Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Froggy Frolics | Kids Videos

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[Music] today's adventure starts at the magic bus stop Daisy and poppy card to them easy hello everyone and welcome to today's playgroup outing uh mrs. Fothergill are you sure it's a good idea taking the toddler's on an outing they can be quite a handful little darlings do have high spirits but this time I'm not going to let them get the better of me that's the spirit mrs. fathering Gail she's doomed let's check all the toddlers are here Daisy and poppy Daisy and poppy have promised to be as good as gold today not that means very much I'm sure if Daisy poppy say they will be good they will be it is pal metal elf don't she's done missus bothering Gill with her nets Oh raspberry fairy my little sister even how one disrude and last but not least Turk when he talked me I fought again Cochran is a monster remember last time when the toddlers made mrs. Fothergill disappear yes all they found was her shoes now for today's outing we're going on a trip to the museum the Bakke museum but that's full of big people yes but the museum has so many interesting things for the toddlers to look at are you going to take away their ones mrs. father angel no Holly if you trust a child they will repay your trust this is going to be a catastrophe what's your fee daddy what this is going to be museums now as you know there will be big people at the Museum and we don't want to be seen by big people do we so what should you do if a big person sees you turn them into a frog no no no if a big person sees you just pretend to be a toy like this I'm a toy I'm a toy stop fake Museum keep together and we go wow they says a big well this museum is built for big people call me everyone and try not to be seen [Music] look mom a tiny little person every toy by the time it's a toy some poor child must have lost it just put it over there so they can find it again okay mom phew that was close yes ma'am but it shows the plan works if you're seen just pretend to be a toy I still think tiny the needs of frocks is simpler in the big museum we can get an idea of how wonderful it was in the past this first room is about the Stone Age a long time ago the big people lived in caves these are models of how the cave people must have looked there's a button to press if the cave people have electric light bulbs no it has to show how the campfire would have looked when it was lit he's another button you see King thistle the toddlers are big as good as gold it's actually going quite well the toddlers haven't even made mrs. Fothergill disappear yet Stone Age times close your eyes and imagine what it must have been like I have always wanted to know what it would be like to live in Stone Age oh dear I suppose it was never going to last all they've left is her shoes Daisy papi where have you said mrs. fathering Gayle [Music] they've sent mrs. fathering girl back to the Stone Age that was a very naughty thing to do Rick mrs. Fothergill back right now okay Oh on second thoughts you don't want to know what it was like to live in the Stone Age oh my shoes it's good to have them back right next room ancient Egypt oh look here's a model showing how a pyramid was built it's quite small well the ancient Egyptians the size of out some fairies no the ancient Egyptians were big people and the pyramids are huge they wouldn't be able to fit a full-size pyramid into the museum big that's right Daisy think how big a real pyramid would be here we go again use your imagination big what's going on here big people are coming watching that everyone pretends to be toys and what are these little toys doing here hello hello well done Tarquin like they always say when things are not going quite right turn them into a fraud that doesn't even rhyme and turning people into frogs is not a good way to do things why not he'll turn back to a person in a moment and he won't remember a thing we'd better get out of here before he turns back again yes on with the tour oh my goodness that was all a bit of an adventure what we need now is something a little less dangerous that's true the Vikings less dangerous James people think the Vikings just ran around shouting but really they were gentle people who formed and played music if only there were Vikings around today I'd love to know what they'd say to us she never learns I knew an interesting fact about Vikings all they a was spam I don't think that is correct it's true by Kings a spam it was on the tele nanny what happens on the frogs turn back in the High King they'll be very confused and maybe a tiny bit annoyed right let's make sure we're not around when that happens Wow look at all those frogs then what's this sorry about this but I'm going to have to turn you all into frogs yes prepare to happen at some point anyway so I thought it's a bit of time all the big people in the museum you've turned them all into frogs that's right I knew you'd be pleased huh what happened where am I it's Museum man he's turned back to himself again yes and he's confused I think this is as good a time as any to leave [Music] next little kingdom [Music] oh well all-in-all that didn't go too badly we survived and the museum wasn't destroyed you see all you have to do is trust the little darlings and they will repay your trust she's really in a world of her own she never learns and next time I thought we could visit a mixed time yes we'll visit a big castle you know I've always wanted to live in the times of knights in armor let's bring her back abracadabra um second thoughts I never wanted to live in the time of knights in armor I think the safest nicest time is right here and now today's adventure starts at the leaf the elf submarine Your Majesty may I present the L factories latest toy the elf submarine ah yes jolly good does it float does it float of course it floats allow us to demonstrate we carefully chose this day to test the submarine as there are no other boats on the lake me treasure gone down to the bottom of the sea how sad anyway as I was saying this is a perfect day to test the submarine with no boats on the lake if only we had some way of sailing underwater to look for it ah only anyway back to my submarine hang on the elf submarine is a toy it's not for going on adventures oh so it can't go underwater yes it can it'll probably think like a stone no it will not good that's that sorted captain Redbeard our submarine is at your service thank you your majesty captain Redbeard can I come and me I'd better come too if there's any trouble I can use magic to help her no nanny plum there will be no magic on the elf submarine because where else and elves don't do magic yes we know Polly my faithful friend you'll have to wait you mr. elf steer the submarine hi Benin high wind up the engine what should I do why you just sit there and look pretty My Little Mermaid oh I know this lake I've sailed on it often are you a sailor I was a sailor I'm not anymore why not big bad body owes way good bad boy only the biggest gigantic is most enormous fish the world has ever seen he's eaten nine of dads bones you lost nine boats I thought it was a bad sailor I'm not a bad sailor I'm just unlucky that big bad buddy is quite big and bad mr. Elvis die die oh it's so pretty [Music] it's red boots boots ah Neptune you're right well-spotted ban Oh for a moment I thought you'd seen big bad fatty oh no I could get me treasure back let's get it and go I don't like it down here I love all the fish in the flowers and that big underwater cloud you don't get underwater clothes me hearty shiver me timbers that's a fast son it looks bad he's swimming towards burnt oh dear he's going to eat it Oh treasure did you see that he swallowed it Oh like it were a grape oh what a shame should we get home then go oh but we haven't got my treasure wow we can't do much about that now I never thought I'd say it but nanny plum is right unless you want to sail into Barry's stomach and take your treasure back this adventure is over you're right be fruity pancake mmm take us home mr. Ralph aye-aye captain Redbeard who turned out the lights it's all gone dark well well we must have sailed into a cave mr. Alf was chatting instead of looking where he was going I was parked well we're somewhere strange no mistake and I'll shave me beard off if there's not something fishy going on turn on the lights mr. elf aye aye captain it smells fishy what's up palms where are we there are more boats as well it's Bunty the boat big bad bear yet last winter that's my old boat tricks about her death Fifi [Music] if all those boats are inside big bad berry then we must be inside big bad berry by all that's wet and fishy you're right we're in the belly of the big fish that explains the smell just think all those years I tried to catch fatty and now he's called me how are we going to get out of here if we could get big bad Barry to open his mouth we could just sail out oh very clever Ben only how do we get him to open his mouth maybe it's time to ask for a bit of advice and someone answer their phone it's not my phone it's it's mine hello oh hello nanny plum what's that they've got good news and bad news what's the good news they found the treasure and what's the bad news they've been swallowed by a giant fish what are they okay I'll ask is my submarine all right it's not scratched is it listen clever clogs we need your help someone needs to talk to the fish nanny plum can speak fish ah nanny plum you must tell the fish a joke and make him laugh that's a no idea a very stupid idea but an idea what's the plan I'm going to tell big bad Barry a joke to make him laugh what utter nonsense it was the wise old elves idea it's brilliant everyone back on the supper get ready to sail what's a good fish joke I know you might not get it [Music] we did it yes pirate red beard and his crew returned it's a triumph so you got the treasure nope you got your belt nope so in what way is this trip a triumph in well we're not inside a big fish in that case congratulations it's a shame the treasures lost it's not lost I know where it is and no one will ever find it in the belly of big bad Barry that's true of course it is me tasty little fruit tree nanny plum what was the joke you told big bad Barry it was where do fish keep their money we don't know where do fish keep their money in a river bank oh that's not very funny I know it's a bit of a rubbish joke but then fish find the silliest things funny they have very small brains where do fish keep their money oh I get it a river bank well that's brilliant [Laughter] [Music]
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Views: 1,469,662
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Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: 8Hf9VpOkJeY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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