The Bumble Nums Are Cooking Up a Storm | Best Cartoon for Kids from 2020!

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[Music] [Applause] hmm today the bumble numbs are getting ready for a very special occasion isn't that right humble yum stumble yum [Music] and grumble yeti's birthday and the bubble nums are planning a surprise party [Music] yeti has no idea [Music] so what kind of delicious birthday cake are you serving today [Music] the ultimate upside down cake yum yum yum yum yum it's yeti's favorite it's so sweet and creamy and gooey and the secret ingredient is super swirly icing yum wait bumble numbs everyone knows the ultimate upside down cake can only be made in upside downtown yum yum yum where's that good question um check out the map [Music] don't forget that you're looking for upside down town try looking for it a different way [Music] there it is bumble numbs upside down town yum now that you know where to go let's get yeti's favorite ultimate upside down cake and make this the best birthday ever [Music] yum [Music] you [Music] there it is bubble bums upside down town now go get yeti's cake yum yum yum [Music] um look humble stumble and grumble there are other bumble numbs in upside downtown um or should i say bumble hums [Music] what food are they eating grumble yum yum yum cheese sandwiches but what's the secret ingredient yum yum nothing no secret ingredient nothing sweet or sour juicy crunchy or swirly for a little extra kick how ho hum yum [Music] look it's the old upside downtown bakery maybe you can get yeti's favorite cake [Music] there uh-oh bumble numbs weren't you just here a second ago [Music] maybe you need to try a way that's a little more upside down [Music] yum [Music] yum yum [Music] you made it bumble numbs it's the bakery [Music] it looks like it's been shut down for some time bumble numbs i don't think you'll find yeti's ultimate upside down cake here [Music] what can you do if there's no cake there's no party yum it's the bakery's upside down cookbook it's a recipe for the ultimate upside down cake but where can you get all the ingredients [Music] the upside downtown grocery store let's go [Music] there it is the upside downtown grocery [Music] [Applause] [Music] store [Music] it's almost time for yeti's surprise [Music] [Music] party [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] and don't forget the secret ingredient super swirly icing um [Music] you got it now that you've gotten all the ingredients for yeti's favorite ultimate upside down cake let's get back to the bakery for the cooking [Music] countdown [Music] um an upside down bumble tumble it's time for the cooking countdown ten nine eight seven six five four three two one [Music] bumble numbs you've done it again now it's time to get the cake back for yeti's surprise party [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] hmm it's time for yeti's surprise party everybody get ready on the count of three yell happy birthday one two yeah just go with it bumble numbs [Music] oh my surprise party for me [Music] [Music] how does it taste everyone [Music] yum [Music] and with that the bubble numbs threw yeti the best surprise birthday party [Music] ever [Music] [Applause] [Music] gum the bumble numbs today the bumble numbs are going to make chunky carrot cake but what's the secret ingredient five chunky carrots the bumble numbs are on their way to the carrot patch to pick some chunky carrots for their chunky carrot cake are you ready grumble and stumble [Music] and you [Music] that's humble bumble numbs because there's the chunky carrot castle you have to pick five chunky carrots but be careful you don't knock it down [Music] now remember bumble numbs we need five chunky carrots for our chunky carrot cake go get them wait bumblebums you might want to take turns so the chunky carrot castle won't collapse [Music] um stumble picking that one all the way at the bottom could cause a carrot catastrophe try another chunky carrot [Music] [Applause] [Music] one [Music] two it's your turn humble humble yeah interesting technique three [Music] quick you have two more chunky carrots to collect for your chunky carrot cake yum watch out oh boy that bumble fumble would have caused a big bumble jumble [Music] four you just need one more chunky [Music] carrot [Music] you did it bumble numbs you got five chunky carrots without collapsing the chunky carrot castle come on let's get these chunky carrots back to the kitchen [Music] you made it bumble numbs do you have the five chunky carrots excellent now that we have the secret ingredient to make our chunky carrot cake it's time for the cooking countdown [Music] ten nine eight seven six five four three [Music] two one [Music] bumble numbs you've done it again how does it taste bumble numbs [Music] [Applause] [Music] the bubble numbs in the three little bumble numbs once upon a time there lived three little bumble numbs named stumble [Music] humble and grumble cooking yummy food and one day they set out on a journey to build kitchens of their very own suddenly they came to a pile of straw yum one of the three little bumble nums stopped yum yum yum yum yum yum stumble was going to build his kitchen out of straw straw is not very strong for a kitchen yum yum yum but stumble didn't care he wanted to build his kitchen out of straw [Music] so humble and grumble continued on their way suddenly they came to a pile of sticks one of the three little bumble nums stopped yum humble was going to build her kitchen out of sticks sticks are stronger than straw but still not very strong for a kitchen but humble didn't care she wanted to build her kitchen out of sticks [Music] so grumble left and continued on his way soon the last little bumble numb came to old chocolate ship mountain where he saw a large pile of bricks [Music] bricks are very strong and they're perfect for building an oven to cook extra crispy pizza [Music] so grumble began building his kitchen out of bricks meanwhile yum yum [Music] when a visitor came by it was the big bad yeti this looks like a bumble numb kitchen made out of straw and it smells like some tasty food is cooking bumble num bumble numb let me in yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum then i'll huff and i'll puff i'll blow your kitchen in [Music] the big bad yeti blew as hard as he could the little bumble bum dashed away as fast as he could [Music] thankfully humble had finished building her kitchen out of sticks yum yum yum yum yum yum [Music] another kitchen eh this one looks like it's made out of sticks bumble numb bumble numb let me in yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum then i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your kitchen in the big bad yeti blew as hard as he could [Music] the two little bubble nums dashed away as fast as they could gee whiz these bumble numbs are really fast thankfully grumble had finished building his kitchen out of strong bricks [Music] this looks like a bumble numb kitchen made out of bricks and it smells like some delicious food is in the oven [Music] bumble numbs bumble numbs let me in yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum then i'll huff and i'll puff and i'll blow your kitchen in [Music] wait what is that delicious smell yum yum yum why it's brick oven pizza hmm that sure looks tasty the big bad yeti looked at his stomach you know all this huffing and puffing and running has made me so hungry yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum i can have a slice of pizza if i rebuild your kitchens why of course i'll do it you don't have to ask me twice [Music] oh you need to finish the pizza by adding the secret ingredient no problem i'll start rebuilding your kitchens while you do so the three little bumble gums got to work on the pizza while the big bad yeti got to work on the kitchens [Music] and after the big bad yeti finished rebuilding the kitchens he also built a picnic table for all the meals the new friends would share thank you for being so kind and offering to share your food even though i wasn't very nice to you i'm so sorry i blew your kitchens down when i get hungry i also get angry i guess you could say i was hangry i promise to never get hangry again and i promise to be a good friend now let's dig in [Music] and with that the big bad yeti and the three little bumble numbs all lived yummily ever after hey any chance you can tell me the secret ingredient [Music] the end the bundle numbs [Music] today the bumble numbs are going to make yawning yam yogurt what's the secret ingredient four yawning yams the bubble nums are on their way to the yawning yam garden are you ready to pick some yawning yams humble yum what about you grumble and you stumble no [Music] yawning yams so how are you yum oh excuse me the yawning yams are making me sleepy i was about to ask you how you're going to get the yawning yams you need without falling asleep [Applause] [Music] yum yum yummy yummy [Music] the closer you get the sleepier you get oh you've got to find a way to stay awake or you won't get the four yawning yams for your yawning yam yogurt [Music] wake up bumble nubs now go get those yawning yams [Music] one jumping jacks good idea stumble you won't fall asleep if you keep your energy up two [Music] three you just need one more yarning yam it's go time grab the last yawning yam before you [Music] four you got all the yawning yams bumble bums now let's get them back to the kitchen [Music] you made it bumble bums do you still have the four yawning yams [Music] now that we have the secret ingredient it's time for the cooking countdown [Music] ten nine eight seven six five [Music] four three two one bumble mums you've done it again how does your yawning yam yogurt taste bumble nums [Music] yum [Music] [Applause] [Music] the bumble numbs today the bumble numbs are going to make peekaboo pecan pie but what's the secret ingredient 12 peekaboo pecans the bumble numbs are in the orchard waiting for the peekaboo pecans to drop from the pecan trees are you excited grumble what about you humble yum and you stumble [Music] yum great do you have a plan to make the peekaboo pecans fall down yum yum yum [Music] uh-oh shaking the tree isn't working what else can you do yum oh no bumble numbs the pecans aren't falling how are you going to make peekaboo pecan pie without any peekaboo pecans [Music] yum yum yum yum one great idea humble playing peek-a-boo will get the peek-a-boo pecans to fall off the tree remember bumble numbs we need 12 peekaboo pecans for our peekaboo pecan pie now let's play peekaboo [Music] [Applause] [Music] four [Music] seven eight nine [Music] you just need one more peekaboo pecan bumble nums [Applause] you got all the peekaboo pecans bumble nums now let's get them back to the kitchen i see you in the kitchen do you still have the 12 peekaboo pecans [Music] now that we have the secret ingredient to make our peekaboo pecan pie it's time for the cooking countdown ten nine eight seven six five four three two one bumble mums you've done it again um where's your peekaboo pecan pie bumble nums [Music] how does it taste bumble nums [Music] yum peekaboo [Music] the bumble numbs in the three bumble numbs gruff once upon a time there lived three bumble numbs gruff the smallest was named stumble yum the sized was named humble yum and the biggest was named grumble yum one day the three bumble numbs gruff were on their way to have a picnic they knew the perfect place to set up their blanket in the meadow across from the orchard the meadow was beautiful and had a gorgeous view of the caramel river yum the three bumble dumps gruff could not wait to get to the meadow and have their picnic so the first bumble numb crop started to cross the bridge [Music] who is that bumbling over my bridge the little bumble numb gruff froze yum yum it was the big horrible yeti who lived under the bridge i am the yeti and this is my bridge nobody is allowed to cross it now i'm going to gobble you up what could the little bumble numb gruff do he thought fast yum yum yum yum oh you say you're the smallest bumble numb gruff and there's another bumble numb gruff bigger than you yum yum hmm okay then i'll let you go and wait to eat the bigger bumble gnome gruff yum so the smallest bumble num gruff hurried away to the meadow happy to have not been eaten a few moments later the second bumble numb gruff crossed the bridge who is that bumbling over my bridge the second bumble numb gruff froze yum yum i'm the yeti and this is my bridge nobody is allowed to cross it i'm going to gobble you up you will fill my belly very nicely the second bubble mum gruff panicked what's that there's another bumble numb gruff even bigger than you that big okay okay i'll let you go and wait to eat the biggest bumble numb gruff [Music] just then the third bumble dumb gruff came over the bridge [Music] who is that bumbling over my bridge yum yum yum yum yum you are the biggest bumble numb gruff i'm going to gobble you up the yeti ran toward the third bumble numb gruff but the bumble number jumped over him where did you go come on let me gobble you up [Music] boy you're making me work very hard for my meal oh what are you doing huh oh you're tickling me please no i'm so ticklish you'll stop tickling if i don't eat you okay okay i promise i won't gobble you up and with that the third bumble numbgruff stopped tickling the yeti i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that i would eat you to be honest i've never actually eaten anyone i always get greedy and wait for something bigger and better to come along now that i think about it i'd really rather eat with someone it's so lonely living under this bridge from that moment on the three bumble numbs gruff could cross the bridge and have a picnic in the magnificent meadow whenever they wanted with the yeti so how does it taste bumble numbs gruff and yeti yum the three bumble numbs gruff and the yeti all lived yummily ever after the end [Music] the bumble numbs [Music] today the bumble numbs are going to make marching mashed potatoes but what's the secret ingredient 10 marching potatoes [Music] it's a beautiful day and the bumble numbs can't wait to make one of their favorite meals marching mashed potatoes isn't that right grumble [Music] yum [Music] what do you think humble [Music] looks like you're digging for marching potatoes are you close to finding them bumble numbs [Music] great now remember bumble numbs we need 10 marching potatoes to make our marching mashed potatoes let's go [Music] oh no the potatoes are stuck well you've got to get them moving yum yum well they are marching potatoes why don't you try to get them marching march one by one like a parade [Music] come on you can do it yum yum yum yum yum yum yum marching bumble numbs marching potatoes love a parade one two three keep those knees up high four five you're halfway there bumble bums [Music] six seven eight nine ten you did it you got all the marching potatoes you need for marching mashed potatoes now let's march them back to the bumble numbs kitchen yum yum yum yum yum yum yum a first rate parade bumble numbs do you have the 10 marching potatoes [Music] perfect now that we have the secret ingredient to make our marching mashed potatoes it's time for the cooking countdown ten nine eight seven six five [Music] four three two one bumble numbs you've done it again a bite of your marching mashed potatoes how does it taste bumble numbs [Music] the bumble numbs [Music] today the bumble numbs are going to make colossal cauliflower crepes but what's the secret ingredient one colossal cauliflower the bumble numbs are on their way to the mysterious colossal island to pick a colossal cauliflower are you excited humble yum what about you grumble [Music] and you stumble yum oh there it is bumble numbs colossal island yum [Music] yum rum [Music] [Applause] [Music] yummy [Music] [Music] did you hear that bumble numbs that was the colossal cauliflower now remember bumble numbs you need one colossal cauliflower for your colossal cauliflower crepes go up and get it [Applause] you found the colossal cauliflower and it's asleep it's time to pick it [Music] yum [Music] one [Music] wow [Music] well bumble numbs i uh i guess you can't win them all yum yum the bumble numbs [Music] tonight the bumble numbs are going to make presto pesto but what's the secret ingredient 20 presto pine nuts [Music] the bumble numbs are in the garden waiting for the biggest astronomical event of the century the presto pine cone comet will be flying by it only happens once in a gazillion years are you ready grumble yum what about you humble yum and you stumble whoa presto did you see that bumble numbs yum inside are all the presto pine nuts you need for your presto pesto got your comet catcher yum yum great now remember bumble numbs you need 20 presto pine nuts for your presto pesto it's time to catch that comment [Music] you caught it humble now shake out those presto pine nuts [Music] shake it stumble yum five six seven eight nine ten eleven ouch oh that was some bumble tumble is everyone okay yum good because somebody needs to grab that rope [Music] quick [Music] yum yum 12 13 14 15. [Music] yum [Music] 16 17 18 19 20. bumble numbs you got all the presto pine nuts you need for your presto pesto let's get them back to the kitchen do you have the 20 presto pine nuts perfect now that we have the secret ingredient it's time for the cooking countdown ten nine eight seven six five four three two one presto bumble numbs you've done it again how does your presto pesto taste bumble [Music] nums [Music] yummy [Music] oh
Channel: Super Simple TV - Kids Shows & Cartoons
Views: 5,791,295
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cartoon for kids, cartoons for kids, cartoons, preschool shows, educational shows for kids, the bumble nums, preschool cartoon, toddler cartoon, counting cartoon, best 2020 cartoon for kids
Id: mQCLD27jEGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 56sec (3296 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 23 2020
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