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good morning welcome to chinatown [Music] whoa look at this place this is actually really cool pretty little garden with a cute little bridge right there and i hear great things about this food court they got a noodle place here lanzhou lamian and they have tomatoes and egg noodles that sounds like something i really need i'm actually trying to get out of atlanta this afternoon so i definitely won't be leaving hungry anyway so this place has heme noodles and tomatoes and eggs is just such a classic one of my favorite things in the world you add a little bit of hot oil and this thing is ready to go excellent noodles what should i say excellent noodles tomatoes nice and sour grease crunch from the sprouts and cucumbers in here egg is always delicious makes everything just that much creamier and nicer 100 fresh handmade noodles this is so good and for like seven dollars a bowl that's a lot of noodles for the money i feel like this whole place is just so value friendly also i got this hopper i got two hot butts i did not know it was gonna be this humongous this is a ten dollar hot pot look how much stuff is in here you got your cabbage your tofu your large intestine your blood carrots it's spicy there's tons of meat in here there's some glass noodles and this one is the sujo so this is the fried pork hot pot fried pieces of fried pork on top i mean this one has less stuff in here cabbage as well and fried pork on the bottom again a ton of stuff for ten dollars i'm just gonna try some of this broth oh this broth is really good i thought the broth would just be like kind of flavorless and just spicy and oily no this is a good broth oh that's good too yeah now i also have soup i'm gonna try this a little experiment little tomatoes and egg noodles and i'm gonna scoop some of this soup into the bowl put some meat some large intestines give me a piece of tofu as well that's a really good combination now you got some heat on top of the delicious tomatoes and egg sauce that is amazing not only is this such a great deal the flavor's off the hook there's not a lot of people at this place either the crispy pork is so good why isn't this place flooded even though the breading soaked a lot of this delicious broth then already that was delicious i got a dish of stir-fried potatoes again another one of my favorite dishes in the world this thing looks great too chilies green peppers all over this thing potato is excellent as well here's what i suggest people do come here get a bowl of these noodles and get one hot pot don't get two don't go crazy like what i did get one this might be too funky for people i really like the intestine hot pot the crispy pork is really good too when you're sick of eating just noodles add the soup in and you got soup noodles it's like an ever-changing lunch meal so good especially for the price got some good stuff atlanta i'm kind of jealous of you gotta add some chinese vinegar to this i'll make this even better for sure yes that's exactly what this needed that little chinese vinegar and something you didn't think could be better is not better oh that's so good what's that popular phrase save the cheerleaders save the world add the vinegar make your food better that same same thing even at the end you pick up a piece of this fried pork the outside completely soaked into soup tastes like it just came out of the fryer the meat inside i didn't think fried pork would go into a hot pot i should really learn everything goes into a hot pot everything this is a really good place cheap the food's good i didn't get to try all the places in there there's a mala tom place i think it's called um china kitchen i think they have giant soup dumplings there as well i'll come back i'll try more places but this is nice come try this out all right i'm gonna go find some sweet to eat that was good look at that it's like a little poop my last bits of food before leaving in atlanta this place is so cool i don't know what it is about the color purple on dessert it just looks beautiful this is a ube bingsu that is so good it's really milky and creamy inside and the sting on the outside the purple stuff it tastes like yam i mean you don't get a big bowl or anything but the quality is there this is a tiramisu it's a strawberry timmy soup oh i thought that was a whole strawberry and now i feel kind of sad so good that's my favorite get the tiramisu like the bingsu was good but this is what i'm gonna be thinking two hours later when i'm driving through north carolina south south carolina what whatever's above georgia when i'm there i'll be thinking about this so good it tastes more like a strawberry shortcake though 100 percent come and get some of this i wish it was a cafe like this where i'm at and you get extra ube you can pour the extra ube on and there's condensed milk which i think maybe may also be for this because this stuff definitely doesn't need it this is so good and there's chips i don't know it's supposed to be decorative but i'm eating it this is one of my favorite korean dessert places i i have encountered like anywhere again a little jealous of your atlanta people so the plan was originally i was supposed to leave tomorrow but there's some stuff i got to take care of i got to hit back one day early so far what i had in atlanta there's amazing korean food deliciously cheap chinese food i'm sure so much else i haven't uncovered yet so if i get a chance to come back and come back and eat some more so thanks for the food and the hospitality and uh until we eat again atlanta i'll see you soon [Music] dinner time and my dinner is gonna be a majingo's family meal that comes with a gallon of sweet tea and apparently there's no napkins or silverware luckily i did have a pair of chopsticks with me bojingos is my favorite fast food chicken chain in the country and you can really only find them in the south i mean you can find them in new york but it's not as good the south is where this chain just thrives and the chicken is delicious there it is oh it smells so good i love the fat they don't even ask you if you want your chicken spicy or not it's just automatically spicy i do this every time i come to the south i get a whole entire bajango's family meal biscuits are so good by the way the most buttery flaky fluffy delicious biscuit in the fast food chicken kingdom by the way absolutely adore the dirty rice just the dirtier the better i told you guys back when i was in new york on certain weekends hi we celebrate friday sometimes which i would go buy a box of popeyes chicken like a 14 piece family meal and just watch a tv show and eat my chicken and as much as i love papa's fried chicken i love potatoes even more this is just consistently quality especially thin crispy outer skin it's a nice spicy chicken flavor the juiciness i love it all and like i said there's a pajango's in new york but doesn't taste nearly as good as this every time i'm in the carolinas i always make a pit stop here oh yeah mmm nobody please once you get through that crunchy skin it's just pure juice also besides getting the chicken and biscuit you got to get our sweet tea i'm kind of a private guy i hate birthday celebrations so every birthday in the past i would always kind of sneak off somewhere and just kind of you know celebrate it myself i remember one year i just drove overnight to north carolina just so i could get a meal on bojangles that's how much i love it and i'm pretty sure not first person ever to eat this for chopsticks so today my drive is about six hours tomorrow's gonna be nine hours and that will be the final leg that will give me back to new york seriously how is this so good what i kind of like to do so i like to add the chicken into the rice make kind of a chicken fried rice some skin of course for some texture and some coleslaw for some creaminess and additional crunch i call it dirty chicken slaw fried rash something i always look forward to this is a beautiful hotel room ah that is fantastic because if someone's gonna sneak up on me at night they can really only come from the foot of the bed a little wine table whoa this bathroom is the size of my seattle apartment so i am in chapel hill north carolina this is seriously a beautiful property and the staff is so nice big shout out to mark at the front desk thank you so much for hooking me up with this mark too bad i'm really just here to spend the night and then bright and early tomorrow back to new york and whatever we can find food wise along the way oh also i uh had a issue on the highway to i'll show you what happened in the morning so you can see anyway tire gotta go to bed see you tomorrow good morning about to start my final lake drive back to new york so i want to show you guys some that happened yesterday this was really dangerous so that happened and i was surprised this was the only extent of the damage to my car because i think it honestly could have been a lot worse so i was driving on the highway i was in the middle lane the passing lane was beside me and i see one of those emergency vehicles on the shoulder with their lights flashing so i was about to move right one more lane to kind of give it like a two-lane separation and then all of a sudden the passing link this this suv just bolted forward like going probably 20-30 miles above the speed limit blowing right by the emergency vehicle and what i saw and it was too late i saw there was like a bunch of shards of metal for some reason like like shattered metal in the left lane so he just ran over these shards of metal and i saw two or three fragments of it just flying um towards me and at that point i was about to switch to the right lane but i i didn't do it because i saw a piece of charge just lined this way diagonally so i stayed in the second lane and it hit that so if i would have switched lanes it might have come through here which i think the only reason that sure didn't go through the glass was because it ricocheted off the windshield wiper kind of slowing it down so i think that could have been a lot worse and it would have been really bad if it went directly towards me not saying it would have like you know flew through the windshield and streaking me in the forehead but it definitely would have been a lot worse than than what happened there and the guy did this a little bit just kept going i pulled over and make sure everything was okay so obviously i didn't i didn't chase after him or anything but crazy moment on the roll yesterday and uh something i gotta explain to my insurance company now but all's good and i live to eat another day and speaking of eating i'm here in the uh in the triangle the chapel hill dorm area they're supposed to be the seafood place that's like the must try restaurant if you're ever in this area let's go right now [Music] the aroma from the seafood is so overpowering and they make all their sauces here so i got some coleslaw they make their own um cocktail sauce mustard and tartar sauce and what's cool is that you can get a combo meal so i really wanted to try the spicy grilled mocha but i also wanted to try other stuff so i got some base scallops i got some fried flounder as well right now recover there is bones in here no i wish i had a bigger piece of that mahi oh my goodness this is so good sometimes you don't cook it right it becomes dry really quick not this baby this thing tastes like it just came out of the waters and also this place they don't freeze anything so all the seafood is fresh i just want to dip this in some mustard sauce and see oh look how soft it is this is kind of broke off when i put it into the mustard sauce i would like some bread just to dip into the mustard sauce i'm so mad my mahi is almost gone it's spicy you taste the char from the fire everything about this is just so succulently beautiful there's just so much flavor from that flaky piece of fish and they also fry their own potatoes bay scallops which are these tiny little scallops [Music] oh so good one thing you taste right away is how absolutely fresh everything is the outside is peppery it's smoky perfectly seasoned these sauces are a work of art too i've never had freshly made tartar sauce before that's just on a whole other level you can taste the ingredients you can taste a little crunch of the onions and veggies and definitely way more aroma from the herbs you have to get an order of these honey puppies wow just the most toasty light outer crunch i did not know hush puppy just tastes like this it's crispy and soft savory and sweet suck on that long john silvers oh my gosh flounder dip it in a little homemade cocktail sauce they should definitely bottle and salad these sauces might be the persian lime cocktail sauce has that great kick i'm not enjoying a single non-windy day one big problem i have with fried seafood is a lot of times it just tastes like it's fried it has some salt in there that's it they give you some generic sauces to dip it in this thing everything just tastes like it's made with love it's made with care there's so much flavor in every single thing and you want to just eat more of the sauce because the sauce itself is so good i found one maki it was like hiding beneath the pile of bay scallops more spicy mahi my only complaint about anything on my plate is i wish i had more of all that if i lived around here i've been coming to this place all the time i've been to a lot of seafood shacks in california all along the coast in florida usually people just give you a little salt and pepper on the fish that's what you get this thing everything you taste the skill the labor the love that went into all this stuff absolutely phenomenal i had time for like one place to try in the triangle and leave with no regrets i guess sleepy driving a lot so one way i stay awake is i stop at pretty much every single rest area and either go for a short jog jumping jacks shadow box a little bit all right let's keep driving whoa so my ladder is on the ground my chair is now here did a tornado blow through this yard huh food for tomorrow though it's always nice to be back i am completely wiped out i'll see you guys tomorrow [Music] first full day back i have to go in the city get a haircut and a proper new york meal of course i'm in flushing a lot of new places i found so i found a new noodle place that just opened i don't think really anyone knows about it yet that looks really good but i have a reservation at this place let's go barbecue let's go barbecue although they don't serve barbecue first thing you see here 75 that's the good stuff all right this place what they're known for is so stewed pork belly and also they got this dish never had before salted eggs stir-fried potatoes it's good if you like salted eggs you'll like this i still like my traditional way of making this it's just basically vinegar and salt and before like the flavor the texture is really crispy now you got a creamy eggy texture to it it's pretty good smokier too this is a really good version of this dish it's basically little pieces of really delicious spicy fried chicken this outer shell is so much crispier than a lot of the places i've had before when you break through in the meat it's just ridiculously tender also what they've done here is no peppercorn in here so you can basically eat the chilies the onions everything in this bowl and not have to worry about stepping in a peppercorn laminate this is one of the best versions of this dish i've had in a long long time that's delicious 100 recommend when you come here flavor is fantastic especially like the skin slightly sweet just bursting with umami it's oily but not overly greasy which is like that's how you tell when that dish is cooked perfectly it's oily but you're not feeling the fat coursing through your stomach making you just crave some tea or a bite of rice you can eat that on its own that's really good um wow so this is the stir-fried beef dish with chilies highly recommend that as well we got cilantro in there for some aroma spicy chili peppers and beef you just want to hug that beef that's how tinder it is you want to hug it and ask it to tuck you in at night there's a lot of sichuan places where spicy chinese food places that are like lying out the door and those are great but we'll have to wait an hour two hours in line check out one of these newly opened places like this now this is really good our beef is so tender highly recommend the spicy chicken and the beef highly recommend these are super big guys as well what you do twist the tail off suck the head i'm kind of trying to do this one-handed so it's a little tougher for me these are definitely way spicier than the crawfish i've had in louisiana all right i'm gonna have to use two hands i'll see you after all right i'm back at this noodle shop i found earlier that oh look at this they just opened so this is a hunan noodle it's very wow this thing is covered in sesame sauce and little pickled vegetables this is a sour green beans it's a dry noodle dish wow look how saucy this thing is this looks really good there's a lot of sesame paste on this it's really good it's really fragrant noodles are nice and chewy if you're into like the dry type of noodle you know the ones without soup the one just mainly depending on sauce you will definitely like this and you really gotta eat this with some of the crunchy vegetables it's a little too saucy if you don't have something that's crunchy and pickly it's really smoky really saucy nice and creamy i wish it gave me more pickled vegetables i think that with this will make it a lot better even though on its own still really good yeah you need more pickled vegetables with this salad bowl and noodles though i think this place will do well they did give me a little hot oil it's much better with the hot oil add the hot oil wow it's so nummy too that's like a seven out of ten spice maybe seven and a half you need that spice it's just like the catalyst to kind of like cut through the kind of overwhelming sesame paste flavor from these noodles now we're talking hmm much better today more of a crunch i think right now there's like a mochi donut craze going around the u.s i'm surprised this hasn't caught on as fast because this is like the number one most served pastry slash dessert dish in south korea if you go south korea this stuff is like in every street corner and it's delicious the croissant waffle sugar [Music] get all that food need to take a walk and this is uh the whitestone bridge park the reason why this park is so nostalgic for me is because when i used to film wedding before i did youtube stuff i used to come here this would be one of the places we would take the bride in the groom and we would film weddings all around here because it's got a nice background and plus this neighborhood is really nice tree blossoms are blooming by the way if you guys want to get the hot oil you can inside new york you come to bentos and you can order the hot oil with no shipping cost right there you can get it so this is one of the places where you can get the chili oil [Music] might as well eat dinner here whoa it's like a party going on i hear like a dj going on it's like an outdoor club around here got a little unagi sushi and a wagyu onigiri that's delicious my sushi rice is so good too and the eel just melts oh i can't wait for this look at this a wagyu onigiri what that's where you should come here and try crunchy garlic in this flavorful rice sesame melt in your mouth wagyu smoky that's melty you got the next textural crunch yeah highly recommend that and of course you come here and pick up the hot oil i know we have some problems with delivery some stuff is delayed there's definitely a lot of growing pains to try to try to start doing something like this so i apologize for anybody who had water issues uh but they should be mostly resolved now there's more customer service now we can ship it out much sooner and we are gonna do international shipping i think in uh about a couple of months we are gonna be able to do international shipping also and i apologize for the cost of the shipping it's just the fact that it's expensive to ship it's a heavy product so it does actually cost more than what we charge for shipping to ship those products so it's not like we're trying to increase the shipping cost to make more profit it's not the case at all but anyway want to get this mike's hot put the link down below as well all right fun first day back in new york the street is getting really crowded i'm gonna get up and go home [Music] i think it's one of the first times i've seen like a like a sichuan type dish in this meal kit that's actually prudent i told you guys if it's not good i'm not gonna tell you guys as good i'm certainly not gonna allow it to be a sponsor on my show but this is good which makes sense because hellofresh has more five-star recipes than any other meal kit also what i love about this is the day i got home it's at my door it's so customizable i can usually change my delivery day my food preference they're super flexible about that also they need to go to grocery store i tend to over shop a lot so this thing it saves me time saves me stress because i don't actually want to go to a grocery store right now and when i'm hungry i can get a meal on my table in about 30 minutes even 20 minutes if you're using one of the quick and easy recipes it comes with pre-portioned ingredients that means it's less prep time and less food waste also what i like about this company is that hellofresh is committed to giving back they donated more than four million meals to charity last year and this year they're stepping it up even more because we really do need it i'm gonna go add some my hot oil to this anyway if you want to give this a try go to use my promo code 12chan you're going to get 12 free meals and free shipping i feel like i haven't been here in such a long time like i said a lot of stuff i still need to do here the ramen place is hopefully gonna open soon we're still waiting for gas to connect haven't seen my parents in a long time gotta go visit them and as much as i like dallas as much as i like my new apartment it's still nice to come back to the wits i missed you ghost kids you guys don't hear anything right it's just in my head anyways as always thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 1,255,215
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: atlanta chinatown, chinatown atlanta, atlanta chinese food, chinese food, chinese food atlanta, atlanta hotpot, chinese hotpot, fried chicken, best fried chicken, fast food fried chicken, korean food, korean eats, atlanta korean food, chinatown, cars, auto, driving, road trip, cross country, eating, dining, restaurant, cook, cooking, kitchen, food
Id: l42gvtQq6mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 45sec (1605 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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