Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Spies | Cartoons for Kids

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somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small i'm ben [Music] and i'm princess holly come on let's play wait for us ben and holly's little kingdom [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle spies look what came in the post an invitation to the boating carnival oh i love the boating carnival all the boats sailing on the river with music and dancing but king and queen marigold always make fun of my boats are so snooty well maybe the marigolds won't be coming this year hello oh hello king marigold thistle old boy are you coming to the boating carnival we've got an amazing boat this year oh well i've got an amazing boat too really i can't wait to see it cheerio those marigolds are such show-offs this time our boat will be better than theirs what boat is that your majesty ah the boat you're going to build me me allow me your majesty elves are good at building boats and i'm an i can build a better boat than you nonsense can't turn stop stop i don't care how you do it just build me a boat so how are you going to work together on this i know we'll build a boat each and king thistle can choose the best one and he'll choose mine he'll choose mine i have a fantastic idea for a boat oh what is it it's a secret come on ben fine i've got a better idea anyway what sort of boat are we going to build we're going to build a viking boat cool nanny what sort of base are we going to build no idea the wise old elf said he had a good idea but it was a secret all right let's find out what it is isn't that cheating yes well done fleur that's called cheating our viking boat will have shields on the sides and a dragon head at the front oh how big will it be not too big just large enough for the king to sit in come on fairies back to the castle so they're making a viking boat we can make one too isn't that copying yes fleur well done that's called copying abracadabra biking boat and to make it better than theirs we'll make it bigger [Music] hello hello nanny plum how's your boat coming along we finished i magicked up a viking boat what but we're building a viking boat fancy that we're both building viking boats nanny plum is building a viking boat oh she must have spied on us hmm two can play at that game who wants to be a spy me my name barnaby elf you will be our spy but first you must look like a fairy two fairy wings held on with elastic a toy wand and a hat to cover your elf ears but won't the fairies know it's barnaby no they won't i've got a disguise [Music] hello hello i've just moved into the neighborhood i'm a fairy what's your name it's barnaby oh no it's a bamboo i'm a fairy oops um i mean uh i'm a fairy well come in say hello to bamboo everyone hello bamboo look we're building a viking boat the elves are building one too but ours is bigger oh you don't say much do you bamboo no um i'm a fairy oops i mean bamboo do i know you from somewhere no well i better be going it was nice to meet you bye [Music] mission accomplished i found out all about the fairies viking boats what's it like it's big bigger than ours then we'll start again we'll make the biggest viking boat ever yes wise you weren't discovered were you barnaby no they never suspected i know where i've seen bamboo before he was barnaby in disguise oh the elves are spying on us that's outrageous but didn't we spy on them that was different we thought of spying first so now the elves know all about our boat fine we'll just find out more about theirs strawberry you can be our spy all right you need to look like an elf bye bye wings hello ears she still looks a lot like strawberry though hmm yes let's add a disguise perfect [Music] hello hello i'm an elf who has just moved to the neighborhood oh really what's your name little elf strawberry that's a nice name i mean alice even nicer come in this elf is a fairy spy let's tell her silly made up things about our boat wow you've got a big boat yes and it isn't finished yet we've got to put the legs on legs all viking boats had legs duck legs duck legs and we're going to change the dragon's head for um a hippopotamus head that breathes fire very interesting well it's been nice meeting you i'd better be going are we really going to put those things on our boats no that was just so the spy will tell nanny plum and she'll build a very silly boat i'm back ah an elf no it's me the elf boat is really really big no problem we can do big and we need duck legs oh really then duck legs it is and a hippopotamus head at the front that breathes fire are you sure it looks right um maybe we should add chicken wings that's better come on let's take it for a walk cookies what an awful noise morning wise old elf how do you like our boat it looks a bit funny if you ask me it is a traditional viking boat oh no it isn't i'll show you a traditional viking boat mr elf please bring out our boat whoa what's wrong we can't get the boat through the door it's too big oh that's a bit embarrassing i suppose you want some fairy help getting it out yes please hey boy fight [Music] well i suppose we might be able to fix it in time oh [Music] hello everyone have you finished my boat yes your majesty uh what's that your boat so i told you to make me a boat that wouldn't be laughed at and this is what you made yes your majesty whose idea was the hippo head that was my idea i thought of the flames and the legs my idea your majesty i thought of the chicken wings i am going to be a complete laughingstock [Music] i can't wait to see what king thistle's boat looks like what's that noise hello is that your boat king thistle uh yes why yes i know i know it's the most amazing boat we've ever seen it's fantastic well thank you it is the finest boat in the whole carnival [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small i'm ben elf [Music] little kingdom [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle no magic day bedtime princess holly into your pajamas yes nanny plum clothes into pajamas let's just magic you into bed and magically brush your hair ah magic is so nice what would we do without magic elves don't have magic elves are crazy they don't even like talking about magic magic magic magic tomorrow is the day what happens tomorrow wise old elf once in a blue moon the fairy's magic stops working stops working yes for the whole day from sunrise to sunset it will be no magic day why nobody knows why only that when the moon is blue the magic does not work ooh fairies without magic for a whole day morning time pajamas into class oh my wand's not working daddy daddy my wand isn't working neither is mine mine isn't either onesie no the magic stopped how am i supposed to get dressed without magic we'll just have to dress the old-fashioned way using our hands our hands do calm down dear let's just have some breakfast while we think about what to do you're right honey plum magic up some breakfast certainly your majesty liberty zabadee zob i forgot my wand doesn't work what's going on why isn't there any magic [Music] happy no magic day eh what don't you know every blue moon it's no magic day oh of course yes and i see you're all still in your pajamas had any breakfast no you will see children when fairies don't have magic they can't do anything have you just come to laugh at us wise old alf yes i have a good mind to turn you into a frog be my guest abracadabra as you can see children the fairy ones don't work today holly would you like us to help oh thanks ben we can all help happy no magic day bye normally i wave my wand and warm water appears in the bath with lots of lovely bubbles have you tried the taps taps oh so that's what those things are for put your feet in your shoes and your dress without magic and this is how you brush your hair it's really fun i'm gonna do the washing up with our magic we'll help you nanny plum oh thank you elves are good at washing up and we're elves this is how you turn the television on and the weather in the little kingdom today will be bright and sunny everywhere oh very good and this works like this how clever happy no magic day mr nelf um wise old elf we're having a bit of a problem at the toy factory oh then i'd better take a look that's strange the escalator isn't working yes wise old elf nothing is working the whole factory has stopped but the elf factory never stops oh it's stopped we cannot make any toys but i don't understand why has everything stopped i think you should take a look at this the elf engine has broken down ah the elf engine of course what can we do um well let's not worry about it not worry but there are toys to be made oh never mind we'll just have a day off yes in honor of no magic day we can all have a holiday there's no time for holidays we have a big order of toys for an important customer well the customer can wait uh you better tell him yourself hello it's father christmas here oh mr christmas ah wise old elf how are the toys coming along i need them today uh yes your christmas no problem how on earth are we going to get the toys made we'll just fix the elf engine i'm afraid we can't why can't we elves can't fix anything [Applause] there is no way that engine is going to work today maybe it's just run out of fuel yes it has so we'll just get some more fuel what does it run on steam or gas no the engine is powered by a very dangerous fuel nanny plum magic is up some lunch but i can't your majesty it's no magic day remember then what are we going to eat um would you like to come to the great elf tree for lunch that's very kind of you ben we've got lots of food really then we shall take you up on your kind offer [Music] it's very quiet hello anybody home ben was the escalator working ah i don't know why is old elf what an earth is happening well nothing but aren't there toys to be made yes ben we've a big order for father christmas but we can't make them why not the elf engine isn't working we can fix it elves are good no no no it can't be fixed the engine has run out of fuel oh and what kind of fuel does it use i can't say i demand to know it's a secret wise old elf what fuel does the elf engine use oh [Music] [Music] magic are you saying the great elf engine is run on magic yes but you hate magic yes but it has a small carbon footprint and it never stops except today yes because today is no magic day there must be another way to run the factory yes the emergency power of course the emergency power but that's just a hamster wheel it is the emergency power unit all elves on the hamster wheel will power the factory by foot [Music] can we help good idea holly but your majesty this is elf work not fairy work we're all in it together you helped us this morning now we can help you all for one and one for all yeah i suppose [Music] thank you everyone the elf factory is working again let's hope we get these toys done in time yes the day is nearly over [Music] ah the magic is back and the elf engine is working again everyone off the hamster wheel ah i'm glad the earth engine is working again don't you mean the secret magic engine ah so now we know elves do do magic sometimes well at least we don't need magic to get dressed let's hear you laugh when i turn you into a frog not today daddy plum it is no magic day remember uh why zodell no magic day is over eh oh abracadabra ah good the magic is back and the factory is working again and the wise old alf is a frog everything is back to normal [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small i'm ben [Music] and i'm princess holly [Music] [Music] little kingdom today's adventure starts at the little castle daisy and poppy's playgroup daisy what's all the noise mummy the twins are being naughty shouldn't they be at play group there hasn't been any play group for weeks now really why not the problem was all the toddlers were together in one place isn't that the idea of a play group well yes but just think there was raspberry even her wand is rude a nettle she has a stinging nettle in her hat and tarquin queen like play group and daisy and poppy all together they're quite a handful what happened to their nice teacher mrs fathering gill good morning children my name is mrs fathering girl they made her disappear disappear all they found was her shoes now no one wants to be the teacher and the nursery is closed what a lot of fuss about nothing i know i'll be the play group teacher and nanny plum can be my assistant uh um i'd like to be but i'm really very busy i'll call my friend mrs elf then she can be my assistant hello mrs elf speaking hello it's queen thistle oh your majesty i wonder if you'd be interested in a new job a job yes you'd be working with me that would be an honor queen thistle as assistant teacher at the playgroup hello hello oh the phone must be broken still she sounds very keen i'll go around and fetch her are you sure you want to be the teacher mommy the toddlers can be very naughty no problem i'll have mrs elf to help me hello is mrs elf there sorry but mrs elve had to go away suddenly she is not here oh hello mum oh hello i just got back perfect daisy and poppy are so pleased you're going to help at play group well as long as it's just daisy and poppy oh no it will be all their friends as well lovely oh it's locked what a shame no play group don't worry mrs elf i have the key lovely a quick tidy and will soon have its shipshape oh look mrs fatheringgill's shoes where did she go no one knows she just disappeared come along the toddlers will be here in a minute [Music] we heard play groups reopening we didn't quite believe it though so what poor person is the new teacher uh me actually and i'm the assistant teacher talkwin's been really missing queen like playgroup so is raspberry and nettle come in children she stung me hello i'm your new nursery teacher and this is my assistant mrs oh she's hiding under the desk uh hello children i'm mrs elf relax mrs elf there's nothing to worry about with me in charge now children they've made the queen disappear all they've left is her panties children what have you done with the queen gone all gone hello oh queen thistle the toddlers have magicked me somewhere but i'll be back as soon as i've worked out where i am you'll have to take the class until i get back oh okay bye mrs elf you're the teacher now yes don't panic mrs elf you can do this you're in charge uh maybe we should take away their wands good idea ben right everyone we are going to play a game it's called hide the ones we'll take the ones and hide them in this drawer good now let's draw a lovely picture what shall we draw butterflies bunny rabbits dinosaurs talking like dinosaurs oh okay big teeth good now use your imaginations let's all close our eyes and imagine what it would be like in the time of the dinosaurs uh are you sure this is a good idea it's keeping them happy and quiet imagine the fiery volcanoes and thick jungle and dinosaurs pretend you're really there [Music] what was that i think the school moved daisy poppy did you just do something it's all right holly they're being very good and it's nearly home time oh lovely and quiet why is it so different today it's time to pick up the twins huh the twins that's why it's quiet right nanny i'm on my way hello have you come to pick up your toddlers yes where's the play group it's gone wow last time the toddler's just made the teacher disappear this time it's the whole school time time phew well done mrs elf that wasn't too bad apart from the queen disappearing oh yes the queen see you next time children don't run oh my goodness [Music] daisy poppy where have you sent her dinosaur dinosaur oh no they've sent us back in time to the land of the dinosaurs how are we going to get home again let's not panic there's an answer to everything okay we're stuck in the land of the dinosaurs 65 million years in the past so what's the answer i'm thinking i have an idea i might be able to magic the school back it's worth a try abracadabra the main thing is not to panic ah the school's gone shall we start panicking now mum yes it's the school hooray welcome back everybody oh there's no one here trapped in the land of the dinosaurs with no way back don't worry there must be an answer think mrs elf think what's that is it's a dinosaur i'm not sure it's a cave woman shoes shoes wait a minute it's missy's fathering gill the last teacher i've been stuck here for ages thank goodness you finally come to rescue me well we sort of need rescuing ourselves actually oh if only mummy was here yes the queen called magika's home but the queen is here i saw her this morning hooray but she was carried off by one of those pterodactile things leaving just her wand and her cell phone mrs father and gill do you know where the pterodactyls live they live on scary mountain i could take you there if you want all right come on children hold hands stay together mrs fatheringgill why is it called scary mountain oh i see look the queen hello everyone mummy are you all right yes but i'm trapped it won't lift up its foot i'll climb up and take a le pterodactyl elves are good at tickling pterodactyls and i'm an elf careful ben tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle here's your wand mommy thank you everyone now i think we all better get back home hi we're back my shoes and my panties oh hello hello everyone i was getting a tiny bit worried i think it's all gone very well for the first day and the good news is we've found mrs fathering gill hello welcome back mrs fatheringgill i expect you'd like a little rest oh yes your majesty thank you you'll need to get your strength back before you start teaching the play group again oh [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small i'm ben [Music] and i'm princess holly come on let's play wait [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle mrs figgs magic school good morning your majesties good morning honey plum princess holly would like to show you how well she is doing with her magic yes i would that's lovely sweetie she will now cast a spell for you it's not magic jelly is it no no not magic jelly you can choose what would you like best in the whole wide world could you make me something pretty okay abracadabra is it it seems to be a box of burps your majesty oh that's disgusting sorry daddy i think it's about time holly had some proper magic lessons very good your majesty i'll just fetch my wand no nanny plum i mean proper lessons at a proper school school yes holly is old enough to go to mrs figgs magic school oh mrs figgs magic school i went there when i was little it sounds fun can my friends come as well of course violet rosie strawberry and fleur can go to magic school too can ben come along oh remember ben is an elf and elves don't like magic ben will most likely be at elf school today good morning children good morning wise old elf this morning's lesson is called why elves don't do magic who can tell me why elves don't do magic because we're elves yes ben but can anyone tell me why we don't do magic because we're elves yes yes i know but why don't we is it because magic always leads to trouble yes jake magic always leads to trouble this way girls and talking of trouble hello wise older hi ben hi holly we're going to magic school oh can we go to the magic school too wise old elf no i forbid it oh please wise old elf please please oh very well today's lesson will be to see how magic always leads to trouble this way to the magic school ah magic school i suppose it'll all be pink and fluffy and covered in glitter that sounds nice here we are mrs fakes magic school oh what a sensible building it could have been built by an elf i know it's a bit ugly isn't it it's very sensible now girls and boys you'll soon be meeting mrs figg she taught me everything i know mrs figg liked me i used to call her old figgy good morning children my name is mrs figg morning mrs big that's better hello figgy remember me ah nanny plum how could i forget i told you i was her best pupil in all my years of teaching nanny plum i never had another pupil like you thank you and i am the wise old elf elves at magic school yes we're here to see the magic all go wrong nothing will go wrong at mrs fegs magic school now who do we have here i'm princess holly princess holly what do you and your little friends know about magic oh i've taught them lots of things let's say you know nothing now what's the most important rule of magic don't do magic correct what but where's the fun in that magic is not meant to be fun i like this lesson magic is only meant to be used for sensible things by sensible people no pretend you are in the kitchen doing the washing up are you going to wash the dirty dishes using magic yes stop that's just the sort of thing you can do by hand what that's just plain wrong but if you come across a particularly stubborn stain on a saucepan then perhaps you could use magic leave it to soak overnight why not just magic the whole lot clean and get on with something fun i am the teacher nanny plum sorry figgy and now for the magic lesson hooray first we have to warm up let's start with a little jog no not the joking outside chop chop run around everyone what does running have to do with magic nothing it's bill's character i don't need any more character thank you are you all having fun yes right stop jogging is not meant to be fun now who would like to show me their favorite spell me anyone else i can do a growing spell very good show us your growing spell please okay battery boppity bow grow grow grow she's just growing and growing stop it stop it i know how to do growing but not stopping that's easy stop figgy stop and who taught you that growing spell me i might have known well it did work you grew a lot i know a spell to make things smaller wait don't dibbly doubly dull so small [Music] mrs figg is still shrinking help she's getting teenier and teenier she's never going to stop shrinking oh i'd better grow her again figgy figgy fig back too big how are you feeling i am very very very angry so as you see children magic always leads to trouble they were two very silly spells can anyone think of a useful spell magic jelly magic jelly yes that's very useful i suppose magic jelly has its uses like at a children's party or a picnic or as a yummy pudding okay magic jelly but let's get someone sensible to wave the wand who is the most sensible person here the wise old elf this wise old elf shall wave the wand me but i'm not a fairy i don't do magic exactly the perfect person oh i don't think so no it wouldn't be right nonsense we just need a bit of fairy dust you are now magical my body is all tingly i don't like it don't worry you won't be magical for very long just wave the wand and say jelly jelly but not a lot uh jelly jelly but not a lot oh it worked can i turn nanny plum into a frog i'd like to see you try i say this is fun what happened why don't what are you doing having fun magic is not meant to be fun what would happen if i asked for a lot of jelly try it and see jelly jelly jelly and lots of it we don't want a jelly black it wasn't me it was him that's ridiculous elves don't do magic actually your majesty it was the wise old elf even old figgy telling tales now it's true the wise old elf did it oh dear i believe i did do the spell fancy that the wise old elf doing magic you have been naughty yes and it just goes to show that magic always leads to trouble somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small i'm ben [Music] and i'm princess holly come on let's play wait for us [Music] ben and holly's little kingdom [Music] today's adventure starts at the meadow giants in the meadow who can jump the highest me me me i can jump higher that's cheating that's not jumping that's flying jumping is all about using your legs like this i love playing in the meadow i hope it never changes the meadow won't change it's been here forever and always will be what's that nice giants are coming quick let's hide it's only lucy the little girl we met at the farm and her dad's with her it's so pretty here yes dad it's a shame we've got to dig it all up dig it all up why to make room for the cows cows in the meadow they're ginormous the cows can graze in this meadow oh we just need to flatten these mole hills that's not a molehill that's gaston's house don't worry gaston you can come and live with me in the little castle i'll put the cow shed over there oh no the cow shed will be right on top of my little castle don't worry holly you and gaston can come and stay with me in the great elf tree and i'll put the cow manure over by those trees oh that's where the elf tree is what's manure cow poo oh maybe i won't stay at the great elf tree thanks anyway ben i'd better start building the fence lucy lucy oh hello beth hello holly your dad is putting his cows right where we live yes isn't it terrible you have to tell him to stop okay i'll tell him that owls and fairies live here no no big people must never know we live here but i'm a big person and i know you're special what can we do then let's ask the wise old elf he'll know what to do he's old he's wise what was that we've got to be quiet okay let's go and tell the wise old elf about the cows cows in the meadow we'll have to tell the farmer that he can't put his cows here no no we must never talk to big people hello wise old elf ah big people nice to see you again oh hello lucy i thought you said we should never talk to big people well that's apart from lucy of course lucy is nice but we must never talk to grown-up big people you can't trust them know don't worry i'll sort it out what are you going to do i'll tell the king to sort it out cows yes your majesty the farmer is going to put cows in the meadow right where gaston's house is oh well that's not so terrible and he's going to put a load of cow poo by the grace elf tree again not so bad you'll get used to the smell and he's going to build a cow shed on top of the little castle what who is this farmer i'll sort him out how big is he is he as tall as me he's my dad yeah a big person and her dad is even bigger yes well nani plum come up with a plan i already have a plan your majesty oh well done i'll turn him into a frog you'll turn my dad into a frog cool that's your plan it's like they always say to get your own way turn them into a frog that doesn't even rhyme it's a silly plan no it's not yes it is and i absolutely forbid you to as i was saying to get your own way turn them into a frog oh well done nanny plum the plan does work carry on right you are your majesty even think about doing anything so oh where did nanny go he's almost finished the fence frog times [Music] problem solved frogs can't build fences um will my dad be a frog forever oh no it'll wear off after a while and he'll be back to his old self again but won't he just start building the fence again oh i never thought of that uh oh i think the spell is wearing off quick hide huh where was i oh yes i was building a fence it's been ages how long does it take to turn someone into a frog hmm maybe i should go and see how nanny plum is doing good idea off you go then there's a good elf so how is the brilliant plan going i turned the farmer into a frog then he turned back again and he still building the fence no worries i'll turn him into a frog again frog time no nanny this plan is silly all right smarty pants what's your plan man maybe lucy's mom can stop the farmer but you said we can't talk to grown-up big people we can't but lucy can yes i could ask my mum to stop dad come on the important thing is lucy not to mention elves and fairies okay wise old elf mommy mommy hello lucy i thought you were helping dad today i was but but what oh mummy can't dad put the cow somewhere else lucy whatever has got you so upset it's just that my friends the elfson fairies lived there oh no she's telling her everything elves and fairies how lovely no mom it's true right leave it to me there really are elves and fairies i know there are darling do you frog time oh hello nanny plum uh hello mommy how do you know nanny plums name because i remember her from when i was a little girl so you know all about the elfson fairies yes i used to play with them when i was little sally now i remember you it was years ago yes there was you and naughty prince thistle king thistle now nanny plum we must never talk to big grown-ups oh hello wise old elf nice to see you again oh hello sally did you know the wise old elf when he was very young no he's always been old and wise you haven't changed a bit thank you so it's the little kingdom where dad's putting the cows yes then we must stop him come on everyone stop stop what we have to find somewhere else to put the cows oh why because um because the grass here is a bit um dry and uh and the ground is uh too muddy there must be a better place to put the cows no this is the perfect place the plan's not working who said that oh what do we do is it vlog time no nanny what frog time ah don't let the farmer know we're here okay clever clogs what's your plan then um hello we'll be with you in a moment now nanny plum as i was saying um who are you all hello mr farmer we're elves and fairies and we live here in the meadow elves and fairies living in the meadow yes so we can't put the cows here darling well of course not i don't want to knock anyone's house down and one more thing dad you must not tell any of your friends that you've seen elves and fairies don't worry there is no way that i will tell any of my friends that i've been seeing elves and fairies thank you dad good news your majesty there will be no cows in the meadow so what's the bad news the farmer his wife and just about everybody now know about elves and fairies i see hopefully they don't know too much and over here is the little castle where the fairies live hello ah hello next on the tour the secret elf tree see all the secrets the elves have been hiding for years [Music] somewhere hidden amongst thorny brambles is a little kingdom of elves and fairies everyone who lives here is very very small i'm ben elf [Music] and holly's little kingdom [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle hard times food delivery oh hello mr al lovely day it certainly is hi holly hi ben come up mr elf is kind delivering our food yes where would we be without elves no idea your majesty cheerio mr elf um uh is there something else no well yes i was just wondering if you could pay us today pay you yes you haven't paid us any money for ages oh right how much do we owe you um 492 gold coins gosh that's a lot don't worry ben we'll just get some money won't we nanny money doesn't grow on trees holly no no it grows in the magic money chest oh there's only one coin in it one coin is all we need i throw it into the magic money chest it sounds like popcorn don't lift the lid up until it stops full of gold coins wow can i have a go all right i'll just empty the chest now ben throw the coin in but i haven't got a coin you made them all disappear oh without a coin we can't make money um i've got a button perhaps that will work it's doing its popcorn thing it's full of buttons nanny can you buy things with buttons mr elf would it be okay to pay you in buttons uh no the magic money chest broken yes your majesty for some reason it's just making buttons and we need to pay mr elf don't worry holly i'll sort this out ah this is embarrassing but the thing is we're a bit short of money today no reason to be embarrassed your majesty no reason at all sorry and all that no no please don't give it another thought good when you get some money let me know and i'll bring the food right back bye oh bye i've good news and bad news what's the bad news the bad news is there is no good news mr elves taken breakfast away and all because we don't have any silly money what's money for i'm not really sure holly but the elves seem to like it couldn't you fix the magic money chest daddy it's not broken we just need a gold coin to throw in who's got one that's the problem dear nobody's got one so how do we get a gold coin my dad gets paid gold coins for doing his job really could you do a job daddy and get a gold coin i suppose i could give it a try what sort of job will you get daddy i'm not sure i must be good at lots of things i'm the king ah wise old elf i'm looking for a job very funny your majesty no i'm serious i need to earn a gold coin i see normally you'd have to go to the elf job center and answer lots of questions but in your case no no i command you to treat me like anyone else yes sire name the king mr king what was your last job the king the king any skills being king we don't have a king job right now um we need a toy factory worker or a farmer or a sailor oh daddy sailor sounds fun yes i like messing about in boats you will be a sailor on our brand new ship your majesty it's the king i'm not the king today i'm just a humble sailor but we need a king to launch our new ship oh all right then i'll just be king for a moment i declare this ship launched now treat me like any new sailor okay you can mop the death right you're doing very well daddy it's rather dull why don't i speed things up with some magic no daddy the elves don't like magic your job looks fun let's swap of course your majesty much better oh this is fun part of starboard which way is starboard why can't they just say left or right we've hit a rock abandoned hello your majesty how's everything going very well but that ship wasn't strong enough have you got another one maybe you're not cut out to be a sailor your majesty what other jobs did the elf ladies say i could do the toy factory daddy that would be fun it's the king i'm not the king today i'm just a humble factory worker like you lot but we need a king to inspect the toys okay i'll be king for a second it's perfect right now i'm just a humble factory worker again what do i do press this button and out comes the gloop what about something a bit more interesting making the toys no your majesty the painting perhaps not the packing no today you are the gloop elf very good daddy i think i'm really getting the hang of this what go faster all right how are you getting on your majesty perhaps you're not suited to factory work your majesty what was the last job on the list working on the farm daddy the king has arrived to start our harvest dance hooray i'm not the king today i'm here to do farm work but it's our holiday not when there's work to be done you weren't the king back to work oh what do i do this pumpkin needs watering so it'll grow nice and big it's not growing it takes a long time king thistle weeks and weeks hmm let's speed it up with a little magic no daddy that'll help it grow wow that's a big pumpkin it's still growing it's not going to stop the pumpkin's going to explode right well that's as good a time as any to finish my day's work how many gold coins have i earned for being a sailor you earned one gold coin but for sinking the ship we'll have to take it back for working in the factory you earned one gold coin but for causing a duck flood we'll have to take it back and for working on the farm you earned one gold coin but for making the pumpkin explode we'll have to take it back but i need a gold coin i suppose i'll just have to come back to work tomorrow ah take the gold coin and don't come back tomorrow one gold coin i earned it all myself oh well done darling we just chuck it in the magic money chest it's doing the popcorn thing it's full of gold coins we're rich again well done daddy you worked so hard today it was fun well i'm off don't want to be late where are you going daddy back to work i've decided to work evenings but we have the money daddy there's more to work than money holly the elves need me your majesty we need you you see we want you to be the king again but kings don't work i want to be useful but kings are useful we needed a king to launch the elf ship that's true you launched the elf ship daddy even though you sort of sank it as well we couldn't make our toys if a king didn't inspect them and most importantly a king has to start our harvest dance i see well in that case start the harvest dance oh maybe i am quite good at being king i think it's the job your second best stand really and what job am i best at being daddy [Music] you
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 522,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #benandholly, #benandhollycartoon, #littlekingdom, ben, ben and holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben holly, ben holly little kingdom, cartoon, holly, holly and ben, little kingdom, nanny plum, princess holly
Id: Ppt_ksdtYJY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 20sec (3860 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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