Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | 1 Hour Episode Compilation #10

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somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little freedom who lives here [Music] today's adventure starts having porridge for breakfast but the porridge pot is empty yes Holly Daisy and poppy will be practicing their magic this morning nanny plum has taught them a simple porridge spell about this just to be clear nanny plum nothing's going to go wrong is it no your majesty I don't want another magic jelly flood that was jelly porridge is a very different beast and Daisy and poppy have been practicing so hard the twins should make breakfast more often hmm it's quite tasty [Music] no remember Daisy and poppy are only babies and we'll have this porridge cleared up in a flash the twins knew how to say more when I was a baby the first way that I said was bang that's not a good word for a magical baby today ah yes Holly mommy and I were thinking it would be fun if you and your friends played with Daisy and poppy today but daddy it would be a chance for the twins to learn your games mummy [Music] hi olli hi been coming out today Holly sorry Fleur I can't come out to play why not Daisy and pop here with me so we have to play in the courtyard I see your friends have brought a little kitten along oh that's Fleur he gave Daisy her wand I see runaway kitten come back and which poor friend was turned into this insect no mummy that's Gaston the ladybird he's meant to be like that well ah yes of course hello Gaston now children the twins are only little so please play gently yes a little and the twins must stay in the courtyard yes mummy have fun Wow your little sisters are something else I know there are many so keep hold of your wand Fleur but there's a sweet an echo I'm sure they didn't mean to turn me into a kitten so what game shall we play how about I did say the only problem is the twins can't count yet I'll help them count I'm very good at counting okay now close your little eyes [Music] [Music] [Music] so where are the twins and they kind of blow away they've escaped and they've sort of got my wand goodness knows what damage they might do don't worry we'll find them else I'll go do that sort of thing so how are you going to find them easy - dong can sniff them out goodness jay-z and puffy you're a long way from home we better ring your mummy and daddy bunny rabbit no no Daisy that wasn't very nice what's going on [Music] [Music] what have you done rather the rabbit food they've handled the elves into rabbits Daisy that wasn't funny or clever give me the wand Daisy and poppy I'm sure you didn't mean to [Music] [Applause] yes luckily birds can't hold one's going to be a ban have you seen the girls I see and we were all the rabbits [Music] right we've got a lot of tidying up to do Holly you were supposed to be looking after your little sisters but nanny the twins are impossible they are a bit of a handful well I suppose no harm was done no harm done they turned us all into rabbits I know I'm most impressed I think I'll take those ones we won't be needing any more magic today but nanny plum we can't just leave her as a frog can't we no I suppose not all right Holly magic her back again [Music] good night my little ones sleep well oh they're fast asleep already well they have had a very busy day your majesty I expect playing with you big children really tired them out Holly yes mummy I wonder what sweet dreams they're having Tiger Tiger alligator somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm Ben [Music] [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] my new fairy tea set has arrived it's so beautiful and it's very sparkly it's also very delicate Holly that means it breaks easily so you can look but don't touch yes mummy it is a beautiful teapot shall I give it a bit of a dust your majesty no nanny plum even you mustn't touch it yes your majesty good now as it's such a lovely day why don't we go for a nice walk can I stay here instead all right Holly but look don't touch yes hello nanny plum hello Ben cannoli come out to play I'm afraid princess Holly is very busy looking at a teapot perhaps then I've got something to show you okay Holly look mummys fairy tea set isn't it beautiful I suppose so no one is allowed to touch it not even Danny why not because it's very delicate what can we do with it then well you can have tea parties with it of course but we've not supposed to just hold them silly it's not hard look at me how do you like you to yourself me Costra McQueen's teapot oh no mommy will be so sad we weren't supposed to touch it while we know can you fix it with magic I'll try abracadabra well that didn't work Oh nanny will no spell let's ask our no we can't tell anyone what can we do then then odd elves good at mending things yes and you're an elf been out can you help me mend it sure please you're my very best friend and you're my only hope okay I've got stuff for mending things at home but what if someone sees us I can make us invisible I know that spell apricotty believe depot make visible don't dumb dumb party doll there's nothing bad quiet I bother my invisible spell has worn off that's alright we're nearly there no one will see us now hello Ben hello princess Holly oh hello mrs. elf what are you two up to then ah nothing mum we're just going to mend something yes elves are good at mending things and you're an elf yes this is where I keep all my mending stuff glue paint brushes and glitter oh goody first I have to put a map down so that we don't get glue on the floor yes and we must wear aprons to keep our clothes click now we stick the pieces together with glue like this one two three one two three one two three one two three minutes it doesn't look right we can paint it yes that's better hmm it had flowers on it too I'm good paintin flowers there which i think is a bit more sparkly we can use glitter do you think your mum I see the difference yes maybe it just needs more glitter no then we try to mend it but it didn't work we'll just have to ask a nanny plum for a spell all right let's go to nanny [Music] ask a first question of course many a little friend of mine has broken something and wants to mend it what spell can she is do I know this little friend no she's a goblin and she lives far away and you don't know her at all is it a special thing this little goblin broke yes and did the little goblin break it on purpose no it was an accident I didn't mean to break it oh I see you broke it Oh nanny I didn't mean to break it oh don't worry Holly it can't be that bad it is that bad don't be silly it's not as if you've broken the Queens D parts what did you break mommy's going to be so sad but we did mend it well I'm sure it's ok then it doesn't look exactly like it did before please can you fix it Manny don't worry I know just what to do I knew nanny plum would have a spell to fix it I'm not going to fix it are you going to buy a new teapot no much simpler than that what well tell the Queen excuse me your majesty what is it nanny plum unfortunately there has been a little accident accident what happened I'm sorry to say that your teapot has been broken Oh the teapot I said no one was to touch yes nanny plum I told you not to dust that tea set yes your majesty I have a good mind to turn you into a slug that's a bit harsh isn't it darling could you turn me into a snail perhaps instead it was me I did it and I've been sad all day and now you're going to have to turn me into a slug instead of nanny Oh oh no my poor darling don't be sad it's only a silly piece of pottery but mummy you are going to turn nanny into a slug oh I didn't really mean that ah sorry I made you sad mummy Oh Holly I'm only sad that you felt you couldn't tell me we did try and it it doesn't know like it did before but the children have tried their hardest look that is beautiful just as beautiful as it was before should I give it to dust your majesty no this is one of a kind and very fragile no one must touch it promise we push I will treasure it forever somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben Ali [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the great oh hello mrs. elf hello princess Holly can then come out to play sounds like he's on his way down already [Music] [Laughter] [Music] okay I can be the princess because I am a princess and I can be the prince yes I'll turn you into a prince by magic can't we just pretend I'm a prince no magic is much better Abigail I seem to have turned Benny to a frog I always get frogs and princes mixed up then if you could hear me croak good I'm going to get help wait here I've been into a frog oh good you've been practicing your magic it was an accident Ben is not happy being a frog frogs are never happy can you help me turn himself again all right now calm down I'll fetch my wand while you wait with Ben okay make sure he doesn't hop off frogs do that I know Ben's gone [Music] what's wrong I've turned Ben into a frog and he's hopped off somewhere hmm he'll be at the point that's where frogs live of course come on let's go you really should have waited like I told you yes [Music] that one is your best friend yes then wear the hats hi Ben babies really you do a cloak must you've no idea what your time we've had trying to find you now Ben don't worry nanny plum will be here soon and she knows the spell to turn you back again we don't need nanny plum I know lots of spells Oh violet I think we should just wait for many no no no turning frogs back into elves is easy-peasy watch this TV turn yourself into whatever you need well done violet aah that was horrible I was a frog eating flies turned into a bird that wasn't meant to happen now we will never ever find him oh hi violet hello Barnaby how is she Ben I would say football with him I don't think you can play football with a bird bird yes violet turned Ben into a bird you changed him into a frog first well anyway now he's thrown away and we will never find him it's very annoying hmm that's living trees so we need some look up in the trees [Music] strange very very high and we're not allowed to fly high that it's a lucky thing I'm around I was a very good at climbing now we just have to get been turned back into Ben again I've got a very good idea if we both do a spell together yes that would be fun that was disgusting I was Iike bad and I was eating worms I don't think her spell is quite finish ah now here hop off somewhere and we'll have to find him all over again huh we're not having a good day what about sport Ben goodness me Holly I've been looking everywhere for you sorry Manny but Ben kept wandering off and we had to keep finding him I see so where's this frog that needs to be turned back into Ben here that's a Robert Ben was a frog then a bird and now he's turned himself into our rabbit we've tried everything well it just shows that you both need a lot more spell practice yes fairies of your age really should be able to get a simple spell right yes watch and learn when you turned bang into a frog I broke azure birdie you should not have turned him into a bird double disease and certainly not into a rabbit that's a start you should have made him Ben again Africa's da ba dee da ba dee dee I'm glad that's over you see girls it's easy anyone can do it okay can I have another guy no if anyone can do it I want to go oh all right Holly give Ben your wand but elves don't do magic I'd like to give magic ago just this once that's the spirit burn into frogs advocacy body whew for a moment I thought Ben was gonna turn us into frogs Africa sombody it's no good else don't do magic hmm maybe you just need a teeny tiny bit of magical help tricky trick prix fixe young owl do magic have another go bang into birds very good bang but haven't you forgotten something what you need to turn them back into girls again done burn did you to follow that sorry good anyone else want to try no how about game of football yes the rules say no magic ok yes I think we've had quite enough magic for one day [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben Ali [Music] then and Holly's Little Kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle the Kings busy day boots deliberate hi hi you're late I'm helping my dad's today he's very busy thank you mister L got to dash on to our next delivery are you busy I'm King thistle I'm always busy I have lots of important work to do you're not working now I am I'm practicing sitting still without falling asleep that's not work it is King's work and it's harder than it looks I what else is King's work making speeches shaking hands and waving a lot see that sounds fun and I hope you work today of course Holly oh good magic car drive on now the first job for any King is waving it's a bit boring but you do it like this yes a good wave or work wonders wherever you go where are we going nanny plum what's the first bit of work I'm doing today you're launching an elf boat your majesty how do you launch a boat I'll show you [Music] princess Holly and King Cecil this is where I make a speech well done elves for building this boat it looks like a good one and I'm sure you will have a lot of fun with it you're a good show now we smash a bottle of sparkling fairy juice against the side of the boat but where is the fairy juicy [Music] sorry your majesty we're very busy today hi Holly hi Ben Cotter - on to our next delivery I declare this elf boats well and truly launched no we shake hands and ask questions hello and what do you do I hammer metal your majesty how very interesting hello and what do you do I'm the ship's cook your majesty how very interesting and what do you do I'm the captain princess Holly how very interesting daddy can we ride on the boat please good idea Holly I never get to try these things captain would it be possible to ride on your boat please it would be an honor your majesty [Music] this is nice daddy yes it is rather nice isn't it I don't know why I've never done this before would you like some lunch your majesty oh yes I am rather hungry Teleco your majesty someone called nanny plum hello Annie plum yes yes of course right away nanny says I have to get back to work I know but there's more important King work to be done daddy your king that means you're in charge ah Holi everyone thinks I'm in charge but really I get told what to do all the time [Music] when are we having lunch nanny there's no time for lunch your majesty you have to judge a fairy fruit and vegetable competition how do you do that daddy how do I do that nanny you pick the biggest princess Holly and King thistle yeah are the finalists your majesty this is a tomahto ah very uh big and this a strawberry also very big and red now I have to make another speech ah well done everybody for growing this um stuff it all looks are very big now without further ado I judge that the winner is better market or perhaps the strawberry no the tomato daddy they keep using magic yes this happens every time why don't we just see which one tastes the best what a good idea let's taste them he can be our lunch first the main course that's a motto hmm the strawberry scrumptious yo yeah they're both so very tasty they both win so where's the trophy hope I'm not too late your majesty no you're just in time well done jolly good show hi Ben hi Holly bye ollie that was delicious now I'd like a little nap I'm sorry your majesty there's no time for that but I'm tired nanny you must make another speech at the festival of elf and fairy dancing oh I don't know anything about dancing how can I make a speech about it daddy I can do a speech I've been watching you do it all day excellent you can make the speech Holly [Music] princess Holly and King thistle hi olli that was the last delivery now we can play you might have finished Ben but I'm still working Holly it's time for your speech now comes the hard bit we have to sit still and not fall asleep in honor of your majesty we will now do a dance [Music] how often [Music] watch [Music] very good very good come on daddy let's start boss but I L all right could you play something a little bit more modern right Oh [Music] you're right Holly Kings work is fun [Music] oh that was a busy day oh yes it was [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm Ben [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the great elf tree [Music] this is my very special cupcake recipe using flour honey milk chocolate and an apple yummy now hi Holly I'm helping mum make cakes oh can I help fairies are good at making cakes of course princess Holly you can help with the stirring that's my favorite bit splashing and splashing the cake mixture whose I'd like more stirring and less splashing and splashing please Holly maybe you should do the stirring okay [Music] very good stone it could have been a bit more splashy next we put the mixture into the cake - hmm can we have one now sorry Ben I have to bake them in the oven first these are elf cakes baked without magic the magic can bake them really quick I'll show you no thanks Holly remember elves don't do magic and where else the cakes ready yet we haven't even started cooking Oh maybe all he should use a bit of magic I think a better idea would be if you two played outside for a bit and I call you in when the cakes are ready oh do we have to just think of some fun games to play I don't feel like playing games today What nonsense you not playing games I wish those pipes didn't take so long to bake me too I suppose you might as well try again okay how about tag I like tag all right but you must play fair no magic okay I'm not using magic I'm just lucky my fairy win [Music] all right let's play a new game yes hide-and-seek okay we'll play hide-and-seek UPE I love hide-and-seek but no flying okay no flying okay four five six seven eight nine ten coming ready or not [Music] [Music] I have better things to do with my time [Music] good hiding place hey Holly it was okay I suppose elves always hide well and I'm an elf my can't hide remember play fair a no flying or anything no flying I promise never find anyway good to hide in time they said no flying but he didn't say no magic what do you think wand shall we do a teeny bit of magic no one I'm sure Ben won't minds make me invisible [Music] coming ready or not hmm very very very ice-cold Oh a polar bear hmm aha I see you might as well give up you'll never find me I wonder where Holly can be maybe she's not in the meadow at all it's no good Holly's hidden too well Oh found you how did you find me I'm invisible oh I'm not invisible the magics worn off magic I was just using a teeny bit of magic hmm anyway let's play a different game I promise not to use flying all magic okay let's play game children the cupcakes are ready Oh mrs. elf do we have to come in can we just play one more game well I never I thought a certain fairy princess and a certain elf found playing games boring but Mum we've hardly been playing any time at all and you said the Kate would take ages he the cakes have taken ages have they the times whizzed by because you were enjoying yourselves time does that aah would you like a cupcake Ange yes please [Music] yummy these cakes are the best and mrs. elf didn't even use any magic loosely Thank You Holly I think it was your stirring that made all the difference do you want to see a trick okay I can make this cake disappear Wow I saw elves in do magic watch carefully [Music] [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very two days adventure starts I can't help it Holly I'm very ill you've just got a cold that's all no it's not just a cold it feels worse than that daddy's a bit grumpy that is always grumpy when he's ill why don't you use a little fairy magic to make me better darling you know fairy magic can cure everything except the common cold it's not a common cold it's something serious and it needs sorting alright I'll try a little magic Abra Cadabra [Music] now I'm sneezing and I've got a stuffed-up nose sorry but I told you magic wouldn't work perhaps you should see the elf doctor is that the elf doctor yes the king is ill sneezing and stuffed-up nose I know but he thinks it's serious thank you goodbye you rest in bed darling and wait for the doctor hmm the doctor is here that's just the wise old elf I'm not just to the wise old elf I'm also a qualified doctor oh I see well doctor I am NOT well I keep sneezing my toes is blocked up and by headaches I see could you open your mouth and stick your tongue out ah now look up look down and wiggle your feet hmm now flap your arms like a bird and whistle into the sea at last a thorough medical examination by a qualified doctor what you have is a case of acute viral nasopharyngitis aha you see it is something bad otherwise known as the common cold this not all no you're grumpy as well well doctor can you make me better let me see what I've got ah this should do the trick does it taste bad let's just say it doesn't taste good I'm not having it testing I wasn't expecting that well he does say cough mixture I know a recipe that can cure all kinds of colds whether they be common or not expanding hands et ears peri tea smelly noses bornus ah clear it is the common cold I just need to find the right ingredients can we help you in any plan of course daddy plum what's in this medicine of yours oh just blackberry juice lemon and sugar and a few other things what other things do we need let's see a dew drop from a spider's web the slime from a slug and I knew II frogburt you'll never get daddy to drink that oh no it would be most unfortunate if anyone were to drink this this is a potion for rubbing on his feet right first we need a dew drop on a spider's web look hey John stop Polly it's not a good idea to fly around madam spider why man the flutter of our fairy wings is like a fly and she likes to eat flies eat flies yes that's just what spiders do you like sweet ice cream spiders like sweet flies they have very smelly breath ah excuse me madam spider could we possibly collect a G drop from your lovely web here it is to make some medicine for the king madam spider says yes I'll get the Dew Drop nanny elves are very good at climbing and I'm an elf [Music] very good now we need the slime from a slug holy perhaps you could do the asking this time you might have to shout a little though because slugs cannot hear very well why is that because they have no ears can't we just take some slime from the ground you can't go around collecting someone else's slime without asking them first it's not polite hello mister slug louder my daddy the king isn't well we need some of your slime to make his medicine can we collect some in this jar please I think that means yes thank you ever so much well done Holley let's check our list a dewdrop slug slime hey many plan last of all we need a frog burp hmm this could be tricky oh good morning mr. frog which is so cutest burp into this jar please and family hacks that's it we haven't got all day to make babies back here uh bar box okay I'll rub the frogs back now let's mix all the ingredients black sugar black lime finally frog fur and now the magic words sugar and spice glug glug glug burp of a frog slime of a slab that's going to taste horrible no bad remember it's a potion to rub on the fields not to drink nobody would drink this oh my that is bad it tastes disgusting daddy you shouldn't have drunk it you should have rubbed it on your feet what I wonder what will happen now let's see what the book says blah blah blah oh dear what is it silly me it's not a recipe for cold medicine after all it's a cure for baldness but I must say your majesty long hair really does suit you nanny plum I think my cold is gone oh I seem to have caught the Kings cold oh poor nanny plum now I'm going to take personal charge of getting you better of course you can the more the merrier please that's not necessary your majesty oh but it is true [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 7,629,235
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Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: 6Pship-GHKs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 14sec (3854 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2018
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