Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Ducksplosion | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts at the little castle time oh hello mr. owl lovely day it certainly is hi mr. elf is kind delivering our food yes where would we be without elves no idea your majesty something else no well yes I was just wondering if you could pay us today pay you yes you haven't paid us any money for ages all right how much do we owe you um 492 gold coins gosh that's a lot don't worry Ben we'll just get some money won't we nanny money doesn't grow on trees Holly no no it grows in the magic money chest oh there's only one coin in it one coin is all we need I throw it into the magic money chest alright I'll just enter the trash now Ben throw the coin in but I haven't got a coin you made them all disappear Oh without a coin we can't make money um I've got a button perhaps that will work can you buy things with buttons mister would it be okay to pay you in buttons no the magic money chest broken yes your majesty some reason it's just making buttons and we need to pay mr. elf don't worry Holly I'll swap this out this is embarrassing but the thing is we're a bit short of money today your reason to be embarrassed your majesty no reason at all sorry and all that no no please don't give it another thought good when you get some money let me know and I'll bring the food right back I I've good news and bad news what's the bad news the bad news is there is no good news mr. elves taken breakfast away and all because we don't have any silly money what's money for I'm not really sure Holly but the elves seem to like it magic money chests daddy it's not broken we just need a gold coin to throw in who's got one that's the problem dear nobody's got one so how do we get a gold coin my dad gets paid gold coins for doing his job really did you do a job daddy and get a gold coin I suppose I could give it a try what sort of job will you get daddy I'm not sure I must be good at lots of things I'm the king ah wise old elf I'm looking for a job ha ha very funny your majesty no I'm serious I need to earn a gold coin I see normally you'd have to go to the elf Job Center and answer lots of questions but in your case no no I command you to treat me like anyone else yes sire name the king mr. king what was your last job the King look King any skills being King besides have a king job right now um we need a toy factory worker or a farmer or a sailor Oh daddy sailor sounds fun yes I like messing about in boats you will be a sailor on our brand-new ship your majesty it's the king I'm not the king today I'm just a humble sailor but we need a king to launch our new ship oh all right then I'll just be king for a moment I declare this ship launched now treat me like any new sailor okay you can mop to death [Music] it's rather dull why don't I speed things up with some magic no daddy I'll start like magic your job looks fun let's swap of course your majesty much better which way starboard why can't they just say left or right hello your majesty how's everything going very well but that ship wasn't strong enough have you got another one maybe you're not cut out to be a sailor your majesty what other jobs did the elf ladies say I could do I'm not the King today I'm just a humble fat few worker like you lot but we need a king to inspect the toys okay I'll be king for a second it's perfect right now I'm just a humble factory worker again what do I do press this button and out comes the gloop what about something a bit more interesting making the toys no your majesty the painting perhaps not the packing no today you are the gloop else very good I think I'm really getting the hang of this what go faster all right how are you getting on your Magister perhaps you're not suited to factory work your majesty what's the last job on the list I'm not the King today I'm here to do farm work but it's our holiday not when there's work to be done you heard the king back to work right Oh what do I do this pumpkin needs watering so it'll grow nice and big it's not growing it takes a long time King thistle waits and waits hmm let's speed it up with a little magic wow that's a big pumpkin pumpkins going to explode right well that's as good a time as any to finish my day's work how many gold coins have I earned for being a sailor you earned one gold coin but for sinking the ship we'll have to take it back for working in the factory you earned one gold coin but for causing a dark flood we'll have to take it back and for working of the farm you earned one gold coin but for making the pumpkin explode we'll have to take it back but I need a gold coin I suppose I'll just have to come back to work tomorrow ah take the gold coin and don't come back tomorrow what gold coin I earned it all myself oh well done darling we just chuck it in the magic money chest daddy he worked so hard today it was fun well I'm off don't want to be late where are you going daddy back to work I've decided to work evenings but we have the money daddy there's more to work than money hollien the elves need me your majesty we need you you see we want you to be the King game but Kings don't work I want to be useful but Kings are useful we needed a king to launch the au ship that's true you launched the elf ship daddy even though you saw two sank it as well we couldn't make our toys if a king didn't inspect them and most importantly a king has to start our harvest dance I see well in that case start the harvest dance [Music] [Applause] maybe I am quite good at being I think it's the job you're second best pretty much over my best at today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] my new fairy tea set has arrived it's so beautiful and it's very sparkly it's also very delicate Holly that means it breaks easily so you can look but don't touch yes mummy it is a beautiful teapot shall I give it a bit of a dust your majesty no nanny plum even you mustn't touch it yes your majesty good now as it's such a lovely day why don't we go for a nice walk can I stay here and look at the tea sets instead all right Holly but look and don't touch yes hello nanny plum hello Ben can Ollie come out to play I'm afraid princess Holly is very busy looking at a teapot perhaps then I've got something to show you okay Holly look mommy's fairy tea set isn't it beautiful I suppose so no one is allowed to touch it not even nanny why not because it's very delicate well what can you do with it then well you can have three parties with it of course but we're not supposed to just hold them silly it's not hard look at me how do you like you to yourself me Costra McQueen's teapot Oh mommy will be so sad we weren't supposed to touch it while we know what can we do can you fix it with magic I'll try abracadabra well that didn't work Oh nanny will know a spell let's ask our no we can't tell anyone what can we do then then odd elves good at mending things yes and you're an elf been out [Music] can you help me mend it sure please you're my very best friend and you're my only hope okay I've got stuff for mending things at home but what if someone sees us I can make us invisible I know that spell apricot I believe people don't arty doll there's nothing bad be quiet i father my invisible spell has worn off that's alright we're nearly there no one will see us now hello Ben hello princess Holly oh hello mrs. elf what are you two up to then ah nothing mum we're just going to mend something yes elves are good at mending things and you're an elf yes this is where I keep all my mending stuff glue paint brushes and glitter oh goody first I have to put a map down so that we don't get glue on the floor yes and we must wear aprons to keep our clothes click now we stick the pieces together with glue like this one two three there it's stuck [Music] one two three one two three one two three there it's mended it doesn't look quite right we can paint it yes that's better hmm it had flowers on it too I'm good painting flowers there which i think is a bit more sparkly we can use glitter do you think your mum I see the difference yes maybe it just needs more glitter no then we try to mend it but it didn't work we'll just have to ask a nanny plum for a spell all right let's go to nanny [Music] ask a first question of course many a little friend of mine has broken something and wants to mend it what spell can she is do I know this little friend no she's a goblin and she lives far away and you don't know her at all is it a special thing this little goblin broke yes and did the little goblin break it on purpose no it was an accident I didn't mean to break it oh I see you broke it Oh No I didn't mean to break it oh don't worry Holly it can't be that bad it is that bad they'd be silly it's not as if you've broken the Queen's D part what did you break Oh mommy's going to be so sad but we did mend it well I'm sure it's okay then it doesn't look exactly like it did before please can you fix it Manny don't worry I know just what to do I knew nanny plum would have a spell to fix it I'm not going to fix it are you going to buy a new teapot no much simpler than that what well tell the Queen excuse me your majesty what is it nanny plum unfortunately there has been a little accident accident what happened I'm sorry to say that your teapot has been broken Oh the teapot I said no one was to touch yes nanny plum I told you not to dust that tea set yes your majesty I have a good mind to turn you into a slug that's a bit harsh isn't it darling could you turn me into a snail perhaps instead it was me I did it and I've been sad all day and now you're going to have to turn me into a slug instead of nanny oh oh no my poor darling don't be sad it's only a silly piece of pottery but mummy you are going to turn nanny into a slug oh I didn't really mean that ah sorry I made you sad mummy Oh Holly I'm only sad that you felt you couldn't tell me we did try and it it doesn't know like it did before but the children have tried their hardest look that is beautiful just as beautiful as it was before should I give it a dust your majesty no this is one of a kind and very fragile no one must touch it promise we promise I will treasure it forever [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 2,110,392
Rating: 3.9975231 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: yZ1j2wbZ7vU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 3sec (1203 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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