Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Ben's Magic | 1Hour | HD Cartoons for Kids

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can I have another guy no if anyone can do it I want to go oh all right Holly give Ben your wand but elves don't do magic I'd like to give magic ago just this once that's the spirit burn into frogs advocates of it a few for a moment I thought Ben was gonna turn us into frogs Africa somebody it's no good elves don't do magic hmm maybe you just need a teeny tiny bit of magical help tricky trick tricks this young owl do you magic have another go Ben very good bang but haven't you forgotten something what you need to turn them back into girls again okay then well done Ben did you to follow that [Music] good anyone else want to try no how about game of football yes the rules say no magic okay yes I think we've had quite enough magic to one day princess Holly could you remind us what your tune sounded like please I don't suppose you la can read music well I haven't seen this particular piece before played that perfectly' perfect for you maybe but it's not elf music elf music has oompah oompah like this [Applause] [Applause] just remember you are playing for king and queen marigold and they are very snooty we like all power music but king and queen marigold don't quite so play Hollies tune please Holly through the elf band sound any better oh die okay let's hear them play better yes it's charming but I still don't think king and queen marigold will like it why mummy king and queen mary girls don't like country things and the instruments sound so uh roughly I can fix that how I'll just use magic to make the instrument sound more normal play me a tune mr. elf [Music] there are no words in the book I am a magical cookie Booker where are all your recipes boy if you tell me what you want to cook I will tell you how to cook it we want to cook a special modern meal please come down very modern Stephanie you will need the following ingredients that doesn't sound very special well ah one recipe for a very modern meal this is a library can I borrow this book without health you can't keep it princess Holly fairy books do not belong in the elf library Thank You Kingdom Queen Mary cold how lovely to see you darling it's always a pleasure to visit your little King bow oh I hope you're hungry nanny's been in the kitchen all day we haven't eaten nothing since breakfast we didn't want to spoil a dinner made by the best cook in the whole world I wonder if baked beans and modern nanny we've got a magic cup hello nanny plum oh you found my cookbook where was she she was in the elf library what were you doing in there I was getting a very bold the book now is a recipe for a modern meal oh good what's the ingredients a potato and onion some beef and cheese but that's what I would normally cook yes the ingredients are simple but the way we cook them is not now boil a pot of water onion and cheese and boil for one minute and then collect this a very delicate dish today we are having nature class follow me excuse me white old elf why do we have to do nature glass because Bend it's important that every young elf learns about nature who can tell me what this is is it a sort of plant a wilted thistle is the correct answer Oh now what's the name of this flower we seem to have walked into some elves good day nanny plum hello wise old elf hi dad hi class I'm not sure about this quite so elf and fairy nature classes are very very different we're learning names of plants and things so well be please nanny plum can we have one big class please mr. wise old elf know very well I suppose I can handle a few more children what wise old owl there's no need for you to hang around but but you can collect your children when my lessons over no doubt there's some charming fairy name for this plant but my class has identified it correctly as a welted thistle oh isn't it Harry bitter crass interesting or hairy bog weed you both know the silly plant names so you should both take look hmm on one condition no magic shaving nature class today not magic class sighs it's a great let's go oh it's a wondrous place I've never heard of it the great elf tower gives us all the things we need to make toys when big people have picnics in the Little Kingdom they put plastic bottles tin cans and old papers into the great elf tower we're here behold the great tower Wow all I can see is a little pen what big people and fairies might call it a little bin but to us it is the great elf tower why are you wearing those funny clothes they're not funny these are safety clothes the great elf tower can be very dangerous and very smelly here goes [Music] have you found lots of things for making toys not yet it's a bit dark I'll go down and take a closer look oh yeah I think the great elf tower is empty I can hear big people we must stay out of their way big people have very big feet come on max that was a lovely picnic let's tie deal Thank You Lucy come on that's the sound of big people quick get out of the bin huh what was that it's the great tower when the big hand and the little hand are pointing straight up it is 12 o clock good day nanny plum can we join you yes as long as you are quiet right young hmm now who can tell me how we know a watch is working yes Holly very good you see we fairies know all about time but you fairies don't have watches or clocks we have our own ways of telling the time hmm I'm sure you do now how do we know when to wake up in the morning the alarm clock rings correct I wake up when the call cries yes I see and how do we know when it's time to go to sleep when the clock says it's bedtime yes correct again I go to sleep owl hoots Twitter but without clocks how do you know what time it is we have dandelion clocks that means stop stop that's all fairy nonsense but it's fun fun has nothing to do with telling the time I don't suppose you fairies can tell me what time it is now it's noon ah yes Holly well done I have to get the tooth from under the pillow without waking the little girl gently pillow oh wow very tease right stuck one two three oh thanks Ben that's what I call a big baby tooth what about the coin nanny here it is No what's wrong yeah the little girls witness a letter what a nuisance I love getting letters but the children always want to reply now we'll have to come back again can I read it do you fairy what is it like to live in fairy land fairy land that makes it sound like some silly make-believe place did she ask about elves no then maybe there wasn't enough room in play but she does say not fun Lucy that's a lovely name Josh remember Princess ami we mustn't wake up nanny what happens to the teeth now we'll give it to the old they take care of the rest this way hopefully that we no one there then we can just leave our tooth and go good evening and I help you hello tooth delivery have you filled in your tooth report yes there appear to be some details missing where was the tooth found under the pillow under the pillow dear me you haven't even put the little girl's name we know that her name is Lucy Lucy and she's written oscillator ah a letter there'll have to be a reply before morning it's very nice in the Little Kingdom today's lesson is about Thank You strawberry today's lesson is about some important fairy rules rule 1 fairies must look nice hair lovely clothes stylish skin beautifully clean elves and lazy birds of course need not worry about such things rule 2 fairies should never ever be without their ones who knows why without once fairies can't do magic tricks yes ban we need ones to do magic a fairy without her wand is like a like a ladybird without her spots mani Gaston's a boy ladybird whatever the important thing is fairies must look after their wands yes Manny plum rule 3 if it's windy like today berry should be careful about flying as long as I fly low I'll be fine but on a day like today no one should fly above the castle walls it's very windy up here yes nanny plum so what have we learned fairies should always look nice fairies must never ever be without their one fairies mustn't fly in strong wings plums gone was that meant to happen I don't think so behind and fairy without two ones is like a ladybird without his spots Pournami what can we do I've got a simple plan we find nanny we rescue her then we give nanny her wand ow it's time to paint our toys remember be very careful a little paint goes a long long way [Music] I bother doing things without magic is very hard maybe you need just a teeny tiny bit of magic first me zig zag Zowie pace this time Miss Holly are you doing magic no I don't else not me I think it's just the storm outside it must be really close now hmm there's something funny going on around here wise old elf what do we do next a good question Holly next we wind the toys up [Music] go on do something doesn't work don't worry I'll just give it a little help nanny plum have you been doing magic just a teeny tiny little bit to help things are long you are a very naughty fairy sorry wise old elf we'll say no more about it now Holly let's see what your owl can do or you will also believe in a windmill what a working windmill is a very difficult thing to build oh it mustn't actually work no and just pretend but with sails the go round alright we're building a pretend windmill for the gnome yes it mustn't actually work it's just silly but it looks fun cannoli and I help you oh yes please [Music] now we can fix the sails is it dinner time already not really could you get me a bucket of custard and a big jar of pickles please oh and some plastic flowers you're going to eat plastic flowers no that would be silly they go with the windmill ah good work boys old elf thank you goodbye finally or you will need a little bridge what a plastic well and a little picket fence so he wants a bucket of custard and a big jar of pickles oh okay what do I do you'll need binoculars a bird spotters bad and of course a book welcome to the world of bird spotting look for birds then tick them off in this book all right I'll give it a go um it's a Robin yes a Robin and I spotted it this is rather fun oh there's another bird what does it look like um it's got a long pointy beak oh it's a woodpecker a very special bird can I have a look daddy yes oh the word Packers land is on the great health tree orange juice bed yes please mum it's not an earthquake it's worse than at earthquake it's a woodpecker it's made of whole it's not in my flat whew it's not in my flat dear son let me try yes I believe we have found the bird everybody keep calm and don't panic yes I saw it first it's a woodpecker squirrels won't let anyone move their acorns watch now we're going to move the acorns out of the tree but you said you couldn't move the acorns we can't but we can trick the squirrels into moving the acorns for us how wait here you'll see oh it's very clever is it really clever no it's stupid but funny here we are squeak oh why is the wise old elf dress there's a squirrel because squirrels copy other squirrels now if I move an acorn all the other squirrels will copy me and move their acorns too but don't the squirrels need to store their icons for the winter ha ha yes that's why I'll lead them to the dry hollow log on the top of the big hill your costume looks very heavy yes but it's perfectly balanced by the tail ready for checks ready tail kick a cone check squirrels watching check go go go squeak squeak we'll see you at the hollow log wise old elf [Music] [Music] the rocket will land here in the Sea of Tranquility Oh sand castles we can have a picnic on the beach and you can go paddling in the sea there is no water on the moon but what is the same made from just a rock a sea of rock what's the points of balance listen everyone this is a very serious mission there'll be no swimming or picnics here is the main cabin the cabin is a bit tiny I might say down below in the kitchen the kitchen there isn't a kitchen kitchen this big space for van this space is for the fuel nanny alum I have worked out exactly how much fuel we need to get you to the moon there isn't one you'll just have to go before you leave having a pissy side will need nanny palem it's not a picnic at the seaside it's a very serious mission we are going to the moon now all astronauts into their spacesuit ready for takeoff there's no air in space you'll have to wear a spacesuit we can just use magic to breathe no magic is not allowed aboard the elf rocket you will have to leave your ones behind okay [Music] Queen sizzle would you please come with me to the mission control room Oh systems check and since ready computers ready fuel system ready start the countdown I want to wish you all the best of luck you are going where no else has gone before Oh fairy the word for my wand comes from a plum tree because I am nanny plum the wood for your wand Holly should come from exactly it must come from a strawberry tree let's see how that feels it's a big it just needs a little trim this stage of wonder repair is a mixture of woodwork and gardening is my wand language now and not yet princess Holly we need to mend the head follow me this is the clockwork room [Music] Spinney equal to clam vending a one-bed is a mixture of surgery and watchmaking these hedgehogs Rotter whistles whistles hmm interesting that doesn't sound right [Music] [Applause] not yet nanny plum Holly's wand needs testing to the testing room the one testing room it is the safest place to do magic in the kingdom magic we don't want the magic leaking out and causing trouble where's the fun in that magic is not meant to be fun this way princess Holly please feel free to ask any question I pull this lever princess what else do you do I pull this lever and the loop comes out then you get bored elves never get bored but I'm an elf thank you now moving on I press this button yes all James you must be very patient helps are very patient a dime and else next is the paint room this is where the toys are painting has there be two things one takes the eyes another Mouse and another hair amazing I thought it would be all done by machine oh we do it all by hand it looks such hard work elves work hard work thank goodness I'm a fairy shush many once the dress is painted the dog goes through to the dryer and then it's packed ready for delivery and here we are the finished doll a perfect example of elf workmanship isn't the doll's dress supposed to be rated what oh you're quite right princess Holly oh never mind some mistakes occur when you're making so many dolls I'm afraid we have tomato bugs oh yeah tomato bugs like to eat the tomato plants go away Joe Joe Joe Joe yes if only we could find a way to get rid of them you should be our chief pest controller now we can harvest a Tamar to carry on right Oh [Music] tomatoes dangerous it is that's why we wear these hard hats but there's another job that's really dangerous whoa what's that can I see it can be quite scary I'm not afraid it is possibly the most dangerous job in the world for an elf what is it lifting what's so dangerous about collecting eggs chickens Wow let's eat aren't they yes that's why we have this high fence and why it's very important to see where the milk comes from chickens yes we know and we know what chickens give us don't we children chickens are quite stupid creatures because they are so big yes sorry Lucy [Laughter] ah yes and who can tell me what sheep give us no no sheep give us wool man stupid indeed and who is busy now children what does the cow give us for today's nature class we shall be studying the pond some creatures live on land like elves some creatures live in water like fish others live in water and on land like good bad who can tell me what frogs like to eat ice cream for fall no princess Holly does anyone else know correct Barbie frogs eat flies would you like to see where frogs come from yes yes very well frogs lay eggs called frog spawn they don't look like frogs Oh we'll have to wait a few days to see now who's going to look after our frog spawn really princess Holly yes please very well I'll help you take them home to the little castle hello princess Holly how did your lesson go it was great we learned all about frog spawn and I've got some homework today that's very nice hello nanny plum where do you want the frogs for goodness me frog spawn you always said I should learn more about nature Manny yes but I didn't expect it to be in my kitchen this is a library we must be quiet there are so many books here how do you stop them flying about and fidgeting these are not magic books your majesty oh well how do you ever find what you are looking for then we ask the wise old librarian so where is this wise old librarian can I help you are you the librarian yes in the daytime yes the answer is in the astrophysics section second row reference 520 point three four this way what books did you look in my story and we looked in magic spell books well there are different books for different things there are books with stories in and books about how things work there are books about music about animals Oh chickens that's interesting books about vegetables oh yes I like vegetables especially peas you can find out le answer if you look in the right book ah here we are a book on stars is this going to have the answer let's see is everybody comfortable yes Queens is low on clear nights we can see the stars twinkling in the sky the light we see from each star is tiny the tiniest little spot of light we can only see it because the sky is so dark what other things do we need let's see a dew drop from a spider's web the slime from a slug and I Nui frog burp you'll never get daddy to drink perhaps oh no it would be most unfortunate if anyone were to drink this this is a potion for rubbing on his feet right first we need a dew drop on a spider's web look hey John stop Holly it's not a good idea to fly around madam spider why man the flutter of our fairy wings is like a fly and she likes to eat flies eat flies oh yes that's just what spiders do you like to eat ice cream spiders like sweet flies they have very smelly breath ah excuse me madam spider could we possibly collect a G drop from your lovely web here it is to make some medicine for the king madam spider says yes I'll get the dew drop Manny elves are very good at climbing and I'm an elf [Music] very good now we need a slime from a slug Holly perhaps you could do the asking this time you might have to shout a little though because slugs cannot hear very well why is that Manny because they have no ears what a lovely morning for a bit of wond practice but nanny plum I was going to play with Ben princess Holly there's a time for playing with elves and a time for wand practice I promise to practice later hmm very well but come in when I thanks many bye where's Ben Ben oh well I suppose I could do someone practice while I wait now on what shall we do today yes let's make a pretty hat look at that eye pretty huh oh it's not very pretty and it's too big bye-bye silly hats [Music] hi Ben I'm practicing my magic do you want to see okay stand very still I'll make you a new hats applica that magic them aha I left her Ben into a hat gosh what a big heart it's Ben I accidentally turned him into a hat princess Holly that's exactly why you need to practice your magic more I was practicing but it all went a bit wrong I expect you waved your wand all over the place that should make people feel at home why is the courtyard full of straw it's for your hamster Your Majesty my hamster it's funny the courtyard looks just like a hamster cage yes very amusing why does it have to run about so much hamsters like running about hi Ben hi Gaston hi oh heavens run away oh how sad how terribly sad we lost Pippin what a dreadful turn of events it bins gone gone forever wait King thistle I can get your hamster back ah don't trouble yourself Ben it's no trouble elves are good at rounding up hamsters and I'm an elf ready gasps Don King thistle safe and sound ah Thank You Ben let's close the cage door before Pippin escapes again does it ever go to sleep maybe when he's tired and how do we make it tired let's ask the wise old elf he knows everything hello wise old elf speaking how do you make your hamster tired hamster oh the king's packed hamster we need to make it tired ah I see what you need is a wheel a wheel big just said hocus pocus plink plunk oh yeah Oh focus focus pretty dolly [Music] yes this will never get made I'll just have to do the magic myself no what was many spell how about you naughty paintbrushes I'll do a stronger spell to make you go faster [Music] [Music] there's your tea your majesty yes thank you [Music] big bad berry to open his mouth we could just sail out oh very clever Ben only how do we get him to open his mouth maybe it's time to ask for a bit of advice can someone answer their phone it's not my phone oh it's mine hello oh hello nanny plum what's that they've got good news and bad news what's the good news they found the treasure and what's the bad news they've been swallowed by a giant fish what are they okay I'll ask is my submarine all right it's not scratched is it listen clever clogs we need your help someone needs to talk to the fish nanny plum can speak fish ah nanny plum you must tell the fish a joke and make him laugh that's a no idea a very stupid idea but an idea what's the plan I'm going to tell Big Bad berry a joke to make him laugh what utter nonsense it was the wise old elves idea it's brilliant everyone's back on the sofa get ready to sail what's a good fish joke I know I don't know you might not get it what do they do they're beautiful please don't touch them we don't want them to get stickier children always have sticky hands no he don't yes you do don't think the pebbles look beautiful King fizzle what oh yes very our Peverley this way greenfly hmm good boy Gaston you will be needing dinner now here I feel found our pet green fly Lucinda Gucci and Tim here oh where is Timmy Timmy Timmy Timmy hmm perhaps he's gone for a walk Timmy Gaston spit Timmy out Tibbie Oh playing hide-and-seek word now you may find the next room a little chilly it's breathing in here yes this room must be kept well below freezing temperature at all time all these lovely things have made of ice they look very beautiful queen mary girl yes they're cool please don't touch are they made with magic yeah that would be too easy they're made from ice that froze over a thousand years ago and hand-carved by Norwegian mining Pixies these sculptures are one-of-a-kind and simply irreplaceable hmm I swore nuts now I saw like swamis oh dear you dumb you've broken my swans head off it's all right magic another one Africa that bra make me a bird's ice thingy time to play stick the tail on the donkey yes the donkey looks like a cabbage or a duck it's a donkey now I will blindfold little elf and she'll try to stick this tail on the donkey it's a stupid game anyway you need like a stick the tail on Oh looks like the twins party has started to liven the party up a bit I'm putting the grown-ups ones in the library too now for my conjuring show green sisal please take a card we don't show me what is your card um the two of hearts your card is the two of hearts that's the worst trick I've ever seen I thought it was rather good how's it done for my next trick I will turn myself into a mouse you little ones need to wait behind this door for a moment how do you change yourself into a mouse I put these years on this nose that I was it's a good idea putting the toddlers in the library what it's the same room you put all the walls in ah don't worry the great wizard Oh we'll sort this out I'll show them my mouse trick that will surprise them they'll be surprised how bad it is sir might work look children I've turned myself into a bow that's not a bad costume their toddlers have magic the wise old elf into a real Mouse we can still build sandcastles yes no don't start digging up the moon you'll upset the aliens the aliens love building household hungry time for the picnic no magic basket please magic in a nipple um are you waving your magic wand around I haven't got my wand remember it wasn't allowed on your silly elf mission ah yes anyway the magic picnic basket doesn't need a wand to work you just ask it for what you want magic basket please make us sandwiches with ham and cheese pudding magic jelly nanny plum we don't want another jelly flood Oh it'll be fine nanny plum I want you to think very carefully about what you are doing whatever magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] what's he doing no no I forgot to say not [Music] [Applause] what's happening nanny plum has flooded the Sea of Tranquility with jelly daddy plum all the maps of the mood will have to be changed the Sea of Tranquility is down the sea of jelly sorry sorry the aliens will be very upset the aliens like the jelly [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 5,383,798
Rating: 3.8627141 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: n7uaJKhNPOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 51sec (3651 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 22 2018
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