Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | 1 Hour Episode Compilation #12

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somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very to day's adventure starts at the little castle mummy I can't decide the pink one looks nice on you Holly but what about me green or yellow or turquoise then what do you think umm maybe the pink one for you and the greeny blue one for your mum green blue yellow purple what's all this fuss about king and queen marigold are coming to visit today remember oh yes they are very fashionable and I don't want them to think we look scruffy who brought scruffy you look scruffy do I yes Daddy hmmm what do you think Ben man to man do I look scruffy ah maybe you could be a tiny bit smarter that is why I have ordered the elf tailor to make you some new clothes hmm and you must have a bath okay yo Taylor that's just the wise old elf I'll have you know I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a qualified tailor oh I see carry on then I must to have a boss but hurry up Oh guests will be here soon king Cecil's new clothes your majesty [Music] lovely but is this fashionable this is a classic cut made from the finest woolen fabrics your majesty oh very nice oh please don't product nanny plum it's a very delicate fabric which means you must not clean it with magic yes yes Thank You Taylor bye good bye can you see that speck of dirt there Holly I can't see anything mummy nanny plum can you see that speck of dirt Wow [Music] so I have and king and queen marigold will be here soon nanny have you got time to clean it leave it with me your majesty nanny plum can Ben and I help you of course hmm that's a fair old stain how are we going to clean it that's all right we'll just throw it in the washing machine let me out Taylor said it was very delicate what does an elf know about washing clothes he makes them he might make clothes but he hasn't washed as many as I have we'll need lots of soap powder of course it's a good idea nothing clothes like better than a good hot soapy wash you know as we're doing a wash we should clean the King's old clothes as well here's graphy clothes yes okay yes we're going to wash all your clothes okay why not then everything will be clean fantastic in there go there now we let wash you see the world works so very clever and scientific what's it doing that's the first wash cycle now what's it doing it's rinsing all the soap out it's very clever finish yes now let's see all that so got that stain out daddy's crown is a bit bent adds his shoes are all sake oh dear where the Kings clothes always this small they've shrunk and the Kings clothes clean that's mummy Oh nearly ready your majesty nanny what are we going to do maybe when the clothes are dry they'll go back to their normal size yes then I'll just do a simple spell to try them all only use a teeny tiny gentle little spell abracadabra make clothes dry thunder and lightning [Music] nanny plum quick give me the Kings new clothes our guests will be here any minute where are the clothes nanny plum and what's that smell we washed daddy's cars but they shrunk and then nanny burnt them with magic my goodness daddy will have to wear his old clothes then I suppose but we cleaned daddy's old clothes too what you mean he has no clothes to wear yes hello there are my clothes nearly ready darling I'm all clean now nanny will bring you your clothes in a moment and I smell lovely honey call the elf tailor ah too late that's King and Queen Mary cold Oh what are we going to do now we can make magic clothes nanny can you do that if you insist Queen the super magic clothes can be a bit tricky anyone just make the magic clothes nanny I'll come see you to our guests as you wish your majesty first we need something to turn into shoes lemons no there needs to be shoe shaped oh now we need something round and juicy for the jacket oh no a tomato hmm what can we use for the crown ah Harley you remember King and Queen marigold hello and this is my best friend then elf hello Ben I must say your skills are quite um charming yes nice and sensible oh is it the country look I think the way one dresses is very important my husband won't be a moment he's just changing into his new clothes new clothes that sounds interesting well it is an experiment standing the jacket feels a bit soggy actually it looks wonderful feel fresh and exciting nope we were just saying how important it is to think carefully about what you wear oh I don't think I think it's all that yes I was worried that might happen tricky things magic clothes this is nothing to do with me my wife chose it that yes Maisy oh I've never seen anything like it absolute genius and you say that you don't think about what to wear more my fashion than we ever could wear boydle get your inspiration fraud ah well tell me have you ever considered a teaching fashion Oh ah done if love could you make us something for dinner please of course your majesty I can make you anything you like as long as you don't want carrots tomatoes or lemons somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the meadow school [Music] now princess Holly what's the name of this flower that's easy it's a daisy yes yes an elf might call it a daisy but a fairy princess would call it her Bella's paw enniaa correct now what is this Bluebell called Bluebell oh no no no a fairy princess would call it a half in thirds non script our own Annie nature class is so boring why do I have to learn the proper names of all these flowers that is the sort of thing a fairy princess needs to know well maybe I don't want to be a fairy princess I'm off twelve school and what do you do tell school we learn how to make toys that sounds fun it is elves love making toys and I'm an elf I want to make toys Manny can I go to elf school too but you're not an elf you're a royal fairy princess I please many plum please nanny plum let Holly come okay [Music] I'll come along too just to make sure you don't get into any mischief okay but hurry we can't be late for our school school is at the top of the tree [Music] nanny plum hello mr. old elf hello princess Holly wants to see what elves get up to in your little school hmm very well Holly may join the class but no magic or flying please okay Holly sit next to me no flying you will kindly walk flying is not allowed at elf school only because elves can't fly that's right mistress pollen elves cannot fly but we do have very good hearing and elves are very good at making toys so today we are going to make toys we will carry on from where we left off last time [Applause] [Music] I'm making a robot hmm I see that miss Holly does not have a toy that's okay [Music] [Applause] [Music] miss Holly magic is not allowed at elf school only because I was counting magic elves could do magic if they wanted to but elves don't do magic Miss Holly you can work on this toy owl for today thank you and I will take this one for now so that you learn how to work the proper elf way without magic don't worry you can have it back at the end of the class boys and girls take out your hammers and remember to tap gently I didn't mean to do that don't worry honey I'll fix it I still got my magic Warner's magic elf school oh it should be alright no one will notice nicknack now what was that loud bang I think there's a bit of a storm brewing outside hmm well as long as there's new magic going on I assure you mr. old elf princess Holly is not using magic naughty nanny plum Oh sauce now it's time to paint our toys remember be very careful a little paint goes a long long way I [Music] bother doing things without magic is very hard maybe you need just a teeny tiny bit of magic Oh trust me zigzag Zoey pace this toast miss Holly are you doing magic no eyes out elf not me I think it's just the storm outside it must be really close now hmm there's something funny going on around here wise old health what do we do next a good question Holly next we wind the toys up [Music] go on do something Wow doesn't work don't worry I'll just give it a little help nanny plum have you been doing magic just a teeny tiny little bit to help things along you are a very naughty fairy sorry wise old elf we'll say no more about it now Holly let's see what your owl can do it doesn't work at all hmm maybe too much magic went into its making I can fix it I'm very good at mending things [Music] that should do it I did try to do it the elf way yes Holly I know you did but it's not easy to make toys without using magic it's easy for us because now Holly here's your wand back thank you and remember no magic until you have left the classroom yes wise old elf and that goes for you too Nana pal um yes wise old owl [Music] [Applause] [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very various I'm Ben elf Holly [Music] Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom today's adventure starts at the Royal Golf Course it is simply really to play golf you just hit the ball into the hole it's a bit boring it would be more fun if we had little Hills to hit the ball up and down knocking your ball up hills and around corners is called crazy golf that sounds great please daddy can we play crazy golf we are playing normal golf Wow where did these hills come from daddy must have magic to them thanks daddy I didn't magic these hills I don't know but I'm going to find out wise old elf good morning King thistle who made these hills on my golf course [Music] hey mol your majesty well get rid of it we've been trying to chase it away all morning your majesty don't you know how to get rid of moles wise old elf No then who does she can talk to it she speaks all animal languages of course yes your majesty ah nanny plum you talk to animals don't you yes your majesty then can you tell this mole to leave my golf course uh no your majesty what I can't speak mole it's one of the more difficult animal languages along with aardvark but can't you use magic to get rid of the mole there is one magical method to get rid of moles but unfortunately it uses a known watch that unknown your majesty it is sort of elf with a big tummy what gnomes are nothing like elves they eat too much talk too much and never do any work I don't care what you use just get rid of that mole okay I'll fetch as a gnome [Music] we're a boy hello mr. gnome I've called you here to get rid of some moles it will be my pleasure Oh trees they're not like these custard creams order or you seek my song and strum along well that was easy wasn't it thank you know how much do I owe you oh I'm not finished yet your majesty if I go now the mole will come back what then you must stay as long as it takes of course getting rid of moles uses a lot of energy on my tummy is very empty nanny plum get this gnome some food very well your majesty i sack of cheese sandwiches with a bucket of tea I say you are hungry I will also need some workers absolutely wise old elf I command you to do whatever the gnome says as you wish sigh you your majesty not at all just let me know when you're finished so I can pay my goal of course your royalness I am the wise old elf I look after this royal golf course and my knowledge of it is second to none can you use a shovel yes good the first job is to flatten these hills but you can call me Holly that's nice you can call me mr. gnome I need a deck chair and a fishing rod why you need a fishing rod on a golf course so I can pretend to fish smooth don't like it when I pretend to fish no quick before the mole comes back sandwiches one bucket of tea and a fishing rod quickly so he can pretend to fish oh dear I thought this might happen we have flattened all the hills so goodbye thank you boys all else or you will also believe in a windmill what a working windmill is a very difficult thing to build oh it mustn't actually work no just pretend but with sails that go round alright sandwiches most coin [Music] what's that nice wise old Oh what are you doing we're building a pretend windmill for the gnome yes it mustn't actually work it's just silly fun can Holly and I help you oh yes please [Music] now we can fix the sails is it dinner time already not really could you get me a bucket of custard and a big jar of pickles please oh and some plastic flowers you're going to eat plastic flowers no that would be silly they go with the windmill ah good work boys old elf thank you goodbye finally oh you will need a little bridge what a plastic well and a little picket fence so he wants a bucket of custard and a big jar of pickles yes make everyone else work well they just eat and sleep grumbling again Danny I say are we going on a picnic no this is food from mr. 9 what are we going to eat for dinner nanny there's no food left your majesty the name is eaten it all nanny remember that mr. gnome needs plastic flowers too plastic flowers they go with the windmill windmill I'd better see what this gnome is up to thank you wise old elf I couldn't have done a better job myself oh I can see you've certainly been working hard no yes your kingliness so when would it be safe for you to leave oh well oh you don't think it ever will be your royalness what oh I might after stay here forever what about my golf oh we won't get in your way but you are in my way Oh custard and Brittles I can't play golf with all this stuff around I know crazy yes crazy gold this crazy golf is much better than the other kind yes you asked to teach you how to play crazy golf it's fun oh okay what do I do [Music] [Laughter] [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very to day's adventure starts at the great [Music] seven o'clock time to get up breakfast ready let's go don't forget your new watch there now you're ready for school but ma'am elf school doesn't start for ages can I go and see Holly I want to show her my new watch okay but make sure you get to school on time of course I will elves are never late and I'm an elf [Music] whew mr. elf mornings are such hard work hey you should say so that's the cockerel crows princess Holly time for fairies to get up breakfasts ready Holly let's get your hair brushed Holly all done mornings are such hard work hello nanny plum what is it Ben I haven't got time to be answering the daughter elves can Holly come out to play I'm afraid princess Holly is too busy to hi dad hi olli I've got a new watch Wow is it a real watch yes you can hear it ticking oh yes can you tell the time Ben not yet but we're going to learn how to tell the time at school today yes well I'm sure you don't want to be late I'm an elf elves are never late bye Oh me bye Ben I wish I had a watch what's over for princess Holly if I had to watch I could tell the time we fairies don't need watches we have different ways of telling the time like what money we have dandy-lion clocks here's a good one how can a dandelion tell the time we count how many puffs it takes to blow away all the seeds like this one two three it took three puffs that means three o clock that means one o'clock Wow so is it really one o'clock not really it's just a game but bends learning to tell the time properly can I go to his lesson oh all right but I'm sure it won't be much fun when the big hand and the little hand are pointing straight up it is 12 o clock good day nanny plum can we join you yes as long as you are quiet right young hmm now who can tell me how we know a watch is working yes Holly very good you see we fairies know all about time but you fairies don't have watches or clocks we have our own ways of telling the time hmm I'm sure you do now how do we know when to wake up in the morning the alarm clock rings correct I wake up when the call cries yes I see and how do we know when it's time to go to sleep when the clock says it's bedtime yes correct again I go to sleep when the owl hoots Twitter but without clocks how do you know what time it is we have dandelion clocks stop stop stop that's all fairy nonsense but it's fun fun has nothing to do with telling the time I don't suppose you fairies can tell me what time it is now it's noon ah yes Holly well done Wow how did you know that because the Sun is high up in the sky and I know it's lunchtime because my tummy is rumbling OH Oh silly excuse me my tummy is never wrong ooh it is lunchtime school is finished for today Holly would you like to come over to play this afternoon yes okay see you later alligator in a while [Music] hmm it's almost 6 o'clock where's Holly hi Ben you're late fairies are always late and I'm a fairy hurry up I've got something to show you [Music] hello princess Holly this is the great elf clock Wow the most accurate clock of all it means it always tells the right time quite so then I set it every night by the distant bells they usually ring about now da da da da dee da da da la la da dum dee da o my tummy's rumbling that means it's time for dinner [Music] the bells to the bells now I need to adjust the clock what do you mean many wings about every not when it's dinner time and how does nanny plum know it's dinner time what you mean I've been setting the great elf clock to a fairest tummy Rumble yes [Applause] the tummy does seem to be amazingly accurate it is dinner time see you tomorrow and the beautiful princess lived happily ever after the end time to sleep honey but daddy the ow hasn't tooted yet there's the owl now and the fierce dragon ate the witch and everyone lived happily ever after the end time to sleep in for Mom the clock hasn't joined yet it's chiming now good night Holly good night [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben [Music] [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at Gaston's cave Gaston sneezing mummy daddy Gaston the Lady Bears caught a cold I'm not surprised his cave is leaking look hmm there's a hole yeah maybe if we move that pebble over it's good day good day wise old elf and what seems to be the problem Gaston skive is leaking hmm leaks can be tricky what you need is a proper builder to fix it but where can we find a builder I'm the Builder really oh yes elves are very good at building and I'm an elf in that case I command you to fix Gaston's cave yes your majesty a wise decision hmm it seems to be water dripping in yes and there's a hole up here that won't be the cause of the leak how do you know with respect some things are best left to proper builders so how long will it take to fix the link oh it will take a very very long time and while the building work is going on ladybird won't be able to live here but gasps Tom's got too cold where can he stay well perhaps Gaston could stay with us are you sure you know what you're doing darling oh of course I know what I'm doing I'm [Music] oh I'm afraid insects are not allowed inside the castle it's a rite many club daddy's invited gasps don't you stay with us oh very well then make yourself at home Gaston I hope he's gangs have learned to wipe his feet Gaston isn't well nanny and he hasn't got anywhere to stay I'm still not sure it's a good idea for him to stay with us don't worry darling Gaston will be no trouble at all so where is he going to sit he can sit on this little chair Oh nanny plum you can speak ladybird oh how do you say Gaston says this chair is too little no that's the Queen's chair don't fuss nanny plum the Queen doesn't mind do you darling [Music] Gaston says this chair is too hard okay actually Gaston that's my yeah well well Gaston says this chair is just right goodness it's like having Goldilocks to stay [Music] yummy thanks Manny yes this food is delicious well I suppose I'd better magic up some special lazy bird food by a lady birds growl food smelly and found Gaston loves smelly food why isn't he eating it then Gaston says it's too cold hello Gaston have a little taste if you like Gaston Gaston says it's just right and Daddy uh maybe not forever but he can stay until his house is mended this hole Gaston's getting better splendid Gaston says that this TV program is a bit boring how about this one this program is too noisy this program is just bright so no Gaston was better maybe he can go home daddy Gaston can't go home until his home is manager he might catch another cold and then he'll be sad yes we wouldn't want Gaston to be sad Gaston says you are the nicest King in the whole world Thank You Gaston maybe I'll go and see how the elves are getting on at your pain hello wise old elf how much longer is this going to take as we builders say there's no point in rushing things well maybe a little rushing wouldn't do any harm I'm afraid we have a lot of problems to deal with your majesty it's probably a silly idea but have you tried moving that pebble over the hole you're right that is a silly idea maybe it's still worth a try with respect your majesty we each have our jobs to do you're the king and I'm the Builder of course it's been a long day I think I'll go to bed earlier your majesty that might be a problem what do you mean well it's to do with Gaston yes mummy magic this basket for Gaston to sleep in well done Danny but the basket was too drafty hmm then he tried my bed but that was too soft oh dear I don't like the sound of this don't worry daddy Gaston's found a bed that he says is just rugs that's my bed what's he saying no Gaston says he is very tired and would like to go to sleep now good night Gaston sleep tight hey so where are we going to sleep that was the most uncomfortable night ever oh how long is Gaston going just to you with us I did say he could stay here until his cave was mended and how long will that take I don't know I couldn't see how those elves are getting on it Gaston really misses his home wise old elf good news we've replaced the rotting wood blasted the ceiling and fixed the leak no not yet but I'm sure in time we'll sort it out have you just tried moving this pebbles mended customs Kay amazing work your majesty have you ever thought of becoming a builder yourself uh actually no I think I'll just stick to being King your caves ready you can go home now Gaston says thank you and bye bye bye bye bye bye Gaston it was fun having you Tuesday will be so sad to see you go Gaston says he doesn't want you to be sad so he'll come and stay with you for a bit longer it's ok I won't be that sad [Music] Gaston insists your majesty very well lovely [Applause] [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small I'm Ben Holly [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom today's adventure starts at the Great Tree [Music] they're fully wound up let's set off to the seaside that we have to wait for princess Holly well where is she it's almost nine o'clock where is holly relax mr. elf we're on holiday but princess Holly's late fairies are always late oh hi olli am i no princess Holly you're just in time now we're all here let's go we might make the seaside by lunchtime I'd rather you didn't do any magic in today Holly I'm sorry mr. elf you see Holly you're coming on an elf day trip elves don't do magic and hop in everyone seaside here we come [Music] here's the timetable one o'clock each lunch to play in the sand three idea for please seaside arriving home at 4:30 sorry Ben it's just that I'm not used to having a day off you work too hard mr. elf please try and relax today I'll do my best mrs. elf seaside I love the seaside come on let's have lunch good idea I'm hungry here's our picnic [Music] you just tell them what you want and they magic up food this is an elf picnic there won't be any magic oh mrs. elf always makes our really lovely picnic thanks mr. elf but of course you made the picnic this time didn't you make it Oh what's wrong we forgot to bring the picnic we just brought an empty basket fairies always take an empty basket on picnics it's still empty that's because it isn't a magic basket it's just an empty basket granted evil magic us a packet of crisps no uh-uh Holly remember what I said about not needing any magic today yes mr. elf well this is an emergency so if you wouldn't mind doing a bit of I dunno a spell for magic jelly oh no not magic jelly right too dangerous hmm I could try an ice-cream spell that's easy and there's no chance of that spell going wrong silly bear spells me always fun well without magic we're not going to have anything to eat that's right please Holly do your spell I don't know how to magic other flavors yet that's fine vanilla is my favorite delicious maybe magic can be useful sometimes Thank You princess Holly you're welcome ah what should we do next make sandcastles making sand castles hmm what's the spell for sandcastles Holly you don't need a spell to make sand castles you fill the bucket with sand turn it over give it a tap [Music] Oh we'll make an elf of you yet Holly can we build castle big enough for us to go inside we need a huge bucket to make a sandcastle that big ah like that one that's a very huge bucket it must have been left by big children there aren't any big people here now good thing big people have big feet and you never know where they're going to step look they've left some space let's build up big sandcastle for princess Holly it could be our thank you for lunch good idea mr. elf can I help no no please just relax and enjoy watching elves doing what elves do best what do else do best elves are best at making things [Music] Reince s holly would you do the honors by tapping the bucket but there isn't a door i'll soon sort that out there's your door this is a very own castle I've decided I'm not princess Holly anymore I'm queen Holland and I am king bed my my it's almost home time Oh dad can't we stay in the castle a little bit longer but the tide will be coming in soon please can we stay a bit just a little bit then we'll pack the car but you must come when we call you yes great Holly almost left her wand behind talking of Holly let's fetch the children I don't want to go home I won't stay now castle forever and ever oh goodness look how high the series then pony leave the castle now goodbye to the shore Holly maybe it's time to do a little magic yes I'll just wave my wand and Oh where's my mom's here's your wand Holly I could throw it to you but what if it falls in this thing don't worry Holly mrs. elf is very good at throwing things and I'm great at catching don't worry we'll catch him one who me [Music] fine extend now for the magic [Music] it's so nice Tavi back once I knew then with catchy thanks Holly and I knew you could magic us for safety yes the rescue was a perfect mix of very magic elf skill [Music] [Laughter] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 8,690,419
Rating: 4.1504312 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: sxvc3c17TYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 14sec (3854 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 02 2018
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