Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Crystal Caverns | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts at gas Don's house systick Gaston's taking a while yes where is he and that's my mum bye everyone see you tomorrow [Music] hi everyone yes Gaston it's empty where is Gaston Gaston Gaston good morning children has anyone seen Gaston today has anyone seen the ladybug Gaston is lost [Music] Gaston no come to think of it I haven't seen him it's all today he usually comes in for his breakfast first thing in the morning but he hasn't touched his food Gaston his nose don't worry Haleh we can find Gaston by looking in a crystal ball let's use this one it's a snow globe with a little Eiffel Tower inside yes truth isn't it there you go Paris in the snow it's almost like you're there but how can a snow globe fun Gaston oh that's where we need a little magic [Music] that's Gaston towns the crystal ball is showing us what Gaston did yesterday and then we can work out where he is not just a pretty face a where's she going that's me feeding Gaston yesterday where would you be without me to feed you [Music] morning Gaston that's my mum here is your breakfast I thought it was just me you fed him the great oak tree and that's the wise old L oh I haven't forgotten you here's your breakfast that's another breakfast Gaston's off the game you can't eat any more breakfast and that's mrs. fathering you here's your porridge Susan Susan good girl Susan by my reckoning that's for breakfast I think Gaston needs lots of food because he does lots of running about [Music] Oh surprised after all that eating no this bit can you skip past it okay I'll fast forward stop there yes forward a bit [Music] he jumps behind those clovers and disappears so that's where he must be come on we have to find him let's get the others to help you found him not exactly but we know where he was before he disappeared this is where Gaston was last seen and then he vanished behind some clovers which clovers there are lot yeah we'll have to search all of them Gaston Gaston where are you gasps Don this is crazy how can anyone just disappear into thin air Oh where's my man gone mom where are you I can't see you I can't see a thing ones give me life it's a huge case it's full of sparkly diamonds and gems ah looks like we've found a bit of the old dwarf mine yes the little kingdom is riddled with dwarf tunnels those Dwarfs certainly like to dig come on everyone we've got a lazy bird to rescue what about me let's climb down it's a good thing I brought the elf [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] good boy when you finish that just put in I don't believe it that's Dawn's only pin here inside and he's already got people facing him right lads back to work lucky that dwarves didn't spot us they don't like strangers in their minds yes that's why I took the precaution of hiding the elf rope if the dwarves had seen the rope hanging from the top of the cave they would have known someone was in here I'm not called the wise one for nothing but it's down here are we going to climb out don't worry the wise one will have thought of that he'll have a brilliant plan ah oh it this is a bit embarrassing I am so the wise one pulled the rope down but forgot that we need to climb up it to get out yes that's about it no worries we'll just flow out first but us elves can't fly oh okay I'll magic the rope to the top I am NOT climbing up a magic rope say yourself you can lift our knife forever okay okay I'll climb up the magic rope hello everyone oh hello mrs. fathering Gil what are you doing here I came as quick as I could when I heard Susan was in trouble Susan Oh Susan Susan Oh ladybug there you are he won't answer if you call him Susan Susan I brought you something to eat oh poor Susan I would look after you if I didn't I've got to failing season with man is just fine [Music] today's adventure starts in outer space [Music] rockets to Mission Control in a few minutes we will land on the moon very good mr. elf you are on target to land in the Sea of Tranquility lovely once where the seaside we can eat our picnic Oh nanny plum for the last time we are not going for a picnic why not because this is a serious elf mission to the awards but you still have a picnic ready everyone we are about to go where no elf has gone before oh yes sorry Holly we are going where no elf wha fairy has gone before [Music] all right funny business here's my timetable for the mission one land on moon does that to plant the flag I am now king of the moon the flag done three go back home what about the picnic Andy missed out the seaside yes ways this Sea of Tranquility I fancy a paddle the Sea of Tranquility doesn't have water in it it's full of sand but where do the aliens go when they want to swim immunes nanny plum said there might be aliens on the moon ha ha well that's just a fairy story oh that's nice he's saying hello can you speak alien nanny no this is Mission Control what's going on up there we just met an alien amazing this is an historic momentous occasion this is the biggest thing to happen Danny plum we do not celebrate historic meetings with a cheese sandwich maybe the aliens can show us where the seaside is there is no sea on the moon only sand we can still build sandcastles yeah no don't start digging up the moon you'll upset the aliens the aliens love building sandcastles time for the picnic no magic basket please magic in a nipple um are you waving your magic wand around I haven't got my wand remember it wasn't allowed on your silly elf mission ah yes anyway the magic picnic basket doesn't need a wand to work you just ask it for what you want magic basket please make us sandwiches with ham and cheese pudding magic jelly nanny plum we don't want another jelly flood Oh it'll be fine nanny plum I want you to think very carefully about what you are doing whatever magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] what's he doing no no I forgot to say not [Music] [Applause] what has flooded the Sea of Tranquility with jelly daddy alum all the maps of the mood will have to be changed the Sea of Tranquility is down the sea of jelly sorry sorry the aliens will be very upset the jelly they love it I better make some more magic ba no nanny plum I forbid you to make any more jelly on this mission but look at the alien sad little faces they're still hungry no more magic jelly okay hmm I was looking forward to having a bit of jelly myself Oh mummy we can't eat the picnic anyway our space helmets are in the way that's the last straw no water in the sea and we can't eat food all kind of picnic is this it's not okay let's go home nanny plums right it's time to go well that's what I've been saying [Music] I like aliens yes they're lovely everybody get ready for takeoff I will set the controls for ah we seem to be out of fuel what does that mean we are stuck on the moon forever Oh No what what's wrong I put enough fuel in the rocket to get to the moon but I forgot about getting back a hotel that was a bit silly yes yes it was very silly it's all because of your little elf rolls if you'd let us bring our fairy ones because I've used magic to get us back but of course there's been quite enough magic for one day with that picnic basket of yours I didn't mean to make so much magic jelly magic jelly of course Danny Plus listen carefully I want you to put the magic basket into the fuel tank why there's no time for questions just do it yes the fuel tank nanny plum now ask the magic basket for jelly what but you say no more magic jelly well now I know I did but this is an emergency okay how much Johnnie's you want a lot right yeah what how will that help the jelly comes out of the magic basket at amazing speed we can use the power of jelly to make the rocket fly back home and that sounds being silly but it's not you saying it it's me and the wise old elf is very wise nanny plum I suppose he is a bit clever okay let's give it a go magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] [Music] now pockets to control we are heading back for the Little Kingdom using Chile power they're on their way home [Music] sister else please land the elf rocket in the Frog Pond right hole where are they stand back everyone [Music] [Applause] hi welcome back Holly we flew to the moon and back the mission was a complete success SAG's to the wonders of elf cleverness thanks to my magic jelly you mean what without my magic jelly would still be on the moon nonno Nanni let's not argue over the little details let's just say elf skill got us to the moon and fairy magic got us home [Applause] [Music] today's adventure starts at the great elf tree chickens ride West oh my goodness it's morning I've got to do my deliveries relax mr. Ralph it's early oh yes I love these quiet moments before the day begins it's the cockerel from the elf farm come on you chickens [Music] everything's under control thanks for your help mr. elf lucky you were still here and not off on your deliveries Oh my deliveries I really am late no look at the little primroses so pretty today yes we had a problem with the chickens this morning chickens hey that reminds me I really fancy an egg for breakfast ah I didn't bring an egg today no egg no problem I'll just go and get one can I come along of course I'd better come too so I can pick a goose egg we'll drive back to the chickens pick up the egg load it on the truck drive back here and hey presto you'll have your egg your majesty Oh all that for one egg it would be simple if I had my own chicken then I get an egg in time for breakfast okay bye-bye really want to chicken to you of course not I was joking we might have a problem there the chickens aren't laying any eggs what why not the chickens have run out of food they've picked away all the plants till all this left is mud yes if you want a nice flower garden don't keep chickens look there's one little flower left they like eating little flowers the best you cheeky chicken mom if only there was somewhere else they could live Oh daddy said he'd like chickens at the little castle yes he did sort of say that it's true the king said I want my own chicken it's the perfect solution we'll move the chickens to the little castle okay everyone we're moving the chickens west sadler Cowboys Cowboys you're building chickens they shouldn't you be cold chicken boys Oh Cowboys sounds better can I be a cowgirl sure thing Holly here's your hats yeah wagons [Music] really the chickens were so noisy the chickens like noise but we must be careful not to make a sudden loud noise we don't want to Stampede this way this way ma phew that was close now no more sudden loud noises Nanak alum we've got a long journey ahead of us [Music] we've reached Crooked Creek what you mean Crooked Creek it's a creek isn't it and it's crooked it's just a Little River somehow we have to get the chickens to the other side and chickens don't like crossing water I thought chickens loved water have you ever seen a chicken in water all the time swimming up and down going quack quack look this one that's a duck whatever chickens are not ducks and they don't like swimming hmm so what's coming - we'll use an old cowboy trick to get the chickens across wait yeah what's the old cowboy trick I don't know but it's bound to be very clever all very silly but probably funny ha ha told you he's dressed as Humpty Dumpty wise old el why are you dressed as an egg chickens like to look after their eggs so if they see one floating across the water they'll follow it I'm an egg come in chickens the water's lovely and warm I'm in a I'm in a I'm an egg that has to be one of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen I mean you see it's all quite simple when you're an old cowhand like me oh what's the matter haven't you ever seen a cowboy in his underpants before Wow picking up flowers eating machines leaving nothing yes are you sure the King said he wants chickens at the little castle that's what daddy said I want chickens at the little castle very well then [Music] we're in the badlands we'll stop here for the night get the wagons in Asarco let's keep these chickens safe sleeping outdoors with a campfire life doesn't get better than this unless you're home in bed watching television talking of home we'd better phone the king hello hello we're almost there but we need to camp out for the noise Wow how long can it take to deliver one egg don't worry daddy you have your chicken by the morning my chicken what does Holi mean by that bedtime everybody nanny you keep watch what do I have to do keep watching the chickens and do not fall asleep right morning nanny plum how did it go in the nighttime Oh fine where are the chickens Oh they've gone God the whole point of watching them was to make sure they didn't go you ever said that you just said watch them you watch them wonder off into the night yes oh alright Cowboys let's round up the chickens [Music] nanny remember no sudden loud noises we don't want to chicken stampede all right you aren't exactly quiet yourself huh else are good at being quiet [Applause] [Music] we'll head them off at the pass what does that be no idea but I say and all the Cowboys are heading straight [Music] which way did the chickens go they went thataway yes that's what they say in cowboy films as well they went thataway [Music] so lovely to wake up to the song of a little bird chickens doing here what you said you wanted to check in daddy I didn't expect you to take me seriously you're the king of course we take you seriously what are they doing to my flower garden eating it your majesty if you are going to keep chickens you have to say goodbye to flower gardens every day and you won't have any problems waking up today's adventure starts at the great elf tree now children is everyone ready for the tour of the elf factory yes this way please all aboard next stop level 99 [Music] [Music] yeah we are the elf factory goodness me look at all this rubbish when you advertise yeah this isn't rubbish nanny people um these are the raw materials we use to make toys the plastic bottles are made into glue the old tin cans are made into clockwork calm and the old paper and card goes into the palpation and get squished into flat sheets which are folded into new boxes for our toys very clever the L factory produces one new toy every second stop shirt and they're not we were day and night to make sure the children of the world get their toys the L factory never stops L factory stopped what slight problem I'm afraid wise old elf we've run out of plastic metal and old paper let's just magic ups no no not magic where else and we don't do magic so what are you going to do we'll simply go to the great elf tower to the great oh it's a wondrous place I've never heard of it the great elf tower gives us all the things we need to make toys when big people have picnics in the Little Kingdom they put plastic bottles tin cans and old papers into the great elf tower where ya behold the great tower Wow all I can see is a little pen what big people and fairies might call it a litter bin but to us it is the great elf tower why are you wearing those funny clothes they're not funny these are safety clothes the great elf tower can be very dangerous and very smelly for making toys not yet it's a bit dark I'll go down and take a closer look oh yeah I think the great elf tower is empty I can hear big people we must stay out of their way big people have very big feet come on max that was a lovely picnic let's tie deal okay dad I'll take to the bend Thank You Lucy come on max that's the sound of big people quick get out of the bin huh what was that it's the great elf tower just get out of that silly old oh excuse me a little sorry hello smelly little fairy I am NOT a smelly little ferret I'm a smelly little hello we're having a picnic look Gaston it's Rex likes you because you're smelly charmed I'm sure your friends Barry Landes this isn't fairy land it's the Little Kingdom load the elf trucks right ho why do you want all this stuff we use it to make toys Wow I love toys it makes lovely compost for the elf spa back to the elf tree [Music] let's get these down to the elf factory without today there are little windows in it I wonder if there are any fairies inside it's all my mum it's just our friend Lucy Oh nice to meet you Lucy hello here's a little present to remind you of your visit it's our latest toy fresh from the factory Wow yes that's why we're very grateful to you for putting rubbish in the great elf Tower what's the great elf tower remains the litter bin you're welcome thanks for showing me your tree I always thought fairies lived in castles for the last time we are not fairies [Applause] [Music] it's hello Lucy how do you do I'm not an elf I'm a fairy King Lucy OH [Music] [Music] oh there the car won't start look it says empty on the petrol gauge no petrol that's not good oh I wish we could help them at nanny plum maybe you could sort this out with a bit of an fairy thingy very thingy what's that new you know the stuff you do with your 100 do you mean magic wise old elf yes magic very well magic it is just enough fairy dust to get them home oh we've got no petrol but the cars working maybe this car is so modern it doesn't need petrol well ask at the garage come back [Music] Lucy who are you talking to I met some elves and Mary's the car is shiny today I've never seen it so sparkly it's buried just meet idea today's adventure starts at the lake [Music] Lucy I do love fishing me dad it's so peaceful just what I need to get my nerves back in order I wonder if we'll see any ounce of fairies do we have to talk about weird magical stuff you know it upsets me but you've seen the Elson fairies - dad I've been thinking about it and I've decided I imagined it all there are no such things as fairies or elves Oh Lucy's dad yeah an elf in a submarine we're fishing yes we were just having a quiet morning's fishing [Music] Perry the fish is called berry yes the biggest baddest fish in the lake well what whopper of course I will but but just take a photo so I can show my friends go Barry this isn't a fish yes it's from the bottom of the lake so it can't belong to anyone cool okay well is it it's been nice chatting to you little folk but I think it's time to go home I've seen enough magic for one day listen somebody's crying [Music] I live here you live yes I'm a mermaid my name is Oceana why were you crying I've lost my mirror that must be the mirror Lucy found and where is this Lucy she's a big girl so she'll probably be on her way to school bye Lucy pick you up later oh no a mermaid's mirror must never be seen by big people don't worry I'm sure Lucy won't show it to anyone look everybody I found a mirror Oh lovely that's perfect for our show-and-tell come up to the front Lucy and show them around Tula Oh class ah my poor mirror I'll never get it back if I can't walk on land don't worry we'll get your mirror back oh thank you hi Lucy good day Lucy what are you doing here we've come for the mirror it belongs to a lemon Imamate Wow yes and she needs her mirror back oh okay please tell me this is just a game elves and fairies are one thing yes but I've also read about dragons and witches and they're not real either we can show you witches and Dragons and loads more if you like no no thanks I'll take your word for it so where is this mermaid after you left she got called back home to the bottom of the lake she'll be having a dinner fish properly we have to find out she Anna and give her mirror back right there into the submarine we'd love to join you but I think we are just a tad too big to fit in your little submarine and will we stay little forever Oh No the spell will wear off in a bit and you'll grow big again [Music] prepare okay [Music] it's beautiful look that yes it's all very pretty in fact I'm beginning to quite enjoy this magical adventure yes I don't know why I was so worried about being magically shrunk down it's amazing to be as small as these sweet little fishes not all the fish in the lake are sweet and little don't forget the fisherman this morning big bad daddy as I remember berry is about this big what does he want with us he wants to eat the submarine in a boat with me in it very what's to eat look Oh tight everyone I'm going to reverse now we go forwards embarrassed on the phone that's good to know I don't understand he should have eaten us by now maybe he remembers how my dad was nice to him this morning that's right you let Barry Kirk and first never forget or is that elephants nice Barry saying that as you so kindly let him go this morning he is your best friend for ever in fact he now thinks of you as his brother lovely one tiny problem you know the excitement of being chased by Barry we've got lost Barry's saying that he knows where the mermaids live and he'll take us there that's what his brother wants his brother that's you dad oh yes hmm Barry old brother please lead us to the land of the mermaids right [Music] it's all come they sing so beautifully my maid Palace this must be where Oceana is diving so John everybody nice buddy we're friends of your brother yes they're with me [Music] oh she Anna she's over there being sad oh we brought your mirror back oh thank you so much the boy is so tiny we had to shrink it down to fit in the submarine don't worry the spa will wear off soon it'll grow big again there you go my mirror thank you all so much you're very welcome well it's been very interesting meeting you mermaids but we must be getting back now [Music] suddenly got big again that happened to me and my dad yep and the fun bit is you don't know one which means we should get a move on we don't want them to grow big in the submarine hi we must get to land full speed ahead because they need to panic the ecliptic time yes it was quite amazing remember Lucy's dad the Little Kingdom is meant to be secret you must not tell any of your friends what you saw today tell my friends what I saw today let me think about that and then the magical fairies shrank me down to the size of my thumb I saw singing mermaids and did I tell you that I now have a fish for a brother no I will not be telling anyone what I saw today today's adventure starts at the great elf tree it's autumn then my favorite time of year mind you they'll be leaf sweeping work to do let's get everyone organized falling all ill sweeping what are we [Applause] oh never mind who's the best not sweeping lids I have to use three magic brooms the trees goodness knows autumn leaves are so precious oh they might look pretty to you violet but it just means more work for me this one looks just like the nice and bent oh it must be from the elf tree I don't know why elves have to live in a tree I don't know why we have to have trees autumn grumbling again nanny you should be happy autumn is here yes your majesty where are you going I'm returning these leaves who's the best at sweeping leaves I believe these are your leaves Oh Thank You nanny plum your hats have changed color too oh so they have mm-hmm teresting let's play tag okay tag you're it wait I wasn't ready [Music] you can't trick me like that no Ben there really is a squirrel a squirrel easy now Ben elf what's wrong it's just a squirrel just ignore the squirrel princess Holly sound the Acorn alarm mr. elf what's going on it might be a con day what contact not now princess Holly calling a cold day has begun don't panic please leave the country immediately it's probably a false alarm yes hopefully it's just a practice there he goes mrs. mrs. Oh panic mrs. elf just hand it back get out of here mrs. elf quickly somebody please tell me what's going on one day every year the squirrels come and store their icons in the great elf tree we call that day acorn day what's so bad that's gross storing acorns yes they need to store their food for winter and it's just an icon one acorn would be okay but there are many squirrels and they have many acorns I'm sorry I couldn't stop him wise old elf it's not your fault mrs. elf there is no stopping them once they've started what do we do now now we wait you see after one squirrel has put its acorn in the tree and now that will come and copy it squirrels are very good at copying [Music] [Music] happy acorn day when do the squirrels arrive oh I've missed all the fun the squirrels have failed the elf tree with acorn study ah yes very clever animals those squirrels they're a menace well if you're going to live in an oak tree with little windows you might as well put up a sign saying store your acorns here well if I've missed the squirrels I might as well go home goodbye happy a cord a wise old elf why don't you just move the akon somewhere else squirrels won't let anyone move their acorns watch now we're going to move the acorns out of the tree but you said you couldn't move the icons we can't but we can trick the squirrels into moving the acorns for us how wait here you'll see oh it's very clever is it really clever no it's stupid but funny here we are squeak oh why is the wise old elf dressed there's a squirrel because squirrels copy other squirrels now if I move an acorn all the other squirrels will copy me and move their acorns too but don't the squirrels need to store their icons for the winter ha ha yes that's why I'll lead them to the dry hollow log on the top of the big hill your costume looks very heavy yes but it's perfectly balanced by the tail ready for checks ready tail check ACORN check squirrels walking check go go go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a pity I missed a court date I see an acorn how charming your majesty Oh a talking squirrel throw the acorn away your majesty ah wise old elf where did you come from the Acorn Your Majesty it's dangerous nonsense how can an acorn be dangerous this lovely acorn is in danger as' well not exactly but the castle is a great place to store acorns for the winter happy I can't I daddy you didn't miss it after all how am I going to get rid of all these acorns you will need this squirrel costume what how does that work you wear the costume and it swirls copy oh I see okay on with the costume nanny off you go [Music]
Channel: undefined
Views: 3,507,136
Rating: 3.7769628 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: Kyx5vTGQKpQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 33sec (3633 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 29 2019
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