Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom 🐟 Smelling Fishy | Cartoons for Kids

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it's red beard the elf pirate yo ho ho land ahoy um should the ship be leaning like that maybe it's the weight of all that treasure she's the ship and me treasure gone down to the bottom of the sea how sad anyway as i was saying this is a perfect day to test the submarine with no boats on the lake but what about mr red bits treasure yes me treasure how will i get it back if only we had some way of sailing under water to look for it ah if only anyway back to my submarine there's a submarine we can use the submarine clever ben hang on the elf submarine is a toy it's not for going on adventures oh so it can't go under water yes it can it'll probably sink like a stone no it will not good that's that sorted captain redbeard our submarine is at your service thank you your majesty but but i'll be needing a crew aye aye captain redbeard can i come and me i'd better come too if there's any trouble i can use magic to help us no nanny palum there will be no magic on the elf submarine because where else and elves don't do magic yes we know polly my faithful friend you'll have to wait here mr elf steer the submarine aye aye bear and holly wind up the engine aye aye aye captain what shall i do why you just sit there and look pretty my little mermaid [Music] it's so nice to stand on something that isn't moving red beds do islands normally have fins not as a rule no what about eyes hardly ever it's lovely being on dry land uh i think you should come back now no i want to stay here pick me up on the way home nanny plum hurry i'm not leaving this island i wouldn't exactly call that an island why not because it's a fish and a whopping big one it's big bad furry ah help me don't worry you're in no danger as long as he doesn't think you're food like a fly or something nanny does looks like a fly ah i'm not a fly i'm not a fly ah get away don't let barry catch you don't flap your wings so much nanny fly faster nanny don't look so like a fly will you ah daddy now she looks a bit like a worm on a hook oh fish like eating worms i'm not a worm i'm not a worm whoops maybe it wasn't such a good idea to use a fishing rod hang on daddy i'm pulling you in and hose me sweet darling not having a very good day are you not having a good day not having a good day a fish does try to hate me yep those sailors were definitely right about the woman on board bad luck stuff bug coming towards us fog that's bad [Music] whoa what a whopper dad you have to throw him back in the water he can't breathe of course i will but but just take a photo so i can show my friends there you go barry bye bye we've got another fish oh this isn't a fish it's a mirror can we keep it dad yes it's from the bottom of the lake so it can't belong to anyone cool okay well it's it's been nice chatting to you um little folk but i think it's time to go home bye bye bye do you think the mirror is magic dad i hope not i've seen enough magic for one day [Music] listen somebody's crying it's a girl hello what are you doing in the lane i live here you live in the lake yes i'm a mermaid my name is oceana why were you crying i've lost my mirror that must be the mirror lucy found and where is this lucy she's a big girl so she'll probably be on her way to school bye lucy pick you up later oh no a mermaid's mirror must never be seen by big people don't worry i'm sure lucy won't show it to anyone look everybody i found a mirror lovely that's perfect for our show-and-tell come up to the front lucy and show the mirror to the whole class ah my poor mirror i'll never get it back because i can't walk on land don't worry we'll get your mirror back what a fish we'll be eating him for weeks he's got the cheese yes we are bad barry is pulling us backwards i'm on we've got him we got him i think he's got us daddy holly's right we should never have tried to catch bad barry he's too big he's too bad [Music] we have to let him go never aha he's given up i don't think so he's eating the lime ah then he can have it i give it sorry we tried to catch you barry no hard feelings eh he's eating burnty launch the lifeboat abandon ship women children and kings first oh bounty hello everyone the chips are ready where's the fish oh what's going on big bad barry is eating bunty oh dear do you think barry would like some chips with that i think he's full alas poor bunty i knew her well right what should we have for dinner then i think i'd like fish fingers chips and the flowers and that big underwater cloud you don't get underwater clothes me hearty shiver me timbers it's a fish it's so big it looks bad is it barry it is it's big blood body he's swimming towards red beard's boat oh dear he's going to eat it no a treasure did you see that he swallowed it whole like it were a grape oh what a shame should we go home then go home but we haven't got any treasure well we can't do much about that now i never thought i'd say it but nanny plum is right unless you want to sail into barry's stomach and take your treasure back this adventure is over you're right me fruity pancake take us home mr ralph aye aye captain redbeard uh who turned out the lights it's all gone dark where are we oh we must have sailed into a cave mr elf was chatting instead of looking where he was going i was parked well we're somewhere strange and no mistake and i'll shave me beard off if there's not something fishy going on turn on the lights mr elf aye aye captain it smells fishy what a pong where are we look miss ship there are more boats as well huh it's bunty the boat big bad barrier last winter that's my old boat tricks a bell and there's fifi and this boo-boo uh if all those boats are inside big bad barry then we must be inside big bad barry by all that's wet and fat fish swimming through the air cool awesome bless me it's the twins you found me at last grandpa and holly my dear did i win the game hello dad have you really been hiding there all year if a game's worth playing it's worth playing right hello victor cedric old bean this is my best friend ben delighted to meet you ben don't ask him about his hobbies what's that hobbies you want to hear about my hobbies uh well did you know i've been doing some inventing yes last year you showed us your jam trousers did i what about my custard shoes those two oh i've taken up lots of new hobbies like woodwork sounds quite harmless here's a wooden chair i made it looks surprisingly like an ordinary chair yes but then i asked myself why should a chair have legs and not be able to walk here boy it can walk yes indeed [Music] oh it doesn't like being sat on no that's the problem with walking chairs and also i've been doing some gardening gardening that sounds relatively safe i asked myself why should a tulip have leaves why not hands or even feet and i gave it a brain master and a voice master what do you think of my gardening cedric this isn't gardening this is an abomination daddy what's an abomination that tulip i do like my hobbies frogs i asked myself why should a frog have just two eyes why not 10 or 23. oh that's enough dear that's my lungs it's coming from up there it's a jack doll and it's got my wands jack doors like shiny things it's very high up and i'm not allowed to fly high no problem i'll climb up [Music] be careful ben don't worry holly elves are very good at climbing and i'm an elf [Music] nice birdie can we have our wand back please you that was lucky wow ben tricking the jack door to open its mouth i would never have thought of that uh yes elves are very good at that sort of thing we should go before the jack door works out what to do next okay giddy up gas stop [Music] nanny ben found my wand that's very nice but you really shouldn't have lost it in the first place yes nanny plum now ben i understand we have you to thank for finding holly's wand it was nothing really i think a reward is in order i hear you want a new magic hat um yes it can be my thank you to ben no please don't bother stay very still ben and holly stop holly it's not a good idea to fly around madame spider why nanny the flutter of our fairy wings is like a fly and she likes to eat flies eat flies yes that's just what spiders do you like to eat ice cream spiders like to eat flies they have very smelly breath uh excuse me madame spider could we possibly collect a dew drop from your lovely web here it is to make some medicine for the king madam spider says yes i'll get the jew drop manny elves are very good at climbing and i'm an elf [Music] very good now we need the slime from a slug look a slug holly perhaps you could do the asking this time you might have to shout a little though because slugs cannot hear very well why is that nanny because they have no ears can't we just take some slime from the ground you can't go around collecting someone else's slime without asking them first he's not polite hello mr slug louder hello uh my daddy the king isn't well we need some of your slime to make his medicine can we collect some in this jar please did mommy say being a tooth fairy was dangerous there are lots of things you need to be careful of when you're flying at night like what ah cobwebs for instance good evening madame spider sorry for damaging your web but the young elf isn't very experienced at night flying you bye thanks nanny plum nanny what else do we have to look out for oh windows where did that come from well done holly you found a little girl's house and that's the little girl she doesn't look very little wow look at that big girl shush she's also got big ears to hear us with so be very quiet follow me [Applause] [Music] she's very pretty not too close princess holly oh her breath is pulling me in beats your wings as i said we must be very careful this is the tricky bit i have to get the tooth from under the pillow without waking the little girl [Music] gently pillow up up up wow there it is it's stuck one two three four oh thanks ben that's what i call a big baby tooth what about the coin nanny here it is oh no what's wrong it's not an earthquake it's worse than an earthquake it's a woodpecker it's smashing the tree it's made a hole it's got inside oh it's not in my flat phew it's not in my flat our door's stuck here son let me try i believe we have found the bird everybody keep calm and don't panic ah everybody out run for your lives hello ben hello holly we've got a bird in our tree yes i saw it first it's a woodpecker that's correct i didn't realize your majesty was interested in birds oh yes i'm a bird spotter here's my badge then it's very good you turned up we need all the help we can get take me to the bird thank goodness you're here your majesty the woodpecker is in our home it's building a nest and soon there'll be eggs and when they hatch they'll be baby woodpecker chicks and baby woodpecker chicks are extremely rare to spot fantastic when they hatch i can come back and take them off in my book it's got to go now before it lays its eggs it can't go i want to spot the chicks this tree is for elves not for woodpeckers no nesting creature shall be just why do people always have such small chimneys we could deliver the presents for you all right put these presents in lucy's christmas stocking don't forget the tangerine someone's coming keep still pretend to be a statue that's odd some of the decorations have fallen off the tree this little elf must go here and this pretty fairy should be at the top of the tree phew that was really close let's deliver lucy's presents [Music] ben holly lucy you're supposed to be asleep i'm too excited about christmas what are you doing here we're delivering your christmas presents whoa to elves and fairies get presents as well no but tonight we have the elephant fairy feast there's lovely music and lanterns in the trees that sounds nice it's beautiful we better go santa's waiting on your roof santa on my roof cool merry christmas lucy merry christmas oh there you are uh there wasn't a little snack down there for an old santa was there yes a mint pie delicious now this drink even better we can't start the elf and fairy are you coming out to play [Music] gaston's not answering oh maybe we've upset him but we have such fun together yes he like when i tip him over and he wiggles his feet and when i ride on his back [Laughter] but do you think gaston enjoys it hmm perhaps he doesn't maybe gaston's sad and that's why he won't come out to play oh dear what can we do nanny plum will know what to do she knows everything about ladybirds good idea [Music] [Applause] dum da dum dum [Music] hmm ladybirds are never happy but gaston is our best friend can you do something please manny plum please oh all right i'll see what i can do thanks manny [Music] this is gaston's cave and what sort of insect is gaston he's a lady holly look yes that must be ben hello ben i hear you've been naughty and got yourself turned into a frog you really should have waited like i told you yes poor holly was really worried oh maybe this frog isn't bad maybe that one looks a bit like ben but so does that one [Applause] they all look the same we'll never find ben look one of them is wearing our hats does ben wear a hat um i think so holly don't you know he's your best friend yes ben wears a hat hi ben if it's really you do a croak at last you've no idea what a time we've had trying to find you now ben don't worry nanny plum will be here soon and she knows the spell to turn you back again we don't need nanny plum i know lots of spells uh violet i think we should just wait for nanny no no no turning frogs back into elves is easy peasy watch this stop it easy turn yourself into whatever you need you see i told you i could do it well done violet ah that was horrible i was a frog and i was eating flies oh i don't think my spell is quite finished oh ben's turned into a bird that wasn't meant to happen now we will never [Music] this is nice daddy yes it is rather nice isn't it i don't know why i've never done this before would you like some lunch your majesty oh yes i am rather hungry me too telephone for your majesty someone called nanny plum hello danny plum yes yes of course right away nani says i have to get back to work oh but daddy what about lunch i know but there is more important king work to be done but daddy you're king that means you're in charge ah holly everyone thinks i'm in charge but really i get told what to do all the time [Music] when are we having lunch nanny there's no time for lunch your majesty you have to judge a fairy fruit and vegetable competition how do you do that daddy how do i do that nanny you pick the biggest [Music] princess holly and king thistle here are the finalists your majesty this is a tomato ah very uh big and this a strawberry also very big and uh red now i have to make another speech ah well done everybody for growing this um stuff it all looks uh very big now without further ado i judge that the winner is the tomato [Applause] [Music] or yes a caterpillar and they change don't they do they of course they do so you've nothing to worry about uh right if you want to help you can find her some leaves to eat so if we want to help her fly we have to find more leaves exactly she needs to eat lots and lots of leaves why you'll see first gather up the leaves okay let's see who can get the most leaves okay you're on [Music] oh do you think we fed betty too many leaves yes she is a tiny bit fat there's no way she'll ever fly that's better she's a good weight now uh daddy how can this help betty fly oh you'll see [Music] and that's my dad see you tomorrow see you tomorrow ben good night betty [Music] daddy told us to feed betty but now she's so big she'll never what's this rex is rounding up the sheep and taking them safely into their pen [Applause] wow gaston wants to have a go you're too little to round up sheep gaston whoa what's that sound it's gone all dark it's bessie and who is bessie this is a cow a cow [Music] she likes you now children what does the cow give us a big lick yes and what else milk well done but she hasn't brought any with her she has watch me it's okay betty i'll be very gentle and there you have it that's where milk comes from a cow another interesting thing about cows is they always sit down when it's going to rain that's just a silly fairy tale it's true cow sit down when it's going to rain oh yes yes what a superb example of a female bovine quadruped i just felt a teeny drop of rain these are the cows others yes i definitely felt some rain uh wise old elf maybe you should get out from under the cow if only i could take a closer look oh dear it's the gnome he's come back to eat our breakfast oh a mole oh it's eating our washing go away mole princess holly do you know a magic spell to get rid of moles i'm sorry mr elf i don't oh dear think mr elf what gets rid of moles hello yes moles don't like us gnomes no idea why uh thank you mr gnome for uh saving our campsite from the mole that's all right what's for breakfast the mole ate all the food oh dear good morning nanny plum how was your night it was very strange mr gnome turned up and he loves oranges and mr nimes sang a funny song called rinky dinky doo then a mole came along and ate our washing line and all our food and now we haven't any breakfast yes i thought that might happen that's why i've brought the magic picnic basket breakfast for everyone [Applause] oh i'm actually very hungry oh have you not eaten either not today oh dear it's empty it isn't empty it's a magic picnic basket magic basket please breakfast for everyone i get the idea magic basket please 20 poached eggs lots of toast knowing jars of jam 40 sausages and 90 pancakes what a splendid tidy up okay dad i'll take litter to the bin thank you lucy come on rex that's the sound of big people quick get out of the bin huh what was that i said get out of the bin it's not a bin it's the great elf tower just get out of there you silly old elf excuse me [Music] i am not a smelly little fairy i'm a smelly little elf it's that little girl we met at the farm yes it's lucy hello ben hello holly we're having a picnic look gaston it's rex he likes you because you're smelly charmed i'm sure ooh you've brought all your friends from fairylands this isn't fairyland it's the little kingdom load the elf trucks right hole but why do you want all this stuff we use it to make toys wow i love toys but what do you do with all the smelly stuff it makes lovely compost for the elf farm back to the elf tree let's get these down to the elf factory without delay [Music] it's a mouse i put these ears on and this knows that i was it a good idea putting the toddlers in the library what it's the same room you put all the wands in ah don't worry the great wizardo will sort this out i'll show them my mouse trick that will surprise them they'll be surprised how bad it is so it might work look children i've turned myself into a mousy wow that's not a bad costume uh the toddlers have magic the wise old elf into a real mouse squeak can someone please magic me back into an elf no we can't do any magic because somebody put all the ones in the library ah yes squeak hey me hearties i'm here to pick up my niece metal oh actually the party's not quite over yet no the toddlers are in the library with the dangerous spell books they've got all the magic wands and they've magic the wise old elf into a mouse squeak sounds like a fun party oh no it's gone quiet they're up to something let's take a look hello hello there's no one here just our ones oh it's good to have you back again uh nanny now you have your wand again would you mind um of course oh great wizardo silly old elf back to yourself so where be the poor little toddlers i was afraid of this daisy and poppy have found the secret passageway where does the secret passageway go to the secret room i never knew we had a seat then he could score on his own this is too easy okay i'll make it harder i'll give the next legs too oh this is the ridiculous why don't you add some dragons for good measure oh that's a good idea why down [Music] ah so this is basketball what a fun game well done wise old elf for suggesting it what's the score nanny what score would you like can we have a hundred million okay a hundred million points to this team we have a hundred million too yes a hundred million points to that team oh that means it's a draw [Music] aha what a great father's day this has been it'll be hard getting back to my work tomorrow yes it'll be hard getting back to my food deliveries again oh the deliveries uh i'm afraid it all went a bit wrong today mrs peach wanted an orange and nanny gave her broccoli and i think i gave mr ag a peach or was it the other way round it'll take weeks to sort this out i'm quite looking forward to it i really enjoyed father's day it's a shame it's over there's still a tiny bit of father's day left papa i'll read you a bedtime story thank you strawberry ready once upon a time a big bad wolf came along to the straw house and he huffed and he puffed and then there was a loud knock on the door who could that be said the princess with a yo-ho-ho the pirates set sail across the deep blue sea does the story have to be about pirates not about pirates what else could the story be about how about vikings oh okay vikings then the vikings set sail across the deep blue sea and on the way they met a pirate these chickens don't look dangerous it's collecting eggs that's dangerous how do you collect an egg an elf must run very quickly to the egg pick it up and run away with it as quick as they can what happens if they're not quick enough they get saturn now you see how important it is that the gate is locked at all times chickens escaped catch that chicken the chickens escaped [Music] quick to the elf truck follow that chicken oh we've stopped oh no the clockwork has wound down quick holly let's wind it up oh hello will somebody give me an egg now oh my goodness daisy and poppy you're a long way from home we better ring your mummy and daddy bunny rabbit now now daisy that wasn't very nice what's going on bunny rabbit [Music] what's that noise it's coming from over there i think we found my little sisters wow look at all those rabbits that one's wearing my dad's hat puppy daisy what have you done rabbity rabbity they've turned all the elves into rabbits daisy that wasn't funny or clever give me the wand titty meow daisy and poppy i'm sure you didn't mean to meow me buddy [Music] do you think that's it yes luckily birds can't hold ones oh barnaby and ben have you seen the girls the kittens are holly and fleur and the birds are the twins what uh daisy and puppy have been doing a bit of magicking i see and who are all the rabbits we're ready send it in [Music] [Music] da [Music] what was that laughing [Music] um let's go and join in the fun [Music] happy elf joke day that was not funny wise old elf oh i'm terribly sorry nanny plum may i say how lovely you are looking today what is this another silly joke no oh you are so pretty may i take your photograph oh well i suppose so oh you are most kind say cheese [Music] cheese what it's smelly elf cheese it's really smelly yes it's top quality smelly elf cheese that was not funny at all mr old alf oh yes it was i'm going to turn you into a snail but nanny you said never use magic in anger i'm not angry now where's my wand it was just a joke yes and here's another joke who made these hills on my golf course moe your majesty well get rid of it we've been trying to chase it away all morning your majesty don't you know how to get rid of mole's wise old elf uh no then who does nanny plum she can talk to it she speaks all animal languages of course nanny yes your majesty ah nanny plum you talk to animals don't you yes your majesty then can you tell this mole to leave my golf course uh no your majesty what i can't speak mole it's one of the more difficult animal languages along with aardvark but can't you use magic to get rid of the mole there is one magical method to get rid of moles but unfortunately it uses a gnome watch that a name your majesty is a sort of elf with a big tummy what gnomes are nothing like elves they eat too much talk too much and never do any work i don't care what you use just get rid of that mole okay i'll fetch as a gnome [Music] where am i hello mr gnome i've called you here to get rid of some moles it will be my pleasure i like trees they're not like peas custard creams or goo or you'll sing my song and scrum along with a foldy dog well that was easy wasn't it thank you gnome how much do i owe you oh i'm not finished yet your majesty if i go now the mole will mrs witch it's been such a thrill to be in a competition with you remember i'm oh thank you dear you're so nice she's turned mrs witch to stone that's it i've won i'll be the little kingdom's which i'll really enjoy working with you king thistle uh working with me oh yes i've got big plans for the little kingdom oh dear she sounds like a bit of a bossy boots meow and mrs witch's mangy old cat will have to go did you see mrs witch move she can't move she's been turned to stone he really is a flea bitten old thing he smells [Music] wow mrs witch turned the other witch to stone so i suppose mrs witch is the winner we knew you could do it uh shouldn't you turn wendy witch back now she was very rude about my hockey but if she says sorry sorry and sorry to moggy sorry auggie thanks you're just amazing mrs witch i've never seen anyone break out of a stone spell before and you're a very polite and clever young witch mostly well as they say this town ain't big enough for the both of us so i'll be moving along bye i'm glad mrs which one the little kingdom wouldn't be the same without mrs witch yes mind you wendy witch did have a point about the cat it does rather smell and it's what was that it's uh it's a most lovely pussycat thank you king thistle i do love my moggy meow see the telly is always right but now that we're here how do we find mrs fatheringgill gaston can sniff mrs fulleringhill's shoes and find her brilliant ben find mrs fathering girl good boy gaston i wonder where we'll find the lost tribe lost tribe what nonsense whoa look at that a lost tribe told you they're elves and fairies just like earth halt who journeys through our land we come from the surface of the mighty earth we welcome you surface dwellers we thank you o lord of the underground nanny why are they speaking in that funny way that's how they speak on telly we bid you greetings uh actually we've come to get mrs fatheringgill ah the one we call teacher yes that'll be her good morning children my name is mrs fox hello mrs father and gill oh hello everybody we're here to rescue you and we've brought your shoes oh my shoes it's good to have them back it's been very nice and peaceful down here a bit like a holiday but i will be glad to be back in my own little home daisy poppy on the other hand i think i'll stay here young lady do you want to be rescued or not oh i don't know it's so hard to decide i'll make it easy for you yes as queen i command you to come back oh well in that case right mission accomplished let's go home back to the left everyone make me a nest all cozy and round lovely can i get off now of course your majesty look there's a crack oh daddy you've broken the egg no the egg is cracking on its own the egg is hatching oh it's a little chick good now the mummy will hear the chick call and come to collect it and i can get back to my work look the chick is following manny plum usually the first thing a chick sees is its mummy and this chick's your manny first so it thinks nanny is it's mommy i am not a mummy bird the chick is hungry mummy bird must give it food i haven't got any food what do birds eat worms and insects uh gaston is an insect gaston maybe you should stand back a bit we need to find some worms how with worm charming like this the worms think it is raining and come up to breathe [Music] it got away oh come on everyone try again now these wings are soaking wet she can't fly so she's stuck on that little island nanny plum are you ready to be rescued uh no i wait for my wings to dry and then i'll fly over to you [Music] i think that bird's looking for worms i hope mrs bird doesn't mistake me for a [Music] worm oh now he plums in a bird's nest i'll be all right as long as the eggs don't hatch oh dear those baby birds look hungry oh bother my wings are still wet it's not pleasant but it's only mud i think it's quicksand nally plum is sinking into the ground uh ben i'm ready to be rescued now fantastic [Music] he's too heavy gaston [Music] you smell horrible well at least no one else was here to see all that my goodness is that you nanny plum uh yes queen thistle i'm just teaching the children a few fairy rules excellent and what fairy rules are you teaching rule one fairies must always look nice where are they oh dear i think the king has found them where did this come from really what a fuss over such a little creature my tadpoles your tadpoles have turned into frogs princess holly tadpoles frogs what on earth is going on daddy i did tell you i had some homework [Music] [Music] this is my ring and these are my toys let's play hide and seek one two three four five six seven eight nine ten coming ready or not [Music] found you let's play another game bedtime princess holly manny say hello to my friends fluffy tiddles mopsy and ben um hello good night [Music] [Music] good froggies ben are you coming out to play wait and see the lemonade has turned into water why would you want to do that that's not magic it's very sensible magic it's rubbish magic well what would you turn it into how about this [Music] you did magic outside the test room oh it's a lemon i meant to turn it into a frog nani palam my one's not working right it's rattling ew i see what you mean that doesn't sound right hmm when did you last have this wand serviced 10 years ago one should be serviced once a year here try that [Music] yes that's much better nanny you turn the wise old elf into a frog so i did are you going to turn him back again oh i suppose i'll have to silly old elf back to yourself [Music] very good your wand seems to be working perfectly don't wait 10 years before getting it serviced again yes wise old elf sorry thank you for mending my wand wise old elf you're welcome princess ollie it's good to have you back again wand i promise to take special care of you from now on yes don't bash it on a rock i won't [Music] you
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 3,534,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: Cyg44ytcZFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 22sec (3802 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2020
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