Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Triple Episode: 46 to 48 | Kids Cartoon Shows

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today's adventure starts at the great elf tree [Music] lucy's picnic now children is everyone ready for the tour of the elf factory yes this way please [Music] all aboard next stop level 99 hold [Music] ah my tummy here we are the elf factory goodness me look at all this rubbish don't you ever tidy up this isn't rubbish nanny palum these are the raw materials we use to make toys the plastic bottles are made into [Music] gloop [Music] the old tin cans are made into clockwork gums and the old paper and card goes into the poultry machine and gets squished into flat sheets which are folded into new boxes for our toys wow that's very clever elves are very clever and where are elves the elf factory produces one new toy every second what happens when you go to bed does the elf factory stop certainly not we work day and night to make sure the children of the world get their toys the elf factory never stops oh the old factory stopped what slight problem i'm afraid wise old elf we've run out of plastic metal and old paper let's just magic up some more no not magic we're elves and we oh don't do magic so what are you going to do we'll simply go to the great elf tower to the great elf tower what is the great elf tower oh it's a wondrous place i've never heard of it the great elf tower gives us all the things we need to make toys how does it do that when big people have picnics in the little kingdom they put plastic bottles tin cans and old papers into the great elf tower we're here behold the great elf tower where all i can see is a litter bin what big people and fairies might call it a little bin but to us it is the great elf tower why are you wearing those funny clothes they're not funny these are safety clothes the great elf tower can be very dangerous and very smelly here goes keep going you're almost there [Music] have you found lots of things for making toys uh not yet it's a bit dark i'll go down and take a closer look oh dear i think the great elf tower is empty mommy daddy can i have some more jelly beans dad i can hear big people we must stay out of their way big people have very big feet come on rex that was a lovely picnic let's tidy up okay dad i'll take litter to the bin thank you lucy come on rex that's the sound of big people quick get out of the bin huh what was that i said get out of the bin it's not a bin it's the great elf tower just get out of there you silly old elf excuse me a little fairy uh hello and a smelly little fairy i am not a smelly little fairy i'm a smelly little elf it's that little girl we met at the farm yes it's lucy hello ben hello holly we're having a picnic look gaston it's rex [Music] he likes you because you're smelly charmed i'm sure oh you've brought all your friends from fairylands this isn't fairyland it's the little kingdom load the elf trucks right hole but why do you want all this stuff we use it to make toys wow i love toys but what do you do with all the smelly stuff it makes lovely compost for the elf farm back to the elf tree [Music] let's get these down to the elf factory without delay wow look at that tree there are little windows in it i wonder if there are any fairies inside it's all right mum it's just our friend lucy oh nice to meet you lucy hello here's a little present to remind you of your visit it's our latest toy fresh from the factory wow thanks is this made from my rubbish yes that's why we're very grateful to you for putting rubbish in the great elf tower what's the great elf tower he means the litter bin you're welcome thanks for showing me your tree i always thought fairies lived in castles for the last time we are not fairies i live in a castle lucy come and see [Music] wow a real fairy castle it's okay daddy it's only lucy the little girl hello lucy how do you do oh another little elf i'm not an elf i'm a fairy king nice to meet you your majesty lucy home time oh i have to go now thanks for leaving all the stuff in the bin don't you mean the great elf tower he really does like you bye lucy come back [Music] oh soon the car won't start look it says empty on the petrol gauge no petrol oh that's not good oh i wish we could help them nanny plum maybe you could sort this out with a bit of um fairy thingy fairy thingy what's that you you know the stuff you do with your wand oh do you mean magic wise old elf yes magic very well magic it is thunder and lightning north wind blow go car go go go there just enough fairy dust to get them home oh we've got no petrol but the cars working maybe this car is so modern it doesn't need petrol well ask at the garage bye lucy come back soon thanks for mending the car lucy who were you talking to i met some elves and fairies that's nice the car is shiny today i've never seen it so sparkly it's fairy dust what a sweet idea today's adventure starts at the great elf tree icon look dad all the leaves are falling off our train it's autumn ben my favorite time of year mind you there'll be leaf sweeping work to do let's get everyone organized calling and what are we ow [Music] oh never mind who's the best at sweeping leaves elves are best at sweeping me and what are we [Music] so many leaves i have to use three magic brooms nanny why do the leaves fall off the trees goodness leaves are so pretty oh they might look pretty to you violet but it just means more work for me this one looks just like the leaf in ben's hat it's an oak leaf it must be from the elf tree i don't know why elves have to live in a tree i don't know why we have to have trees oh autumn grumbling again nanny you should be happy autumn is here yes your majesty where are you going nanny i'm returning these leaves wait for us nanny who's the best at sweeping leaves i believe these are your leaves oh thank you nanny plum hi girls hi boys such beautiful colors look the leaves in your hats have changed color too oh so they have hmm interesting let's play tag okay tag you're it wait i wasn't ready can't catch me oh look a birdie where tag you tricked me you can't catch me i'm too fast oh look a squirrel you can't trick me like that no ben there really is a squirrel a squirrel easy now ben elf what's wrong it's just a squirrel just ignore the squirrel princess holly ah look he's picking up an acorn sound the acorn alarm mr elf what's going on it might be acorn day [Music] acorn day has begun don't panic please leave the elf tree immediately [Music] it's probably a false alarm yes hopefully it's just a practice there he goes mrs elf mrs l hello oh oh don't panic mrs elf just hand it back get out of there mrs elf quickly well somebody please tell me what's going on one day every year the squirrels come and store their acorns in the great elf tree we call that day acorn day what's so bad about squirrels storing acorns yes they need to store their food for winter and it's just an acorn one acorn would be okay but there are many squirrels and they have many acorns oh i'm sorry i couldn't stop him wise old elf it's not your fault mrs elf there is no stopping them once they've started what do we do now now we wait you see after one squirrel has put its acorn in the tree another will come and copy it squirrels are very good at copying happy acorn day when do the squirrels arrive oh have i missed all the fun the squirrels have filled the elf tree with acorns daddy ah yes very clever animals those squirrels there are menace well if you're going to live in an oak tree with little windows you might as well put up a sign saying store your acorns here [Laughter] well if i've missed the squirrels i might as well go home goodbye happy acorn day happy day why is old elf why don't you just move the acorns somewhere else squirrels won't let anyone move their acorns [Music] watch oh what are you going to do now now we're going to move the acorns out of the tree but you said you couldn't move the acorns we can't but we can trick the squirrels into moving the acorns for us how wait here you'll see oh it's very clever is it really clever no it's stupid but funny ta-da here we are squeak uh why is the wise old outdressed there's a squirrel because squirrels copy other squirrels now if i move an acorn all the other squirrels will copy me and move their acorns too but don't the squirrels need to store their icons for the winter aha yes that's why i'll lead them to the dry hollow log on the top of the big hill your costume looks very heavy yes but it's perfectly balanced by the tail ready for checks ready tail check acorn check squirrels watching check go go go squeak squeak squeak we'll see you at the hollow log wise old elf [Music] squeak squeak i hope the wise old elf will be all right squeak oh [Music] squeak squeak squeak oh good almost there oh no the tail has fallen off oh i'm out of control i can't stop [Music] i love autumn it's a pity i missed acorn day i say an acorn how charming your majesty throw the acorn away a talking squirrel throw the acorn away your majesty ah wise old elf where did you come from the acorn your majesty it's dangerous nonsense how can an acorn be dangerous this lovely acorn isn't dangerous two acorns it must be my lucky day [Music] was that supposed to happen well not exactly but the castle is a great place to store acorns for the winter oh what happened where am i happy icon day daddy you didn't miss it after all oh [Music] how am i going to get rid of all these acorns uh you will need this squirrel costume what how does that work you wear the costume and the squirrels copy you i see okay on with the costume nanny off you go chop chop hey happy squeak squeak squeak [Music] today's adventure starts at the lake the elf submarine your majesty may i present the elf factory's latest toy the elf submarine ah yes jolly good does it float does it float of course it floats allow us to demonstrate we carefully chose this day to test the submarine as there are no other boats on the lake hello me hearties it's redbeard the elf pirate yo ho ho land ahoy um should the ship be leaning like that maybe it's the weight of all that treasure she's sinking abandoned ship abandoned ship curses the ship and me treasure gone down to the bottom of the sea how sad anyway as i was saying this is a perfect day to test the submarine with no boats on the lake but what about mr red bits treasure yes me treasure how will i get it back if only we had some way of sailing under water to look for it ah if only anyway back to my submarine there's the submarine we can use the submarine clever ben hang on the elf submarine is a toy it's not for going on adventures oh so it can't go under water yes it can it'll probably sink like a stone no it will not good that's that sorted captain redbeard our submarine is at your service thank you your majesty but but i'll be needing a crew aye aye captain redbeard can i come and me i'd better come too if there's any trouble i can use magic to help us no nanny palum there will be no magic on the elf submarine because where else and elves don't do magic yes we know polly my faithful friend you'll have to wait here mr elf steer the submarine aye aye bear and holly wind up the engine aye aye aye captain what shall i do why you just sit there and look pretty my little mermaid [Music] i know this lake i've sailed on it often are you a sailor i was a sailor i'm not anymore why not big bad body whose big bad barry only the biggest giganticist most enormous fish the world has ever seen he's eaten nine of dad's boats you lost nine boats i thought i was a bad sailor i'm not a bad sailor i'm just unlucky that big bad body is quite big and bad dive if you please mr elf die die die oh it's so pretty look where what is it it's red bird's boat by neptune you're right well spotted ben oh for a moment i thought you'd seen big bad barry oh now i can get me treasure back let's get it and go i don't like it down here i love it all the fish and the flowers and that big underwater cloud you don't get underwater clouds me hearty shiver me timbers it's a fish so big it looks bad is it barry it is it's big bad baddie he's swimming towards red beard's boat oh dear he's going to eat it no a treasure did you see that he swallowed it whole like it were a grape oh what a shame should we go home then go home but we haven't got any treasure well we can't do much about that now i never thought i'd say it but nanny plum is right unless you want to sail into barry's stomach and take your treasure back this adventure is over you're right me fruity pancake hmm take us home mr ralph aye aye captain redbeard uh who turned out the lights it's all gone dark where are we oh we must have sailed into a cave mr elf was chatting instead of looking where he was going i was parked well we're somewhere strange and no mistake and i'll shave me beard off if there's not something fishy going on turn on the lights mr elf aye aye captain it smells fishy what a pong where are we lock me ship there are more boats as well huh it's bunty the boat big bad barrier last winter that's my old boat tricks a bell and there's fifi [Music] uh if all those boats are inside big bad barry then we must be inside big bad barry by all that's wet and fishy you're right we're in the belly of the big fish that explains the smell just think all those years i tried to catch barry and now he's caught me how are we going to get out of here if we could get big bad barry to open his mouth we could just sail out oh very clever ben only how do we get him to open his mouth hmm maybe it's time to ask for a bit of advice [Music] can someone answer their phone it's not my phone it's not mine either oh it's mine hello oh hello nanny plum what's that they've got good news and bad news what's the good news they found the treasure hooray and what's the bad news they've been swallowed by a giant fish what are they okay uh i'll ask is my submarine all right it's not scratched is it listen clever clogs we need your help how can we get big bad barry to open his mouth someone needs to talk to the fish nanny plum can speak fish ah nanny plum you must tell the fish a joke and make him laugh that's an idea a very stupid idea but an idea what's the plan i'm going to tell big bad barry a joke to make him laugh what utter nonsense it was the wise old elf's idea it's brilliant everyone back in the sub get ready to sail what's a good fish joke i know um [Music] did it work i don't know you might not get it um full [Music] we did it the elf pirate redbeard and his crew return it's a triumph so you got the treasure nope you got your boat nope so in what way is this trip a triumph then well we're not inside a big fish in that case congratulations it's a shame the treasure's lost it's not lost i know where it is and no one will ever find it in the belly of big bad barry that's true of course it is me tasty little fruit tree nelly plum what was the joke you told big bad barry it was where do fish keep their money we don't know where do fish keep their money in a river bank that's not very funny i know it's a bit of a rubbish joke but then fish find the silliest things funny they have very small brains where do fish keep their money oh i get it a riverbank oh that's brilliant [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 9,780,583
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum, ben and holly triple episode, ben and holly triple episode 46 to 48
Id: B_5ZKdHC-l0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 13sec (1813 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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