Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Superhero Knights In Tights | Cartoons for Kids

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i'm not ben yes you are ben is my usual name but when i put on my superhero costume i become elfman what does elf boy do elf man he can run and jump and fly that's not flying this is flying uh but i can fly in the elf mobile but that's just gaston no it's the elf mobile the elf mobile can go on land sea or air we can be superheroes too yes i'll be fairy girl i'll be captain crazy i'll be the strongest boy in the world and we can all do nice things and help people hang on we can't all be goodies someone has to be the birdie the what you know a super villain can i be the super villain okay strawberry do i help people too no you have to try and take over the world the whole world well maybe we should just start with the little kingdom and i'll try and stop you okay i will be the ice queen strawberry ice queen strawberry ice cream ice queen not cream oh super villains always have a gang we'll be the gang so it will be elf man and fairy girl against strawberry ice queen and her gang the goodies will win the baddies will win no the goodies will win to the elf mobile come on fairy go do your worst ice queen okay fairy girl bye i'm the ice queen i can do anything i'm the one who made it cold ha i wouldn't say it's that cold no we're not even wearing gloves ha oh yes i can make it colder if you like do your worst you'll never stop elf man and fairy girl we'll see about that lunch time oh i've got to go i'm having pizza for lunch pizza can we all come too can we please okay you can all come for pizza there you are i was getting worried what with this mad weather mum my friends have come for lunch too is that okay yes of course we're superheroes and super villains [Music] that's nice who wants pizza yes please we can't stop long i've got to take over the world and ben and i have to save the world oh good so you'll need to keep your strength up then hmm what's the best way of taking over the world you are the ice queen you could make it snow yes maybe i will thanks fairy girl come on let's get on with the game we're off to our secret hideout us too bye bye okay no now as well in july oh this is ridiculous why is hell white old elf there's something you have to see eh watch that come with me i'll show you is it much further i'm freezing we're here look what on earth where are we the very edge of the little kingdom and the snow stops here snow no snow snow no snow snow yes thank you mrs elf we get the idea ah it's so nice to stand on something that isn't moving red beds do islands normally have fins not as a rule no what about eyes hardly ever it's lovely being on dry land uh i think you should come back now no i want to stay here pick me up on the way home nanny plum hurry i'm not leaving this island i wouldn't exactly call that an island why not because it's a fish and a whopping big one it's big bad furry ah help me don't worry you're in no danger as long as he doesn't think you're food like a fly or something nanny does looks like a fly ah i'm not a fly i'm not a fly ah get away don't let barry catch you don't flap your wings so much nanny fly faster nanny don't look so like a fly will you ah daddy catch hold of now she looks a bit like a worm on a hook oh fish like eating worms i'm not a worm i'm not a worm maybe it wasn't such a good idea to use a fishing rod hang on daddy i'm pulling you in and hose me sweet darling not having a very good day are you not having a good day not having a good day a fish does try to hate me yep those sailors were definitely right about the woman on board bad luck stuff bug coming towards us fog that's bad can we go home does anybody know how to make a shelter oh me me i brought my tent watch this there we go [Music] it's got five bedrooms a bathroom a television and even a cellar oh it's amazing the best tent in the world we can't sleep in that why not what's wrong with being comfortable when you're on holiday this is an adventure not a holiday we'll make a shelter out of two twigs and a leaf you lean the twigs up like this and hey presto what have you got two twigs and a leaf where's the bed you sleep on the ground it's nature's bed lovely and cozy but why bother when you can sleep in my castle tent you're missing the point do you fox cubs want a real adventure yes good if you're going to learn how to survive in the wild you have to be in the wild like uh at the top of a mountain what fluffy owl please magic us to the top of a mountain okay abracadabra wow we're at the top of a real mountain fantastic now how are we going to get home easy our magic is home let's say you don't have your wand with you okay i'll call for help no phone either hello hello but that's going to make it very very difficult to get home exactly but when you get home you will have earned your adventure badge so what do we do first maybe we should start by working out which mountain we're on good ben that's exactly what we should do fluffy owl which mountain did you magic us too no idea what you just said a mountain i don't know one mountain from another trapped in the land of the dinosaurs with no way back don't worry there must be an answer think mrs elf think what's that is it's a dinosaur i'm not sure it's a cave woman [Music] shoes shoes wait a minute it's missy's fathering girl the last teacher i've been stuck here for ages thank goodness you finally come to rescue me well we sort of need rescuing ourselves actually oh if only mummy was here yes the queen could magicka's home but the queen is here i saw her this morning hooray but she was carried off by one of those pterodactile things leaving just her wand and her cell phone mrs father and gill do you know where the pterodactyls live they live on scary mountain i could take you there if you want all right come on children hold hands stay together mrs fatheringgill why is it called scary mountain oh i see look the queen hello everyone mummy are you all right yes but i'm trapped it won't lift up its foot i'll climb up and take a le pterodactyl elves are good at tickling pterodactyls and i'm an elf careful ben tickle tickle tickle tickle tickle tray here's your wand mommy thank you everyone now i think we all better get back home [Music] are we nearly there yet no holly we have to go past the roots of the plants the drains the giant spider caves it's a long way to the center of the earth so how many steps do we have to go down 48 million trillion thousand oh no my feet are tired already that's why i got the dwarves to put a lift in doors opening hold tight everyone the lift does go rather fast doors closing [Music] here we are the center of the earth it's a huge cave it's full of trees and giant mushrooms yep that's how it was on telly well one thing that's not here dinosaurs see the telly is always right but now that we're here how do we find mrs fathering gill gaston can sniff mrs guild shoes and find her brilliant ben find mrs fatheringgirl good boy gaston i wonder where we'll find the lost tribe lost tribe what nonsense whoa look at that a lost tribe told you they're elves and fairies just like us halt who journeys through our land we come from the surface of the mighty earth we welcome you surface dwellers we thank you o lord of the underground nanny why are they speaking in that funny way that's how they speak on telly we bid you greetings uh actually we've come to get mrs fatheringgill ah the one we call teacher uh it looks like that oh i see daisy poppy you turned me back this instant or i'll i'm dolly plum feed me please yes i think we can make a copy of this come along please if i press your tummy will you sing a song don't you even think of pressing my tummy dolly plum is not so fun you are indeed you are indeed [Music] so how are you going to copy me we'll use this copying machine this is how it works if we take this tennis ball and put it right here an exact copy now for dolly plum and actually i've changed my mind can you put me down please i don't think i want to do this today thank you thank you nanny you just have what do you mean what do you mean yes your majesty know your majesty whatever [Music] that doesn't sound like me it does a bit nanny dolly plum it's a perfect copy yes and now that we've copied nanny we can make as many as we want hold on let's stick to one just to keep the twins happy i quite agree one nanny plum is quite enough fine now will someone please magic me back again okay nanny that's better now i can get on with my work [Music] oh dear they want a dolly but we promised any plum we'd only make one one more wouldn't hurt just to keep the twins happy my dolly my dolly flying saucer holiday here we come um it's not really a holiday we must leave hold tight everyone it can be bumpy what do you mean bumping ah what's happening why are we floating there is no gravity in space nothing to hold you down sorry i forgot to turn on the ship's gravity motor [Music] look at all the pretty sparkly lights behold the wondrous science of an alien race where's the toy alert we do not go to the toilet incredible being so advanced they have stopped needing to go to the toilet no toilets what if i once again you should have gone before we set off maybe there'll be toilets at the beach is there a beach on planet bong planet bong is all beach wow or beach yes it is very hot and sunny would anyone like a snack yes please this machine can make any food or drink you like can i make orange juice yes delicious can it make a jam and peanut butter and banana sandwich yes amazing can it make jelly no it can make anything in the universe but not jelly which is a shame because i like jelly jelly i can do jelly nanny what a little bit of jelly never did anyone any harm magic jelly please oh it is a bit small i would like lots of jelly okay magic jelly lots that's not a mole hill that's gaston's house gaston they're going to flatten your house oh don't worry gaston you can come and live with me in the little castle i'll put the cow shed over there oh no the cow shed will be right on top of my little castle don't worry holly you and gaston could come and stay with me in the great elf tree and i'll put the cow manure over by those trees oh that's where the elf tree is what's manure cow poo oh maybe i won't stay at the great elf tree thanks anyway ben i'd better start building the fence lucy lucy oh hello ben hello holly your dad is putting his cows right where we live yes isn't it terrible you have to tell him to stop okay i'll tell him that else and fairies live here no no big people must never know we live here but i'm a big person and i know you're special what can we do then let's ask the wise old elf he'll know what to do he's old he's wise what was that we've got to be quiet okay let's go and tell the wise old elf about the cows cows in the meadow we'll have to tell the farmer that he can't put his cows here no no we must never talk to big people hello wise old elf oh big people nice to see you again oh hello lucy i thought you said we should never talk to big people well that's apart from lucy of course lucy is nice hmm this way then whoa what's happening well i suppose he knows where he's going i never realized nails went this fast maybe they can smell all right elves let's get these cabbages loaded it's a bumper crop yes we managed to keep all the pests off them this year no green fly no caterpillars and most important of all no snails [Music] [Applause] [Music] quick get the cabbages into the elf trap boy get off me vegetables [Music] what are these snails doing here uh we're just [Music] snails you cheeky little snails cheeky they've eaten half our cabbages well if you will grow such delicious cabbages what do you expect but but children did you all have a nice ride today yes thank you miss jolly it's a pleasure and we should also say a jolly big thank you to mr elf for giving the snails such a lovely lunch it was my pleasure oh no there's loads millions and millions most of them bigger than me hmm perhaps it is time for end of holiday okay let's go and see if your flying saucer is mended ah just in time i've mended the flying saucer well done wise old elf all those tubes and things made it a bit like plumbing and elves are good at plumbing thank you i will now start the engine oh that's not right it sounds like a fairy car on a cold day daddy yes it does a bit of magic always helps start the fairy car no you must never mix magic and plumbing oh nonsense sounds good thanks to me being an excellent plumber thanks to my magic fairy dust you mean now now let's say elf skill mended the engine and fairy magic got it started [Music] lucy that's my dad i better go mom dad you'll never guess what i just saw don't tell me elves and fairies again yes and aliens too aliens oh aliens of course lucy we must leave now ben holly would you like a little ride before we go yes please dear lucy everyone knows aliens don't exist [Music] hello lucy hi ben and holly the aliens have to fly back to their planet they just wanted to say hello to your parents hello big people we have just been here on our holidays oh we've got another fish oh this isn't a fish it's a mirror can we keep it dad yes it's from the bottom of the lake so it can't belong to anyone cool okay well it's it's been nice chatting to you um little folk but i think it's time to go home bye-bye bye do you think the mirror is magic dad i hope not i've seen enough magic for one day [Music] listen somebody's crying it's a girl hello what are you doing in the lane i live here you live in the lake yes i'm a mermaid my name is oceana why were you crying i've lost my mirror that must be the mirror lucy found and where is this lucy she's a big girl so she'll probably be on her way to school bye lucy pick you up later oh no a mermaid's mirror must never be seen by big people don't worry i'm sure lucy won't show it to anyone look everybody i found a mirror lovely that's perfect for our show-and-tell come up to the front lucy and show the mirror to the whole class my poor mirror i'll never get it back because i can't walk on land don't worry we'll get your mirror back oh thank you home time children hi dad hi lucy good day lucy lucy ben holly what are you doing here we've come for the mirror it belongs to a mermaid oh this should be fun we've never had an elf on our royal picnic before thanks for inviting me that looks heavy can i help you carry it oh thanks ben oh but it's really light it's a magic basket uh don't worry ben you'll see [Music] look it's gassed on the ladybird hi gaston daddy can gaston join our picnic hmm i'm not sure what did he say nanny plum can speak ladybird language gaston says he would like the pleasure of joining princess holly and ben elf on the royal fairy picnic your majesty very well it's just a pity he's a bit smelly nanny plum can you translate that yes i can but i'd rather not [Music] ah here we are the royal picnic spot [Music] what's this it's food for the picnic you mean you actually bring food with you to a picnic uh yes it's probably some strange elf custom your majesty oh how charming i've got plenty of food for everyone thanks ben but fairies don't eat elf food we have our own special fairy food here it but is basket is empty you've forgotten your food silly ben it isn't empty it's a magic picnic basket it can give us anything we want let's start with the drinks i feel like some sparkling fairy juice magic basket oh so old let's have fairy juice sparkling and cold wow oh yes young elf it is rather impressive ah big people a little toy bus please put us down oh it's okay it's lucy she's just a little girl she's a very big little girl she's ginormous hello hi you see more little fairies i'll have you know i'm not a fairy i'm an elf have you got wings can you fly elves do not fly can you do magic spells elves don't do magic oh so what can you do elves do um lots of things [Applause] and we're fairies ones away please fairies a farm is no place for magic as you can see lucy this is a rather bossy owl lucy we want to see where the milk comes from we want to see cows can you show us please yes follow me are the chickens yes we know and we know what chickens give us don't we children eggs yes jake hello chickens some fairies and elves have come to see you chickens are quite stupid creatures because they are so big but i'm big and i'm not stupid yes sorry lucy [Laughter] these are the sheep ah yes and who can tell me what sheep give us eggs no no sheep give us wool what did the sheep say um the sheep said but what does that mean now where is it blue oh daisy and poppy where have you put your baby dolly thank you baby hello i'm baby plum baby plum he's lots of fun change my nappy please oh no they've changed nanny into a doll baby plum is lots of fun feed me please what are we going to do we need to get help let's call my mom she'll know what to do good thinking ben this is heavy oh together push [Music] hello mrs elf speaking mum it's me ben oh ben you sound different yes we need a bit of help please come quick right oh she's on her way thank goodness i wonder what the matter can be [Music] baby plum he's lots of fun bath me please hello daisy hello poppy can you tell me where the big children are we're down here oh daisy and poppy put a spell on us and we need a bit of help your majesty we do seem to have got ourselves in a bit of a pickle uh yes the twins are a little high spirited today could you calm them down please of course mrs witch if we don't do magic these days then what do you do i'm retired so you don't chase elves or fairies anymore then oh no i just look witches don't do anything they just smell a bit funny and make horrible cakes what as for magic they're completely harmless she probably can't even do a simple transformation spell yes i can then why don't you change this horrible wallpaper or make these seats more comfortable stop it nanny you could make tasty cakes i'm warning you oh get some new clothes if you change one more thing a bit of makeup i'm sorry i had to freeze nanny plum she was very rude to me i don't think nanny meant to be rude mrs witch maybe not but she was are you going to keep nanny frozen forever no if nanny says sorry she can go nanny say sorry to mrs witch i will not say sorry i was only trying to help you out your grumpy old witch owl so you won't let nanny go nope we should get help uh is it all right if we go mrs witch of course you have both been delightful company what's your plan we have to get the king yes daddy can tell the witch off then she'll let nanny go bye bye uh bye thank you very much for having us did the cave people have electric light bulbs no that's to show how the campfire would have looked when it was lit here's another button they move you see king thistle the toddlers are being as good as gold it's actually going quite well the toddlers haven't even made mrs fathering gill disappear yet stone age times close your eyes and imagine what it must have been like i have always wanted to know what it would be like to live in the stone age oh dear i suppose it was never going to last all they've left is her shoes daisy poppy where have you sent mrs fatheringgill [Music] they've sent mrs father and girl back to the stone age that was a very naughty thing to do bring mrs father and girl back right now okay oh on second thoughts you don't want to know what it was like to live in the stone age oh my shoes it's good to have them back right next room ancient egypt [Music] look here's a model showing how a pyramid was built it's quite small were the ancient egyptians the size of elves and fairies no the ancient egyptians were big people and the pyramids are huge but they wouldn't be able to fit a full-sized pyramid into the museum big that's right daisy think how big a real pyramid would be here we go again use your imagination big oh no stop stop it right home what's going on here big people are coming watch in there everyone pretend to be toys and what are these little toys doing here hello uh hello frog times [Music] well done tarquin can we help you nanny plum of course uh daddy plum what's in this medicine of yours oh just blackberry juice lemon and sugar and a few other things nanny what other things do we need let's see a dew drop from a spider's web the slime from a slug and and go to granuie what what's that frog you'll never get daddy to drink that oh no it would be most unfortunate if anyone were to drink this this is a potion for rubbing on his feet first we need a dewdrop on a spider's web look a dewdrop stop holly it's not a good idea to fly around madame spider why nanny the flutter of our fairy wings is like a fly and she likes to eat flies eat flies yes that's just what spiders do you like to eat ice cream spiders like to eat flies they have very smelly breath uh excuse me madame spider could we possibly collect a jew drop from your lovely web here it is to make some medicine for the king madam spider says yes i'll get the jew drop manny elves are very good at climbing and i'm an elf [Music] very good now we need the slime from a slug look a slug holly perhaps you could do the asking this time we are here planet bong [Music] wow planet bomb is all sand and hot the perfect holiday planet we're going into the ground i am home again and i have brought smartypants to save our planet the great leader of planet bong is here to celebrate this special meeting of peoples hello he's tiny yes on planet bong we get smaller as we get older hello who said that he's down there daddy oh hello hello say hello everybody the great leader is very old it is a fantastic honor for you to meet him say hello gaston gaston's eaten the great leader naughty gaston spit the great leader out terribly sorry he's not really house trained uh yes as our special guests we will now welcome you with a song put on horrible noise when are they going to start playing the tune this is our national anthem and delightful it is too [Music] cyros why do you live underground once planet bomb was covered in plants everywhere was green and beautiful and the people were happy then the plants began to die out it became too hot to live on the surface [Music] we'll make an elf of you yet holly can we build a castle big enough for us to go inside we need a huge bucket to make a sand castle that big uh like that one that's a very huge bucket it must have been left by big children there aren't any big people here now good thing big people have big feet and you never know where they're going to step look they've left some spades let's build a big sandcastle for princess holly it can be our thank you for lunch good idea mr elf can i help no no no please just relax and enjoy watching elves doing what elves do best what do else do best elves are best at making things [Music] oh [Music] princess holly would you do the honors by tapping the bucket [Music] [Music] can we go inside but there isn't a door i'll soon sort that out [Music] there's your door since this is our very own castle oh yes hocus pocus uh how about make me a birthday card super duper quick [Music] it worked [Music] come on silly paintbrushes hurry up i haven't got all day right you naughty paintbrushes i'll do a stronger spell to make you go faster stan pop six pow more bigger faster now oh it's going a bit wrong [Music] uh [Music] there's your tea your majesty will that be all yes thank you [Music] away you go thank you nanny you stopped it yes but i've had to stop all the fairy magic in the castle oh [Music] this is the coral reef amazing yes it's all so pretty do you think we'll bump into anyone else down here in the middle of a vast ocean we're not going to bump into anyone ah watch where you're going oh i'm most terribly sorry i didn't see you there well i am here and i'm not pleased to be bumped into not pleased at all it's captain squid the pirate yes it is i captain squid and i'm here burying the treasure burying your treasure at the bottom of the ocean the thing is every place i bury my treasure it gets found so i thought if i bury it at the bottom of the ocean where no people ever visit maybe just maybe my treasure might stay hidden it's not too much to ask is it well we're very sorry to disturb you we'll be on our way yes be off with you get your own ocean to swim in uh hang on a moment there is uh something you could help me with what's that it's a bit embarrassing but uh i haven't got a boat to sail home in can i have a lift what happened to your boat it got eaten by a big fish barry barry's here the fish that ate my boat had big eyes that barry had a big mouth that barry and eight legs that's not barry a fish with eight legs yes it's a giant octopus and it's swimming towards your boat ah i have to warn mrs elf and then squire trivellion said here is the great secret i must tell you the person i truly love is yes this had better be important yes ah don't panic but there is something swimming towards you oh yes what sort of a something ah a sort of hungry giant octopus with eight legs something oh yes i see it what should i do would you mind telling it not to eat my boat [Music] you're not supposed to see us who are you uh i'm holly i'm a fairy princess a real fairy princess with wings and a wand and everything yes and this is ben he's an elf hi holly hi ben oh i wrote you a letter thank you oh it's so little [Music] it's a terrible signal wise old elf nanny plum don't you know what time it is i didn't call to ask you the time we're in a big house and the window's closed i need some elves to rescue us i see how many elves do you need all of them we came in through the window but now it's shut there it's open thanks lucy it was nice meeting you lucy but we weren't supposed to wake you it's okay i'll pretend to be asleep bye bye hmm i see you wake the little girl up we didn't mean to nanny oh it's okay they always wake up to the rescue [Music] now where's this window that needs opening you just came through it but that's an open window yes we've done it ourselves we don't need you anymore sorry sorry you've just dragged every elf in the kingdom from their beds shush can you be quiet of course i can elves are very good at being quiet and we're elves this is why elves can't be tooth fairies you're too noisy hey all right lucy we heard a noise it's okay she's asleep you can come out now phew bye lucy see you again bye ben and holly hmm that's confusing roses are large and the sky is big but how do you mix them together it can't be done it's silly that's why it's a riddle me lovely it's a puzzle you have to solve the razors are red and the sky is blue mix them together and you get purple it must be buried under the purple flower ah-ha very good very clever come on ben let's think for the treasure yes elves are very good at digging and where else did dig dink ding ding dig big big oh what's that it's another map that's right you can't just find the treasure with one clue why not that wouldn't be fun me little mermaid oh the x is marked on gaston's cave let's go there [Music] hello gaston we think there might be some pirate treasure in your cave [Music] ah i used to live here myself many moons ago probably before you were even born gaston i like what you've done with the place gaston mr redbeard what does the riddle say i the riddle i'm easily spotted and where i lay you'll find the clue to show you the way easily spotted what's that gaston has spots on his back oh it doesn't like being sat on no that's the problem with walking chairs and also i've been doing some gardening gardening that sounds relatively safe i asked myself why should a tulip have leaves why not hands or even feet and i gave it a brain master and a voice master what do you think of my gardening cedric this isn't gardening this is an abomination daddy what's an abomination that tulip i do like my hobbies frogs i asked myself why should a frog have just two eyes why not 10 or 23. oh that's enough dear they don't care about your silly old hobbies yes i'm forgetting myself it's your party darling and i've arranged a fantastic surprise what's the surprise i dread to think to the top of the tower renny thistle loves looking at the stars oh yes stars are very pretty so i asked myself why do we have to look at the stars from down here why not up there in the sky [Music] wow the tower was turned into a rocket aren't the stars beautiful granny they certainly are darling very nice uh dad how'd you land this thing no idea son this is magic i don't have to know what i'm doing i may not know much about magic but i do know how to land a rocket [Music] look we're back home lucy's having an elf and fairy party great i've always wanted to go to a big kids party me too what shall we wear what we always wear after all we are roles and fairies that's the thing real elves and fairies aren't invited it's just a lot of big children dressed up as elves and fairies oh oh lucy what's the matter oh mom i really wanted ben and holly to come to my party well i think they can just keep them out of sight and away from your dad great thanks mum i'll go and tell them as long as it's only ben and holly ben holly mom says you can come to the party after all [Music] it was only supposed to be ben and holly so you don't want us to come of course i do you can all come i'm sure it will be fine as long as you promise to stay out of sight and away from my dad we promise let's put your wings on now you look like a real fairy princess lucy all your friends are here oh goody happy birthday lucy i like your fairy wings i like your alpha ears i made them myself here's a balloon each hold tight or their fly away have fun i'll be back to pick you up after the party [Music] i think the coast is clear have fun i'll be back to pick you up after the party hello my goodness you've all come and welcome here's a balloon hold on tight or it'll fly away whoa quick grab him [Music] i don't feel like playing games today what nonsense you love playing games have fun [Music] i wish those cakes didn't take so long to bake me too i suppose we might as well try playing a game okay how about tag i like tag all right but you must play fair no magic okay you're it can't catch me [Music] can't catch me [Music] you're running too fast i can't help it elves are good at running fast and i'm an elf it's not fair fairies can't run as fast as elves okay i'll hop on one leg can't catch me you're still going too fast okay i'll stand still [Music] got you my turn can't catch me i'm going to catch you no you're not can't catch that's me we said no magic i'm not using magic i'm just flapping my fairy wings it's not fair elves don't have wings i'll never catch you all right i won't use my wings got you it's guarded by a ferocious beast [Music] school starting all right acorn class settle down lucy could you please feed fluffy the hamster yes miss cookie oh look what i found it's the toy pirate chest from the fish tank how on earth did it get in fluffy's cage maybe a pirate put it there we'll just put it back shall we guarded by a ferocious beast indeed fluffy the hamster there back where it belongs never mind captain squid i think that's the best hiding place for it anyway but you all know where it is now we won't tell anyone you swear yes on pirates honor but fatbed you said pirates don't really have any honor yes yes thank you holly we'll talk about this more later but for now put your hands on your hearts and say pirate's honor pirates honor all aboard let's be off before we're spotted a flying ship yes all the best pirates have one these days now let's start the class miss cookie look a flying pirate ship is behind you yes children now settle down please hi holly hi ben what are you doing here tell you later set sail for home little kingdom here we come i think we got away with that i it were a great adventure and that's what being elf pirates is all about having adventures [Music] glue paint brushes and glitter oh goody first i have to put a mat down so that we don't get glue on the floor yes and we must wear aprons to keep our clothes clean now what we stick the pieces together with glue like this [Music] one two three there it's stuck one two three one two three one two three [Music] hmm it doesn't look quite right uh we can paint it yes [Music] that's better hmm it had flowers on it too i'm good at painting flowers there but i think he was a bit more sparkly we can use glitter [Music] i love glitter it's so glittery do you think your mum might see the difference uh yes maybe it just needs more glitter no ben we tried to mend it but it didn't work we'll just have to ask an annie plum for a spell all right let's go to nanny [Music] caterpillars make them so is betty caterpillar inside yes but when she comes out she won't be a caterpillar anymore what will she be um maybe a frog a frog or maybe a bird i see betty caterpillar's going to turn into a bird then she'll fly ah a cocoon yes daddy betty caterpillar is inside it and when she comes out she'll be able to fly because she'll be a bird ah actually caterpillars don't normally change into birds do they change into frogs um not frogs either but what will she hello betty oh she looks the same [Music] she's got wings wow she's a butterfly betty butterfly [Music] look they're all flying together she looks really happy let's [Music] i can't fly uh ben i thought elves were rather good at using ladybirds to fly that's right elves can fly on ladybirds and i'm an elf gaston [Music] thanks gaston give me up giddy up [Music] enter hello princess holly i'm not princess holly i am queen holly today i've got no time for these fun and games i've come to collect ben for school oh wait ben mommy and daddy are away today so i am in charge of the whole kingdom is this true nanny plum i'm afraid so and i have just decided that ben does not have to go to school today it's the law well this is most unusual in fact there'll be no school for anyone today no school for anyone yes it's the law because i am queen holly um as you wish queen holly [Music] oh dear the children will be most upset when they hear the news children i'm afraid queen holly has informed me there will be no school today what's that noise [Music] today shall be a holiday for everyone even grown-ups even the wise old elf and nanny plum oh no one's allowed to work it's the law but what shall we do all day ah play games yes you've got to play games and be happy because i am queen holly do [Music] [Applause] you
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 775,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #benandholly, #benandhollycartoon, #littlekingdom, ben, ben and holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben holly, ben holly little kingdom, cartoon, holly, holly and ben, little kingdom, nanny plum, princess holly
Id: e3ma4QPWt5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 18sec (4038 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 30 2022
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