Being Patient vs Going For It

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hi I'm coach Corey Wayne and this is my video coaching newsletter the topic of this newsletter is going to be being patient versus going for it when it comes to creating attraction and ultimately seducing the women that you want us to do is I've got an email here from a viewer and he says hey coach how's it going I've been reading your book and applying the material you teach and I'm still watching your videos on YouTube please keep up the great work I'll do my best he says I just wanted to get your opinion regarding persistence versus patience this is not really pertaining to me I just want to know what you think well obviously it's pertaining to you because you took time to write an email it's just these little ways that people go about bullshitting themselves but it's obviously something that you've got a question about so he says there are some guys out there who contact women more than what you say is necessary to build attraction they are persistent in their pursuit of women not really masking their feelings for them and not really being very mysterious either understanding how effective your advice and methods are do you believe that a guy who was very persistent in his pursuit of a woman can be just as successful with them as a guy who is patient and mysterious so it sounds like what you're basically asking me is hey Corey is it okay to chase a girl and blow up her phone and act like a stalker and be persistent like they teach in all the movies and TV shows that I've been watching that shows that this is what you got to do to get the girl you want well you can try that approach but it won't work very well for you now here here's the thing it's like when I talk about in my book is I teach a very methodical step-by-step process to help you build your confidence because if you're like I was when I was younger and I wasn't very good there's just you don't know what you don't know and I was full of fear at that time so just making eye contact with a woman was something that was terrifying for me and so when I read write a book or I put a video out there I'm trying to think about the majority of the people that are going to be reading it and so I figure worst case because of a guy's say is in a much better situation emotionally and say I was and a lot of things he's not necessarily going to have to go through or go through the steps of learning because he simply already knows certain things but one thing it's a common theme with guys who are working in this area of their life is they're impatient as hell and when they think they're being patient they're actually being incredibly impatient and the science simple scientific fact of the matter is is that women are simply more attracted to men whose feelings are unclear now it doesn't mean that you're going to be a cold fish and you're never going to tell a woman where how you feel about our what you like about her where she stands with you but if you are learning this stuff and you are here it's like people come to my work not because everything's going great in their life but because they're having some challenges and so the idea is by following what I teach my book or my videos are the articles is to help you learn your own Center learn to have some emotional self control to be patient especially when it comes to women because at the end of the day if a girl when you meet a girl on a scale of 1 to 10 you're either a 5 or better meaning it out a chance or you're a 4 or lower and if you're a 4 lower you got no chance at all and so when you start interacting with the girl attraction is not a choice you either make her minimum standards or you don't and if you meet the minimum standards so to speak by doing things right you can cause her to fall in love with you slowly over time by doing the right things but when you try to rush things or force things along artificially that's when the woman starts to feel like things are being forced are artificially and that you're not just letting things naturally flow it happened like they're supposed to happen in a love story and so especially when it comes to women less really is more especially with if you're watching this video you're reading my book or you're applying the things that I talk about most of the guys that I meet are just incredibly impatient in their own impatience and doing and saying things that get in the way of the seduction process is actually what inhibits it because you can meet a girl you can go out and you can lock eye contact with her in a grocery store just have an amazing connection and talk for five minutes ten minutes and just feel like you've known this person your whole life and you say ed really low I can sit here and talk to you all day but obviously I got to run but I definitely would like to get together with you and have a drink sometime when are you free and so you set a date and then maybe you meet later that night or maybe you meet you agree to meet the next day but it's a definite date right then they're in a spot and you talked five minutes maybe 10 minutes of the most and so the whole time in between you showing up for the date to meet her out for a Drake maybe the next day 24 hours later you already get the plans are already taken care of all you have to do is just show up and have a good time and not that's all she asks you now she has a really high level of attraction for you she's going to keep a date show up she might even text you just to make sure you're still on but more than likely she's got a lot of confidence should just meet you at the bar or the restaurant wherever it is that you've agreed to meet ahead of time and so when you sit there you started hanging out and you're really into this girl and you can tell the way she's just giving you [ __ ] me eyes and you just she starts touching you right away I mean you can be making out literally in a matter of seconds and even in a matter of minutes the under an hour you could be taking her back to your place you'd be going back to her place just simply by acknowledging because the idea is by applying the stuff that I teach you start to see the things I talked about you start to see that it actually happens in women so you can recognize a difference between women you really got a shot with and ones that you don't or who are kind of lukewarm and you know when to make a move and so when a woman's giving you all the sides that she's into you physically emotionally spiritually there's just a connection there you just go for it and move her right along when you've done it enough times you know how long it takes to basically go from sitting there having a drink basically from the barstool or the bedroom so to speak some women it's going to happen quicker than others based upon how into you they are but the idea is by following the stuff that I teach being patient and you hang back and if you realize that women start reaching out to you and they start chasing you in pursuing you and if you want to have an effortless personal life and effortless social life that's the best way to go about it because if you can set a woman get when you meet a girl you start dating her from the moa meter she's pursuing you she's chasing you she's initiating things that's the best place to keep her because then that way she's always reaching out to you she's always chasing you she's always pursuing you she's used to doing that from the moment you meet and so therefore current events from future trends and so if you just do the right things she'll continue to do that if you got a girl is chasing you constantly calling you blowing up your phone texting you I miss you I can't wait to see you again that kind of [ __ ] it's really easy just to make the next date to get together to create a fun-filled romantic opportunity for sex to happen so it really depends on your level of where you're at because if you see a girl you really like you can walk right up to or just say you're amazing I want you I love your eyes I love your lips I love your body even if you have a gorgeous figure a [ __ ] unbelievable figure amazing figure your body is just unbelievable ever it is that you say these are all your toxic eating look at these are all things that I have said to women in the past I've dated or I've been in relationships with like the first time I met them and I just say what's on my mind but that scares the [ __ ] out of most guys because I freaked out I mean just making out if if I'm talking to a guy that's just it's terrifying just to make eye contact with them imagine trying to get a guy like that didn't walk up to a girl I had the conference just to go you're amazing I want you he'll be totally full of fear and he won't be able to pull it off just because it won't be in his body language or his physiology so he has to work up to that but really if you've got the guts to pull it off [ __ ] go for it if you don't have any fear in your body language your physiology you'd be absolutely astounded and how quickly you can meet a girl and literally within a matter of minutes or a few short hours you could be either back at her place or your place having sex it just there's a lot of factors that go into it but like I talked about my book is like once you learn to recognize those skills it's almost as if you're like a hunter and you're waiting for the right moment to make a move and seduce your goddess and seduce your lady and you just you do everything you can to facilitate her being unsure of yourself and it's not about not telling her how you feel about her it's just being unexpected I haven't heard from he hasn't called me because most guys call and they chase and they pursue too much and when she hasn't heard from you when you just got together and had great crazy sex last night and like two days have gone by and you have a call to say you had a great time in this to that that's when she starts to worry and wondering you may just be busy because you don't have any other time during the week to get together and you're thinking about our two but you forgot a car in a couple days when I figure out my schedules gonna be like this weekend or next week whatever happens to be and then three days go by and she doesn't want to wait any longer but she starts becoming a little fearful I thought things are so great we had such great sex and she'll reach out in the form of a text to kind of feel you out and so then you say hey great to hear from you I was thinking about you too we got to get together when you went free and you just arranged the next date and we think about that when a woman does that and you get her in a habit of that from the very moment you meet her it's pretty easy you'll never get rejected when a girl's always chasing you wondering where she stands with you that pushes her buttons emotionally and that's what's that scientific fact that's what women are more attracted to so everything you do and everything you say in an interaction with a woman should be facilitating mystery and helping her give her space so she could just sit around and wonder about you even though you may have a date set up tomorrow or two or three days in the future she's going to sit in wonder value am i following the things that I teach it facilitates that so it makes a lot easier so work smarter not harder so if you have a question you want to ask me go to my website click the contact me tab which will be on the left-hand side of your screen and send me one to two pairs from acts and just give me surveys to get back to you with the response if you want to talk to me right away the quickest way to get my help is to book a paid phone coaching session and you can do that but one of my website click the products tab which will be the top of your screen and just follow the instructions if you want to get a digital version of Mike in book on my website underneath the email signup box is a box that has a length it will take you right 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Channel: Coach Corey Wayne
Views: 160,664
Rating: 4.9064088 out of 5
Keywords: Being, Patient, vs, Going, For, It
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 52sec (712 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 05 2012
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