I ESCAPED the HARDEST Minecraft World

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i escaped the hardest minecraft world this structure was naturally spawned into the world and i got trapped inside it i was just playing normal minecraft and my friend korean found me eddie took me inside the structure that he made almost impossible to escape and left me and now i had to find a way to escape so now i was in the middle of a room standing on one piece of bedrock and there was a sign in front of me that said freedom was right above so i had to somehow climb this giant wall and escape so i jumped from the bedrock platform that i was on and i saw two rooms there was a room with the chest all the way at the end but lava in between me and the chest and there was another room that just had a lava waterfall and nothing else inside so i decided to go back to the main room and in the middle of the room there was a three by three area that was just empty and there was a sign right next to it that said freedom was up but i had no idea what the hole in the floor was for so i did the only thing that i could do and that was to check out the hall with the chest in it and right in this hall there was a hopper and inside the hopper was three bricks and i had no idea how supposed to get all the way to that chest with only three bricks because there were slabs above me so that meant that i wasn't able to jump but then i realized that there was a secret hole right next to me and when i backed up all the way there was a crafting table so i opened the crafting table to see what i could craft and i found out that with the three bricks i could craft six brick slabs so i crafted the brick slabs and i placed them all on top of the lava and using all of my slabs i had exactly enough to reach the chest and inside the chest was nine stones but i had no idea what i was supposed to craft with nine stones so i checked in my inventory what i was able to craft and there was nothing that could help me so i went to the only other room that i could go in and that was the lava waterfall room and i decided to right click around to see if there was anything hidden behind it but when i did nothing opened or activated so i went in f5 mode to see what was on the other side and there was a giant room with water on the other side so the only way i would be able to survive this is if i ran through and jumped in the water right away so i stepped back and ran through the lava and jumped in the water and with four hearts i made it through and i saw that at the end of the room there was a chest with a sign that said a random chest must not be important so that meant whatever was inside this chest was gonna be super important so i opened it up and there was absolutely nothing inside and i had no idea what to do because this room was just completely empty and now there was no way for me to go back to the main room because there was no water on the other side of the lava then i decided to break this chest just in case there was something hidden behind it but there was nothing i felt like korean actually defeated me and i was really sad and you could tell by my live reaction i am very sad but when i took a closer look at the water i found out that there was a hopper inside and inside the hopper was two bone meal and a fire resistance potion and now with the fire resistance potion i could go back into the main room and you could tell by my live reaction i was so happy i am so happy so i splashed the fire resistance potion and ran back through the lava and then i went to the main room and i counted that the bedrock wall was at least 13 blocks high and i only had 10 blocks in total so i was extremely confused as to what i had to do and i thought that i must have missed something so i rechecked the first room we went into and checked to see if there was any hidden hoppers or chests in the lava but there was nothing and i even checked the secret hole but i couldn't see anything new so then i went back into the lava waterfall and i tried to see if there was any hidden hoppers or chests along the top or the bottom of the lava and when i did i found a secret hopper with a moss block inside and then i went back into the main room to see what i could do with these blocks but all these blocks combined would still be too short to get to the top of here so i try to think what i could do with nine stone one moss block and two bone meal but i was extremely confused because i had no idea what i was supposed to do with these items but then i realized with my stone i could make more moss blocks so i place my nine stone in the middle of the hole and place my moss block right next to it and using my bone meal i would be able to make more moss blocks and even these moss block carpets so now i had 10 moss blocks and 5 moss block carpets then i used all my blocks to build up all the way to the top of the bedrock wall and the moss carpets that we got helped us with the last three blocks we had to get up and now i was able to see what was on the other side of the wall and right in front of me was the exit sign freedom was so close but there was also three rooms right underneath me and a staircase going down to them so i went down the staircase and there was a sign that said three and i'm not sure what this meant but i knew that everything korean makes always connect together somehow so i needed three of something then i went down the staircase and saw slime block and i knew the slime block was here for something important so i jumped down and i grabbed the slime block and there were three rooms and in the first room there was a villager with a piece of sand on top of him so i decided to grab the sand and look at what he wanted to trade and he wanted three moss carpets for a piston and i had three moss carpets but i wasn't sure if i should do the trade just yet so i decided to hold off and check what was in the other room then i went to the room right next to it and saw a floating piece of sand that was being held up by one piece of string in an empty room that led all the way to the void and in the last room i saw one piece of sand standing on bedrock with a sign next to it that said you need three so that means the sign from the beginning meant that i need three sand but i had no idea how to get this piece of sand and i also had no idea how to get the other piece of sand so i did the only thing i could which was trade my moss carpet for the one piston but still i had no idea how these items were supposed to help me get the sand because if i stacked all these blocks i would only get four blocks high and that wouldn't be enough to get to the sand block and as i was looking through my inventory i realized that the chest from before is a trapped chest meaning that it could be used as a redstone signal and i had a piston with a slime block so that means i could make my own jump booster and jump to the sand block so i placed my piston and the slime block and the trap chest right next to it and then i opened the trapped chest and quickly exited out of my inventory then i grabbed the sand and all i needed now was one more piece of sand so i grabbed all my items and went back into the main room and i had no idea how any of these items were supposed to help me reach to exit because even if i got the last piece of sand right here i would still not have enough blocks to just build up so that means i probably had to build from the side and parkour over but to get back to the staircase i would have to use all my items except for my sand and sand is a gravity block so that means if i placed it on the wall it would just fall down so i needed to find a way to make sand into a block that doesn't fall but first i needed to get the last piece of sand so i went into the last room with the sand and i was thinking about placing my slime block and my piston to reach it but if i did that they would just fall into the void but then as i was looking down in the void i realized that there was a hole right underneath me and when i hit f5 i realized that that hole had a secret hopper in it and in that hopper it had one bedrock block a slot with eight string and a slot with three strings so i opened my crafting book to see what i could craft and i could craft a white wool and then i realized what i could do with white wool if i crafted two pieces of white wool and turned them into three pieces of carpet i could place my string and then my wool carpet right on top of it and do the same thing three times and then when i got to the end i could place the bedrock right underneath the sand and break the sand above it and then when the sand dropped onto the bedrock i jumped to the sand and then jumped back and now i had all three sand blocks but still i need a way to turn sand into a block that didn't fall and then i realized that sand can turn into glass and all we needed for that was a furnace so i decided to look around the room to see if there was a hidden furnace somewhere but i had no luck whatsoever i couldn't find it anywhere and then i saw the villager and he was looking at me like he was hiding something so i started punching him because it made me feel good but as i was hitting him i realized that he was standing on something he was standing on a furnace and i had two options to let him live or so now i had a way to turn the sand into glass but i needed something to smelt the sand with and i was about to use my trapped chest but if i use this i would have no way of getting back to the staircase but while i was looking at the staircase i realized that i can use the sign to smelt my three stand so i place a slime block in the piston contraption and jump to the stairs and grabbed the sign i then went back down and put the sign into the furnace and one sign was able to smelt one sand into a piece of glass so now all i needed was two more signs so i grabbed the piston and slime booster and i went into the other room to grab the second sign so i built a slime booster again and i jumped up to the bedrock and grabbed the sign and i placed a sign into the furnace and i got my second piece of glass but i still needed one more sign to smelt my sand into glass and i tried to think of where i last saw a sign and then i realized in the first main room there was a sign that said freedom was up the wall so i placed the slam booster right next to the stairs and jumped up broke all the moss and got all the way to the bottom of the first room and broke the sign that said freedom was up then i placed the moss back and then climbed to the top of the wall and now i had the final sign i needed to smelt the last piece of sand so with the three glass i went back to the stairs and used the slime booster to push me up then i placed the glass four blocks away from me and jumped onto it and did the same thing two more times until i made it to the end and it led me to a room with ladders going up to my freedom and just like that we were able to beat korean but the war between me and korean is not over me and korean are racing and subscribers and he has always been ahead of us but we just had a huge boost in subscribers and we are so close to passing him so if you enjoyed these videos subscribe
Channel: Omziscool
Views: 362,936
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft, Minecraft SMP, SMP, Minecraft Server, School Minecraft Server, School SMP, Dream SMP, TommyInnit, minecraft survival, minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge, minecraft server, Technoblade, minecraft servers, minecraft challenges, minecraft but challenge, beating minecraft, Hacker, minecraft hacks, hacks minecraft, minecraft prison, minecraft escape, minecraft challange, Omziscool, Void, Minecraft Challenge, Minecraft Void, minecraft but, Minecraft world
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 41sec (521 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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