Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom | Double Episode | Big Bad Barry & Bunty II | Kids Videos

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today's adventure starts at the little castle big I say I'm getting a little hungry me too I think I fancy fish and chips we don't have any fish your majesty what no fish but I can magic up some fish fingers no no I want fresh fish fresh from the lake with chips I not Ben's dad has a fishing boat then we shall go and see Ben's dad it's time we put the boat away for the winter Ben I'm pleased Bunty has made it through the summer with no accidents what kind of accidents the kind where the boat gets eaten eaten yes have I never told you the story of big bad Barry the fish no it was a dark and stormy night I was sailing in my favorite boat when suddenly a fish a fish mr. elf what's that I want a fish for dinner with chips Oh so we'd like you to take us out on the lake to catch one I was just putting Bunty away for the winter he's bandy my boat well one more trip won't do any harm will it I'd rather not she might get wet mr. elf your King commands you okay climb aboard you'll have to leave your ones here magic isn't allowed on elf boats and let's get going I'll do the steering hang on a minute you might be king on land or Majesty but on this boat I'm the captain so I'm in charge all right captain as long as I get a fish Holly and been wined the engine King this all take the wheel okey-dokey captain to starboard what huh TURN RIGHT why didn't you say so at sea we don't say left and right we say port and starboard isn't that a bit silly we'll fish from the stern where's that her the back of the boat come with me fishing is a tricky business you must have the right type of bait what's kind of amazing today stale bread stale bread who likes stale bread should we put some butter on it dad's and John yes we're not gonna catch anything with stale bread old boy stick a bit of jam on it stop I'm the captain so while what about Bunty we do what I say now be quiet fish don't like noise very bossy isn't he exciting Shh everybody now we wait are you sure this is right of course I'm sure come on let me have a go fine you'll see it takes time to catch a fish I've caught a fish Holly grab the net get ready to catch it wow it's big it's a whopper all right and I caught it it's only a little tiddler it must be the biggest fish in the lake it's too small that was the biggest fish I've ever seen I've seen bigger much much bigger really really it was many years ago when I first met big bad buddy only the biggest hugest most gigantic hissed fish the world has ever seen no it was a dark and stormy night I was out sailing in my favorite boat Hilda when I first saw the body I knew straight away I had to catch him I had to be the fisherman who took him home for the biggest fish dinner in history I tried several different baits before I found what Barry liked geez cheese I put a bit of cheese on the line and Barry was booked straightaway the only thing was he was stronger than my old boat Gilda was bad bad attract my poor boat Hilda all over the link and when he'd finished that he ate her it sounds it was so you built Ponte to replace ILDA no first there was Doris then Peggy there was Abigail Fifi and tricks about not forgetting Sabrina Vicky had miss boo boo Barry ate them all I tried to catch Barry so many times but he was always too strong so that's where all the cheese went in the end I gave up big bad Barry is still out there somewhere incredible I have come to a Royal decision we must catch big bad Barry and have him with chips though we mustn't I don't want to lose another boat not anyway there's no cheese on the boat I won't allow it that he can smell cheese a mile away even a mild cheddar could I've got some cheese in my picnic hamper we can use that quick get rid of it before it's too late what did you do that for I told you it's dangerous to have cheese on board luckily I also brought a nice Stilton cheese we can tempt Barry with no I refuse to help then we'll do it without you I'm taking charge mutiny on the bounty we'll catch this Barry and have him with chips then take the wheel aye captain Holly hold the net here Barry Barry Barry come on Barry where are you it's not working hey Barry come on boy if we're going to catch big bad Barry let's do it properly yes you must do what I say as soon as I say it big bad bat is too big cut that rod we use this you wanted to meet big bad Barry here's your chance excellent now we wait but not for long what a fish will be eating him for weeks he's got the cheese yes we are bad berries pulling us backwards hi we've got him we got him I think he's got a static Polly is right we should never have tried to catch bad Barry he's too [Music] we have to let him go never aha he's given up I don't think so then he can have it I give it sorry we try to catch you Barry no hard feelings hey Bunty women children at Kings first hello everyone the chips are ready where's the fish what's going on big bad Barry is eating vaunting yum yum oh dear do you think Barry would like some chips with that I think he's full alas poor Bunty I knew her well right wall should be up at dinner van I think I'd like fish fingers today's adventure starts at the lake [Music] hello everybody may I present my new boat Bunty - Bunty - yes you remember my old boat Bunty Bunty was a lovely boat yes Bunty was a lovely boat until she met big bad Barry you all know what happened then Barry yes every boat I've ever made but now I've built Bunty - my best boat ever six bedrooms three bathrooms a kitchen a Sun lounge the ideal boat for a cruise to a tropical paradise cruise to a tropical paradise wonderful and Bunty - doesn't run on a clockwork she runs on batteries so she's super fast so how are you going to stop big bad fairy eating this bones aha I have a brilliant plan what's the plan 22 is never going in the water [Music] yes berry is not going to eat Bunty - this is ridiculous why did you build a boat that you're not going to put in the water just for something to do I thought we were all going on holiday I've got a good idea as your king I command you to put Bunty - in the water and sail us to the tropical paradise but what about big bad berry don't worry if berry eats Bunty - I'll take full responsibility what does that mean you can blame it on me the king is so wise but but good that's sorted then we're going on holiday okay what if we're going to do it I'm in charge and that means this is an elf holiday so no magic yes but first we have to get past berry you worry too much mr. elf maybe berry won't turn up oh no bears berry [Music] what do we do what do we do there's just one chance Bunty too is super fast [Music] right everybody let's sail to the tropics and swim among the corals we're going on holiday to what Papa called paradise Oh mr. Ralph it's lovely to see you so relaxed yes with very far away I'm actually enjoying this holiday we're here in the tropical ocean let's go diving are you coming diving um no thanks I need to catch up on some important reading right all see you later I was just a young servant girl and Squire Trevelyan with his dark brooding looks a mane of black hair was being very grumpy I didn't like him at all this is the coral reef amazing yes it's also pretty do you think we'll bump into anyone else down here in the middle of a vast ocean we're not going to bump into anyone ah what were you going oh I'm most terribly sorry I didn't see you there well I am here and I'm not pleased to be bumped into not pleased at all yes is I captain squid and I'm here burying the treasure very new treasure at the bottom of the ocean the thing is every place I bury my treasure it gets found so I thought if I bury it at the bottom of the ocean where no people ever visit maybe just maybe my treasure might stay hidden it's not too much to ask is it well we're very sorry to disturb you we'll be on our way yes be off with you get your own ocean to swim in hang on a moment there is something you could help me with what's that it's a bit embarrassing but I am got a boat to sail home in can I have a lift what happened to your boat it got eaten by a big fish buddy birdies here the fish that ate my boat had big eyes that buddy had a big mouth and eight legs that's not Barry yes it's a giant octopus and it's swimming towards your boat I have to warn mrs. elf and then squirt rebellion said here is the great secret I must tell you the person I truly loved is yes this are better be important yes don't panic but that is something swimming towards you oh yes well sort of a something a sort of a curry giant octopus with eight legs something oh yes I do would you mind telling it not to eat my boat this boat is not for eating what's happening the octopus seems to be eating your my boat it I said this would happen no you said your boat will be eaten by big bad Barry but it was eaten by a giant octopus that's a disaster don't worry I said I take responsibility and I will and that's it I've taken responsibility fine well I hate to ask but nanny plum can your magic a boat up so we can go home no why not because you said blah blah blah no magic and you took my bond away remember oh yes so I did so we're stranded here no I've just had a brilliant mr. elf idea I'll build a raft out of the wreckage and we'll help you yes that will dash the pieces together with this boat fancy to was prettier it's not meant to be pretty it's a raft I know what a raft is where's the bathroom it's a downstairs there isn't a downstairs don't be too harsh on nanny she doesn't know as much about rafts as our sailors by the way where's the kitchen it's that downstairs - yes it's probably next to the sitting room this is a raft there aren't sitting rooms and kitchens and bathrooms very luxurious then is it no it's not but it will get us home [Music] and so squash rebellion turned out to be nice after all and I married him the end my goodness that was a surprise ending [Music] yes but that means we're near two big bad Barry stop worrying mr. elf Barry might not turn up oh look bad sorry mr. white it was all this time how sweet he's going to eat but don't worry everyone whatever happens I will take full responsibility my boat is gone gone into Barry's tummy curse you big bad Barry you'll never eat another boat of mine never never because I'm not going to build a boat I think you've upset Barry mr. elf look at his little face I've never seen a fish cry you shouldn't be so unkind to Barry what yes Barry doesn't mean any harm doesn't mean any harm mr. elf as your king I command you to build another boat for Barry Hey what sort of boat would you like Barry a sailing boat you will move a sailing boat for Barry please mr. elf cake fizzle is so wise yes we are very lucky
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 3,914,811
Rating: 3.8175771 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: H2C1oNI74SA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 7sec (1207 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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