Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom Full Episodes 👍 Lucy's Sleepover | HD Cartoons for Kids

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today's adventure starts at the middle [Music] what's the Little Kingdom the fairies and house live now Lucy we've talked about this fairies and elves don't exist yes darling you've met them yourself oh it's a charming idea and I've joined in the game before but let's not be silly that's like saying talking animals exists talking animal it's me Ben elf oh hello Ben why are you a rabbit Holly magicked me into one by accident was that a talking animal [Music] have you seen a talking rabbit anywhere yes he was here just now Here I am naughty bad when we magic you into things you shouldn't run away can you change me back of course you that's better now let's play a sensible game let's play catch I wish I could playing your games but I'm too big no problem I can just shrink you down you're one of the little people now Lucy you'll be big again tomorrow [Music] well no you can do all the things we do right on Gaston okay hold on taste felis push forward to start [Music] of course would you like to see inside the great elf tree or the little castle or come to my house where is so how Strawberry me and violet live in a fairy village to live inside mushrooms for the big people kept making them no one eats tied stalls yes there is it's a magic door you have to tap three times and spin around hello daddy my dad's the fairy mare yes and you're here just in time for the meeting what meeting [Music] I have called an emergency meeting because there are big people in the middle two grown-ups one little go and a dog having a picnic now as you all know the big people are dangerous I'll say they stepped on my granddad and they ate my house so we must be very careful and if anyone sees any big people [Music] I've seen a big person what where who me I'm a big person don't like me don't worry Lacey it's not your fault you're a big person you're a little person now anyway Lucy is our friend yes look at her feet they're far too small to step on anyone yes she does seem a bit small for a big person pollito oh I see but Lucy's our friends whether she is big or small in that case we are forgetting our manners Lucy would you like to join us for lunch as our special guests will take you back come on it's true darling there really are elves and fairies and talking rabbits well that's a new one on me but obviously there are no I can't believe it we must have imagined it I think that would be fine have a nice time hmm talking rabbits elves fairies shrunken daughter come on darling let's get you home [Music] say hello to Lucy Lucy who's Lucy you know Lucy do hi she's normally a bit bigger Oh Lucy the big person hello normally a lot bigger I'd say I shrank her down Lucy's come to join us for a sleepover well what will happen when she grows big in the morning the castle will explode don't worry we'll make sure Lucy is out of the castle before the morning all right then and Gaston and Rex can sleep in the kitchen yes you have to have a midnight feast at a sleepover it's the law [Music] gosh I'm tired me too MA oh is it midnight yet no Oh midnight is still hours away but I'm so sleepy we've got to stay up until midnight or it's not a real midnight feast [Music] dum dee-dum you need a you t do CTD oh my goodness Rick what you doing here it's mooning you could grow big again any second [Music] what's all the noise about you woke us up only where's Lucy Shh she's gonna say what my girl gets rise in the castle play [Music] Oh too late go what's a funny way to wake up Lucy are you all right I'm fine thank you morning all is Lucy around yes I just wanted to say sorry about smashing our houses and stepping on us that's quite all right I couldn't have been stepped on by a nicer person there you are hi Lucy did you have a nice time it was [Music] today's adventure starts what was that it was coming from the old dwarf mine [Music] yes I think so I can hear voices that was loud weeds better tell the grown-ups the mine what mine the old dwarf mine you're not supposed to be in there it's dangerous we once in there we just heard a big bang yes and the ground shook Oh [Music] woken up yes deep inside the mine the dwarves have been sleeping they sleep for years and years then when they wake up they start to dig for precious jewels gold diamonds digging for things doesn't make a big bang noise it does when the dwarves do it they carry out big explosions underground then dig through the mess they keep digging until they are so tired they fall asleep again they sleep and sleep they're big bigger than us yes Dwarfs are huge this is a worrying time the whole of the Little Kingdom might get dug up holes everywhere just hope hope they dig in the other direction hope they don't come anywhere near us no no no just letting you know there'll be some digging work in this area oh no we apologize in advance for any inconvenience caused to your journey journey what journey we're not going anywhere No hi what if I were you look at this hole someone could fall in hmm I think we need to talk to King thistle wise old elf to see you your majesty mmm dwarves your majesty thoughts they're back no I'm afraid so we haven't got a dwarf infestation for years but now they've woken up I see well they live underground mostly maybe they won't bother us but they've already dug a hole by the elf tree it's only one hole maybe you can turn it into a pond or something Your Majesty you don't understand this is just the start the dwarfs will dig up all of the little kingdom wise old elf you worry too much it'll be fine that's gracious I say do you mind what's that might you've made a great big hole in my courtyard nap l don't get upset upsets my castle is falling over yeah you want to get that fixed now listen here I'm the king Oh a complaint is it you better talk to the boss right I will what you were saying I want to speak to the boss I'm the boss do you have an appointment he doesn't need one he's the king a king doesn't make appointments nor even at the hairdresser's daddy doesn't have any hair he's bald well that's not our fault look we want to complain about the noise what noise the noise from the mine I can't hear anything toys now look I'm the king and I'm commanding you to stop all the digging yeah the thing is though you're only king above the ground just to the top soil below that I'm the boss but we can't stop digging anyway that's what we do we won't stop until we found gold and diamonds some gold and diamonds and gems good thinking Holley there we go problem solved now kindly stop digging but I can magic up that stuff hey where's the fun in that you have to dig for it now if you don't mind some of us have work to do come on lads let's get digging well that could have gone better let's go away and come up with another plan so if no one wants this treasure can I have it yes yes take it now we are gathered here to discuss the dwarf problem they're making loud bangs they're digging holes everywhere they've dug up my carrots yes yes we all know how annoying they can be magic them away no fairy magic doesn't work on dwarfs I know how to get rid of the dwarves we take all this treasure sneaked into the mine and bury the treasure deep down Oh and then the dwarves will take it up and they'll be happy and stop digging correct excellent plan all right nanny plums in charge off you go but it's my plan okay you can both be in charge thank you your majesty but I'm in charge really we need to bury the treasure deep down in the mine the train yes a fan wait for me [Music] my deep very deep hold tight everyone [Music] dig dig dig in our forefathers alone create the diamonds we take the gold dig dig how can we hide the treasure with all the dwarves around I know who I'm good at voices this is the dwarf boss go go go go go go that's brilliant now watch this boys tape right well done nanny plum no probs right let's hide this treasure quickly now dwarves never stop digging for long [Music] there we go diamonds these diamonds here and we found the treasure yes lots of it well done let's do you hey what do you mean keep digging in cases more treasure of course we always did twice as hard when we find treasure oh no what are you doing here anyway this is a dwarf ugly area we put the treasure there for you to find what we thought you'd stop digging we thought you'd be happy why are so full of you and we thought you'd stop making that racket well I suppose all the noise could be a bit upsetting yes yes it is and that's why we apologize in advance come on lads let's get digging foolish digging is made me quite tired [Music] [Applause] they've hired themselves out I know it boss know it knowledge good now they'll sleep for years they'll sleep sleep and sleep and sleep and then they'll wake up and start digging all over again yes they'll take and take and take and take [Music] today's adventure starts at the little castle Gaston goes to school hollyandben please keep Gaston under control sorry buddy [Music] hello strobe ray hello Holly I've come to show you my new pet oh come in hello everyone this is Phaethon my rainbow beetle are sure she's very pretty watch this [Music] shake hands wow that's amazing I've been taking fufu to pet school well it's very impressive why can't gasps Don do tricks like that Gaston can do tricks really yes we've been teaching him to fetch your slippers oh I'd like to see that Gaston that's daddy slippers oh good boy Gaston drop the slippers Gaston bad Gaston sits Gaston sit I say I think it's about time Gaston was trained he can go to pet school with sensing good idea strawberry lead the way hello this is my pet baby this is my pet oh it's king and queen marigold hello how nice to see we always bring our pedigree a green flag for pet training we've brought our ladybird well you remember Lucinda gucchi and Timmy Tim you say hello to the ladybird burner Gaston Spitz Timmy out sorry about that look comes miss Julie who's miss charlie morning everybody I'm Miss Julie [Music] everyone on time good show well Don our chair ice posture Stanley she's funny chin up Babu that's better let's face the future like we mean it aha a new pet wonderful he's called Gaston and I'm Holly I'm Ben and I'm King thistle hello Gaston well no mr. thistle why isn't Gaston wearing a lead he never wears a lead no sons he has to wear a lead to be trained he's not really trainable poppycock all pets are trainable by Miss Julie tell him to sit down ah sit Gaston sit down please you see it's impossible cert oh just be firm let your pet know who's boss now let's all show Gaston how we walk with a lead nice and upright that's it do you want to have a go Gaston no don't talk to Gaston like that who's the boss here well I've always thought of Gaston as a friend you're the boss so show him that Gaston here knees up Gaston Chindia don't slouch good boy Gaston what a good boy no you do it mr. thistle ah he'll not bad but louder here okay to the obstacle course everyone don't dilly-dally now the seesaw the mud pit no flying please papa come on Gaston jump over remember who's in charge Gaston jump that's it now the Cecil good work straight through Lupe's good boy Gaston Oh Gaston's in the mud he's covered in it ha ha no harm in a bit of mud is there Gaston Oh No Gaston is going to shake himself try sorry miss jolly well you're a mucky pup aren't you Gaston but next time you will jump over now who would like to show us all a trick me first my green flies can dull Oh [Music] Archy can lift really heavy things can do a somersault but what about Gaston he does know how to fetch is excellent but maybe it's not a good time to see it fiddlesticks no time like the present Gaston fetch my boot Oh No Gaston is going to eat miss Jolie's filles drop he didn't eat it Gaston is now trained thank you Miss Julie my pleasure just remember miss Julie's simple rule show them who's boss yes it seems a bit silly to keep Gaston on the lead that's daddy you meant to show Gaston who's boss oh I'm sure it wouldn't do any harm just this once there we go should we keep Gaston outside nanny doesn't like his muddy feet indoors oh yes Gaston waits outside oh well I think we can bend the rules just this once oh hello how was training it was amazing Miss Julie put Gaston on a lead yes Gaston is completely trained oh he does everything I say really yes he could even fetch shoes properly now goodness are you sure oh yes watch this Gaston the Queen slippers please good boy Gaston drop drop drop please eatin my slippers what's gone wrong he was trained a minute ago but daddy you did break miss Johnny's rules yes we were supposed to show guests on who's boss what you mean you shouldn't have let him off the lead and you shouldn't have let him come in the castle you're right I should be much firmer with him Gaston sit sit oh well pet school isn't such a big deal anyway the important thing is Gaston knows who's boss come on Gaston off my throne oh yes I'll just sit down here well yes I think Gaston does know who's the boss today's adventure starts at the meadow school [Music] now princess Holly what's the name of this flower that's easy it's a daisy yes yes an elf might call it a daisy but a fairy princess would call it her Bellis perennis correct now what is this Bluebell called Bluebell oh no no no a fairy princess would call it a - thyroids non-scripted nanny nature class is so boring why do I have to learn the proper names of all these flowers that is the sort of thing a fairy princess needs to know well maybe I don't want to be a fairy princess [Music] hi olli hi bed where are you going I'm off 12 school I what do you do tell school we learn how to make toys that sounds fun it is elves love making toys and I'm an elf I want to make toys Manny can I go to elf school - but you're not an elf you're a royal fairy princess I please many plum please nanny plum let Holly come oh okay I'll come along too just to make sure you don't get into any mischief okay but hurry we can't be late for elf school please we're going to L school we're going to learn some we're going to else code we're going to hell school [Music] we're going to school come on elf school is at the top of the tree whoo [Music] ah nanny plum hello mr. old elf hello princess Holly wants to see what elves get up to in your little school hmm very well Holly may join the class but no magic or flying please okay Holly sit next to me no flying you will kindly walk flying is not allowed at elf school only because elves can't fly that's right mistress Palamon elves cannot fly but we do have very good hearing and elves are very good at making toys so today we are going to make toys we will carry on from where we left off last time I'm making a robot I see that Miss Holly does not have a toy that's okay Oh Maddie [Music] critique me a little toy [Applause] [Music] miss Holly magic is not allowed at elf school only because I was counting magic elves could do magic if they wanted to but elves don't do magic Miss Holly you can work on this toy owl for today thank you and I will take this one for now so that you learn how to work the proper elf way without magic don't worry you can have it back at the end of the class boys and girls take out your hammers and remember to tap gently [Music] don't worry honey I'll fix it I still got my magic one else go oh it should be all right no wonder laters knick-knack now what was that loud bang I think there's a bit of a storm brewing outside hmm well as long as there's new magic going on I assure you mr. old elf princess Holly is not using magic naughty nanny plum oh sauce now it's time to paint our toys remember be very careful a little paint goes a long long way I [Music] bother doing things without magic is very hard maybe you need just a teeny tiny bit of magic first me zigzag Zowie paste this time miss Holly are you doing magic no eyes out elf not me I think it's just the storm outside it must be really close now hmm there's something funny going on around here wise old health what do we do next a good question Holly next we wind the toys up [Music] go on do something doesn't work don't worry I'll just give it a little help nanny plum have you been doing magic just a teeny tiny little bit to help things along you are a very naughty fairy sorry wise old elf we'll say no more about it now Holly let's see what your owl can do it doesn't work at all hmm maybe too much magic went into its making I can fix it I'm very good amending things that should do it [Applause] I did try to do it the elf way yes Holly I know you did but it's not easy to make toys without using magic it's easy for us because we're now Holly here's your wand back thank you and remember no magic until you have left the classroom yes wise old elf and that goes for you too nan a pal um yes wise old elf today's adventure starts at the meadow the new Gaston wants to play fetch the stick ok I'm magic up a stick ready one day [Music] [Music] it's raining we're getting wet no problem lunch - umbrella [Music] Hyman dry umbrella do one whoops it sounds like your ones got a cold no Paul one day it's because she got all wet I'd better call the wand doctor hello is that the wand doctor yes we've got a sick wand thank you goodbye the doctor says you have to put one day to bed and he'll be right over the ones doctor is here hello but that's just the wise old owl I'll have you know I'm not just the wise old elf I'm also a fully qualified one doctor oh we elves make the ones remember yes why is that you hate magic we make ones but we don't use them magic always leads to trouble now where is my patient here that's loud turn out please as I thought a cold I suggest plenty of rest the wand needs to stay in bed and keep nice and warm will won't he be able to do magic oh no no no there'll be no waving wand around for a while Oh what shall I do without a wand funny you should ask I've been working on a brand new wand maybe you'd like to try it out wow it's been top secret until now I call it the wise wand 3000 even I didn't know about it gosh thanks wise old elf it's so pretty and it talks incredible amazing that's not all this wand has a very special feature no other wand has what special feature oh you'll find out soon enough I have to say once don't get any better than this what did he mean by that what does he ever mean I always lose interest halfway through I can't wait to do some magic with my Wise Ones 3000 well you will have to wait till tomorrow because it's nearly bedtime by only by pen by Gaston see tomorrow [Music] [Laughter] morning daddy morning Holly ah than you want how is it it's amazing good news princess Holly Wandy is better the ones doctor was right she just needed a bit of rest oh that's nice so you can take that new ones back to the wise old elf if you like I think I might like to keep it for a bit I haven't even tried doing magic with it yet oh well what should we do with this um I don't really need it anymore can you put it with my baby toys okay oh well there you go Holly's got a new ones now yes it's called the wise wand 3000 yes it's very very new and top-secret oh let's play a game yes what shall we play let's say princesses Knights and nor sea witches yes I'll be the princess because I am a princess and I'll be the brave knight okay Wow real Alva and RP the Northey way [Music] what do we do now the brave knight has to rescue the princess from a tower roof tower how am I going to rescue you from that in the stories the princess grows her hair really long and the night climbs up it oh yes easy oh good climbing up hair and now you're both crap oh we can easily get down nuts if I put bars on the window lunchtime oh that's my mum I've got to go bye ok bye Fleur how are we going to get down don't worry I've got my wives 1 3000 okay let's get out of here oh it didn't work it's not doing anything what happens the last time you used it nothing I haven't done any magic with it yet it's useless I wish I had my old wand its Gaston Gaston could fetch hell yes Gaston Gaston fish you're in a hurry today to be a very special wand but it doesn't do anything maybe it's broken it doesn't look broken that's it's actually a bit annoying yes my old ones never talked it just [Music] oh one day I'm so glad to see you now let's get down from this tower yes indeed [Music] I think I'll use my old wound from now on ah princess Holly how are you getting on with a wise wand 3000 it's broken is it it looks perfectly fine to me but it doesn't do magic yes that's the special feature I was talking about no magic wands that doesn't do magic correct you see magic always leads to trouble and also that's the one that doesn't do magic is not a wand it's just a stick so you're saying that the wise one 3000 is good for absolutely nothing yes I know one thing it's good for yes hey Gaston fetch the stick [Music] and I love you one day you're my best friend today's adventure starts at the great elf dream uncle Gaston Wow hi Gaston I'll be right down oh you're blue have you got a cold or something nanny you can speak ladybird what's Gaston saying oh oh he's saying he's not Gaston he's gasps Tom's brother Tony I didn't know Gaston had a brother me neither ha ha ha ha and Tony has come here with his family this is Pam and these are their children they've come to visit Gaston but they're lost we'll take you to Gaston come on Gaston your brother tiny has come to visit what is it what are they saying well they wrote Gaston a letter asking if he could look after their children for a day yes so Gaston had no idea space to be looking after little ones will help Gaston look after them yes it will be fun that's the king what does he want nanny plum I can't find my glasses have you tried looking on your head oh yes now where's my crown oh I'll have to go have fun you two and uncle Gaston looks a bit tired Gaston will play with the baby ladybirds for a bit let's play an emerald and key I'm just on uncle we know they need when my little sister doesn't have a map she gets overtired he cries [Music] how could we get them to make my little sister sleepy my mom reads her a story but Gaston Scott storybooks looks like he's eaten them all I've got lots of lovely clean washing Gaston no I'm not having muddy footprints all over my washing today thank you tired today hey Gaston at least that means you will be jumping up on me and licking my face goodness me baby ladybirds yes emerald and keith well well so Gaston is a girl Lady Bird after all no guess Don's a boy ladybird he's their uncle he's looking after them for the day I'll be house-trained I'm sorry Holly but it's cause they care I'm going to read the story to make the baby ladybirds sleepy oh but where are the baby ladybirds they've gone I'll go and get them no Ben Daisy and poppy can be a bit dangerous I'll go Daisy poppy they're not your dollies their baby ladybugs how many baby ladybirds are there hmm this seems to be full now Daisy poppy it's very naughty to turn your mother into a ladybird thank you darling [Music] storybook no Gaston it's not for eating rock-a-bye baby on the treetop when the wind blows the cradle will rock when the bough breaks the cradle will fall and down will come baby cradle and oh time will come baby cradle and all that's not very nice you're right what about this one it's about ladybirds ladybird ladybird fly away hi your house is on oh dear this one's even more scary how about this one once upon a time there were three little pigs can't you make it more about ladybirds Ben okay once upon a time there were three little lady birds and they each built a little house one was made of straw one was made of sticks and one was made of bricks what's happened next well one day a big bad wolf came along to the straw house and he huffed and he puffed anteaters the story have a happy ending um let's see no I mean let's just say the three little piggies I mean lady birds lived happily ever after so the wolf didn't eat any of them not even one no no no of course not it was all happy the end Ben look they're all asleep oh yes we did it what time are their mommy and daddy coming to collect them oh I've just thought their mommy and daddy won't know where we are [Music] and what is it gasps son of he's heard something well done Gaston they found us oh they woken up already how come they've got so much energy again mmm might be something to do with them having a little sleep yes my little sister's always got tons of energy after she's had enough and loves them [Music] [Applause] you
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Views: 30,681,486
Rating: 3.82007 out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, cartoon, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum
Id: zx78UkUlL_c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 37sec (3637 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2019
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