Behind Bars: Rookie Year - Survival of the Fittest (Season 2, Episode 4) | Full Episode | A&E

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 20 2019 🗫︎ replies
(eerie music) - [Gregg] Every one of our prisons experiences a gang influence. - [CO] The SNM they're more prevalent now than they've ever been. - [Reporter] The Albuquerque Journal got word that three inmates where plotting to kill Secretary Gregg Marcantel. - Before becoming a correctional officer I was working at a grocery store. - The inmates make me feel disrespected. I'm not an animal for them to be cat calling me or anything. - Just a matter of establishing who you are as an officer. You're here to do a job. You just don't let it get to you. - I get a thrill from action because I like the adrenaline rush. - [Man In Blue] Bet you I ain't! Cuff Up! - Immediately you put the hand up, go to your OC spray. Hands on is second. - [CO] Follow me Martinez - I was a pretty middle class kid. I grew up in a gated neighborhood. - [Official] Andrew Martinez. - [CO] Graduating this academy is just the tip of the iceberg. It's one step. - I am excited, I'm excited to start. - This is it, it's gonna be ten times harder in there. Remember that. - Let's go over this Rueben Davis deal. - What do I look like your maid? - I'm gonna go head and cut my wrist again. - A guy like Rueben Davis is gonna act out like that. It takes a lot of patience. Requires a different approach. - [Officer] Let's go guys, go into your unit. (upbeat music) (inmate chatter) - Take your beanie off. Take your beanie off. (laughing) (speaking Spanish) - [D'Angelo] A lot of these level two inmates think they can't be touched because they're getting out soon. And it's just like, gets a little frustrating. Clear the corridor. Lets go, move back to your dorm. If I lock you in here, I'm gonna write you up. Back to your dorm. I am gaining my confidence. 'Cause I didn't know what to expect, coming into this job. I knew I was gonna be dealing with felons. I just didn't know how I was gonna react to the way they act with me. - Cops think they're hardcore. I just got a write-up today, from that guy right there. For going into another dorm? Stupid. - Rookies, they're quick with the pen. Writing us up for little things. A lot of these inmates disrespect them. - They think they have to push their weight around and that's not cool 'cause I ain't no punk. - They make a big deal out of nothing. Come here and make your pay check and go home. That's what you should do. - He look like a teacher. - Michael Gaytan, he is discharging. I just hope he realizes that if he doesn't change his attitude, that he will end up back here. - Stupid. This is nothing this a minor, I wipe my ass with. He can rub it on his chest if he wants. I'm discharging I don't care. A regular officer wouldn't go out there and talk [beep] to you like some of these younger guys (bleep), trying to write you up for something. They'll tell you hey man can you just please not do it again. He just doesn't know any better; he's just a dumb kid. And I guess his panties got in a bunch and tryin' to act hard. It's people like these guys that get in my way and sometimes they have to be put down. I just hope he doesn't run out to me in the streets, you know what I mean? (dramatic music) - You have to be not only a special person, but a remarkable person to walk into that abyss every day. Corrections management is not for the weak any more than it is for the timid. - I don't care about your authority. I don't care about your job. - There's some people in here that just ain't gonna tolerate anything. You know? They're already a little off the hinges. - With the heightened gang activity we have in the state right now, you have correctional officers being assaulted every day. They have numbers, speed and violence. That's what our officers are against right now. - [Purto] Hey we're right here, right here. Being in housing unit three, these inmates are allowed to have only one hour of rec everyday. Are you going? - No you guys aren't. - Would you rather have a write up, or that, which one? - [Purto] Okay, okay. - [Purto] You guys got caught fishing. - [Purto] Yesterday. - Yesterday I heard an object sliding down the tier. It was Joshua Urioste fishing, passing contraband to another inmate, completely against the rules. I take that as highly disrespectful. That's insulting my intelligence. That's insulting me in general. - Purto you're just acting up, you're mad 'cause of yesterday. I have a right to go to rec. That's all I get in an hour of rec you know. - [Purto] (mumbles) That's just how I do it. Alright, turn around, turn around and back out. - [Purto] Alright, alright, alright just be quiet about it. - I made it! - I have an extensive disciplinary history. They caught me with a shank. They gave me 30 days in seg. I do a lot of stuff I'm not supposed to do. - Naw we'll go to 10. - 'Cause I said. - You're mad at me huh? - [Purto] Just, just relax. - [Joshua] Just tell me something. - Joshua Urioste is yet another inmate that likes to play the victim game. He's the epitome of what prison is meant to house. He does not like to follow the rules, he does not like it when you enforce the rules. - [Purto] I'm not mad. - You get the new guys, they think they Superman behind these prison walls. They wonder why they got [beep] thrown on them. They wonder why they got no respect. - Some of these correctional officers want to take their anger out on us. You respect me I'm gonna respect you. You try to abuse your power towards me and I got nothing for you except revenge and hate. (calm music) (inmate chatter) - [Lilly] Let me see your hat. - I'll let you know the tools, I'm gonna walk you through it, okay? - [Lilly] Okay. - Alright guys, come and get your tools - Today I'm in the wheelchair program. It's my first day working here and it's good for the inmates that are just trying to do their time and it makes their days go by faster and then they're helping people on the outside. - Okay. It's a change from my normal routine. It has been exhausting working with 30 plus inmates and I get to catch a break. Why can't you and me have like up to six inmates? Is it too much? - The security here, it's really tight. Our primary job is for no metal to get out. We're pretty strict because in here in a blink of an eye, everything can go south real quick. When it first started two years ago the Level fours were in here. Gang members. But, something went down and then we were shut down for about I would say, about three months. - Why? What happened with the Level fours? - There was a murder. - Really? Everywhere you turn, there's all kinds of tools and parts to the wheel chairs that could be turned into a weapon. (calm music) - His panties got in a bunch and trying to act hard. I just hope he doesn't run out to me in the streets you know what I mean? - Growing up, I was always fighting. Back in high school I got into trouble that could have ended up with some jail time. That experience made me realize that it takes a true man to really like walk away from the fight rather than face it head on. (applause) - It's pissing me off. (laughing) I got frustrated and just gave up. That guy has brain damage. I walked back to the control center just to calm my nerves. - This job is already a little stressful. If you're a person who doesn't really stand up for themselves, if an inmate is disrespecting you. They're gonna walk all over you. Do you guys need something? Go back to your dorms. - Some of the most common mistakes that a rookie makes, first out of the academy on the line, when being taunted by an inmate is that he takes it personally. He wants to rebuttal he wants to fight with this inmate. It's a test. They know he's green, he's a green horn. You're not an inmate, you work for the state corrections department. There's a certain way that we handle it. It's a learning thing that these officers have to go through. (calm music) - When it first started two years ago, something went down. And then we were shut down for about, I would say about three months. - Why, what happened with the level fours? - There was a murder. - Really? - Yes. - New details tonight about the death of an inmate at the Southern New Mexico Correctional Facility. Authorities tell us Javiar Molina was attacked and murdered by fellow gang members last night. - The SNM is a very powerful prison gang, they're well known for their violence. Their main goal is to scare the general population and let them do whatever they need to do. Drugs, assaults, extortion's, anything like that. - They were saying that the part came out of here. They want this work detail to continue and part of my job and our job is to make sure none of this metal goes back to the units, and I'll show you the type of metal that you need to look for. That's what we're looking for. This is the actually the one that they can do damage with. Okay? Come in the backrest and the seat. That's what we're looking for. Okay. You write down what they got, what date and then how many. Okay? We need to keep track of the metal. - I thought it would be easier for me to work in programs like this, but with all the gang activity in this facility, I don't think any CO could let their guard down anywhere. - To learn in the academy is one thing. It's like they say, you can read all the books you want but to live it is a whole different story. You know? - The old school COs gonna have confidence in his eyes. A rookie will come in, he'll be kind of timid. You're gonna see his weakness. He's gonna be more easily taken advantage of. - Confidence is king. That's all there is to it. (calm music) - The Academy was actually kind of difficult for me. I didn't really, uh, do well. - Move your actions back now, no, no. no. - You keep messing up Martinez. What did I tell you yesterday? PT Formation, squad two and four does what? - Moves to the side sir. - What side? - To the right. - Why didn't you do that? - I've gotta prove myself to my facility now. The thing that makes me the most nervous is going in there, getting in an altercation that possibly I could get a disease or possibly really badly injured or murdered. - What's going on man? - [Andrew] What's goin' on? - How you doin'? - [Andrew] Doing good and you? - All right, you'll be on restricted housing today. You know what is? - [Andrew] No sir. - Seg. - Okay. - This is a very dangerous environment that we're in. We have inmates housed here that have done every crime you could possibly commit. Drug dealers, to rapists, all the way to murders. You wanna prove yourself to the officers that are work with you, that way they know that you're here and that you're gonna help them out whenever they need help. Not gonna let me down? - Yes Sir, no Sir. - Man up. - [Andrew] Yes sir. - There you go. Don't show that you're scared even if you are scared, don't, you can't show it. - Yes sir. - Okay man. - [Andrew] Alrighty, thank you. - Being a rookie officer, first impression is huge. The way you dress, the way you hold yourself, the way you talk. People are looking at you. People are sizing you up. See the true officer is gonna do his job. First impressions are huge. (coughing) - Martinez, just remember this is your compound so how you run it is how you run it. I'm not saying be an [beep] or anything like that, but let them know that you're the boss. That's how you're gonna run it. When I first saw Andrew Martinez, my first impression of him was, he was kind of off looking around you know, he wasn't really paying attention. You could tell it was his first real job. There can't be any weaklings here in our chain. If you don't do your job right, it could insure that you don't go home safe or your brother or sister doesn't go home safe. Actually if you wanna assist the Sergeant, help him escort, just get on the other side of the inmate. - What's going on Serge? - Martinez, just put hands on him, just like the sergeant. - Do I yell at him? (calm music) - The battle of wills between correctional officers and inmates, we're always gonna win. And if they wanna mess with me I can make their life just as hard as they wanna make mine. Joshua Urioste is just a punk. He's a crybaby. Joshua started whining about different things, myself and my other fellow officers decided, we should probably shake this pod down. - They're all a bunch of crybabies. - Oh nice. These guys make these little things we call stingers. They stick these, these two things in the electrical socket to warm up their water and stuff like that or make coffee. But, that's how you can start fires. - Got something else in here. A razor. - [Purto] Oh! Pretty hefty write-ups. Any fishing line yet or no? - [Purto] I bet you it's in his box somewhere. It's gotta be in here somewhere bro. Oh there it is! - [Guard] There you go buddy! - [Purto] Fishing line. - [Guard] There it is, money. - See that just justifies you know the friction that I've been having with this guy. - [Guard] Man, it's Christmas in here. - Check that out, found that. I'm just kidding. - We are taking Joshua to the unit manager's office for a disciplinary meeting based off of what we just discovered in his cell. I'm sure he was pretty surprised that we were going straight to the unit manager's office rather than back into his pod. - Do you have any idea why you're in here? - Cause I wanted to go to Rec this morning. That's pretty much the only thing I could think about. - Well while you were at rec today, I had my guys go through your cell, like everybody else, and they came out with a razor blade, they came out with a stinger, and they came out with fishing line. - All right. So that's pretty much how it works? You go out and go to rec around here, and you're gonna get your house tossed up? - Yes, you are subject to an investigation. - No, no we're being punished because we went to rec. You guys can say what you want. Purto didn't wanna let me go to rec. - At any time they're subject to go into your house, as much as they want. So you're gonna get the misconduct report and you're gonna face regression so you'll start six one all over again effective today. - A whole new, a whole nother week. - Don't stand. - Don't stand unless we tell you you're done. - Oh, all right, well kick me some more. - [Manager] So every time that this happens-- - You're the one, you got a big ole attitude taking me out to rec. I don't know, you still wanna kick me, I'm not gonna do nothing you don't have to keep pushing on me, all right? - Hey, hey. - Quit pushing me bro, I'm not gonna do nothing alright? - Hey, stop turning around! - Quit pushing me bro I'm not gonna do nothing all right? - Hey hey stop turning around! - You're the one, you got a big ole attitude taking me out to rec. I don't know-- - [Purto] You still went. I had the same attitude taking you to rec as I did with everybody else. - All I get is one hour everyday. - I take everybody to rec the same. He's trying to turn the focus on to me when in reality he was not in there due to anything else other than the items we found in his cell. He has played the little turn the tables game and it's not going to work out. - You're the reason that you're here in the first place! We have steps within our predatory behavior management program and an inmate that has successfully progressed from step one to step two to step three to step four, can find themselves regressed due to behavior and then they get more restrictive privilege levels and things like that. Step one of this program is 30 days. In order to go to step two you have to show us as a committee that you're ready to go to step two. This is what you gotta do-- - I'm your dog, I'm your dog, kick me, (bleep) it I don't care. - [Lt. Gabe] You're not a dog. - That's how you guys are treating me. This guy over here manhandling me and [beep]- - [Lt. Gabe] Let's go, let's go. - I ain't gonna (bleep) do nothing (bleep) stupid. - He's claiming that you know I have some sort of hard on for him, but I think it's quite the opposite. I think that he has some sort of fixation with me. - [Purto] Give me your (bleep) socks. Just be quiet and do your strip search so we can get you back to your house. You put yourself in this position not us. - [Joshua] You know what's funny about that? You guys keep saying that but you don't know (bleep) thing about me. You keep (bleep) talk (bleep). That's all right. You guys wanna come here and (bleep) rile me up. They can come whenever they want and shake down my house and I'm cool with that you know that's their job. But when they're doing it just to single me out and (bleep) with me, that's when it bothers me. (calm music) (speaking on radio) - He's the last one? - Hey, Martinez! - Hey, sir, sir, can you get back in the line? - [Sgt. Kyle] Martinez. I try to give all the new recruits that come in the benefit of the doubt. Show them the right way, teach them what to do, what not to do. It's really up to them on their own to pick it up or not pick it up. - Hey, guys make sure you gave your papers to the rec officer alright. - Andrew is still soft spoken, he doesn't have any authority really. His mind seems like its somewhere else, off in his own world. Martinez? - Hey Martinez, when you have him, secure him over here in the gym. Let's go guys. - [Andrew] Naw I don't. - You should have gloves on you. - Andrew Martinez's, performance so far has been towards the bottom, he's not really proactive and he needs to pick it up. (calm music) - This yours? - Okay. Make sure that thing's in here, you see? Feel that, okay? - It's a lot of pressure knowing what they are capable of doing. Normally I'm a trusting person outside of work but I learned not to trust the inmates. They're pretty much guys that break the rules. I mean what else can I expect from inmates. So, I just have to keep an eye out. - The big one? - Just put foot rest? Or was it for the arm? - Arm rest. - He switched one out, like, he took the bottom thingy. - I didn't, I'm not sure. - [Lilly] I'm not sure. (bleep) - Okay. Yeah, yes one. Lilly keep an eye on what he's getting. - Being a CO and working you get tired, you come to work, you're tired. You're not really aware of what's going on around you and that could be dangerous. There's a lot of responsibility. - Yeah it is, it is. From here you can send them down, they've got to clear the metal detector. - Hopefully, I'll be making fewer mistakes as I go on and I think I have learned from them. It's them against us and they will try to get you anyway they can. (calm music) (inmate chatter) - Like my Grandma used to say. God sees it all we don't have to worry about it. That's how it goes. - Don't worry. I'm not like that. - [Joshua] Yeah I'm sure you're not. - That's good then. Now he thinks I spit in his food. Today's adventures with, you know, Joshua, his disrespect gets very mentally exhausting. It lowers your tolerance to deal with it. I was a little more aggravated than normal. - Well if you don't want to eat it, don't eat it then. - I been here for a while I know how this [beep] works. Make em' mad and they come and they get punished. (calm music) (intense music) (speaking on radio) - In this situation all my rovers on the compound responded. Andrew Martinez was the last one to show up and when he did show up, he didn't wanna go towards the recreation cage where the actual inmate was. How is that in being aggressive, he stayed in the back behind everybody else. - Come on, turn around, cuff up. Let's go. I'll get you your stuff, turn around cuff up. - That's what I said. - Everything isn't going the way I expected it. I just expected it to be inside a unit and just watching these inmates coming in and out of their cells all day. - It's a high stress environment, where one minute you're walking around. The next minute you're responding to a life or death situation. - [Andrew] I was honestly scared. I didn't know exactly what was gonna happen. - And I didn't know if a fight was gonna break out. I didn't know if that was the daily thing that happens there, but um, it was definitely nerve wracking for me. - [Andrew] Everything isn't going the way I expected it. - [Sgt. Antonio] Alright man. - We're like a big family here, a big family here. Everybody back everybody up. 100%, they call response, get off your ass and go. You hear a pin pull, get ready to run, someone push their pin, you hear master control call it, get ready to run somewhere. And that's plain and simple. - We're gonna go-- - Yeah. - That could have gone real bad. It is a prison you know what I'm saying. These guys aren't here for singing to loud in choir and if you're not comfortable then honestly, you shouldn't be here. That's for damn sure. (calm music) - [Andrew] You know, being a correctional officer, you have to have a lot of courage. Going in day in and day out of dealing with convicted felons, and knowing whether you're gonna come home or not. When I hit the line it was a reality check for me, you know. I was just thinking, what did I choose? Why did I wanna do this? Why am I in this field, you know? (calm music) - Not necessarily one of my proudest moments. I was scared to disappoint family members and friends that I went to the academy with, but I had to do what was best for me and I just couldn't go back. I couldn't go back. It's not for me. - Working in a prison it takes a very special person to be able to show up every day and do this job and deal with the stress that individuals have to deal with. It was too much for him as an eighteen-year-old man. I wanna say I think he did the right choice by resigning because he was probably gonna make a decision somewhere down the line to where he was probably gonna get himself hurt and or his fellow brothers or sisters hurt. (calm music) - [Purto] I told you guys, make your beds and turn your lights on. - No, (bleep) no, send 11 and 12. - [Purto] No your bed wasn't made, your light was off. - I wanna go to rec. I have a right to go to rec. I'm stuck in this (bleep) cell. - Your bed wasn't made, light wasn't off. - Your bed wasn't made, light wasn't off. - Hey, you don't (bleep) tell me to shut up. No, no! Verbal abuse, that's a write up, good job. - Write me up then, write me up. - [Purto] I'll be sure and write you up. If I'm going in there in the morning and I'm collecting yard lists for all these inmates, how is it that every other inmate in this unit was in compliance except for him? Just tired of hearing the same stuff every single day, and it's just relentless. - Like I said, kick me some more! I'm their (bleep) dog! - That's probably why when I started seeing red on this guy. I was just getting sick of his disrespect. - No I, at least a dog gets to go outside and (bleep) take a walk every day. Are you going to call the sergeant or what Purto? - Hey you don't need to speak with the sergeant. I have everything under control so there's no reason to call the sergeant. I don't need to bother him. There's no reason for me to do that. - I wanna go to rec. Is this how we're going to play it Purto? I go to rec every (bleep) day. - You weren't following policies, so there's no way I can take you to rec. I'm sorry, I told you I'd give you a chance. - Where did you give me a chance? - I came around, I asked rec call, rec call. - You did not say rec call. I have a (bleep) problem. I wanna talk to the sergeant. - I only call the sergeant when I need the sergeant. I don't need the sergeant. - I need the sergeant! So what do I gotta do! - [Purto] You have me. - You want me to light a fire? (upbeat music) - You weren't following policy, so there's no way I can take you to rec. I only call the sergeant when I need the sergeant. I don't need the sergeant. - I need the sergeant! So what do I gotta do! You want me to light a fire? - [Purto] You have me! - You want me to light a fire? Will that get the sergeant in here? - [Purto] Hey, that's a write up. It's gonna be a while before you start progressing on your level system again if you keep getting write-ups. - [Sgt. Gabe] R Pod! - You know I go to rec every day. Every day I go to rec. I see him passing with his flashlight but he didn't ask me if I wanted to go to rec, he didn't say anything. - Is that right, is that right? Is that what's happening here? - No, what happened is, is these guys all know, lights on, beds made, otherwise they don't go. And there were only four that did have that all together today. So those are the four that went. These two right here are really the only ones that are complaining about it. I mean they all know. - You know what time revel is, you know, bed made, room clean, all that. So bottom line here is this, you're not going to rec today. End of story. - End of story. - Tomorrow morning and from this day forward, hold on, tomorrow morning and this day forward you will be asked, Hey, rec? Yes or no? - Every day. - No, yeah, no I didn't, I didn't deny him of it-- - Make sure whoever's here who you're working with, every cell, do you want rec, yes or no? Anything other than a yes is a no, and make sure everybody gets asked. - He didn't ask us this morning. - Starting tomorrow morning, you're gonna get asked every day. By both shifts. So just be ready for that. - Alright. - The biggest thing rookies need do is they have to control these inmates deal with the stress day to day. Never wear your heart on your sleeve. Understand that you go home at the end of the day. They do not. - Lieutenant, I did not deny them of it, I did not not ask them... - I'm not saying that you did. - Right out here. - Those are the people that had their beds made, lights on, and that responded to a yard call this morning. I've taken that guy to yard all the time. - Did you ask him yes or no? - Yes. I, LT I'm not [beep]. - I'm not saying that you are. Just make absolutely certain that everyone gets asked yes or no. - I do, oh I do. I really do. You know, but I've been having problems with this guy since yesterday. So, it doesn't sure me. - Just make sure that we can prove we're asking askin' em' do you wanna go, yes or no. - [Purto] Right. - [Sgt. Gabe] Then you're covered. - [Purto] Yes sir. - The potential is there for any officer to be manipulated by an inmate. Don't let inmates get under your skin or frustrate you. And if they do, don't let it show. - Aaron takes his job very seriously. He's a young officer and he's still working on, uh, putting on that prison face a little bit. - Hey Purto, Purto! - I think that if you're gonna have a conflict with an inmate it's because maybe he doesn't like the type of officer you are. He doesn't like how you run things. You know they know I enforce things. It could make you a target, but it is what it is. This is prison, you know? If you don't want to be a target, then don't be here. Don't work here. - Courage, dedication, ethics, determination, responsibility, all these things put together make a great correctional officer. to work in on a daily envibasis is daunting.have (intense music) - The stress levels of this profession can reach very high levels. That doesn't really have a negative impact on the way I feel about my career choice. I feel like I was born to do it. - Inmate, Gaytan he still thinks he has something to prove out there. He would say, he better hope that I don't see him on the streets or whatever. The biggest fear I have is that maybe he might try to find my family members or anything like that. I train and wrestle and all that stuff so if one of these guys assaults me, at least I'll know how to defend myself. - It was scary working in that unit. I'm the type of person that likes challenges. I'm a fighter. It's important not to let fear stop me. - Anybody's capable of murder. It's just if you're pushed to that point. - Anybody that wears a badge, you're a target. (bleep) - Four long years, and it ends today. - My name's Jason DeCarlo, I got a four year sentence for armed robbery and kidnapping. - He's not gonna be your fine citizen. - I can't wait to tattoo that on my girlfriend. - Mail is a huge way, for inmates to get contraband into our facility, boxed in heroin. - If you wanna go through some of these, just see if you can see anything. Hold it up to the light. - [Purto] He has a lot of history for assaulting officers. He's known for that. Just recently, inmate Latham has been coming out on Tier time. - You get tier time, you're the only one. Even work getting paid less than 16 bucks an hour to risk your life.
Channel: A&E
Views: 3,141,355
Rating: 4.7808218 out of 5
Keywords: behind bars, rookie year, survival of the fittest, predator vs. prey, behind bars rookie year, fear, rookie, year, Inmates, Breaking Point, Prison, Corrections officers, Zach, rookies, Gangs, prison gangs, Rookie Year Behind Bars, Behind Bars Rookie Year Season 2, Behind Bars Rookie Year Season 2 Episode 4, Behind Bars Rookie Year 2019, Behind Bars Rookie Year 2X04, Behind Bars Rookie Year s2 e04, a&e, a&e tv, ae, a&e shows, Behind Bars Rookie Year 2X4, Behind Bars Rookie Year Se2 Ep4
Id: q8ed87Xg80k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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