Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Full Episodes 💎 The Dwarf Mine 💎 HD Cartoons for Kids

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today's adventure starts at the meadow the dwarf mine catch barnaby to you strawberry to you holly whoa what was that i don't know it was coming from the old dwarf mine but isn't the dwarf mine empty yes i think so i can hear voices whoa that was loud we'd better tell the grown-ups why's old elf there are noises in the mine the mine what mine the old dwarf mine you're not supposed to be in there it's dangerous we weren't in there we just heard a big bang yes and the ground shark like that oh no the dwarves have woken up woken up yes deep inside the mine the dwarves have been sleeping they sleep for years and years then when they wake up they start to dig what are they digging for precious jewels gold diamonds gemstones but digging for things doesn't make a big bang noise it does when the dwarves do it they carry out big explosions underground and then dig through the mess they just dig and dig and dig and dig and dig yes yes mrs elf they keep digging until they are so tired they fall asleep again they sleep and sleep and sleep dwarves look like they're big bigger than us yes dwarves are huge this is a worrying time the whole of the little kingdom might get dug up holes everywhere what are we gonna do just hope hope they dig in the other direction hope they don't come anywhere near us morning oh just letting you know there'll be some digging work in this area oh no we apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused to your journey journey what journey we're not going anywhere no i would if i were you look at this hole someone could fall in hmm i think we need to talk to king thistle the wise old elf to see you your majesty hmm dwarves your majesty dwarfs they're back no i'm afraid so we haven't had a dwarf infestation for years but now they've woken up i see well they live underground mostly maybe they won't bother us but they've already dug a hole by the elf tree it's only one hole maybe you can turn it into a pond or something your majesty you don't understand this is just the start the dwarfs will dig up all of the little kingdom wise old elf you worry too much it will be fine goodness gracious i say do you mind what's that mate you've made a great big hole in my courtyard napal don't get upset upset my castle is falling over yeah you want to get that fixed now listen here i'm the king oh a complaint is it you'd better talk to the boss right i will hello i want to speak to the boss is he hang on a minute boy lads just pop down a second okay right you were saying i want to speak to the boss i'm the boss do you have an appointment he doesn't need one he's the king a king doesn't make appointments not even at the hairdressers uh daddy doesn't have any hair he's bald well that's not our fault look we want to complain about the noise what noise the noise from the mine oh i can't hear anything that noise now look i'm the king and i'm commanding you to stop all the digging yeah the thing is though you're only king above the ground just to the top soil below that i'm the boss but we can't stop digging anyway that's what we do we won't stop until we found gold and diamonds and gems i've got an idea nanny plum can magic you up some golden diamonds and gems good thinking holly there we go problem solved now kindly stop digging but i can magic up that stuff eh where's the funny that you have to dig for it now if you don't mind some of us have work to do come on lads let's get digging well that could have gotten better let's go away and come up with another plan so if no one wants this treasure can i have it yes yes take it silence please everyone now we are gathered here to discuss the dwarf problem they're making loud bangs they're digging holes everywhere they've dug up my carrots yes yes we all know how annoying they can be can't you magic them away no fairy magic doesn't work on dwarfs i know how to get rid of the dwarves we take all this treasure oh sneak into the mine and bury the treasure deep down oh and then the dwarves will dig it up and they'll be happy and stop digging correct excellent plan all right nanny plums in charge off you go but it's my plan okay you can both be in charge thank you your majesty but i'm in charge really we need to bury the treasure deep down in the mind but how do we get inside the train clever ben wait for me here we come wow how deep is the mind deep very deep hold tight everyone [Music] wow [Music] [Music] dig dig how can we hide the treasure with all the dwarves around i know i'm good at voices this is the dwarf boss come on lives let's go go go that's brilliant now watch this all right boys tea break take break okay boss well done nanny plum no probs right let's hide this treasure quickly now dwarves never stop digging for long [Music] here they come [Music] i found gold there we go diamonds there's diamonds here have we found treasure yes and lots of it well done lads keep digging eh what do you mean keep digging in case there's more treasure of course we always do twice as hard when we find treasure oh no what are you doing here anyway this is the dwarf only area we put the treasure there for you to find what we thought you'd stop digging we thought you'd be happy why how thoughtful of you and we thought you'd stop making that racket well i suppose all the noise could be a bit upsetting yes yes it is and that's why we apologize in advance come on lads let's get digging but all this digging has made me quite tired me too boss [Music] [Applause] i think they're going to sleep yes they've tired themselves out night night boss night night lads good now they'll sleep for years they'll sleep and sleep and sleep and sleep and then they'll wake up and start digging all over again yes they'll dig and take and take and take today's adventure starts at the little castle plumbing ah can someone fix this tap what's wrong daddy i just want to have a bath and the tap is dripping cold water on my toes that tap's been dripping for ages shall i just fix it with magic no nanny plum the last time you fixed a tap with magic you flooded the whole kingdom oh yes so i did you need a plumber good idea ben let's call the elf plumber hello is that the elf plumber we've got a dripping tap ah taps can be tricky i'll be right over okay thanks he'll be right over the elf plumber is here your majesty that was quick good day but that's just the wise old elf i'll have you know i'm not just the wise old elf i'm also a fully qualified plumber oh good can you fix our tap yes this is bad who put this tap in for you you did ah very good workmanship you haven't been turning it on and off have you a bit yes when we use the bath ah well that's the trouble then i was going to fix it with magic no you must never mix magic and plumbing well can you mend it yes watch a master plumber at work and that is how you fix a tap amazing oh dear can't you just kick it again a nice idea your majesty but i didn't take three years of plumbing school to just kick things that pipe will have to come out the whole pipe i'm afraid so it'll need digging out fine do whatever it takes just get it fixed um this might be a good time to get out of the bath your majesty oh righto everyone stand clear hello darling sister how are you it's my sister queen marigold oh no great news we've just had our castle rebuilt and we want you to come and see it you want us to go and see their rebuilt castle oh no a visit to the snooty marigolds do we have to go i'll handle this king thistle speaking i hear you've had your castle rebuilt oh it's very modern all open planned out you know lots of space and air not like your stuffy own castle well someone's doing up our castle too he's very good [Music] they're having the little castle done up ew we simply must go and see we'll be right over darlings toodle pip there's good news and bad news what's the good news actually it's just bad news the matter girls are coming here oh no it gets worse i told them someone was doing up the castle for us oh yes who's that then you oh it's always the same with the marigolds they're just coming over to laugh at us oh well i'm sure the wise old elf can do something to make our castle a bit better yes i've got a few ideas already we can put in plastic windows and add a few garden gnomes no no no it needs to be super modern i can do super modern concrete glass even taps that don't drip that's more like it give me a yeah and i'll turn this castle into a palace but the marigolds are coming today oh and they're expecting a modern open-plan castle don't worry queen thistle i can rebuild your castle and we can help yes darling why don't you go out for a nice walk and leave it with us why do i have to go away well it's like one of those shows you see on the telly where you go away and they do your house up in a day and when you come back it's lovely oh i see that sounds nice bye bye when you come back you won't recognize the place right what's the plan it's a big job can we get it done by tonight maybe if we budget what does budget mean it's just a term we use in the building trade oh right this wall has got to come out for a start i suppose you know what you're doing don't worry i always get the building inspector to check my work who's the building inspector me but how can you inspect your own work oh i'm very strict hmm let me see now having some work done are you uh yes dear oh dear who did this for you you did it's very bad work very very bad work you see when i'm the building inspector i'm very strict yes you said your own work was rubbish which means it will all have to be redone this is going to be a much bigger job than i thought calling all elves i'll be needing the elf truck the elf digger and the elf crane [Music] hello wise old elf what's the job we need to take all this away all what all of the castle really yes we're going to rebuild it from scratch right or come on lads let's get cracking goodness what a lot of noise take it away after doing your majesty ah yes um carry on that's everything lads off you go [Applause] daddy they've taken the whole castle away this is a disaster oh no it's mommy can i take a look now uh only if you close your eyes oh this is fun just like those shows on the telly can i open my eyes now i wouldn't tell me when i can uh in about a month where's our home gone uh well what do you think the marigolds will say when they see this they'll laugh and laugh and laugh [Laughter] oh no and marigolds are here [Music] hello darling sister oh my word oh i say it isn't quite how we expected it to be i don't know what to say it's uh not finished yet it's incredible amazing we went for high ceilings you went for no ceilings at all and look at the toilet yes completely open plan it's so adventurous well it was all mostly my idea king fiscally old boy you're a born architect have you considered teaching architecture oh i don't know we must do this with our castle come on darling no time to lose sorry we can't stay fire bye well that wasn't so bad was it only because the marigolds are completely bonkers i want my home back nanny magic the castle back please okay but it'll have to be a very big spell thunder and lightning blow wind blow back as it works wait ah that's better my home is back it's just how it was before it's better than it was before how all that magic i used has also fixed the tap oh well done danny i have to say i'm impressed not one drip let's turn it on there's a fountain coming out of the toilet there's a waterfall coming out of the sink and rain coming out of the ceiling oh dear maybe i shouldn't have done such a big spell like i said you must never mix magic and plumbing today's adventure starts at mrs witch's house mrs witch's spring clean [Music] mrs witch are you in oh hello nanny plum what are you doing here i'm here to spring clean your cottage and these are my helpers ben and holly hello mrs witch right spring clean time oh goodness me what a mess yes i'm a terrible one for keeping things i just can't throw anything away never mind i'll throw things away for you yes the problem is everything in here is magical and dangerous so someone has to look after it what even this dishcloth that's a little magic carpet from a magic doll's house well where is this doll's house huh i'm not sure so you don't need it then do you what about this old mirror that's my magic mirror hmm what's this that's my magic lamp there's a genie in it you know of course there is oh dear i'm not sure i want to spring clean what's this horrid stuff my slug jam slug jam we'll get rid of that for you good job done uh thanks you're really very kind nanny plum are these things really magical no it's just a load of old junk now we've got to get rid of it all starting with the slug jam slug jam oh disgusting nobody would want to eat that i know i'll put it safely at the back of the cupboard where no one can find it i wonder if mommy would like this mirror my mom might like this pretty lamp and maybe someone would want the old carpet it'd have to be someone with very bad taste that's a nice carpet mrs witch is throwing it away oh it's not magical is it no nanny plum said it's just junk do you want it yes i would like it thank you [Music] ah very nice very cozy beautiful blue sea and golden sand it's a tropical paradise a tropical paradise i wish i was there ah it is a magic garbage [Music] now listen here you naughty magic carpet take me back at once hello daddy i've got a present for mummy oh where is mummy she's been locked in the bathroom for ages getting ready to go out and i'm hungry here i am you look lovely mommy i've got something for you oh thank you my dear it's a magic mirror mrs witch didn't want it anymore so what does the magic mirror do i tell the truth oh how exciting mirror mirror on the wall who is the fairest of them all you are queen thistle oh how wonderful well you normally are the fairest of them all oh what do you mean well it's a bit of a bad hair day today isn't it oh dear now i'll have to start all over again [Laughter] what did you say that for just telling the truth your majesty now we'll be eating even later and i'm starving hello mom i've got a present for you mrs witch had a spring clean and she threw this out a lamp isn't it nice oh lovely very brassy i'll just give it a polish oh he's very manly i will grant you three wishes what should we wish for why don't you dance for us your wish is my command i wish for loud music very well [Music] i wish we had a big party with all of us dancing that is your third and final wish [Music] ah i can't stop huh neither can i no more dancing stop it now but you have used up your three wishes bye-bye oh no i don't want to dance forever let's go and see king thistle he can sort it out how are you doing in there darling i'm hungry i'm ready mommy you look super uh yes you look lovely right let's go eat i'll just ask the mirror what it thinks mirror mirror on the wall how does my hair look now honestly not good oh dear i don't know what to do let me help i am a magic mirror after all ah there you go sorted that's horrid change my hair back no it looks great king vessel do something nobody will notice your hair come on let's go to dinner no no i can't go out like this i'm going to get a snack now then what would be a lovely tasty snack ah why does nelly always put the best stuff at the back of the cupboard jam hell hell what on earth is that awful racket king thistle pink thistle i wish for a big party and now i can't stop dancing oh really it was a genie from the witch's old lamb please help us king thistle which is magic eh i can't help fairy magic doesn't work on witch's magic sorry and all that white old elf what are you doing up there this witch's carpet just flew me off to a tropical paradise well just keep the noise down there's a good fellow my hair my hair the mirror has made it even worse i don't think i can stand much more dancing how do i stop this thing well if you will all play around with witch's magic [Music] that's the most disgusting thing i've ever uh daddy where did you get that jam from the back of nanny's cupboard you've just eaten the witch's slug jam and it's a bit worse than that it's magic slug jam oh no what's gonna happen to me now um you might change into a slug this is outrageous magic mirrors flying carpets magic lamps slug jam mrs witch can jolly well take all this stuff back mrs witch mrs witch oh hello king thistle i see you tried my slug jam ah yes could you turn me back into myself please don't you like being a slug it's delightful i just feel a bit uh sticky oh very well ah that's better this is witch can you stop us dancing of course and can you magic my hair back to normal my pleasure and would you mind taking all this stuff back i don't want it what throwing out all those old things made me realize i needed a proper spring clean anyone want a magic sauce pen now what do we do all this stuff is too dangerous to just leave lying around hmm this is king's work gosh what have you done to your house what do you mean i really liked it how you had it before much more witchy oh this lamp would look really good here that's where i had it this slug jam would look nice here that's where it's always lived the carpet here and the mirror here just where i had them you really have got good taste mrs witch that's why you've got such a nice little house oh thank you you're a lovely man oh well you know i do my best goodbye mrs witch goodbye everyone thanks for all your help daddy did you really think that mrs witch's house was nicer with all that stuff in it no it was a big smelly mess why didn't you say so then there's a time for telling someone their house is a big smelly mess and a time for being just nice today's adventure starts at the little castle tooth fairy that's enough playing for one day it's time for ben to go home oh can we play a little bit longer no holly it's your bedtime is it your bedtime too nanny plum goodness me no i have to work all night you have to work all night i'm a tooth fairy you're a tooth fairy yes when a child loses a baby tooth they put it under the pillow before going to sleep then i take it away and leave a coin in its place wow when your tooth falls out for whom do you shout the tooth fairy ooh exciting i have to collect a little girl's tooth tonight can we come with you nanny only if you're very quiet we mustn't wake the little girl up we can be quiet can't we ben elves are very good at being quiet and i'm an elf shush dear me this is why there are no tooth elves only tooth fairies it's very late to be making so much noise shouldn't you be getting home ben we want to see nanny be the tooth fairy but you've got school tomorrow holly it's the school holidays but it's very dark outside princess holly could do with some night flying practice but being a tooth fairy can be very dangerous work we'll be very careful but please can we go okay as long as you stay close to nanny hooray [Music] why did mommy say being a tooth fairy was dangerous there are lots of things you need to be careful of when you're flying at night like what ah cobwebs for instance good evening madame spider sorry for damaging your web but the young elf isn't very experienced at night flying you bye thanks nanny plum nanny what else do we have to look out for oh windows where did that come from well done holly you found the little girl's house and that's the little girl she doesn't look very little wow look at that big girl shush she's also got big ears to hear us with so be very quiet follow me [Music] she's very pretty not too close princess holly oh her breath is pulling me in beats your wings as i said we must be very careful this is the tricky bit i have to get the tooth from under the pillow without waking the little girl [Music] gently pillow up up wow there it is [Music] it's stuck one two three four oh thanks ben that's what i call a big baby tooth what about the coin nanny here it is oh no what's wrong oh the little girl's written us a letter what a nuisance i love getting letters but the children always want to reply now we'll have to come back again can i read it dear tooth fairy what is it like to live in fairyland fairyland that makes it sound like some silly make-believe place did she ask about elves um no ben maybe there wasn't enough room on the paper but she does say love from lucy that's a lovely name shush remember princess holly we mustn't wake her [Music] nanny what happens to the tooth now we'll give it to the elves they take care of the rest this way hopefully there'll be no one there then we can just leave our tooth and go good evening can i help you oh hello tooth delivery have you filled in your tooth report yes there appear to be some details missing where was the tooth found under the pillow under the pillow dear me you haven't even put the little girl's name we know that her name is lucy lucy and she's written us a letter ah a letter there'll have to be a reply before morning oh i'll write it do you listen um it's very nice in the little kingdom there are lots of fairies and elves okay ben and there are lots of elves too love princess holly and bernal and ben elf kiss kiss kiss now we've got to take it back we'll have to be quick it's almost [Music] morning someone's coming hide under the bed that must be lucy's mummy oh no the window's shut how will we get out this is elf work elves are good at opening windows and i'm an elf stop ben you're right lucy sorry hmm i think we're going to need more than one elf i'll ring for more elves oh where can i get a signal on my phone don't stand too close ben ah oh what did nelly say oh yes beat your wings i don't have wings okay um snap your arms hello you're meant to be asleep you're not supposed to see us who are you uh i'm holly i'm a fairy princess a real fairy princess with wings underwand and everything yes and this is ben he's an elf hi holly hi ben oh i wrote you a letter thank you oh it's so little [Music] it's a terrible signal why is old elf nanny plum don't you know what time it is i didn't call to ask you the time we're in a big house and the window's closed i need some elves to rescue us i see how many elves do you need all of them we came in through the window but now it's shut there it's open thanks lucy it was nice meeting you lucy but we weren't supposed to wake you it's okay i'll pretend to be asleep bye bye hmm i see you wake the little girl up we didn't mean to nanny oh it's okay they always wake up to the rescue [Music] now where's this window that needs opening you just came through it but that's an open window yes we've done it ourselves we don't need you anymore sorry sorry you've just dragged every elf in the kingdom from their beds shush can you be quiet of course i can elves are very good at being quiet and we're elves this is why elves can't be tooth fairies you're too noisy all right lucy we heard a noise it's okay she's asleep you can come out now bye lucy see you again bye ben and holly um can we have a lift i'm a bit too tired to fly aboard [Music] that was fun when your tooth falls out whom do you shout the tooth fairy [Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow nanny's magic test keep up children we don't want to be late for your magic test nanny plum why do we have to take a magic test all fairies take a magic test it's how you get your magic license this is mine oh well eyes look like that no this is a grown-up license you'll be getting a children's license who gives us the magic test the elves do but elves don't like magic no but we do make the wands and ours do light tests good morning everyone have you come for your magic test yes mrs elf until the test is finished i am not mrs elf i am mrs examiner yes mrs examiner lift up these pebbles please move them forwards this is hard yes now backwards when i clap my hands stop [Music] excellent and finally one simple question magic must only be used for serious things or just for fun um is the answer magic must only be used for serious things correct you've all passed the magic test hooray and i'm mrs elf again you may now hug me well done everyone here are your licenses signed by me the chief examiner i knew they'd pass because i taught them that makes their success even more amazing thank you wise old elf perhaps we should have a little celebration oh yes can we have a party and what every party needs is magic jelly uh nanny i don't think that's such a magic jelly lots and lots what's a daisy used a bit too much magic there nanny palum do you even have a magic license of course i do oh dear it's expired what does that mean it means it's worthless can't i do magic then no it's against the law no grown-up fairy can do magic without a license what i'm taking away your wand you can't do that i just did it's an outrage the king will be very angry it's not funny you're right it's not funny nanny does not have a license she must not do magic yes yes wise old elf but maybe we can overlook it just this once as its nanny it's because it is nanny we shouldn't overlook it she's dangerous wise old elf i am your king and i must yes is your license up to date your majesty my license well i'm sure i mean i i i maybe i should take a look uh no need for that the wise old elf is right nanny plum rules are rules what so i can never do magic again of course you can uh can she she will have to go back to magic school first magic school yes mrs figgs magic school oh [Music] hello figgy my name is mrs figg you remember me don't you how could i forget in all my years of teaching i never had another pupil like you thank you i was her best pupil the wise old elf has taken away nanny plum's wand very sensible and he has sent her back to your magic school what yes i'm back you lucky old thing good luck nanny oh i'm the one that'll need the luck the first thing to know about magic is magic always leads to trouble so for our first lesson you will not have a real wand you will have this stick what does it do nothing oh why can't i have a real wand you need to learn how to use magic sensibly but i use magic for lots of sensible things like ironing the king's underpants or dusting the fridge or polishing the carpet miss plum i am the teacher if you want to pass your magic test i suggest you start listening to me let's see how you hold your wand no no no all wrong you're making magic not stirring soup is that better it'll do for the moment no a few questions come on we do a spell instead how do you stop a squirrel nesting on your roof uh turn them into a frog how do you get a mouse out of your kitchen uh turn them into a frog how do you rescue an elf who is stuck up a tree oh i know this one turn them into a frog is that your answer to everything nani plum turn them into a frog yes oh deary me this is going to be a long day how was your lesson today nanny really good i got a couple of things wrong at the start but i got better and better all day that's great i'm all ready for my test tomorrow ask me any question you like okay how do you stop a mole from digging up your lawn turn them into a frog uh no that's not the answer in the book are you sure maybe you're reading it wrong i don't think so oh i find the answer to most things is turn them into a frog nanny don't keep saying turn them into a frog that will never be the answer oh all right i'll try and remember that morning nanny plum have you come to take your magic test yes mrs elf until the test is finished i am not mrs elf i am mrs examiner right you are mrs alf i'll take this one yes mr chief examiner but that's not fair i thought i was gonna have mrs owl quiet please the test has begun here is your wand back oh nice to see you again lift this rock up in the air but it's really big i know can't i use a pebble the pebbles are for the children's test why can't i take the children's test because you're a grown-up or you're supposed to be oh all right [Music] now forwards please whose rock is that it belongs to the wise old elf just be careful okay reverse please ah what's happened to my castle the wise old elf told me to do it sorry your majesty now forwards again and when i clap my hands you must stop no problemo stop stop stop stop stop oh bring the rock back here now i want you to magic this rock into something else a frog no i can do frogs and egg what do you want an egg for oh just do it please all right keep your hair on [Music] i said an egg not a chicken there one egg to the pass the practical test is over but you still have to answer one question how would you help a tadpole become a grown-up uh to help a tadpole become a grown-up um danny what's your favorite spell turn them into a frog correct i knew it the test is over and it's bad news did i fail it's worse than that you passed hooray you may now do magic again did you hear that one we're back in business oh dear magic always leads to trouble no it doesn't show me one piece of sensible magic okay there's one piece of magic i've been wanting to do all day what's that turn you into a frog you can't do that oh yes i can here's my license oh dear frog time like i said magic always leads to trouble [Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow [Music] elf school now princess holly what's the name of this flower that's easy nanny it's a daisy yes yes an elf might call it a daisy but a fairy princess would call it a bellis perennius per enes correct now what is this bluebell called uh blue bell oh no no no a fairy princess would call it a synthoids non-scripter oh nanny nature class is so boring why do i have to learn the proper names of all these flowers that is the sort of thing a fairy princess needs to know well maybe i don't want to be a fairy princess [Music] hi ollie hi ben where are you going i'm off to elf school oh what do you do at elf school we learn how to make toys that sounds fun it is elves love making toys and i'm an elf [Music] i want to make toys nanny can i go to elf school too but you're not an elf you're a royal fairy princess oh please manny plum please nanny plum let holly come oh okay hooray [Music] but i'll come along too just to make sure you don't get into any mischief okay but hurry we can't be late for elf school we're going to l school we're going to l school we're going to l school we're going to health school we're going to school we're going to l school come on elf school is at the top of the tree oh [Music] good morning boys and girls hello mr old elf hello princess holly wants to see what elves get up to in your little school hmm very well holly may join the class oh goody but no magic or flying please okay holly sit next to me no flying you will kindly walk flying is not allowed at elf school only because elves can't fly um that's right mistress palum elves cannot fly but we do have very good hearing [Laughter] and elves are very good at making toys so today we are going to make toys we will carry on from where we left off last time [Applause] i'm making a toy car i'm making a toy duck a toy helicopter a toy boat i'm making a toy frog a toy rabbit i'm making a robot oh i see that miss holly does not have a toy that's okay oh magic one zing zang zing is eye magic me a little toy [Music] miss holly magic is not allowed at elf school only because elves can't do magic elves could do magic if they wanted to but elves don't do magic [Laughter] miss holly that you can work on this toy owl for today thank you wise all day and i will take this wand for now so that you learn how to work the proper elf way without magic oh don't worry you can have it back at the end of the class boys and girls take out your hammers and remember to tap gently [Music] i know i didn't mean to do that don't worry holly i'll fix it i've still got my magic wand but mommy magic isn't allowed at elf school oh it'll be all right no one will notice knickknack now lend this owl what was that loud bang uh i think there's a bit of a storm brewing outside hmm well as long as there's no magic going on i assure you mr old elf princess holly is not using magic naughty nanny plum oh sauce now it's time to paint our toys remember be very careful a little paint goes a long long way i bother doing things without magic is very hard maybe you need just a teeny tiny bit of magic oh are you sure trust me zig zag zoy paint this toy miss holly are you doing magic no wise old elf not me i think it's just the storm outside it must be really close now there's something funny going on around here wise old elf what do we do next a good question holly next we wind the toys up [Music] wow go on do something nanny my owl doesn't work don't worry i'll just give it a little help [Music] nanny plum have you been doing magic just a teeny tiny little bit to help things along you are a very naughty fairy sorry wise old elf we'll say no more about it now holly let's see what your owl can do it doesn't work at all maybe too much magic went into its making i can fix it i'm very good at mending things there that should do it thank you ben i did try to do it the elf way yes holly i know you did but it's not easy to make toys without using magic it's easy for us because where else now holly here's your wand back thank you and remember no magic until you have left the classroom yes wise old elf and that goes for you too nanny palum yes wise old elf [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 7,999,835
Rating: 4.0476189 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 36sec (3636 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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