Behind Bars: Rookie Year: FULL EPISODE - The Riot (Season 1, Episode 5) | A&E

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- [R[Radio] 1010-4. Is a anybon ththere? - 1010-4, 48.. You justst sit herere all by yoururself. ItIt's pretttty boringng Yeahah, oh! - - [Officerer] Go! GoGo! (draramatic mumusic) - - This jobob is a ststress, streressful jojob. Some d days, getetting up p d gogoing to w work, it t suc. KnKnowing ththat you'r're cocoming intnto an envnviront that youou may notot go homemet night.t. PrPretty mucuch you'rere walklking intoto war evevery, being g verballyly assaultlt, physicalally assauaulted. So youou have toto be ablee to deaeal with t the streses when i it's timeme to go t to . - - I'd say y I'm finene unl I get t to the f facility,, thenen my hearart beats s a le fasterer. YoYou reallyly never k know who expect whenen you're e coming t to w. Coululd be a g good day,y, coululd be a b bad day,, cocould be y your lastst da. - BeBehind allll the walals hehere, its s like a l lava w gogoing throrough the e grou. You feelel the tenension andnd e justst waitingng for it t to e. I I have a c cigarettete at e begiginning ofof each dada. I I mean youou just neneed somg extra toto actualllly get ththh yoyour day o or even t to stt yourur day jusust to be e he. Anytimime, this s place jujt cocould go u up like a a volo and d it's reaeally dangnger. You knowow the penenitentiaraf New Mexixico, wewe have a a history y of prisison violelence ththat endeded up in a a ri. - As soooon as youou pull up to o that froront gate,, yoyou drive e a couplele hund yardrds down, , is the O Old , the e old facicility whehee the e 1980 rioiots happepen. - [Repeporter] P Prisonersrs d with k knives, g guns and d ps arare in comomplete cocontrof the e New Mexixico Statete Peninitentiaryry tonightht. - [Repororter] Thehey smashehedr way ininto the prprison conontrol cenenr overpowewering ththe unarmemed guardsds inse and seizizing keysys to the e e prison.. Then thehe orgy ofof killingng . - Every y violent t rapist,, infoformant, eveverybody y was in o one pl. And d so once e this pririsons lostst, it wasas open huhunting seseasn inmatetes. Thesese particicular marark, you'll s see these e marks inin the cononc. WeWe had a b beheadingng hee of onene of the e inmates.. - You u can't hehelp but n notie OlOld Main a and it's s just y to thihink it's s what hapappd here.. - I I went to o cell blolock , I sasaw the buburnt bodydy ma. I saw w where ththey decapapid somebobody. I sasaw where e they bururnede grillsls. - - The remiminders ofof it is, you u know eveveryday you u might nonot go homome an, itit's defininitely dadanger, it pututs a weirird feelinig inin your gugut. You jujust gottata hope thtt ththat doesnsn't happepen tou or any o of your b brothers sd sisisters. - Do y your job,b, keep your felellow stafaff safe,, kekeep yoursrself safefe, me sure eveveryone gogoes home. So I thihink stariring thatt in t the face e everydayay, it's mototivation.n. - ThThere werere a lot o of mis that werere made i in the OlOld. We're e still ununderstaffffed . There's s usually y only one officecer or twowo to a popt whenen there s should bebe thrr fofour. AnAnd it leaeaves peopople td and d staff spspread thihi. - After r the riotot, we crerd what w we call t the roverer po. BaBasically y a rover r is rog araround thrhroughout t the fay whwhere he o or she's s need througughout thehe day. - Wherere are yoyou workining ? - - Uh, I'm m escort A A - Alrighght, I'll l check back w with you u in a minin. - [A[Ariel] OkOkay. This is s my firstst week asa rorover. WhWhen I comome into w work, thn put meme whereverer they wawant me. And d you justst really y ner know whahat's gonnnna happen onon a day t to day babasiso you alalways havave to be e r. - [Radadio] 10-8-88, Ariele. - Okayay. (radio c chatter)) - [R[Radio] AlAll units s res. (r(radio chahatter) - There'e's nothining in theh, ththere's jujust four r wal. - ThThis is mymy first t tie dealing g with an i inmate ththat had c cut hi. - It's's not alwlways violencece againstst the CO's or inmnmates on n inmates,, somemetimes ininmates arare just tryrying to h hurt themems. - He jusust kept t talking a t hohow the vovoices tolold hm toto do it s so they h had mel healalth in ththere talklking t. - - Where isis this ststuff at? - - Where'd d you get t it f? - - Where arare you gegetting i? - - I'm not t sure, ththis was,l littlele brass p piece of f m. Just f flatteneded out. - I'I'm not totoo sure w wht it was, , it was a a piece o, likeke a littltle piece e of m. A lolot of inmnmates hidide thip their bubutt and ththey can o only cougugo much andnd make ththem squat. You rereally wanant to keeep sosomething,g, you wilill. And d he obvioiously kepept t and hehe cut himimself on n th. At the O Old Main,n, they usd toto house t the mentatally l with geneneral popopulationn and d I can't t imaginee how ththat wouldld be todad. Mentntal healtlth inmatetes e now hohoused in n the APA A u. - [Keithth] U-Pod!d! - [I[Inmate] S So see yoyoun there BeBenner. - [K[Keith] S-S-pod! (lauaughter) - - Having a all the m mentalll ininmates in one u unit seemems betterer them. But at t the same e time thohot makes itit a lolot more d dangerousus fo. - - We're nonot regulalar inms yoyou know, , we're jujust cr. We're e the typepe of mentnl hehealth patatients ththat we d have a a psychototic episose and d end up o on death h r. We're nonot the tytype of pepe that havave like t the conscsce oror you knonow other r this that norormal peopople have. - I hahave angerer managememt impulse e disorderer. I haveve a brainin injury y In I thinink peoplele take adadva, they c could sayay you knonow , he's's not reaeally all l the soso we can n use him,m, I memean use h him to dodo stu. I shshanked onone of thehe CT team m members i in the nene, I provoved myselelf that n o I I wasn't n no punk,, that I c could do o somethin. - - It makeses me veryry lee. It makeses me wondnder if hehl dodo the samame thing g to . - I agagree withth him. Somemetimes yoyou just c cat hold me e back andnd I mean n , I knowow where h he's comiming, I'm m mean. - - [Keith] ] Hey, looooks g. - - [Otero] ] Yeah. - - Pretty s soon he'l'll e ouout on thehe street t aga. This i is someththing he n ne. HeHe needs t to be reieintegrd baback into o populatition bee ifif we don'n't, then n we're r gogonna knowow how thehey a. - I I don't knknow how I Im gonnnna react t when peoeope are e gonna bebe walkingng ard me, , even at t a gas ststatn or even n at the m mall wherers crowded.d. I don't t know howow I'm gononn. I'm gonnnna be likike paranon. I'I'm not gogonna feelel comfoe withth somebodody walkining beh. It's's just, i it's beenen a g timeme. I don't t know howow I'm gona acact when I I get outut the. And yeyeah, I'm m scared.. A lot ofof people e say theyee not, butut I'm scacared. I think k everybodody is thoh. - BuBut at thehe same titim, giving t this to t these inmns ththat have e been knonown fofor their r violent t pat yoyou know m makes us s very w. When h he's out t here clelea, we basasically g give him m we. He's g got broomom handlese, hehe's got c chemicalsls, he's's got watater, he's's t bubuckets. There arare seasononed and veteraran officecers heree who don'n't think k that this shshould hapappen at a all. Some of f them havave come f fre Old MaMain whwhere the e riot hapappen. Theyey've seenen people e getg shankeked and theyey've seenen people e gg killeded. WeWe don't k know whatat hs inintentionsns are. - It's k kind of s scary, the riotot happenened here.. Everydayay I'm thihinking, hy isis this gogonna happppen h? Is t this gonnnna happenen h, is thihis gonna a happen h h? - - Hey man,n, I'm Tylyler Ya. I'm hehere to rereport to o Trd Luceroro. Thanksks man. - Haveve a good d day. - You totoo, be sasafe. - Our r whole ththing withh corrrrectionss is to mamake somebebody a bebr peperson. We havave inmatetes you knknow g trtractors,, we h have inmamates out t he doing didifferent t pipe fitits and d all thesese differerent tf traits that thehey can acactually ue whwhen they y get out t of he toto find wowork and g get mo. - - Hey whatats up Tririnid, how arare you dodoing? - A lilittle bitit. A littlele nervousus. A A little b bit of eveverytg you u know whahat I meanan? - - You'll h have fourur inmatn your crerew. Justst remain n vigilantnt s yoyou would d anywherere el. - Wherere are ththe tools s chd out?t? - ThThey're gogonna be r right e warehoususe. Therere's gonnnna be thehe toolk there. - When I I pick upup the inmnm, how dodo I take e them frorm lelevel two o over thehere? - You jujust get i in the vehiclcle, pick k them up,, they'l'll hop inin with yoy. SoSo here's s the keysys. - Coolol, thank k you sir.. - We'l'll see yoyou in a f f. - Yes,s, sir. WhWhen inmatates come e to pr, theyey get assssigned a a j. This i is part o of theirr progogramming.g. - - [Officerer] Colinsns, Gonz! - Creatiting jobs s on the i ie for ininmates gives s them thehe abilityy to l learn newew skills.s. Whenen they geget out, t thy bebecome a p productivive pt of socieiety instetead of crcrg more c crimes and comiming back k to priso. ThThe flip s side of t thiss by giviving the e inmates s ts and takiking them m off sitett crcreates a greaeater secucurity risik fofor our ofofficers.. ThThat's jusust part o of the. - Drivining the ininmates inie vevehicle, it is kikind of scscary 'caue onone's a drdrug dealeler, one's inin there f for assauaud battery.y. ThThey're sisitting riright behe and riright nextxt to me i ine vehicle.e. There's s four of f them, one ofof me in a a closed d vehi. If t they realally wantete, theyey could t take me o ovr and d boom, ththey'd be e go. I dodon't knowow if I'm m comine totonight. - [O[Official]l] This bubuilg represesents thehe most trtra, momost violelent prisoson rion ouour entirere nation'n's his. -[Reportrter] The e rioterss quicickly gainined contrtrl of thehe entire e prison a ant fire to the a administrtration bubui. Some i inmates w were dragaggem theieir cellss and d beaten a against t the pn wawalls. Othehers were e dismembeber. - WeWe weren't't securining te corrrridors inin the wayay that wewe shoul. So whahat starteted out asasn incidentnt that shshould've en containened in onene particucr housing g unit ultitimately l led to ththe oveg ofof this enentire facacili. - ItIt just mamakes you u likek lilike hopefufully thisis never h has again.n. - For meme and a l lot of otor officersrs, it's a a brutal l , somethining that w we neverr wantnt to go b back to,, sosomething g that wilill pt our lilives on t the linee so i it never r happens s ag. - BuBut at thehe same titime t, ththe futurere can't b be to. - [T[Tyler] ItIt's kind d f a a big respsponsibilility transpororting inmnmates by y m. I'm prpretty nerervous. I don'n't know w what to e ex. I I don't knknow any o of the inmatetes. Most o of them h have angegr prproblems s so you pipiss thef and theyey get madad quick a an. - Todaday we're e gonna bebe g a grououp house e over herere,? SoSo the firirst thingng tht we neeeed to statart doingg is unlnloading t this trucu. - MyMy job is s to superervisd makeke sure theyey're doining their r jb and nobobody runs s off. - NoNow we'll l get thesese bs righght here.. - If y you look k behind u , wewe have hohouses aroround . IfIf an inmamate decidides, hem outta hehere, all l he's gototo isis run anyny which w way anand he canan go whererevr and ththen you h have a fufuge on thehe loose.. YoYou have t to be on n your . You haveve to watctch out fofore gettining pipissed offff with totools inr hands. - ThThe nail g gun, it's'sa vevery very y dangerouous wea. If they y rig it, , they can shoooot nails s at randodom and d they canan serioususly t somebobody and k kill theme. ItIt's realllly easy t to me a shanank with a a screw.. All you u gotta dodo is screw it i in througugh a handndl, put someme paper o on it orr meltlt some plplastic araroun, a a couple o of times s to the, a cocouple of f times toto e back, sosomeone cocould be d . Hopefufully thesese guys will t take thesese skillss and oppoportunitieies and use themem when ththey get o ou. - - I was rereally sururpriseo shshow up toto my postst tod. I I had no i idea PNM M hada cake dececorating g program. It wasas a littltle weirdd to k know the e backgrououd on cerertain inmnmates andnd n to see t them bakiking cakes especicially witith all ththe s to k knives anand pots a and . I'I'd say lilike the k kitches the e most danangerous p place . WeWe've had d a lot ofof fighn hehere beforore. (screaeaming) It kinind of makakes you w wor how ththey're gogonna usee ththese utenensils andnd if they're e gonna ususe them r t and toto make susure they'y'rt gonnnna hurt o other inmnmater CO's's. - I don'n't think k it's nenecessarilily fair t that youd murdrder somebebody thenen o down to o the levevel five and geget all yoyour privivils back a as if you wewere at hohome learnrng how to c cook. HaHave you g guys everer bad beforere this? - But t then agagain, I wawasd that a at the titime of ththe , they dididn't haveve these certain n kind of f programs for the e inmates s and thats whwhy they w were kindnd of u. - I do h hope thesese inmates take t these skikills to l ln seriouslsly. - - [Inmate]e] I didn'n't evenw how to d do all ththis befor. - I I don't eveven know w how o alall this.. We s should hahave a bakaking s fofor CO's.. - Yeahah. - I memean I'm n no Bettyy Crococker, butut I'm preretty . - ChChavez foror Camera a cr. You u got morere upstairirs or? Alright.t. The ininmates wiwill make en ananonymous s note dueue to tht that t they don'n't want t o bebe labeleded as a snsnith especicially insnside of p pr. - - The riotots happenened Febrbruary sececond of 1 19. ThThe inmatetes that w were kd inin that ririot were e snitc. - WhWhen the r riot did d finy kick o off, the e inmates s were to getet these p paper traraif who hahad been turneded into a a snitch a andn the e systematatic killiling b. - - Snitcheses in prisison usuad up dead.d. ThThey will l find outut whs a snititch and t they willl put a hihit on himim either rt him or s stab him m and killll. - AsAs you knonow we, wewe he snitchches. Can't ststand 'em,m, try to ol them. - ToToday theyey're comimig ouout for ththe first t tie so g gonna be e on high h alt and sesee what h happens.. We're reready to g go. You'll s see as sosoon as ththes openen if sometething's g gonna hapan byby the wayay they cocome t and whwhat they'y're dresssse. Theyey usuallyly wear grgrey s, grey shohorts, andnd a white t-shirirt. IfIf they cocome out i in the s thatat's when n somethining usy popops off.. When I I say theheir greene, I I mean theheir unifoform. If they'y're gonnana do someme, they'r're not gogonna comemet inin their r regular c clots because e it prevevents them frfrom gettiting theirir clos dirtrty, bloodody, torn,n, dam. There'e's an inmnmate in g gn and he's's staringng down at the i inmate inin cell 10. (d(dramatic c music) nonymoue ababout the e fight ththat willll break o out. We takake every y threat s sery due e to ththe riot t that happppened in. So we lolocked dowown the pod imimmediatelely and ththat'sy these e guys havave been l lod down thehe last twtwo days.. ThThere's anan inmate e in gn and d he's stataring dowown atat the inmnmate in c cell . (i(inmate chchatter) In thehe Academymy, we leaead when stutuff is bebeing dealalh inin a pod a amongst t the ininmates, t to let itit play. It's betetter we d don't conont right nonow at thihis moment due to t the fact t of our lives s being inin danger.. (dramamatic musisic) (inmnmate chatatter) It l looked lilike sometethg was goining to go o down betwtween thesese guys b butt doesn'n't seem l like the e e wawas about t them bececause thm prpretty cooool with e each o. Thatat means s somethingng y still gogo down wiwith this s. We're gogoing to s stay alert and d keep ourur eyes opope. - [Keieith] I'm m gettingg readady to go o back intnto APA nonow to go o search o o. ThThis is dedefinitelyly one ofof the mosost nervrve-wrackiking partsts of t. AlAll the fofood here e at M for ththe inmatetes are acacty prepareded by otheher inmate. We oversrsee them m as to what goeoes into t the foodd toto make susure therere's o contraraband pasassed throro. And ththen from m there, w e acactually l load ontoto trus and we t take it t to each individudual housising unit. Whenen it comemes to APAPA herere in the e level sisi, all ththese inmamates actutualt theieir food handeded to themem throughh the e food porort. These ininmates hehere, theyeye very badad imimpulse cocontrol prprobls and ththey're vevery violele. SoSo any timime that y you opet food porort, you hahave to bebe on yourur . One of t the thingngs that te riotots taughtht us is t tht danger l lurks eveven in thehet mundanane parts s of the j j. The foodod port isis the firt contntact withth an inmamat. Evererything t that we d do win ininmate isis throughgh the fooood po. IfIf the dudude gets s sometg in t there somomehow, sosome, I imagagine theyey could m maa shank.k. When youou open ththat foodd portrt, what's's to sayy thatat they'rere not gonona be a able to g get into o yu and d that is s where wewe t drdrilled ininto throuough the y anand even u until thihis d. - Whenen you apppproach aa food p port dooror, alwaways standnd at the e oe and a hahalf out h here. If I wananna come e out, I'm gonnnna try toto grab yoyou and geget you hehere, youu can'n't reallyly get youou h. - WeWere you u up late o or w? - Theyey will pupull you through h that fooood port.. They pulull you inin here, they're e slicing g you up.. There'e's gonna a be scarsrs or armsms that'll l remind y you everyry for the e rest of f your lif. And therere's realal sickos n ththere, theyey'll haveve some pipissd [beep], , as soon n as they y cu anand hold y you and y you'e freakiking out a and bleeded, ththey'll popour that t on y. Imaginine the ininfectionss you'u'll get?? AlAll becaususe you tatake shor. It's's a littltle bit ofof extrk right? BuBut at thehe same titime, you'rere not getetting statabbn the e face. DaDanger rigight here.e. - Anotother reasason thatt we takake so mucuch cautioin around t the food d ports is becacause if f for some e ren they're e able to o stab yoyou and toto disablele yo, ifif they geget a holdld of r keysys, it canan lead toto ad ererupting a and even n more n lilikely a r riot. Everydyday that t I come to work,k, I give e my wifee a kikiss goodbdbye, I gigive ms a a hug and d I tell t them thatat I lo. I don'n't tell t them thatat I'e yoyou laterr bebecause atat the endnd of ththe day yoyou never r kno. - It's's yard riright now w d these guguys are c coming out after r lockdownwn so we'l'lle what's's gonna h happen ririgh. These e guys comome out totoc everydayay. ThThey get a an hour i in the . In thehe yard, t they're allowewed to plalay basketetb, they plalay handbaball, they workrk out, oror they jujut communicicate withth each otothd justst walk araround in n cir. EvEven thougugh we knonow thes tetension, w we still l haveo give t them rec c due to t e factct we don'n't want t thm gegetting momore aggraravatd inside t the pod.. If y you just t keep thehem ld up, , they statart gettitig realally tensese with eaeach r and d conflictct may brereak . Sometimemes it's a about mamanaging a all the t thres and d hoping f for the b be. ThThese guysys, if thehey're a fifight, thehey're notot just a dodo a littltle petty y fight, e gonna a fight, t they're g ga go all o out so whwhen the [ [] hits t the fan,, stufuff's gonnnna hit ththe . It's gononna go anand itit's gonnana go big.g. We'r're gonna a be watchching , makiking sure e nothing g hap. Meanwhwhile, thehe tower's's lg over t their entntire yardr. - WeWe have toto write everythihing that t happens. In the t tower youou're prety mumuch are t the eyes s and s of thehe facilitity and yoyoue to mononitor eveverythingng that gogoes in a. Just m make surere everyonone'sg whatat they'rere supposese to. Inmamates in t the yard d now,s totold aboutut anan anonymomous note e tht wawas found d in theirir unt warnining about t a fight t I need to o keep my y eyes open for wawarning sisigns, bodoy lalanguage, , anythingng. - [Radioio] If a t tower's rockining, don't't come knkno. - Yeah, , oh. - [Radadio] We h have a fifi. - [Officicers] Go!o! Go! Dowown! rockcking, donon't come e knos - Yeah. . Oh. - [Radadio] We h have a fifi. - [Officicers] Go!o! Go! Dowown! (radio c chatter)) - StStand by, , we have e oe on the w way. It w was pretttty crazy y toe how fastst they gogot theree anand how ququickly ththey d everytything conontrolled.. Before t the riot t they dididne procededures likike this t top the acaction. Thatat's why t they wereren'te to c contain i it when i it st. If we dididn't leaearn from mr mistakeses, I I don't knknow what t woule happenened todayay. - [Offfficer] LeLet's go, , fac! - - Unfortununately, I I can't anany civililian staffff in te until ththat unit t is securu. - - What hapappened? What d did you h hear on t the , whwhat do yoyou know a about ? - - I believeve two ininmatest intoto an assasault incicidt out therere, the a assault ws takeken down r real quicick. NoNow we're e actuallyly jut securiring the y yard. That's's why youou guys cacat meet up p with youour officer atat this popoint in t tim. - - Doing a a shakedowown. - We canan't assumume the fift is squasashed so w we're seaeag fofor anythihing they y can uo reretaliate e against t each o. Hey,y, close f five realal qu. - A rarazor bladade. What t they do i is they take thehese razoror bladess off ththeir razozors so techninically ththis is alalt. ThThis can b be consididerea shank k but we'r're just g ga take t this and d throw ititn the trasash can. This guyuy will nono longer re this in n his propoperty anyny. It c could've e been worore wiwith the b blade if f he wad to g go out ththere andd shanank the guguy. ObObviously y these wewere e guys thehe note wawas about. We w were ablele to contntait and mininimize thehe damage. - Mr. AlAllen, howow are youou ? - I'm gogood, how w are you u? - Doing g alright.t. This groroup of ininmates tht I I work witith specififical, they arere a specicial type f ininmate that neeeed extra a psychololol help.. ThThe mentalally ill b beforee ririot happepened at t the Old, ththey were e kept in n populn wiwith all t the regulular inm. Basicalllly this o opened them u up to be e preyed u u. Theyey would g get beateten up, , they wouould get h hu. And d this herere was onone oe mainin causess ofof why thehe riot hahappen. The ririot has a actually y taus that whehen it comomes to the mementally i ill inmatat, wewe have toto keep anan eye e on t them becacause theyey'e more w willing t to lash o t whwhether itit be atat hurtingng themselelvesr hurtining staff.f. HoHow are yoyou today?y? Feelining alrighght? WhWhen you w work withth them,s a very d delicate e situation wherere you hahave to bebe onr toeses. They're e just verery very very v very dangngerous. (s(shouting)g) Ordonez,z, he's a a hard one to f figure ouout becaususe one sesecond he'e's okay,, the e next sececond he's's n. (shoutining) InIn this spspecific p pod wh the e volatilility that t goe, it's a d domino efeffect. Oncece one pererson goeses o, then i it'll go o to the n n, ththe next, , the nextxt thn all of a a suddenn now you u got an e entire pod ththat's goioing off.. (yelliling) - And d when thehey go offf, itit gets dadangerouss bebecause ththese guysys, ty don't t know reaeality frorom . -T-p-pod! From t the time e that we'ee acactually s started t the acy babasically y what we'e're td is j just to l listen toto t, hehear what t they havave to . LeLets actuaually talklk to u throrough herere so we e don't hahave to yeye. Whatats going g on? - - The noisise that I I'm mag arare emotioions that t I'm getting g out. - [Keieith] Okayay. - CaCause I'llll be aslelep sosometimes s and I'llll wakp at o one, two,o, three i in e mornining and babang the h he. I woululd be so o pissed o f atat voices s and visisions ththat I donon't knoww what e else to d do. - Its bebetter to o let it ot in o other worords. - I jujust blow w up. - Okay. . I'm gladad you figured d out a hehealthy way to l let your r emotionsns t but justst for thehe sake of eveverybody e else thouou, jujust tone e it down n jusa littlele bit. - But t this is s prison a d ththey have e to undererstandt you knknow, if t they don'n't l, ththey'll jujust have e to dedeal with h it. - [Keithth] Martininez. I dodt want no o drama inin here. - - I just d don't knonow why e gonna cocome and tetell us sosomethingg you u know whahat I meanan. I I don't neneed nobodody to y dadaddy or t tell me w what t. - [Keieith] Yeahah - I'm m not coolol with thth. - - You knowow if therere is sog going g on, I lilike to knkn, only so o that wayay mentally I I can be p preparedd if a anything g happens s bece if c certain i individuauas geget pusheded too farar you u know whahat happenen. This is s bad, thihis is really r really rereally bad. Ordonenez is abobout to sesetf the whwhole pod.d. - Arouound the t time of the ririot, if a an inmatee fought a another i inmate, or atattacked a a CO, they'd'd be put t in solitity confinemement. But t they dececided thahat sosolitary c confinemement messeded with ththe inmatets hehead and m made themem more danangerous s so now they p put them m in one u u, levevel five, , until thther punishmement is dodone. When I g got my shshift todadI didn't k know Villicanana was gogoing to be hehere and h he's fromom my cs anand that w was pretttty excg cacause it's's always s col to work k with somomebody yoyou. - You u ready? A Almost? - HuHuh? - - Are you u ready? - Did yoyou hear m me? - - I came i in and ththey sd that t two of ouour inmatets were s supposedldly in thehe t Friday,, there e was a fifight out tn ththe courtytyard overer the. So t those arere the kinind ofof ones ththat wewe kind ofof keep anan eye ou. WeWe kind ofof make susure ththat they'y're not g gonnao anytything stutupid caususe the alalready dodone sometething sd to getet thrown n in heree so morore of a h high aleret kind of f standardrd with tht. - - Man am I I famous s or w? Hey, I'm'm famous s as [beep. - I'm nonot too susure whatt the e fight wawas about.t. ThThere's jujust a lotot of drud gangs s and gambmbling goioin. It doeoesn't takake much f r a fifight to h happen heher. I feelel like rurunning. - [I[Inmate] O Oh yeah?? - [Aririel] Yeahah. This i is the fifirst timee thesese guys h have beenen faface to faface sincece they f. And I dodon't knowow what's s a happen.. - Its s definitetely kindada se thatat they'rere kinda a actg lilike they'y're best t fries all ofof a suddeden. - I'I'm not rereally toooo sure, , its unprpredictablb. Maybe e they're e just tryryio throw w each othther off g gu. Maybybe if thehey see eaeach r agaiain, he's j just gonnnna let thtm haveve it. (Yellingng) If I'm'm not ablble to calalmn Ordonez,z, there's s a reallyly good chce ththat thingngs are gogonnao rereally souour with t the ene ununit. IfIf he goeses off, ththe ene unitit is probobably gononna g. - We a all got m mental heheh issues anand we're e just allll crammp in boxeses. WeWe just, w we just c can'tt alonong. You knowow, them g guys dodown therere are cututter. - [K[Keith] ThThis looksks liks gegetting babad, this l looks likike its gettining reallyly really y . WhWhat's up p Otero? - - David OtOtero, if f he weo geget his waway, he lilikes to. He l likes to o cut himsmselfe likekes to mututilate hihims. - DaDavid Oterero, he isis vy volatitile. He's's alreadydy talkingng at cutting g himselff or hurtiting himseself to where e he can c cost the e se thouousands upupon thoususandf dollarars. It s scares meme everydaday tI comeme in herere, I'm gogoing to d do a unitit chr I'I'm gonnaa hahave to gogo pull sosomebody. AnAnd they'r're on thehe gro, theyey're on t the grounund because e they cutut, I I didn't c catch it.t. You knknow, thatat's sometetg that's o on my minind. (y(yelling)) If a p person wewere to wawalko me a and say,, why y should I I care ififa murdrderer hururts himsesel, they'r're still l people.. It i is my jobob to ensusue ththeir safefety nonot only f from otheher inms bubut from t themselveves as . IfIf they dodo hurt ththemsel, whetether I cacan prevenent it , it stillll hurts m me becausuI know thahat I faililed at mymb to prevevent that t from hapapp. (y(yelling)) - - Once thehe correctctional os graduauate from m our acadad, the e educatioion, the t traig doesesn't stopop. They havave 40 houour trainig anannually.. We'v've implememented a a riot l class. They g get tear r gassed.. We basasically r run them m thra gagas housee trtraining t to make s sure y undederstand w what it f feels, what i it tasteses like anano alalso make e sure thehey kw they canan surviveve and fight ththeir way y out of i. (dramatitic music)c) Go! (Cadetets momoaning/yeyelling/cocoughi) - - Your eyeyes start t burng righght away.. Snot's c coming ouout of your nosese, you cacan't breaeat, it feelsls like sosomeone punchehed you inin your stste. (c(coughing)g) - - Well I h held my b breathe wholole way ununtil the e e, anand then a as soon a as we od the dooror, I let t my shirtrt go andd thatat's when n I got itit a. It was h horrible.e. (cououghing) - - [Cohen] ] [beep] t that [b, I'd rathther get m maced. - It wasas killer r but, hey we gototta get u used to i . That's w what we'r're going g e seeingng inside e the facicil. We g gotta go o in therere, t our brbrothers a and sistetert of thehere so wewe got to o expe it s sometime e or anoththe. - - [Bell] L Look at m me. You'u're gonnana taste t that [l the titime. There's s fights e everyday yr there. Good j job - [Zach]h] Thank y you sir.. - I gogot you cocome on. Man up. . Come on.n. Histstory alwaways repeaeats i. AnAnd we're e trying c collecty here to makake sure t that doesesn'tn agagain. Hey y listen u up, man u u. That's j just a lilittle tasastt therere. Bad d people d do stupidid st. You'u're gonnana have toto tw chemicicals. IfIf your brbrother oror sisr is f fighting g over herer, are e you gonnnna run ovovr ththere, cryry about i it? No. man n up, alriright? - [C[Cadets] S Sir, yes s s. (y(yelling)) - [Keieith] Whatat's up OtOt? - David d Otero, i if he wereo get his s way, he c can actuaually cut t him. It scacares me e everydayy that w when I cocome in hehe ththat I'm g going to o doa ununit checkck or I'm m gona have to o go pull l somebodydy d they'r're onon the groround, thehey'e on the g ground bebecause theyey cut, I I didn't c catc. YoYou know, , that's s sometg thatat's on mymy mind. (yellingng) (dramatitic music)c) YoYou alrighght? By the t time we a actuallyy get t people o over herere to get t the situauation calad dodown it alalready ererupt. - ItIt must bebe scary.. It's likike tryingng to put n end d to, to w war you k kn? You see e another r war willll . - Todaday is jusust one ofof e days w where you u ask yoururself thahat ququestion; ; why? When youou actualllly know t t these pepeople just l look throrough you u e you're n not even n there. LiLike you'r're a windndow anl ththey're dodoing is l looking t through y you tt toto the othther side e you k, and it's's kind ofof frustrarg sometimemes. - A lilittle bitit. - ThThis buildlding remimins us everyryday as w we drive n not ononly of ouour past, , bur presenent and whwhat the f future neneeds. Peoplele underesestimate t e dadanger andnd negativivity thatat are insnside thesese pn walllls and I I don't ththinkt we g give thesese men anand wn thatat credit t often enenou. I hohope it seserves as s a rer of jusust how imimportant t thek isis. Before t they takeke a postt anywhehere in ththis prisoson s, I hope t that theyey'll truly rereflect upupon what t can hn whenen we takeke our eyeyes ofe baball. - The OlOld Main i is a reminderer of whatat can hapan if youou don't d do your j job . Anytything canan go wronong atat any momoment in t tim. - It's a always inin the bacaf your minind. AmAm I gonnana walk ouout of s plplace at t the end o of they becacause you'u're alwayays hg to t think of f the worsrs. If you t think thehe worst when y you come e in here,, ththen you'l'll never r be didisappointnted. - It's v very impoportant toton from t the past t because e iu don'n't learn n from thehe pase papast is gogonna happppen ag. - It's's a remininder, we'e'rn prison.. This is s hell in n here. And d I alwaysys need toto sy on my y guard anand do my y b ththe right t way, donon't taket cuts.. - ThThis is ababout respspecg and rereflectingng on our r p. As long g as I'm h here, itt willll never b be coolining d. - [Bell]l] The bigiggest thing inin prison n is drugs. - Theyey'll lookok for anynyt. Anythingng that isis mind alalt, evenen the slilightest,, theyey will dodo. - Keep a an eye onon those i in. ThThey like e to do drdrug dros up therere. - [F[Franco] Y You can t tel the inmamate obvioiously knos ththe indivividual, hehe's hd signgnaling ababout stufuf. - OhOh [beep].]. - - If someoeone's in n a ga, and d they havave all ththe d, thatat's gonnana run eveveryt. - [Aaronon] It hapappens allle time. - [V[Voiceoverer] Everybybodyt to t the frontnt againstst the. - [Cupitit] What y you got i ir mouth?h? - - [Officerer] Spit i it o! - [C[Cupit] HeHe just [b[be] swallowewed it.
Channel: A&E
Views: 2,888,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Riot, Violence, Prison, Shivs, Stabbing, Control, Behind Bars, Rookie Year, Behind Bars rookie year, rookie, rookies, CO, Correction Officer, Gangs, threat, maintaining, PNM, prison gangs, level 5, Rookie Year Behind Bars, Super Max, tattoos, tattoo, SNM, tier, criminals., Behind Bars Rookie Year Season 1, Behind Bars Rookie Year Season 1 Episode 5, Behind Bars Rookie Year 2019, Behind Bars Rookie Year 1X05, Behind Bars Rookie Year s1 e05, a&e, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 26sec (2606 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 17 2019
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