavy dish the chicken is really tender and juicy the chicken is tender i'm just surprised even though i lift weights that i can lift this thing that means cheese and rice and chicken and potatoes and carrots if you wanna spend like seven seven fifty eight dollars and just be completely stuffed it's a good way to go oh this one's crazy this is like a pork parm over rice holy but jesus if you wonder what that tastes like basically a pork katsu wore pork parm drizzled in tomato sauce and cheese over rice that's exactly what it is i mean it is hefty it's filling it is good though have you ever eaten one of these and survived i've never never eaten this by myself i've always shared because this is crazy heavy oh yeah that's the genius of it like if you just taste the rice underneath this parm thing it's got a little bits of tomato sauce little bits of cheese i mean fried rice will mix with those elements it's actually really good i'll check this place out so we're going gonna buy some johnson you wanna johnson yeah okay jones is this sticky rice wrapped in lotus leaf such a popular food item it could be savory or sweet oh it is so so inexpensive so the steam rolls they have is only a buck 25 per and that jones is three dollars for one oh my god this place is so popular now this is of course another chibi place in in chinatown well probably one of the most popular ones now got so much publicity lawful number one how much is their rice over uh pork over rice 450 when i first came here was like three dollars but still a good price but yeah if you want really good any inexpensive roast pork over rice that's where you go and of course right there the rice ball place i featured in my last chinatown video three dollars for a nice delicious very substantial rice ball this is the place to get the frozen dumplings for that really good pujo dumpling house eleven dollars for fifty so that's 22 cents per dumpling around close to five dumplings per dollar that's pretty good deal let's go boil these up had to leave and i'm gonna go home but one more meal one more [Music] [Music] and this one is one of the most anticipated because i haven't had this in years so if you go to new york city there's tons of halal carts spread across the city and you need to try this and every year it seems like there's a new one that's that's the favorite it was halal guys for a while when i was here adele's famous is becoming really popular as well and what this is if you never had it it's chicken and lamb and they put it over yellow rice with white sauce green sauce red sauce and this red sauce the chili sauce is really spicy so be careful when you're getting this but you can get a mix of chicken and lamb i always just offer the lamb which is the more expensive option so this is seven dollars i think this thing when i was when i first got to new york was like four dollars for a massive plate but right now it's seven dollars always ask him to drench it in white sauce it is not a new york experience without having decisions so good i love those as much as i love new york pizza as a new yorker we're all sort of addicted to this and we all love these carts it's just such a quick no fuss satisfying delicious inexpensive meal roasted lamb is just remarkably tender and flavorful there's so many spices that goes into this every part of this dish is just ridiculous amount of flavor the white sauce of course nice and creamy and then you gotta get the chili sauce for some additional kick and that balance out the creaminess of this dish and i couldn't always afford it so what i would do um was uh on fridays usually for the weekend i would go to one of these places and i would get two orders and i would always ask for an additional dollar of meat which they load on for me and i would take it home and just have a massive meal of lamb over rice i mean nothing i had today is really healthy and even though this thing they give you a little salad it's definitely not good for you but it's one of the most deliciously satisfying things you can buy in the city i remember coming to new york when i was 22 years old again i was i was filming weddings so i was making it on average like 200 a day i was working maybe four times a month maximum six times a month so i wasn't making a lot most of the money went to rent so i had to be very frugal in terms of what i was eating but luckily new york city again not a cheap place to live but you can find so many delicious inexpensive things to eat i know new york city is known for michelin star restaurants and james beard award-winning chefs but do not miss out on these delicious cheap eats all right we gotta go home before it gets dark you know how the ghosts at my house don't like it when i come home too late my friends own this farm this massive farm so brought the dumplings over got a shares like 50 60 dumplings can't eat it all well i could but it's not good i'm slowly turning into a dumpling so i kind of want to slow down the progression this is pretty cool i'm gonna eat uh dumplings and and jonesly here so if you guys never had a chongzo before this is very traditional chinese so you unwrap it and as you unwrap it just sniff that sexy undress there you go and i got two flavors one of them is peanut and one is green bean oh this has meat oh i thought i was going to be sweet jones i haven't had sweet jones in a long time this is savory joneses so southern jones it's savory northern jones it's sweet and i think this is peanut and meat this is so good it's not peanut meat it's a salted egg salted egg and meat oh this peanut one is great too oh peanut and meat oh you guys need to try this i underestimated how good this jones is all right this is the the rice roll that i got for like 1.25 you got to dip this in something i think hot oil and soy sauce and this will be really good otherwise it's kind of tasteless but overall it's it's pretty nice the texture is really good a little hoisting sauce oh a little soy those will be well even as is it's not bad really oh look at how thin the skin is how plump and juicy the insides are beautiful on the outside beautiful on the inside when you guys look for a girlfriend in the future that's what we want to look for he thinks he's beautiful that's confidence my little man this is how we're eating dumplings right now how's the dumpling really good really good didn't even fight it actually bite it tell me yeah it's really good really good all right okay best dumpling you ever had yeah yeah yeah all right anyway i'm gonna go we got a lot of dumplings to eat so thanks for watching guys
Channel: Strictly Dumpling
Views: 1,204,447
Rating: 4.9171968 out of 5
Keywords: new york cheap eats, nyc cheap eats, ny cheap eats, new york cheap, new york cheap food, cheap eats, cheap food, hidden gems, hidden gem, new york indian food, new york chinese food, ny, new york, nyc, new york city, eating, dining, restaurant, restaurants, cook, cooking, eat, street food, chinatown, best food, best ny eats, best ny food, best new york eats, best new york, ny bagel, bagels, bagel
Id: 2EYoOCpXtrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 29sec (1769 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 08 2020
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