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[Music] my first ever christmas tree leaves are changing colors the holidays are right around the corner is my favorite time of the year heading back to new york for a week see my parents see how the cabin is make sure everything's still okay making sure it's still haunted and the ghosts are good you know sometimes i trust ghosts more than people because you can see right through them anyway uh before hitting off some food for the road big shout out and thank you to a new sponsor sakurako if you don't know sakurako is a monthly subscription box stock full of 20 different japanese snacks and treats and teas and that is sent to subscribers every single month all over the world also in every single box there is one homemade item as well look at this wow that's pretty cool first of all you get up you get a postcard and december's theme of course is hokkaido so as soon as you open the box you get this little guide that tells you what every single one of your snacks are also a little culture guy telling you about some of the snack makers different flavor crackers cookies red i think this is a banana bun oh look how pretty this pudding is whoa look at this sucky cup that's so cool it's a yuzu kuzu mochi how can i get a much much much much bigger one of these oh wow this is good mmm that's delicious definitely need some tea with that though luckily right here oh that's perfect anyway what's really cool about sakura cola these are not the typical snacks you can easily find in convenience stores in japan everything is 100 authentic artisanal snacks and they source directly from local snack makers so all the stuff extremely high-end and how it works is that the boxes are ordered in the preceding month so what i'm showing you here is the december box so if you subscribe in november you get the december box and these snacks nothing i've ever tried before look at this white cookie you can taste the awesome hokkaido milk in these cookies anyway so coral cold box has a monthly plan they also have several pre-paid plans and the plans start around 32.50 per box charged every 12 months these snacks are shipped directly from japan again these are not snacks you'll find in typical convenience stores there's also home goodies in every single box and the monthly promotional campaigns that gives you extra snacks for extra items if you want to give this a try get a link down below use my promo code friday 2021 to claim free authentic japanese home goodies with your first okorocho box order a few more snacks and then city new york [Music] [Music] good morning from new york city i mean some work done on my house so let me let me show you what's been going on so painted everything so it looks slightly less haunted the cabin is now a lot brighter i've had this done because i did notice there's a lot of wood that's kind of rotting a bit i did some railings a path here this used to be all grass i think i'm gonna plant some trees here like a pea tree or something get some nice peaches in the fall the back patio is all redone this is what used to be rotted and pretty horrible like you couldn't run your fingers across it otherwise you get a splinter the barn look at this ah that used to be the creepiest thing on this property now shiny new you should rent that out or something to you know more ghosts a lot of wood was rotting over here so replace that so the wood looks a lot lot better next project gonna work on the inside stay tuned now for some breakfast [Music] they sell buns here i don't think i don't know how long they're gonna be keep selling buds for i think they just sold the farm but anyway for now still get buns they grilled the vegetables themselves again i don't know how long they're going to keep doing this but near where i live i'm not going to find many places that makes fresh puns and there's a little snack to tie me over until lunch time which is going to be at the largest lego land in america it just opened new york legoland let's go [Music] big legos [Music] so you guys may not know i am a huge fan of legos i love legos i love all the lego movies but i don't own a single lego set because uh when i was younger my parents could never afford to buy me legos i still remember i graduated i moved to new york living on my own went to a toy store because i'm thinking finally i'm going to get my first set of legos actually sorry there's no legos there's only lego my first set of legos remember picking up a small box saw how much it cost put it right back so even though i play with legos a lot when i was a kid at my friend's house never got to own my lego sets legoland new york opened this is about only 20 minutes from my house always wanted to come here finally today i get a chance i know this place is really for kids but let's go check out some legos and eat some food so barty gets to come here then they give me free tickets to come back this is cool disney never did this [Music] [Music] oh look at this a bonsai tree lego set we're a roller coaster lego for four oh my almost four hundred dollars this is why my parents never got me legos i mean they're super cool maybe i bought myself one for my birthday [Music] and of course part of my experience here is the food there's the brick street cafe i think that place is just a bunch of grab-and-go items let's see if we can find some hot food whole elephant made out of legos whoa there's a carousel we can write legos [Music] i don't know why i know that's fake but i really want to bite out of that steak not the vegetables though so food wise there's chicken there's looks like pulled pork and sausages [Music] brownie looks good chocolate cake first plate of food at legoland mac and cheese potato salad pulled pork sausage chicken brownie and chocolate cake 45 and what's funny about that is if this was in legos it probably cost a lot more i did research a little about what legoland had to offer food wise before coming here so i don't think there's two too much so i think today gonna be able to try everything starting with the po park i'm conflicted because the pulled pork is tough but it has flavor the mac and cheese is soft but it has no flavor [Music] i don't know i think the actual lego pieces might taste better let's try the chicken [Music] i think i'm still riding the high of how good the food that knot spray farm was that when i saw chicken in pro pork i think my expectations were unfairly raised this looks like a delicious pizza cake i mean it looks moist it's soft it's gooey that's a good piece of cake this thing first of all is so rich it could afford any box of legos it wants here the texture is really moist the chocolate is gooey and delicious i mean it's heavy it's decadent [Music] just went on a ninjago ride where i was throwing shurikens and enemies took me the whole ride to figure i was doing it wrong worked up an appetite though for the royal smash burger and fries they give your lettuce tomatoes and pickles separately this is a ginormous burger four four beef patties it's so interesting because usually when you get four patties in a burger you have to request four patties this is the basic burger and it comes with four patties oh it's spicy it's supposed to be spicy i'd say spice today i'm going a little crazy [Music] i mean it tastes like a burger that you typically find in a high school cafeteria luckily i like cafeteria burgers cheese is gooey patty is tender fresh are amazing all right let's go to miniature lamb this is what i really want to see when i came here heading to miniature land but past this this is the other reason why i'm here legoland is famous for granny's apple fries and when when they say granny they don't mean they it's it's a lego granny i got the giant ice cream sundae so their ice cream here they have it as green and yellow lego colors i think green is vanilla and the yellow is also vanilla fun colors though so this is the sunday and inside this is the famous apple fries right in here [Music] apple fries are delicious i'm one of those weird people i don't know why i love apple pie i love apple strudel i love apple everything i still like apple from a tree [Music] i like my apple cooked it's basically a crispy apple pie the taste of fresh apple inside oh wait wait what is this no there's fresh apple slices down here whenever i look at apples like fresh apples my teeth automatically feel sour i hate it i don't even like looking at apples especially chopped up ones but the apple fries are good this tastes like a fried apple pie a la mode i tell them to like tape this back into the fryer and like batter this up and fry this up really don't like fresh apples cause the ice cream is delicious by the way okay fun lego colors is definitely the best thing i had in this park so far so fun to only complain i read that on the menu this is supposed to have gummy apples my gummy apples at oh my goodness i did not know about this legoland has an all you can eat pizza and pasta buffet that is for some reason close today no brickellini's oh yeah ah that's upsetting i gotta come back oh free tickets i'm gonna use that for this next time yeah don't tell me this is close too so there's pizza there's salad smoked turkey panini four cheese grilled cheese whoa wait this is the pizza that would have been out of the buffet all right maybe i'm not missing out thank you so much me too thank you [Music] lego grilled cheese i mean it's hard to mess up grilled cheese only i wish would have some tomato soup to dip this in how about i always wonder about this because these are all like individual pieces i wonder whether there's a there's a machine or a computer that just assemble all this together where we can actually get a job at lego as a vice president of building lego blocks is that a position oh lego pirate ship we're finally at miniature world this is so cool look at this it's like the whole world represented here in legos there's hollywood so lego wood here of course that's definitely chinatown right there oh the san francisco trying to look the trolley's moving this is the coolest part of lego land for me just looking at this this is so neat got the golden gate bridge over there i think that's the uh this is pure 39 oh the famous sea lions fisherman's wharf right here this is all las vegas that brings back memories the stratosphere tons of hotel i got the luxor venetian bellagio ah so the good people at legoland decided that uh circus circus isn't worth the lego box no oh the grand canyon i think [Music] oh farrell's buffet i want to go to pharaoh's buffet [Music] oh you got to step with them [Music] [Music] is [Music] and now tipping the scales at nine bricks greeting technique can not be beat make some noise for the magical [Music] [Applause] oh this is so cool central perk oh and also like a like a ship in a bottle i'm going for friends my first ever lego set no no no no no way i'm just shipping a bottle this is my first ever lego set this is so cool thanks for coming thank you [Music] i've been feeling so small this burger place i just saw the picture i was like this looks like a good burger the style is definitely more of a smash burger not a big menu just a cheeseburger or impossible burger simple bun small thin little beef patty some kind of sauce on the bottom and grilled onions and pickles inside really cheesy one patty this freaking delicious this is really really really good i mean why do i only just get one burger i know i'm going somewhere else after this but i'm cooking myself right now there's such a i could just sit here and eat this burger all day just continuously water burgers and eat it wow also got tons of butter tons of cheese very very very nice delicate patty this is definitely not one of those walk around all fancy stuck-up kind of burgers everything about this from the meat from the crunchy onions and pickles to the cheese just works perfectly wow this is amazing burger fries not have bad either again my only advice to you don't make the same mistake i did get at least four wow such a simple place produces such an amazing burger this is so good you know what i had to get another burger there's something just so simply delicious about it double patty this time one bite the mouth just fills up with juice again nothing fancy just freaking good [Music] so good wow and i didn't get the short red foot like i got last time because i got a short rib dish this is a short rib rice hmm dish how easy this game comes apart barely needs a bite dish [Music] oh it's so good in the foot you get all different types of meat got some beef balls you got the short ribbon here as well some brisket but even with all the meat in here broth is the star i couldn't really decide between rice and euros i got both all right gotta hurry up it's about to rain gotta get out city before the storm comes it just got really dark really quickly this is 2pm right now look at this guy it is about to storm oh this is so crazy again 2 p.m looks like it's nighttime right now this is a big storm it's not gonna be a fun drive oh my goodness it is hailing whoa that is a lot of hail a big sized hail too look at this and just like that it's over i feel bad for those people who are doing outdoor dining whoa this looks good showing show [Music] this is pretty oh where's here fresh raspberries mochi balls do you want chewie get a mochi ball one refreshing suck on the jelly i also got a honeycomb one oh this one comes with a honeycomb i think this is sticky rice this one is really floral [Music] there's chinese jelly so they put that in the drink and a little bit of syrup refreshingly delicious well the ring has stopped i got my burger i got my thumb i got my pretty drink now i can go home as always thank you guys so much for watching until we get again see you later
Channel: Mike Chen
Views: 614,206
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: legoland, legoland food, legoland food review, lego land, lego land review, legoland review, lego, legos, lego land food, legoland new york, lego land new york, ny legoland, food review, food tour, cook, cooking, eating, dining, travel, tourism, tourist, travels, traveling, food
Id: KrOk7ytold0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 19sec (1219 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 22 2021
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