Ben and Holly's Little Kingdom | Triple Episode: 43 to 45 | Kids Cartoon Shows

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today's adventure starts at the little castle daisy and poppy's [Music] pet daisy poppy don't ride your hobby horses on the breakfast table oh i'm sorry your majesty the twins really like ponies at the moment they really want a pet and ponies are lovely pets so pretty and cuddly and they've got long swishy tails to brush daisy and poppy would so love a pony honey honey goodness me no ponies are ginormous and daisy and poppy are tiny fairies no pony [Music] maybe the princesses could have another sort of pet pet pet i can magic them up a harmless fluffy little pet wait a minute pets need looking after who's going to do all the cleaning up the twins can we will we promise okay but please make it a sensible pet nanny not a dragon or a dinosaur of course your majesty ah i've got a bad feeling about this don't worry darling nanny plum knows what she's doing i've got a very bad feeling about this here we are the magical fairy library now let's find a book on pets hmm a tiger tiger a tiger no too big oh tiger hmm a snake snakey too wriggly an alligator alligator alligator no too many teeth ah here we go the perfect little pet a hamster hamster [Music] [Laughter] [Music] i wonder what pet nanny has magicked up for daisy and poppy as long as it's small i don't care ahem may i present the princess's new pet pippin a rat know your majesty pippin is a lovely little hamster how sweet pippy likes you daddy oh it is cute isn't it cute isn't quite the word i had in mind i think it'd be um happier if it lived outside very well back back pippin they're fine as long as you don't show you're afraid back pippin back there pippin welcome to the courtyard your new home i hope pippin won't be bored living here we'll give pippin some toys and hamsters like lots of straws [Music] can we give pippin something to eat nanny foodie yes and the drink [Music] oh that should make pippin feel at home ah why is the courtyard full of straw it's for your hamster your majesty my hamster it's funny the courtyard looks just like a hamster cage yes very amusing why does it have to run about so much hamsters like running about hi ben hi gaston hi oh no pippins run away oh um how sad how terribly sad we've lost pippin what a dreadful turn of events pippin's gone gone forever wait king thistle i can get your hamster back ah don't trouble yourself ben it's no trouble elves are good at rounding up hamsters and i'm an elf ready gaston [Music] thistle safe and sound ah thank you ben close the cage door before pippin escapes again does it ever go to sleep uh maybe when it's tired and how do we make it tired let's ask the wise old elf he knows everything hello wise old elf speaking how do you make a hamster tired hamster oh the king's pet hamster we need to make it tired ah i see what you need is a wheel a wheel how will that help wait and see i'll be right over [Music] hello king thistle where's this hamster of yours my hamster here's pippin pippin likes you no charmed i'm sure bring in the wheel right hole goodness where's that going to go it's hideous the things we do for our pets hey king thistle it's not my pet lure the wheel into the hamster cage hamster cage are you talking about my castle put the wheel in the middle of the hamster cage mr elf are you sure the wheel is strong enough it'll be fine hamsters don't run very fast you've got a fast hamster haven't you the whale's spinning too quickly she got a ticket captain it's okay the wheel's too big to go through the cage door my castle oh dear pippins escaped again the wheels heading for the great elf train we'll have to warn the elves hello hello dear it's me um do you know what uh hamsters are yes dear they're sweet little fluffy creatures um yes well don't panic but there's a hamster coming your way in an enormous wheel oh it's heading back to the little castle oh oh my goodness mr ralph we were spared by the mighty wheels thundering back from wednesday um there's good news and bad news what's the good news the wheel hit the elf tree but everyone is okay what's the bad news the wheel is coming back here everyone into the tower run for your life i can't believe it yes king thistle wonderful isn't it your hamster is back home oh pippin's tired you see the wheel worked now we know how much exercise pippin needs every day to the elf tree and back no pippin has to go oh but daisy and poppy love pippin i don't want a pet living in my castle i could magic pippin into a different kind of pet a pet that could live outside the castle oh okay nanny just do it [Music] the elves have mended the hamster cage i mean the castle your majesty splendid let's take a look what nanny yes your majesty why is there straw in my courtyard courtyard oh you mean the feeding bowl what yes darling you asked for a pet that could live outside the castle so we went back to what we all wanted in the first place a pony how lovely and pony today's adventure starts at the little castle the elf rocket [Music] no time to read the newspaper your majesty there is king's work to be done what king's work the elves want you to inspect their latest toy oh i don't like these elf toy inspections the toys are always perfect and all i say is they're perfect there's the elf truck now hello your majesty may i present the very latest elf toy a space rocket it's perfect don't you want to see it fly okay if i must is that it yes but it's called a space rocket it didn't go anywhere near space did it it's just a toy your majesty just a toy i could kick a football higher than that and rockets should be able to go higher than footballs well i'm sure we can make it go higher how high i could make a rocket go to the moon if i wanted to no you couldn't yes i could i'm an elf and elves can do anything very well i command the elves to build a rocket to fly me to the moon and me to fly me and princess holly to the moon and me and gaster and nanny plum to look after the children i bet you can't fly holly ben gaston me and nanny plum to the moon you're on buy tonight oh okay marvelous see you later then come on ben we better go and start making that rocket it's a matter of elf honor okay bye holly see you tonight bye [Music] ah how did the toy inspection go did the king say the toy rocket was perfect uh he thought it could go a bit higher oh really well i suppose i could fit a stronger spring how high does the king want it to go to the moon to the moon and i said we could have some people inside people inside by tonight impossible elf honor is at stake elf honor in that case we must do it we'll build this rocket and we'll fly it to the moon tonight stop toy production at the elf factory start work on the elf rocket immediately now i will work out how to get the elf rocket from here the little kingdom [Music] to here the moon [Applause] [Music] ah nanny plum i'd like you to join us on a little trip this evening to the moon a trip to the moon that sounds nice i'll pack a picnic hello hello your majesty the elf rocket is ready that was quick helps work quickly and where else may i present the elf rocket not bad does it fly does it fly of course it flies it's an elf rocket the rocket will land here in the sea of tranquility oh the seaside we can make sand castles we can have a picnic on the beach and you can go paddling in the sea there is no water on the moon but what is the sea made from just a rock a sea of rock what's the point of that listen everyone this is a very serious mission there'll be no swimming or picnics here is the main cabin the cabin is a bit tiny i might stay down below in the kitchen the kitchen there isn't a kitchen no kitchen what's all this big space for then this space is for the fuel nanny plum i have worked out exactly how much fuel we need to get you to the moon where's the toilet then there isn't one you'll just have to go before you leave no toilet but if we're having a picnic at the seaside we'll need nani palam it's not a picnic at the seaside it's a very serious mission we are going to the moon now all astronauts into their spacesuits get ready for takeoff [Music] what's this for there's no air in space you'll have to wear a spacesuit but we can just use magic to breathe no magic is not allowed aboard the elf rocket you will have to leave your wands behind ah okay astronauts aboard the rocket would you please come with me to the mission control room oh systems check engines ready i want to wish you all the best of luck you are going where no else has gone before oh fairy or fairy oh sorry you are going where no elf or fairy has gone before is everyone ready all ready and hey okay wise old elf zero here we go next up the moon blast off on everybody all systems go where did it go where did it go where did it go into space it actually worked i wasn't expecting that [Music] we are now out of earth's atmosphere we can take off our seat belts that's because there's no gravity in space i'm flapping my wings but they don't do anything yes your wings won't work in zero gravity are you sure there isn't a toilet what's through this door no don't open that door [Music] what happened when you open a door in space it sucks all the air out of the rocket oh nanny plum she's floating away hello [Music] my wings don't work we can hear you through the radio nanny plum you don't need to shout just stay calm stay calm i'm floating off into deep space elf rocket this is mission control what's going on up there nanny plum opens the door and is now lost in space oh dear that's a shame well never mind on with the mission no we have to rescue nanny plum oh i suppose we must i'll rescue nanny me too all right you're all tied to this rope so you won't drift away are you ready ready we're coming nanny plum hold on hold on hold on to what oh no we can't reach nanny plum mr elf the rope isn't long enough oh no lost in space and i never even went to the toilet here's your lasso ben thanks dad keep still i'm going to throw this lasso around your waist got you hey you rescued manny plum oh thank you ben thank you everyone for rescuing me let that be a lesson to you nanny plum no more opening doors i was just having a look around well please don't look around this is a serious mission elf honor is at stake well i'm very sorry i won't touch anything again fair is honor good now everybody strap themselves in our next stop is the moon oh good the sooner we get there the sooner we can have our picnic for the last time nanny plum there will be no picnic on the moon this adventure continues in our next episode picnic on the moon today's adventure starts in outer space [Music] picnic on the moon rocket to mission control in a few minutes we will land on the moon very good mr elf you are on target to land in the sea of tranquility lovely once we're at the seaside we can eat our picnic oh nanny plum for the last time we are not going for a picnic why not because this is a serious elf mission to the moon we can still have a picnic ready everyone we are about to go where no elf has gone before oh fairy oh yes sorry holly we are going where no elf or fairy has gone before [Music] look how high i can jump this is brilliant all right that's enough funny business here's my timetable for the mission one land on moon done that two plant the flag i am now king of the moon [Music] plant the flag done three go back home but what about the picnic and you missed out the seaside yes where's this sea of tranquility i fancy a paddle ah the sea of tranquility doesn't have water in it it's full of sand but where do the aliens go when they want to swim aliens nanny plum said there might be aliens on the moon well that's just a fairy story blooper an alien uh hello aliens amazing that's nice he's saying hello can you speak alien nanny no this is mission control what's going on up there we just met an alien amazing this is an historic momentous occasion this is the biggest thing to happen ever do you think you'd like a cheese sandwich danny plum we do not celebrate historic meetings with a cheese sandwich maybe the aliens can show us where the seaside is there is no sea on the moon only sand we can still build sand castles yes [Music] no don't start digging up the moon you'll upset the aliens look the aliens love building sand castles [Music] i'm a bit hungry me too time for the picnic no magic basket please magic nani are you waving your magic wand around i haven't got my wand remember it wasn't allowed on your silly elf mission ah yes anyway the magic picnic basket doesn't need a wand to work you just ask it for what you want magic basket please make us sandwiches with ham and cheese and now for pudding magic jelly magic jelly ah nanny plum we don't want another jelly flood oh it'll be fine nadi palam i want you to think very carefully about what you are doing whatever magic basket please jelly jelly [Music] what's she doing oh no i forgot to say not a lot that's too much [Music] [Applause] what's happening nanny plum has flooded the sea of tranquility with jelly plum all the maps of the moon will have to be changed the sea of tranquility is now the sea of jelly sorry sorry the aliens will be very upset kelly but the aliens like the jelly they're eating it all up they love it i better make some more magic no nanny plum i forbid you to make any more jelly on this mission but look at the alien sad little faces they're still hungry no more magic jelly okay i was looking forward to having a bit of jelly myself oh nanny we can't eat the picnic anyway our space helmets are in the way that's the last straw no water in the sea and we can't eat food what kind of picnic is this it's not a picnic okay let's go home nanny plum's right it's time to go well that's what i've been saying bye bye aliens bye bye [Music] i like aliens yes they're lovely everybody get ready for takeoff i will set the controls for oh what is it fuel tank is empty ah we seem to be out of fuel what does that mean we are stuck on the moon forever oh no what what's wrong i put enough fuel in the rocket to get to the moon but i forgot about getting back oh dear that was a bit silly yes yes it was very silly it's all because of your little elf rules if you'd let us bring our fairy ones we could have used magic to get us back but of course there's been quite enough magic for one day with that picnic basket of yours i didn't mean to make so much magic jelly magic jelly of course danny plum listen carefully i want you to put the magic basket into the fuel tank why there's no time for questions just do it here's the fuel tank nanny plum now ask the magic basket for jelly what but you said no more magic jelly remember i know i did but this is an emergency okay how much jelly do you want a lot right yo what how will that help the jelly comes out of the magic basket at amazing speed we can use the power of jelly to make the rocket fly back home if i'd said that you'd say i was being silly but it's not you saying it it's me and the wise old elf is very wise nanny plum i suppose he is a bit clever okay let's give it a go magic basket please jelly jelly lots lots lot oh hang on everyone it worked [Music] we are heading back to the little kingdom using jelly power [Applause] they're on their way home [Music] mr elf please land the elf rocket in the frog pond right hoe where are they they are stand back everyone [Music] [Applause] welcome back ben and holly we flew to the moon and back the mission was a complete success thanks to the wonders of elf cleverness thanks to my magic jelly you mean what without my magic jelly we'd still be on the moon now now nanny let's not argue over the little details let's just say elf skill got us to the moon and fairy magic got us home [Music]
Channel: Ben and Holly’s Little Kingdom – Official Channel
Views: 6,648,805
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ben and holly's little kingdom, ben and holly, #benandholly, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes, #littlekingdom, #benandhollycartoon, holly and ben, ben and holly's little kingdom full episodes english, ben and holly little kingdom, princess holly, little kingdom, ben holly little kingdom, ben, ben holly, holly, ben and holly full episodes, ben and holly's little kingdom christmas, nanny plum, ben and holly triple episode, ben and holly 43 to 45, ben and holly season 1
Id: hvqau3dSV58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 11sec (1811 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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