Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Ben's Birthday Card - Compilation - HD Cartoons for Kids

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somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very to day's adventure starts at the great tree [Music] here's your card call a space rocket and here's your present Wow a spaceman file we made it ourselves thanks mum thanks dad and later all your friends will be coming to your birthday party who who could that be hi ban hi Holly you're a bit early for my party Oh party have you brought me a birthday card Oh birthday cards Holly you haven't forgotten my birthday have you oh happy birthday Ben thanks ollie I've just got to pop back home for something Oh see you later [Music] milk sugar flour and egg good let's do some bacon oh don't worry my little one he'll live another birthday next year no no it's really important I have to do something for this birthday Ben is my best friend no I've got to make a birthday card really quickly but I don't know where to start what you need is there looking magic to get you going ahem milk flour egg and sugar paint brushes card now I've got a very nice spell for making birthday cards it goes hocus-pocus please as long no oh I better go and see what Kingfisher wants nanny plum yes your majesty this chair is a bit hard can you do a magic spell to make me more comfortable Oh King thistle you lazy thing you could do magic spell yourself but my wand is over there oh okay - lumpy dumpy making this all nice and comfy ah that's better and some music please Oh from the now feminine music please read by ole in ah lovely thank you you can go now Danny come oh now why are we you just said hocus-pocus plinky Blanc oh yes a pony hocus-pocus blinky daddy Oh bother anyone now yes yes coming Oh this card will never get made I'll just have to do the magic myself know what was many spell hmm oh yes Tigers Tigers please do plunk how about a birthday card [Music] brushes you nazi paintbrushes I'll do a stronger spell to make you go faster [Music] [Music] there's your tea your majesty yes thank you you stopped it yes but I've had to stop all the fairy magic in the castle what happened to the magic him there was a little problem in the kitchen and I've had to stop all the fairy magic in the castle for one day your Majesties sorry oh the weather Little Kingdom today will be bright and sunny everywhere hang on if you've stopped all the magic in the castle why is the TV still working uh the TV's not magic isn't it really if there's no magic today how can I make then a birthday card well you could make the card by hand really could I and I can help you ah nanny plum I think you will be busy cleaning up the kitchen that would take but a moment with my fairy magic wand but there isn't any magic you've stopped all the magic for one day oh yes [Music] see this will be fun hmm this will be fun too I think I'll start with a picture of Ben really yes it's amazing what can be done without using magic yes nanny plum it is now quit will you be late for Ben's birthday party [Music] Ben's going to love his birthday card [Music] hi olli happy birthday Ben come I've made you hard thanks ollie Ben's had lots of lovely cards today I made my cards but magic well I made my card with a computer oh I thought ride from a shop that's nice Holly can I have your card now please ah it isn't very good I didn't use magic or a computer or buy it from a shop I made it myself you mean you didn't just use mug checked Wow it's fantastic actually Ben I did forget your birthday yes I know you always forget my birthday do i yes but it doesn't matter you're still my best friend [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very [Music] [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] but rich had eaten too much cake and fallen asleep so the fairy tiptoed past the sleeping cat waved her wand abra-cadoodle abra kada unfreeze the children and set them all free and in a flash the witch's spell was undone as the Sun came up and the stars went away all of the children found themselves safely back in their beds the end mummy why did the witch freeze all the children oh I don't know maybe the witch didn't like the noise the children made and just happened to know a spell for freezing them yes Thank You nanny plum not eating for a year in a day must have made the children very hungry no the witch had frozen them solid like frozen peas now frozen peas don't get hungry do they no Queen thistle where do the stars go in the daytime I'm sorry bet you said the Sun came up and the stars went away but where did the stars go ah well let's see what the book says hmm it doesn't say where the stars went nanny plum do you know where the stars go in the daytime Oh No ah perhaps we should ask King thistle he knows how the world works yes of course Halle what is it can you tell us where the stars go in the daytime what where do the stars go when the Sun comes up well they go yes they go I'm actually rather busy at the moment Halle our storybook said the stars went away but it didn't say where they went oh I see well there are plenty of books in the royal library one of them might have the answer good idea Queen thistle come on everyone Wow it's very untidy in here that's because these are magic rules you are very naughty bugs flying about and fidgeting don't sort selves out ABC neatly please how do we find what we're looking for these are magic books you just ask them excuse me books where do stars go in the daytime do you have anything about stars at all whoo look at all the fancy writing what does it say has it got the answer it says little star we asked you to make our wishes all come true oh it's just a spell for wishing on a star oh oh I think these magic books are only for making spells not for answering questions why don't you know the answer I'm nanny plum not an astrophysicist astrophysicist what's that oh it's just someone who knows a lot about stars and space and things elves know a lot about things we can ask my mom and dad are your mom and dad astrophysicists uh maybe let's go and see my goodness mom dad are you astrophysicists no no huh nobody knows the answer maybe we could ask the wise old elf yes he's wise he's old [Music] this is the wise old health study way he thinks about things and is wise stuff [Music] good afternoon everybody how can I help you wise old elf we have a question the answer wasn't in our storybook it's an elf question not really a fairy matter so we thought as you are the wise old elf yes of course ask me any question anything at all ask me another question no our on sport perhaps you're not really wise are you it's just old so old elf you don't know the answer no but I do know where to find it well follow me [Music] what are they searching for answers made me a bit tired we can take the lift [Music] mind the doors peace [Music] we are going to the great elf library to read it's elf library indeed it's probably just a dusty old cupboard this is a library we must be quiet there are so many books here how do you stop them flying about and fidgeting these are not magic books your majesty oh well how do you ever find what you are looking for then we ask the wise old librarian so where is this wise old librarian can I help you are you the librarian yes yes the answer is in the astrophysics section second row reference 520 point three four this way what books did you will keep my story and we looked in magic spell books well there are different books for different things there are books with stories in and books about how things work Wow there are books about music books about animal Oh chickens that's interesting books about vegetables oh yes I like vegetables especially Peas you can find out le answer if you look in the right book here we are a book on stars is this going to have the answer let's see is everybody comfortable yes Queens is low on clear nights we can see the stars twinkling in the sky the light we see from each star is tiny the tiniest little spot of light we can only see it because the sky is so dark black the night Sky's pure blackness yes it is Holly but when the morning comes and the Sun rises the sky gets brighter and the stars disappear but mommy where do the stars go they don't go anywhere what they're still shining in the sky we just can't see them anymore because the sky is so bright it's obvious I knew that and when the Sun Goes Down and described it's darker we can see the stars again when the Sun goes of course daddy where does the Sun go well it ah wise old elf these books should answer that question your majesty roof this is a library we must be quiet [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben Ali [Music] then and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts the middle can you speak your language um not really it sounds like he's saying 13 huh hello Betty we're playing with our friends Gaston the ladybird opera and Bobby beans what do you like to play too that must mean yes um let's play racing fastest across the meadow is the winner can we fly no flying and no magic okay Ready Steady [Music] Wow [Music] Wow well done Betty how about Gaston showing us some tricks good ID then we consistent watch ribbit [Music] I think she feels a bit left out I know oh good go on then then don't be sad Betty flying isn't everything elves can't fly and I am and maybe I can you do that [Music] I could do another step no no I've got a better idea [Music] [Music] hello Holly what on earth is going on I see what were you doing to that poor creature you were just trying to help her Betty sad that she can't fly I see well you needn't worry should be flying soon enough on her own how well because she's one of those insect things I can't a pillar thank you Ben yes a caterpillar and they change don't they do you why of course they do so you've nothing to worry about right if you want to help you can find her some leaves to eat so if we want to help her fly we have to find more knees exactly she needs to eat lots of lots of leaves why you'll see first gather up the leaves okay let's see you could get the most leaves okay you're on [Music] yes he's a tiny bit fat there's no way she will ever fly that's better she's a good weight now ah daddy how can this help Becky fly oh you'll see and that's my dad see you tomorrow see you tomorrow good night Betty [Music] daddy told us to feed Betty but now she's so big she'll never fly daddy must be wrong Holley daddy's never wrong he's a king and he's very uh wise that's how our Betty fly wait and see good night Holly good night mummy [Music] but how will Betty caterpillar fly well she won't exactly be a caterpillar anymore ah I don't get it you will tomorrow good night Ben good night that [Music] hi hi olli Oh where's Betty um I don't know but look at that huh what is it don't know but it wasn't here yesterday hi hi violet hi strawberry yeah what's that we don't know it's a cocoon caterpillars make them so it's Betty caterpillar inside yes but once she comes out she won't be a caterpillar anymore what will she be um maybe a frog a frog or maybe a birds I see Betty caterpillar is going to turn into a bird then she'll fly ah a cocoon yes Daddy better caterpillars inside it and when she comes out she'll be able to fly because she'll be a bird actually caterpillars don't normally change into birds do they change into frogs not frogs either but what will she she looks the same wow she's a butterfly [Music] I can't fly a Ben I thought elves were rather good at using lady birds to fly that's right elves couldn't fly on lady birds and I'm an elf [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very [Music] [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle children your mother and I are going away for the day on Royal business which means you will be at home alone with nanny plum hmm everything will be fine your Majesties so no funny business I don't want to come home to find the Kingdom covered in frogs or jelly or anything because while we're away you represent King and Queen thistle does that mean I can be queen well I suppose it does just for today magic car drive on [Music] hi hmm I like the sound of that oh hello Ben hello nanny plum can Ollie come out to play I'm afraid Holly's much too busy to play today she has a kingdom to run [Music] what mommy and daddy have gone on a trip today I left me in charge of the whole kingdom Wow so I'm clean Holly hello hello nanny plum I've come to collect Ben elf it's time for school okay Oh Johnny send the wise old elf up I'll sort this out very well your majesty [Music] enter hello princess Holly I'm not princess Holly I am Queen Holly today I've got no time for these fun and games I've come to collect Ben for school oh wait Ben mummy and daddy are way today so I am in charge of the whole kingdom is this true nanny plum I'm afraid so I have just decided that Ben does not have to go to school today it's the law well this is most unusual in fact there'll be no school for anyone today no school for anyone yes it's the all because I am queen hi as you wish Queen Polly yeah the children will be most upset when they hear the news children I'm afraid Queen Holley has informed me there will be no school today even the wise old Oh [Music] No but what shall we do all day games yes [Music] [Applause] right mr. L next on the list a delivery of food for the little castle right ho mrs. elf gosh water busy day yes like being busy is this true wise old elf it I'm afraid so but I've got an urgent delivery of food for the little castle I suggest you come back tomorrow [Applause] [Music] everyone holiday Queen Holly if you would allow the elves back to work we could make everyone lunch now what do you eat on holiday ice cream yes that's it yes ice cream Oh your scream is easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] well soon be home yes and it's good to see that the kingdom isn't flooded with frogs or jelly or anything yes Bali must be behaving herself [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I did try to stop him Manny but he got worse well thank goodness the king and queen aren't here to see all this mess [Music] it's the king and queen it's very nice of you all to welcome us home like this may I be the first to say how pleased we are to see you back again your Majesties while you were away yes yes I'm a bit tired so if you'll excuse me I stopped uh maybe you should go for a little walk your majesty I've just got a bit of tidying up to do inside Thank You nanny plum but all I want to do now is have a nice bar [Music] ah ice cream I'm sorry daddy it's all my fault I tried to be a good cream and make everybody happy there's a lot harder than you thing yes Holly I know it is especially with elves elves are never happy and we are happy when we are busy elves like being busy in that case I command you to go back to work at once and your first job will be to clean up all this ice cream thank you your majesty three cheers for Kings thistle and Queen Holly [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben Ali [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] one day time for Ben to go home no Holly it's your bedtime is it your bedtime - nanny plum goodness me no I have to work all night you have to work all night I'm a tooth fairy yes when a child loses a baby tooth they put it under the pillow before going to sleep then I take it away and leave a coin in its place Wow when your tooth falls out for whom do I have to collect a little girl's tooth tonight can we come with you nanny hmm only if you're very quiet we mustn't wake the little girl up we can be quiet can't we be hell very good at being quiet and I'm an elf hush dear me this is why there are no mm Li tooth fairies it's very late to be making so much noise shouldn't you be getting home Ben we want to see nanny be the Tooth Fairy but you've got school tomorrow Holly it's the school holidays but it's very dark outside princess Holly could do with some night flying practice but being a tooth fairy can be very dangerous work we'll be very careful but please can we go okay as long as you stay close to nanny [Music] when there are lots of things you need to be careful of when you're flying at night like cobwebs for instance good evening madam spider sorry for damaging your web but the young is very experienced at night flying [Music] well done Holly you found a little girl's house and that's the little girl she doesn't look very little Wow look at that big girl shush she's also got big ears to hear us with so be very quiet follow me [Music] beat your wings as I said we must be very careful this is the tricky bit I have to get the tooth from under the pillow without waking the little girl [Music] gently pillow oh wow very tease right stock one two three four oh thanks Ben that's what I call a big baby tooth what about the coin nanny here it is no no what's wrong yeah the little girls witness a letter what a nuisance I love getting letters but the children always want to reply now we'll have to come back again can I read it dude tooth fairy what is it like to live in fairy land fairy land that makes it sound like some silly make-believe place did she ask about elves no then maybe there wasn't enough room on paper but she does say love for Lucy that's a lovely name Josh remember princess Holly we mustn't wake her nanny what happens to the cheese now we'll give it to the old they take care of the rest this way [Music] hopefully that we no one there then we can just leave our tooth and go good evening and I help you hello tooth delivery have you filled in your tooth report yes there appear to be some details missing where was the tooth found under the pillow under the pillow dear me you haven't even put the little girl's name we know that her name is Lucy Lucy and she's written a letter ah a letter they'll have to be a reply before morning it's very nice in the Mitchell Kingdom there are lots of fairies and ok band and there are lots of elves - enough princess Holly and burnell's and then he'll kiss kiss kiss now we've got to take you back we'll have to be quick it's all those morning [Music] someone's coming eyes under the bed that must be Lucy's mummy the window shut how will we get out this is elf WA elves are good opening windows and I'm an L stop them you're right Lucy sorry hmm I think we don't need more than one L I'll ring for more elves Oh where can I get a signal on my phone [Music] you're not supposed to see us who are you I'm Holly I'm a fairy princess a real fairy princess with wings under one and everything yes and this is Ben he's an elf hi Holly hi Ben oh I wrote you a letter thank you oh it's so little it's a terrible signal wise old elf nanny plum don't you know what time it is I didn't call to I'll see the time we're in a big house and the windows closed I need some elves to rescue us I see how many else do you need all of them we came in through the window but now it's shot thanks Lucy it was nice meeting you Lucy but we weren't host awake here it's okay I'll pretend to be asleep bye-bye hmm I see you wait the little girl up we didn't mean to me oh it's okay they always wake up now where's this window that needs opening you just came through it that's an open window yes we've done it ourselves does it need you anymore sorry sorry you just dragged every elf in the kingdom from their beds shush can you be quiet of course I can elves are very good at being quiet this is why elves can't be tooth fairies you're too noisy you're out Lucy we heard a noise it's okay she's asleep [Music] can we have a lift a little bit too tired to fly aboard [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very I'm Ben [Music] [Music] then and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] nanny plum I'd like some bread with my egg please I'm sorry your majesty we haven't any bread this morning no bread then please magic some up I can't magic up bread without flour and we've run out of flour we'll can't be order more flour from the elves I have but as usual the elf truck is late [Music] [Applause] [Music] hi food delivery I love my staff King thistle is waiting for his breakfast well today we've got mushrooms tomatoes baked beans and of course eggs that should make a splendid Kings breakfast yes yes Thank You mr. elf but the only thing I need today is flour flour yes flour for making breads the king wants bread no problem we'll pick up a bag of flour from the elf windmill Thank You mr. elf let's see we should be able to deliver it next week next week but I need flour today ah you know what they say you can't rush the elf windmill hmm maybe I should visit this elf windmill of course nanny plum we can take you if you like the windmill sounds fun can I come too of course hop aboard princess Holly [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] hello Ben hello Holly ah nanny plum hi can I have a bag of flour please certainly we should have a bag of flour ready in a week but I need it now oh you know what they say you can't rush the elf windmill why not oh don't you know how a windmill makes flour of course I do why is our down can you show us how it makes flour of course I can follow me [Music] now can anyone tell me what this is it's a house no new what is the elf holding its weight very good Ben and who knows what we do with wheat at the elf windmill I know we take the weight and one moment Ben let's give the fairies a chance to tell us no no no we use the weeds to make the flour first we put the wheat in this funnel the funnel separates out the paths we need come and see this way everyone we haven't finished yet princess Holly look the wind turns the sales the sales turned the cogs and the coldest turned grindstone the grindstone crashes the graves of wheat and out comes top-quality elfin flower it's very slow that's why it takes a week to make a bag of flour why can't it get faster the mill goes at the speed of the wind so if we could make the winds go faster the mill would go faster - oh yes but we can't make the wind go faster okay oh now I'm not sure you should use magic oh stop fussing I'm always very careful when it comes to weather spell nanny can I do the spell - no princess Holly you're much too young for dangerous weather spells but you can watch me and see how it's done low winds do your stuff with all your might ah what did I tell you well the windmills going faster and faster you see wise old oh I know what I'm doing that sounded like thunder did you do that Manny me no I didn't magic up thunder just wind oh wow wind storm hurricane sometimes it's hard to tell the difference we're making so much lower we're run another sack nanny paid-up is this ghastly weather your dude oh stop fussing it'll get back to in a moment it can't get any worse the Middle's going crazy that's making too much power [Applause] too fast the mill is out of control it's filling up with flour even not what it's supposed to do we have to slow the bill down oh all right I'll just do some more magic to stop the wind no thank you nan if alum we've had quite enough of fairy magic now it's time for some Elvis ill what's your plan boys old elf we simply lassu the sails and stop the windmill take hold of this rope else are you sure this is a good idea do you know what we're doing stand back everyone he's got it well done wise Oh down told you it would work whoa I hope they're okay [Applause] they don't know very happy elves are never happy maybe you can stop the spell now then if love What did he say stop the wind oh okay wise old elf are you all right of course I'm all right I'm an elf I'll just get my bag of flour nanny plum I strongly advise you not to open that door oh stop fussing hi dad hi burn ah mr. elf could you deliver one bag of flour Fernan aplomb she could have a whole truckload I'll take it there right away oh thank you that would be most kind [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 5,497,791
Rating: 4.0838718 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: 7vHhsG1pWqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 15sec (3855 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 11 2018
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