Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | April Fool's Day Special | 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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elf joke day [Music] hi ben hi holly i've got a new toy what is it it's a telescope you can see things that are really far away wow can i have a go okay i can't see anything try twisting it a bit it still doesn't work why are you laughing ben it's a joke telescope it gives you a black ring around your eyes that makes you look really silly look ah why did you do that today is elf joke day what self joke day it's a special day when all the elves play jokes on each other that sounds fun it is fun would you like one of my chewy sweets yes please that wasn't funny ben sorry here have this flower no thanks i've had enough of your silly jokes it's okay holly it won't jump out or make your face dirty promise i promise [Laughter] that's my squirty water flower it's not funny it is funny zip zaps up upside down ah put me down lesson time holly oh hello ben what are you doing upside down oh hell princess holly is this your doing it was ben's fault he was playing jokes on me never use magic in anger it can be very dangerous sorry nanny plum holly put ben down sorry ben phew that's better now what's all this about jokes ben it's elf joke day oh i love jokes i don't think they're very funny you should learn to have a sense of humor holly come on holly let's have some fun yes today's lesson can be how to have fun off you go oh all right [Music] happy elf joke day happier [Music] it's only a toy spider dad gets it out every year happy elf joke day mr elf i'm terribly sorry princess holly i hope we didn't startle you it's okay it's funny hello princess holly are you having a merry elf joke day yes i like jokes now [Music] i wish nanny plum was here she loves jokes why did no nanny plum like such things yes nanny's got a really good sense of humor really then maybe we should go and show her some jokes to the elf truck [Music] no no princess holly a joke should be a surprise this'll be fun [Music] oh i'm really busy who can that be hello what do you want hello what do you want what what why are you copying everything i say why are you copying everything i say i haven't got time for this i haven't got time for this silly old fool silly old fool oh i don't think nanny found that funny i thought you said she liked jokes she does let's try another one very well this is my favorite it's a little toy mouse nanny plum doesn't like mice she'll like this one it's funny [Music] we're ready send it in [Music] da [Music] what was that laughing um [Music] go and join in the fun [Music] happy elf yolk day that was not funny wise old elf oh i'm terribly sorry nanny plum may i say how lovely you are looking today what is this another silly joke no oh you are so pretty may i take your photograph well i suppose so oh you are most kind say cheese cheese what it's smelly elf cheese it's really smelly yes it's top quality smelly elf cheese that was not funny at all mr old alf oh yes it was i'm going to turn you into a snail but nanny you said never use magic in anger i'm not angry now where's my wand it was just a joke yes and here's another joke elter snail naughty nanny you said never use magic when you're angry yes happy elf joke day wise old snail what's that snail doing here well daddy the wise old elf played jokes on annie plum and she got angry and did a spell on him the wise old elf was just having fun don't you have a sense of humor nanny plum yes your majesty nanny palum why did you turn him into a snail um it was meant to be a funny joke and was it funny no your majesty he doesn't look very happy i'm not surprised turn him back into the wise old elf please nanny plum very well your majesty silly old owl back to yourself your majesty thank you so much for your help oh that's all right i must say you are looking most handsome today your majesty may i take your photograph of course um your majesty not now nanny plum i'm having my picture taken say cheese cheese [Music] i can't help playing jokes it's elf duke day and i'm an elf most amusing happy elf joke day oh no what what's wrong i put enough fuel in the rocket to get to the moon but i forgot about getting back oh dear that was a bit silly yes yes it was very silly it's all because of your little elf rules if you'd let us bring our fairy ones we could have used magic to get us back but of course there's been quite enough magic for one day with that picnic basket of yours i didn't mean to make so much magic jelly magic jelly of course danny plum listen carefully i want you to put the magic basket into the fuel tank why there's no time for questions just do it here's the fuel tank nanny plum now ask the magic basket for jelly what but you said no more magic jelly remember i know i did but this is an emergency okay how much jelly do you want a lot right yo what how will that help the jelly comes out of the magic basket at amazing speed we can use the power of jelly to make the rocket fly back home if i'd said that you'd say i was being silly but it's not you saying it it's me and the wise old elf is very wise nanny plum i suppose he is a bit clever okay let's give it a go magic basket please jelly jelly lots lots lot oh hang on everyone i don't suppose you love can read music well i haven't seen this particular piece before you played that perfectly perfect for you maybe but it's not elf music [Applause] just remember you are playing for king and queen marigold and they are very snooty we like umpire music but king and queen marigold don't quite so play holly's tune please [Music] lovely uh holly do the elf band sound any better yes daddy they've been practicing all day okay let's hear them play [Music] that's much better yes it's charming but i still don't think king and queen marigold will like it why mummy king and queen marigold don't like country things and the instruments sound so uh rough i can fix that how i'll just use magic to make the instrument sound more normal play me a tune mr elf [Music] hmm the king likes surprises doesn't he yes we can give the king a surprise party but he doesn't want a birthday party ah but it won't be a birthday party there'll be music and dancing and fireworks and no one will say the word birthday gosh that's very clever it's brilliant come on ben we need to get ready for the party calling all elves we need to arrange the king's party [Applause] hello daddy i've got something for you what's this open it and see i said no birthday cards it's not a birthday card this is just a card to say what a lovely daddy you are oh thank you harley and here's a present it's not a birthday present is it no king thistle are you sure sure a toy robot thank you ben i made it myself [Music] and here's your cake it's not a birthday cake is it absolutely not this is just an ordinary cake the taste is completely different oh good delicious presents cake and this is nothing to do with my birthday no well i suppose it's not really a birthday then as long as the elf band doesn't turn up [Music] there's one more surprise daddy oh i love surprises you have to close your eyes okay allow me your majesty elves are good at building boats and i'm an i can build a better boat than you nonsense can't stop stop i don't care how you do it just build me a boat so how are you going to work together on this i know we'll build a boat each and king thistle can choose the best one and he'll choose mine he'll choose mine i have a fantastic idea for a boat oh what is it it's a secret come on ben fine i've got a better idea anyway what sort of boat are we going to build we're going to build a viking boat cool nanny what sort of base are we going to build no idea the wise old elf said he had a good idea but it was a secret all right let's find out what it is isn't that cheating yes well done fleur that's called cheating our viking boat will have shields on the sides and a dragon head at the front oh how big will it be not too big just large enough for the king to sit in come on fairies back to the castle so they're making a viking boat we can make one too isn't that copying yes fleur well done that's called copying abracadabra biking boat and to make it better than theirs we'll make it bigger [Music] hello hello nanny plum how's your boat coming along we finished i magicked up a viking boat what but we're building a viking boat fancy that we're both building viking boats nanny plum is building a viking boat oh she must have spied on us hmm two can play at that game who wants to be a spy ah wise old elf i'm looking for a job ha ha very funny your majesty no i'm serious i need to earn a gold coin i see normally you'd have to go to the elf job center and answer lots of questions but in your case no no i command you to treat me like anyone else yes sire name the king mr king what was your last job the king the king any skills being king we don't have a king job right now um we need a toy factory worker or a farmer or a sailor oh daddy sailor sounds fun yes i like messing about in boats you will be a sailor on our brand new ship your majesty it's the king i'm not the king today i'm just a humble sailor but we need a king to launch our new ship oh all right then i'll just be king for a moment i declare this ship launched now treat me like any new sailor okay you can mop the death right you're doing very well daddy it's rather dull why don't i speed things up with some magic no daddy the elves don't like magic your job looks fun let's swap of course your majesty much better oh this is fun part of starboard which way is starboard why can't they just say left or right we've hit a rock abandoned ship hello your majesty how's everything going very well but that ship wasn't strong enough have you got another one maybe you're not cut out to be a sailor your majesty right this wall has got to come out for a start [Music] i suppose you know what you're doing don't worry i always get the building inspector to check my work who's the building inspector me but how can you inspect your own work oh i'm very strict hmm let me see now having some work done are you ah yes dear oh dear who did this for you you did it's very bad work very very bad work you see when i'm the building inspector i'm very strict yes you said your own work was rubbish which means it will all have to be redone this is going to be a much bigger job than i thought calling all elves i'll be needing the elf truck the elf digger and the elf crane [Music] hello wise old elf what's the job we need to take all this away all what all of the castle really yes we're going to rebuild it from scratch right oh come on lads let's get cracking goodness what a lot of noise take it away after doing your majesty ah yes um carry on that's everything lads off you go daddy they've taken the whole castle away this is a disaster oh no it's mommy can i take a look now uh only if you close your eyes oh this is fun just like those shows on the telly can i open my eyes now i wouldn't tell me when i can ah in about a month where's our home gone hello danny i know your ears are wiggling which means you are doing magic stop it stop it now i do not like magic now holly what is my next job um magic skull oh good morning children i am nani palum for today good morning nanny plum today's magic lesson is magic always leads to trouble so don't do magic the end is that it yes now i think i'll have a little nap so this is nani palam's bedroom it's all flowers bunnies and cushions lovely isn't it at least i can have a little sleep ah it's so soft it's not a bed it's a giant pudding what's next the wise old elf has a little nap so this is the wise old elf's bedroom how could a room be more boring ow that's not a bad it's a plank of wood why is old elf please report to elf rescue what now you have to sit here and wait for the red phone to ring if the red phone rings you launch elf rescue and save people from deadly peril are the biscuits yes oh goody oh how could a bed be so soft oh what is it now nanny i want a snack okay your majesty aha jelly your snack king thistle lovely what is it jelly oh that's magic jelly we don't want a jelly flood oh there's not going to be a jelly flood wise old elf we have a question the answer wasn't in our storybook it's an elf question not really a fairy matter so we thought as you are the wise old elf yes of course ask me any question anything at all um where do the stars go in the daytime ask me another question on sport perhaps you're not really wise are you you're just old so old elf you don't know the answer uh no but i do know where to find it well follow me is it far all of this searching for answers has made me a bit tired we can take the lift [Music] mind the doors please where are we going we are going to the great elf library great elf library indeed it's probably just a dusty old cupboard goodness me this is a library we must be quiet wow it's huge there are so many books here how do you stop them flying about and fidgeting these are not magic books your majesty oh well how do you ever find what you are looking for then we ask the wise old librarian so where is this wise old librarian can i help you i use a lot is this true wise old elf i'm afraid so but i've got an urgent delivery of food for the little castle i suggest you come back tomorrow righty-ho bye smoking of food i'm getting a bit hungry me too and me queen [Applause] very well i command you to eat something being queen is easy-peasy but no one has made any food everyone's on holiday oh queen holly if you would allow the elves back to work we could make everyone lunch no no you all have to have a nice day's holiday it's the lore [Music] [Applause] uh i'll make food [Music] now what do you eat on holiday ice cream yes that's it you shall all eat ice cream thank you holly [Music] where are we going to the kitchen we can use nellycam's cauldron to make the ice cream oh are you going to make the ice cream with magic of course i am but holly your spells don't always work out quite right making ice cream is easy peasy watch africa do africa [Music] wow it's not an earthquake it's worse than an earthquake it's a woodpecker it's smashing the tree it's made a hole it's got inside oh it's not in my flat phew it's not in my flat ah our doll's stuck here son let me try i believe we have found the bird everybody keep calm and don't panic ah everybody out run for your lives hello ben hello holly we've got a bird in our tree yes i saw it first it's a woodpecker that's correct i didn't realize your majesty was interested in birds oh yes i'm a bird spotter here's my badge then it's very good you turned up we need all the help we can get take me to the bird oh thank goodness you're here your majesty the woodpecker is in our home it's building a nest and soon there'll be eggs and when they hatch they'll be baby woodpecker cheeks and baby woodpecker chicks are extremely rare to spot fantastic when they hatch i can come back and take them off in my book it's got to go now before it lays its eggs it can't go i want to spot the chicks this tree is for elves not for woodpeckers no nesting creature shall be disturbed that's the law is it hello wise old elf speaking how do you make a hamster tired hamster oh the king's pet hamster we need to make it tired ah i see what you need is a wheel a wheel how will that help wait and see i'll be right over [Music] hello king thistle where's this hamster of yours my hamster here's pippin pippin likes you no charmed i'm sure bring in the wheel right hoe goodness where's that going to go it's hideous the things we do for our pets hey king thistle it's not my pet lure the wheel into the hamster cage hamster cage are you talking about my castle put the wheel in the middle of the hamster cage mr l pepper are you sure the wheel is strong enough it'll be fine hamsters don't run very fast oh you've got a fast hamster haven't you the whale's spinning too quickly she can't take it captain it's okay the wheel's too big to go through the cage door my castle oh dear pippins escaped again the wheels heading for the great elf train we'll have to warn the everybody ready ready go go [Music] wow gaston was right this is the jungle good now to find red beard gaston find red beard remember he smells like old socks [Music] good boy this way oh look at that statue hmm some kind of ancient god i suppose we must be getting close to the lost city look at this crazy orange plant ah yes the proper name is heliconia jack winnie eye and this one's called chrysanthemum the cancer mum how did you know that it's on the label oh how odd this statue's labeled two and this one this plant's got a price on it 4.99 that's good something very strange is going on here yes some madman has gone through the jungle labeling everything ah it's raining it's not rain it's a big person with a watering can this isn't the jungle this is a garden center gaston's brought us to the wrong place poor redbeard is hundreds of miles away in the real jungle oh and we're stuck in a garden center hello hello are you nearly here uh we're a bit far from the jungle oh yes whereabouts right now we're in a garden center in a pot of daffodils it's a massive pipes tubes and incredibly complicated i don't need to know the little details just fix it what a great and clever leader yes we're very lucky hmm this is going to take some time mr zairos while you're waiting would you like a tour of the little kingdom we would very much like that oh goody this way first stop gaston's cave gaston are you in oh well this is our friend gaston the ladybird ah a ladybird so that is the sound a ladybird makes what did he say he asked if gaston is for eating no we don't eat our friends do you oh no hardly ever [Music] next on the tour the little castle where i live mommy hello darling it's okay mummy they're just aliens from planet bong oh that's all right then no you can't eat her thistle king is this way you make your important decisions ah yes yes i'm always making important decisions your majesty do you want soup or sausages for lunch hmm i think sausages you are very wise thistle king oh well you know i do my best and elf ben where do you live i live in a tree tree what is tree here it is the great elf tree ah i see so a tree is a kind of apartment block i am learning much about your planet hello ben ah aliens yes dad you remember the aliens we met on the moon they're here on holiday oh yes those aliens happy holiday no he is not to be eaten either [Music] here are your licenses signed by me the chief examiner i knew they'd pass because i taught them that makes their success even more amazing thank you wise old elf perhaps we should have a little celebration oh yes can he have a party and what every party needs is magic jelly uh nanny i don't think that's a magic jelly lots and lots what's a daisy used a bit too much magic there nanny palum do you even have a magic license of course i do oh dear it's expired what does that mean it means it's worthless can't i do magic then no it's against the law no grown-up fairy can do magic without a license what i'm taking away your wand you can't do that i just did it's an outrage the king will be very angry [Laughter] it's not funny you're right it's not funny nanny does not have a license she must not do magic yes yes wise old elf but maybe we can overlook it just this once as its nanny it's because it is nanny we shouldn't overlook it she's dangerous wise old elf i am your king and i must yes is your license up to date your majesty my license well i'm sure i mean i i i maybe i should take a look uh no need for that the wise old elf is right nanny plum rules are rules what so i can never do magic again of course you can uh can she she will have to go back to magic school first magic school yes mrs figgs magic school oh [Music] the big children's ones are going into the library with the others now it's time to play stick the tail on the donkey here's the donkey looks like a cabbage or a duck it's a donkey now i will blindfold nettle elf and she'll try to stick this tail on the donkey oh she stung me again it's a stupid game anyway you need a big dragon to stick the tail on [Applause] ah looks like the twins party has all started just trying to liven the party up a bit i'm putting the grown-ups ones in the library too now for my conjuring show hooray queen please take a card don't show me what is your card um the two of hearts your card is the two of hearts that's the worst trick i've ever seen i thought it was rather good how's it done for my next trick i will turn myself into a mouse you little ones need to wait behind this door for a moment how do you change yourself into a mouse i put these ears on and this nose then i was it a good idea putting the toddlers in the library what it's the same room you put all the wands in ah don't worry the great wizardo will sort this out i'll show them my mouse trick that will surprise them they'll be surprised how bad weather forecast weather forecast yes we can use my elf weather detector wow so can this machine tell if it's going to snow of course how does it work i listen to the weather through this giant ear trumpet it's so sensitive i can hear a butterfly flapping its wings in africa can you hear any butterflies don't talk loudly into the trumpet sorry wise old elf now please stay quiet ah interesting is it a butterfly no i can hear weather what sort of weather it him if there's a chance of sun or rain with clear skies or clouds is it going to snow i can say it certainly might but then again it might not oh i know let's ask nanny plum if it's going to snow why ask nanny plum nanny can tell the future ha this i must see i certainly can can you tell if it's going to snow today yes i'll use my special snow forecasting globe oh i see you gaze into the crystal ball and it tells our fortune i suppose no you just shake it like this there we are it'll snow today stop stop stop how on earth can that thing predict the weather it's never been wrong what if you shook it in the summer well you don't shake it in the summer nanny is this ghastly weather you're doing oh stop fussing it'll get better in a moment it can't get any worse ah oh the mill's going crazy it's making too much power run run run for your relay [Applause] look how fast the sails are going too fast the mill is out of control it's filling up with flour isn't that what it's supposed to do we have to slow the mill down oh all right i'll just do some more magic to stop the wind no thank you nanny alum we've had quite enough of fairy magic now it's time for some elf skill what's your plan why is old elf we simply lasso the sails and stop the windmill take hold of this rope elves are you sure this is a good idea we know what we're doing stand back everyone he's got it great well done wise old elf told you it would work i hope they're okay [Applause] they don't look very happy elves are never happy maybe you could stop the spell now nanny plum mummy bird must give it food i haven't got any food what do birds eat worms and insects uh gaston is an insect gaston maybe you should stand back a bit we need to find some worms how with worm charming like this the worms think it is raining and come up to breathe [Music] look a worm [Music] it got away oh come on everyone try again there's another one [Music] i give up they're too hard to catch the baby bird is very hungry we really need to find its mummy usually the mummy bird comes when her baby calls but it's not chirping loud enough nanny do a spell to make the chick chirp louder of course zig zag zig make it big oh no nanny i think you've got the spell wrong the cheek is getting bigger i haven't got the spell wrong i made it bigger to make it louder [Music] don't worry the spell won't last long how long nanny plum uh it could last a minute or a week or [Music] no no sheep give us wool what did the sheep say um the sheep said but what does that mean sheep are really very stupid indeed but rex is very clever who's rex rex likes you charmed i'm sure rex is a sheep dog watch this rex is rounding up the sheep and taking them safely into their pen wow gaston wants to have a go you're too little to round up sheep gaston whoa what's that sound it's gone all dark it's bessie and who is bessie this is a [Music] she likes you [Music] now children what does the cow give us a big lick yes and what else milk well done but she hasn't brought any with her she has what's me it's okay betty i'll be very gentle [Music] and there you have it that's where milk comes from a cow another interesting thing about cows is they always sit down when it's going to rain oh naddy plum that's just a silly fairy tale it's true if there's a problem what do we say and what are we [Applause] baby the elves are here what's the emergency it's the twins is that you mrs elf where are you uh up here mr elf goodness me mrs elf i thought you were invisible [Music] oh no the twins have made all the elves invisible who's going to help us now [Music] hmm it's very quiet in the castle i hope everything's all right hello my little ones mommy mommy my goodness you look tired have you been playing with holly ben and daddy all day yes mommy uh where is daddy glad you're home darling have you had a nice day why are you so tiny daisy and poppy have been a bit naughty they've made us little i see and where is nanny plum ah she's been turned into that doll press her tummy baby plum he's lots of fun change my nappy please i see my mum tried to help but that didn't work out too well either and where is your mum up here your majesty oh i'm afraid the twins have done something to all the other elves too what other elves where are they [Applause] right and all this is daisy and poppy's doing yes okay a wise old elf shall wave the wand me but i'm not a fairy i don't do magic exactly the perfect person oh i don't think so no it wouldn't be right nonsense we just need a bit of fairy dust you are now magical my body is all tingly i don't like it don't worry you won't be magical for very long just wave the wand and say jelly jelly but not a lot uh jelly jelly but not a lot oh it worked can i turn nanny plum into a frog i'd like to see you try i say this is fun what happened what are you doing having fun magic is not meant to be fun what would happen if i asked for a lot of jelly try it and see jelly jelly jelly and lots of it no stop we don't want a jelly black it wasn't me it was him that's ridiculous elves don't do magic actually your majesty it was the wise old elf even old figgy telling tales now it's true the wise old elf did it oh dear i believe i did do the spell fancy that the wise old elf doing magic you have been naughty yes and it just goes to show that magic always leads to trouble happy no magic day mr elf um wise old elf we're having a bit of a problem at the toy factory oh then i'd better take a look that's strange the escalator isn't working yes wise old elf nothing is working the whole factory has stopped but the elf factory never stops oh it's stopped we cannot make any toys but i don't understand why has everything stopped i think you should take a look at this the elf engine has broken down ah the elf engine of course what can we do um well let's not worry about it not worry but there are toys to be made oh never mind we'll just have a day off yes in honor of no magic day we can all have a holiday there's no time for holidays we have a big order of toys for an important customer well the customer can wait uh you better tell him yourself hello it's father christmas here oh mr christmas ah wise old elf how are the toys coming along i need them today uh yes your christmas no problem how on earth are we going to get the toys made we'll just fix the elf engine i'm afraid we can't why can't we elves can't fix anything and where else there is no way that engine is going to work today maybe it's just run out of fuel yes it has so we'll just get some more fuel what does it run on steam or gas no the engine is powered by a very dangerous fuel nice bees just borrowing a bit of honey um i'm a bee buzz buzz [Music] mission accomplished calm safe and sensible what are those bees doing nanny they seem to be following him ah bee swarm get me out of here look there's loads more of them why are they following him maybe they think he's the queen bee ah faster hold on we're almost at the little castle thank goodness the windows open hmm bit of a draft in here let's close the window yeah goodness me wise old elf what are you ah my jar of honey what an amazing delivery service you're even dressed as a bee [Music] yes let me in what are you playing at what's going on bees bees ah yes i used to be frightened of bees too but it turns out they're quite useful shush who switched the lights out [Music] follow me quietly your majesty where are we going [Music] wise old elf there better be a good reason for this or good grief what are those bees doing ah the bees have decided that the little castle is their new home your majesty what but looking on the bright side you can have all the honey you can eat why have they all come here they followed me because they think i'm the queen bee will you have a fairy cake well all right i'm flying put me down oh well if you insist magic always leads to trouble but you used to love magic that was a long time ago thank goodness none of you could see me then oh i think i've got some old pictures somewhere [Applause] [Music] why model did you like magic in those days i wasn't the wise old elf i was a foolish younger we had such fun you simply adored magic yes but that was before the incident of the monkey kittens oh the monkey kittens what happened i think i've got a picture of that too no oh well another time now for the party games we still have to finish hide and seek from last time we never found grandpapa he's been hiding for a year hiding for a whole year yes he does take the game very seriously we'll find him leave it to us where are you what's that it's a shoe tree wow grandpa thistle grandpa oh [Music] bless me it's the twins you found me at last grandpapa and holly my dear did i win the game hello dad have you really been hiding there all year if a game's worth playing it's worth playing right hello i can hear voices whoa that was loud we'd better tell the grown-ups why's old elf there are noises in the mine the mine what mine the old dwarf mine you're not supposed to be in there it's dangerous we weren't in there we just heard a big bang yes and the ground shark like that oh no the dwarves have woken up woken up yes deep inside the mine the dwarves have been sleeping they sleep for years and years then when they wake up they start to dig what are they digging for precious jewels gold diamonds gemstones but digging for things doesn't make a big bang noise it does when the dwarves do it they carry out big explosions underground and then dig through the mess they just dig and dig and dig and dig and dig yes yes mrs elf they keep digging until they are so tired they fall asleep again they sleep and sleep and sleep dwarves look like they're big bigger than us yes dwarves are huge this is a worrying time the whole of the little kingdom might get dug up holes everywhere what are we gonna do just hope hope they dig in the other direction hope they don't come anywhere near us morning oh just letting you know there'll be some digging work in this area oh no we apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused to your journey journey what journey we're not going anywhere no i would if i were you look at this hole someone could fall in hmm i think we need to talk to king thistle [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 6,598,317
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 47sec (3827 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2019
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