Undertale Yellow with a side of salt

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in undertale yellow you sequel as a prequel fan game the same name minus yellow and realize how cool it is when devs help raise up fan games instead of shoot him down on the spot yellow started development back in 2016 after Tobey T Foxworthy green lit its creation not a whole lot was shown out the gate and the title didn't even get a trailer until further into 2016 and it finally got a demo near the end of the year since then there have been a multitude of teasers and such but nothing else all too major skip ahead 7 years and the game was announced to be released at the end of the current year now if you've ever seen undertale fan games they are a mixed bag to say the least the vast majority of them are mostly just kind of oneandone fights generally falling into the Au spectrum and almost always gravitating around Cara like it's it's like character right well anyway they were bab's first edgy video game intro before the sonic exe funkins joined the fry yellow definitely stands out in regard to the fact that it's a full-fledged game like a full-fledged game that isn't a about an au it takes place in the regular Old undertale Cannon unofficially and it follows the story of gun hat the human who fell down before The Lovable little Frisk but it isn't just treading on Familiar Grounds as yellow very quickly boots you out of the familiar path by attaching an un to it outside of the start and a few themes or names the game has completely unique areas almost all the characters are unique too but that's well we'll get to that gaml it is almost identical to the original undertale so that's good or bad depending on how you liked undertale gameplay fights done by picking and choosing one of the X amount of sillies to tickle the ribs or various appendages of the underground dwellers until they go oh you and turn yellow symbolic or in boss's case choosing the same option over and over again until they have completed their alloted dialogue amount or you can do what I did in having already played undertale and being shown that your weapon is a gun you can use a gun the gun is a timing gun miname to gun effectively and gun makes it so the monsters talk less and oh God people are already typing if I want to hear Scott Falco less common aren't they the game also has the three iconic routes the tals from Down Under tend to boast you got your I don't know what I'm doing route the I know what I'm doing route and the I know what I'm doing route smiley face the neutral and pacifist routes are the normalist ones that most players tend to gravitate to because these are the routes that allow characters to be characters but I had a gun so I elected to genocide out the gate I was pleasantly surprised that the game does not have Cara Whispering over your shoulder the entire route and instead it kind of just lets psychopath gun hat dish out there incredibly warp sense of justice that's kind of their whole stick they entered the underground to restore it after the five children disappeared so it was interesting that in this route there was kind of a flawed sense of righteousness almost as if what they were doing was the right thing in their mind I mean it wasn't of course but the motif was definitely interesting and there was no level of violence BS and instead it had some pretty rad moments that I won't outright spoil and instead I'll just say it was cool when the sheer power of Rage overcame a trash can lid now as with most undertale things the meanie B beanie routes are generally the hardest of the choices I was admittedly a little nervous picking this route because fan games have always kind of had that horrendous mindset of hard BS equals cool fight and sure shooting this game follows that now obviously in undertale you had the silly Skeleton Man and fish face as the big filters and whereas they were very challenging they didn't necessarily feel cheap both of them would throw a lot at you but they would also kind of introduce you to it the best example I have is comparing fish and too Fox which essentially act as the Midway bosses in their respective games let's take a little look see at the official games opening [Music] move and now let's have a little look at the fan [Music] [Applause] games now I know it's very subtle but did you catch the difference undy throws a new mechanic at you but eases you into it albeit just for a moment fan art Fox throws multiple mechanics at you some of which punish you outright by not knowing them immediately like the stun lock in a beam that lowers your max HP this is unfortunately a common problem a lot of the fights have they don't really feel play tested it's like the person who designed the fight and knew all the ins and outs of it could beat it and they said ship it or upload it because it's not it's not sold so anyo there's a lot of fights that feel less like a fight and more like a tank check what is it about fan games that just kind of has this curse where they think that more things on screen makes it tougher and that's good game design when it really it isn't like I know I know a skill issue but it feels more like a skill issue because the game is playing a whole different game and not telling me the rules luckily when you do Biff it you'll be able to continue from the fight although I'm not sure if it was a glitch or not but it seemed like my food and items just disappeared if I continued like some of them would come back but not all of them not only that but a lot of the characters have this horrible habit of not shutting up before and during the fights so let's sort of segue into the pacifist and neutral route in these routes you trade out the guns for funds killing for chilling and murder for bird or cuz it's more B you get to know the bird more these are the routes where you can actually talk to and interact with a lot of the characters since you know they don't Al Vose after you clear out a town or two yellow definitely does a nice job of capturing the overall Vibe and feel that undertale had with plenty of silly little flavor texts and moments that may or may not cause you to Exhale out of your nose the world they built is a pretty nice one the environments all look great and it's cool to see more animated characters compared to the base game giving everyone like three frame animation Loops lots of the characters have intricate motions on the Overworld and some even get like pretty flashy fight frames there are a lot of nice details too like ear early on when I fought Adventure Time bat I was pleased to see the background reacting to his attacks but I guess this sort of leads into a problem I have the game very very clearly has favorites that kind of alienate themselves and those around them the best example I have this is a scene where bird Papyrus is standing next to the nerd from the actual game seeing them in their two flat colors instant turnaround that goes into three-frame walking animation share a scene with the OC who is shaded and having a slow animated head turn it it's like there isn't really anything inherently wrong with that per se but I feel like you could have thrown some Shadows on Alfie and given him a little more o also say it's very jarring too that in this world of Monsters the main cast of characters isn't very monish they all follow kind of like traditionally appealing design choices like yes they are not human but they're all pretty human looking and symmetrical and rounded stuff to make them look approachable the original cast was monish but they still had memorable and catching designs undy was essentially bald had an eye patch a crooked smile mismatched teeth and ran around in giant nonform fitting armor the bird and the fox are just kind of furry OC's now I'm not being an they aren't bad designs mind you like zero shade against the artist you made very goodlook characters but that's the problem their personalities are all right I I don't think any of them are also inherently bad to me personally they just weren't very memorable birley's aunt was basically just son and Papyrus wrapped up in a birdie body while taking papy's love of puzzles mixed with sans's laziness howdy Prater is my favorite but ultimately exists as a setpiece for too Fox and Adventure Time bat is in the game I'm sorry cuz I also got a tangent here for a bit but what the hell is Sara's deal as soon as she shows up it feels less like undertale yellow and more like sova's prank tacular plan I'm pretty convinced that if the dev team was one person they would have been the final boss in all routes I got to go into spoilers but this character man she has a dying husband who's all like I want our daughter to be safe so keep working on this silly serum to turn monsters into superheroes when you get it good test it out on literally anyone else I cannot State this enough literally anyone but our daughter keep her out of this the serum and anyone else M yes the serum and daughter no I will be a superhero their story is pretty interesting but like they do just sort of feel like a fanfit character as mentioned their design isn't bad but it really doesn't look like it belongs in undertale now granted this game has been in development for 7 years I believe that some of the devs were in their teens when they were writing the plot initially and I feel like maybe she's kind of a victim of that I mean hell I have plenty of stuff from even a year ago that makes me winch watching it but I feel like my grapes mostly stem from me wanting undertale yellow to kind of be about Clover and when she's introduced it feels more like it's about her from then on but it's still better than anything I can write so whatever I do think the story has some interesting plot lines I was a fan of flowy sort of being friendly since it's before the main game where he's just kind of gotten sick of everything there is a lot of dialogue in this entry maybe more than base game if I'm just doing an approximation but did enjoy my time playing through both routes for the most part as mentioned they really do capture the essence of undertale very well and a key part of this is of course the soundtrack the music is absolutely lovely good job music team I was a big fan of even just like the normal Battle Theme kind of getting little changes depending on which section of the world you're in this was clearly made as a labor of love and it really shows any of the gripes I have are just kind of personal prefs I think the only complaint I have is that some of the fights don't really feel play tested and every now and then there's like weird hit boxes to Hit Switches or like activate an elevator just small stuff nothing major still it's an amazing outcome all in all hopefully this Nets some of them a position to help the old tobster and Delta runer maybe make some kind of official DLC or sequel prequel obviously as a fan game it doesn't really have a price tag so if you are a fan of the original and you want more of a challenge than base undertale or you want to see how wacky sooba really is I'd suggest giving it a load of the down variety and maybe support some of those devs also vendy's the best girl fight [Music] me
Channel: ScottFalco
Views: 650,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 7BQrbHOJI0k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 58sec (658 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 30 2023
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