Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Bath-time Buddies | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts at Gaston's caves Gaston got one new spots today I'm not sure do ladybirds get new spots ladybirds gets a new spot for every birthday Wow gasps Don's got lots of spots so he must have had lots of birthdays and lots of birthday parties Oh have you never had a birthday party Gaston that's really sad daddy mommy it's not fair Gaston's never had a birthday party well I wish I'd never had a birthday party oh darling it's your birthday tomorrow and you'll enjoy it no I won't this year I don't want a party Oh daddy you say that every year well this year I mean it I don't like my parties with the elf band singing about me getting older you're lucky you're getting a party daddy Gaston's never even had one huh then give my party to Gaston I'm going to have a bath Oh same every year so grumpy about his birthday but he always enjoys it in the end come on let's go and see how the elf band are getting on we've come to hear the song you're doing for daddy ah yes we've come up with a good one this year I think we'll be very pleased [Music] Oh old old old old [Music] very sweet and oi Redbeard the elf pirates will fire myself out of this pattern in the King's honor but the King's birthday isn't until tomorrow this is a dry run to see if it works light the fuse knocking the fuse where do you think your lands who knows ah I do like a nice relaxing it's good to get away from all that talk about birthdays birthday your majesty [Music] I know this is a dry run now see here I don't want any birthday stuff ah that's what you say every year I don't want a cake I don't want a song and I don't want a pirate in my bath so you really don't want a party that's when he started shouting he was a tiny bit angry so he really doesn't want a party no oh dear what will we do with the presents we wrapped and the cakes I bagged and our new song me cannon we've got a whole birthday party ready and no one to give it to and daddy did say Gaston could have his party poor Gaston has never had a birthday party would you like a birthday party Gaston well then it's decided it will be gasps Tom's birthday party we'll need a new song for Gaston from the elf band yes your majesty no by Gaston some cakes and oil fire myself out of me cannon in Gaston's honor he'll appreciate it's not like somebody whose name I won't mention the king I mean what do you think Gaston would likely his birthday present a squeaky toy very good now to wrap it wrapping paper brilliant hello I finished my bath what are you doing relax darling it's nothing to do with you a likely story it really isn't so stop fussing fine mmm can I smell cakes I thought so what's going on nanny are you baking cakes yes I am these cakes and better not be for me Oh No now shoo go on I've got time to talk to you I suppose it is nice that they want to give me a party so much Oh what shall we do for gaston's birthday card let's draw a picture of Gaston good idea hello Holly hello daddy we're making a birthday card I don't suppose it's for me is it no no of course not ah I don't think my face is that red and I don't have black spots I told you daddy it's not for you oh yes so you did you want to help deliver the party invitations yes please off we go they're delivering invitations for my party are you we're next we mustn't forget Gaston it is his party [Music] there you go Gaston an invitation to your very own birthday Gaston loves eating letters so are you coming to your party Gaston I think that means yes [Music] how are the preparations going for my party tomorrow your party you're not having a party oh I know your little plan what little plan you told us not to plan anything oh that's right I did good night then good night oh no one here I expected all downstairs no birthday cards where is everybody of course they're all secretly hiding outside ready to shout happy birthday King fizzle oh there's no one here they must be having the party somewhere else ah that sounds like a party I'd better go and find out where it is not much of a party without me the birthday boy everyone is here even Gaston brother Tony with pub and the little nice bird happy birthday Gaston here is your present it's a squeaky toy hello I'm sorry do you have an invitation I don't need one I'm King thistle king fish salt King they sure know your name's not on here what but it's my party now it's not me it's Gaston the ladybird party what take it easy fella it's supposed to be a happy occasion it's all right he's with us what's going on you said you didn't want a party I know I said that but what I really meant was I don't want a party I'm sure Gaston won't mind sharing his party with you Gaston be nice and share your present with King Cecil Gaston that's not how to behave on your birthday for me how kind it's a squeaky toy yes for you to chase and now it's time for the birthday song Gaston daddy [Music] maybe birthday parties aren't that bad what's that noise oh thank you honey today's adventure starts at the little castle [Music] come on everyone we've got to get ready for the party party Daisy and Poppy's birthday party - magical toddlers are bad enough but when all their little friends turn up it's terrible I've got it we'll have the party but we won't invite any guests sad that that ah I've sent out all the party invites and everybody's coming Oh who's coming there's little Tarquin no Tarquin is a monster and there's raspberries my little sister she's got a stinging nettle in her hat and it stings when you touch it nettle elf is the naughtiest of the lot what do you expect she's got a pirate for an uncle yes pirates this party is going to be a disaster don't worry I've got it all planned we'll have magic games followed by my magic show and ending with magic Johnny [Music] wrong party's not going to be a disaster it's going to be a catastrophe thank you your majesty I know Kings thistle you could have an elf party a what an elf party has no magic at all but what about my magic show this hotel is not a magic show we have the great wizard Oh an elf conjurer he doesn't do real magic it's just tricks I like it then it sounds very safe yeah I'm boring exactly nanny plum call this great wizard and tell him we've got children we want to I mean very well your majesty [Music] yes No enjoy the party I'll be back to pick you up later it's just the wise old oh I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a children's entertainer oh when they do magic there won't be any magic at this party I'll put the toddlers ones into the library where they can't cause any trouble very clever let's get this party started musical statues when the music stops you have to stand as still as a statue raspberry I saw you lose and you little that's because you've magic them into real statues of course that's how we fairies play musical structures this is not a fairy party turn them back to normal okay the big children's ones are going into the library with the others now it's time to play stick the tail on the donkey yes the donkey looks like a cabbage or a duck it's a donkey now I will blindfold little elf and she'll try to stick this tail on the donkey it's a stupid game anyway you need to bake dragon to stick the tail on [Music] [Applause] Oh looks like the twins party has started to liven the party up a bit I'm putting the grown-ups ones in the library too now for my conjuring show Queen sisal please take a card oh we don't you me what is your card um the two of hearts your card is the two of hearts that's the worst trick I've ever seen I thought it was rather good how's it done for my next trick I will turn myself into a mouse you little ones need to wait behind this door for a moment how do you change yourself into a mouse I put these ears on this is a good idea putting the toddlers in the library what it's the same room you put all the walls in ah don't worry the great wizard Oh we'll sort this out I'll show them my mouse trick that will surprise them they'll be surprised how butter is so might work look children I've turned myself into a bad costume their toddlers have magic two wise old elf into a real Mouse squeak can someone please magic me back into an elf's no we can't do any magic because somebody put all the ones in the library [Music] [Applause] [Music] actually the pot is not quite over yet no the toddlers are in the library with the dangerous spell books they've got all the magic wands they've magic the wise old elf into a mouth sweet sounds like a fun party who know it's gone quiet they're up to something let's take a look oh just oh bunnies oh good to have you back again nanny now you have your wand again would you mind of course oh great with our down Co they'll shut yourself somewhere be the poor little toddlers I was afraid of this Daisy and poppy have found the secret passageway where does the secret passageway go to the secret room I never knew we had a secret room that's because it's secret the room contains a magical force that must never be let out so not a good room for toddlers to be in then I hear the sound of excited little ones and something else we must not enter honestly what a lot of fuss about a terrible magical force of unimaginable power all handl base good luck we brave little pumpkin [Music] you're safe now my plum pudding I've seen many a terrible thing at sea but nothing nothing as bad as what I saw in fact room that's why we tend to keep the door locked the party's over it all went rather well I thought but what about the journey we haven't had magic jelly yet all right nanny but please don't make too much this time magic jelly that's good the party must be almost over have you had a nice time yes mummy talked with say thank you for having me it was a pleasure goodbye Ethel Oh again it's raspberries birthday next we hear you've got a children's entertainer who's good with toddlers yes he is the great wizard oh and I wonderful see you all at raspberries party then [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom
Views: 8,785,131
Rating: 3.9076693 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly, ben and holly’s little kingdom, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, princess holly, ben and holly little kingdom, little kingdom, #benandholly, ben holly little kingdom, holly and ben, cartoon for kids, cartoons, ben holly, holly, holly and ben’s little kingdom, ben and holly full episodes, cartoon for children, ben, cartoons for kids, princess holly and ben elf
Id: 4RlNabN9NuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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