Behind Bars: Rookie Year - Predator vs Prey (Season 2, Episode 3) | Full Episode | A&E

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(eerie music) - You see this right here? This is what we live for. - With the heightened gang activity we have in this state right now, it's more dangerous now than ever. - Him coming out, make sure you pat him down you know. - We're reducing our use of segregation. - It's getting more dangerous now. That means more assaults on staff. - The COs they don't know really what's going on round here, so some inmates take advantage of that. - When you're positioned attention, where should you be? - [Voiceover] Facing forward, sir. - Why are you looking at me? - No excuses, sir. - When you walk into a unit, you have to have a confidence in yourself. If you have zero confidence they're gonna eat him alive. - Count time! There going around just free. It's a little intimidating. - I just wanted to get out of there. - Let's go guys, go into your unit! (upbeat music) - What you have to know about prison, you have a lot of people that are vultures and snakes. They prey on the weak. - If somebody see's you as prey, you wanna handle that right away 'cause you don't want other inmates seeing you as a punk or a bitch. - You got the weak in here and you got the strong. It doesn't matter who you, CO, inmate, they gotta be made for this (bleep). - Prison is a very alpha male environment. You know the biggest and the best may win, right? - Prime time here. I'm alpha male. I'm the biggest dude here. You step to me, you better step real. - When somebody cross me, I'm gonna play tic tac toe on they ass. - It's a predator-prey environment inside these prisons. One of the biggest challenges for a young correctional officer is figuring out how to achieve that necessary level of authority. - We're throwing them into the lions' den. You have to be the alpha and omega. You have to have the ability to make people do what you want them to do. - I don't have keys. This is awful. (prison chatter) - Negative. - I don't have keys, so I need to find them. On my way to work this morning, there was just a million things running through my mind. How are the inmates gonna treat me? Are they gonna take me seriously? I look like I'm twelve years old. I wouldn't take me seriously. Do you have the 35s for four control? - 10-4,they're up here with me now. - 10-4 (mumbles). In high school, towards my senior year, I was thinking, well, what am I gonna do after high school? Am I gonna go to college? Am I gonna start working? My older brother Derek works here. I was talking to my brother about it for a while and he recommended the prison. I was like that's insane, I'm not gonna go there. I don't wanna die. But we've been everywhere together, we do everything together. Here I am working in a prison as a little kid pretty much straight out of high school. - Let's go, hurry up! First day at the academy, I'm looking at Fabian. He comes across as a little bit overwhelmed, a little bit unsure of himself. You forget where your car's at? - What do you mean you don't have your keys? Why in the hell would you go run all the way out to your car without your damn car keys? I don't know maybe you're not supposed to be here yet. Maybe you need to go back home with mommy and daddy. He's trying to fit in to a man's world. Some of these individuals behind these walls have been around longer than Fabian's been alive. So, he's gonna have to take the bull by the horns and make sure he does the job professionally, and goes home safely. (chatter) - Sign in - Listen up! - We had a fight today, about 9:18 this morning. Dirk Lee was involved in it. He got two stitches out of it. - Thing you guys gotta realize, violence has gone up in this facility within the last week, two weeks. We've been having a lot more assaults. - If you feel threatened, call a response. - They're in a hostile mood. These guys are not playing around with us anymore. - [Lt. Charles] Just be careful guys. Go to work. - [radio] 87-I.D. for verification. - Because what work that we're doing to dismantle organized prison gangs, we've seen more incidents of group driven violence. And the Western New Mexico Corrections Facility is no different than any of the others. The Western is a medium-custody level prison. Because they have more opportunity to move about, it comes for us and our staff with greater risk. (dramatic music) - What the (bleep), mother (bleep) wassup? - Let's go. - (bleep) wassup! (mumbles) - Face mother (bleep)! (intense music) - Perp walk. (doors buzzing loudly) - This the last guy? - I love corrections. I love being a part of what we like to call the thin blue line. Ever since I was a little kid, you know, I'd always been fascinated with you know the television show Cops. You know, I'd watch it ritually. It started to really, really capture my interest then. And I just knew, you know, I was like, wow, I need to, I need to be a correctional officer. This is what I really wanna do. I take pride in putting this uniform on every day. I'm able to come here and insure that these people stay in prison are following policy and procedure, you know, that's one of the main things that they hate, you know. It's a comforting feeling for me to be able to come here and enforce these rules on these people. So this particular morning two weeks ago this inmate Joshua Martinez, he is one of our more dangerous inmates here. We were nearly to his cell door when I just saw something flying down at me. (yelling) I didn't have time to panic, you know, it happened so fast. If those two officers weren't there and it was just me I probably could have sustained more injuries than I did. After the first responders came and I was able to get up, I was like wow something is wrong with my arm. I sustained a partial tear to the left side of my chest. (intense music) - Being attacked by an inmate it really makes you take a step back and do a little bit of soul searching. It just reminds you that anything could happen at any given time, and that you need to be alert. Just know what you're dealing with. Yeah, these people are human beings, however they are here for a reason and they are vicious predators. (door buzzing) (chatter) - This is for you. - There's inmates at the state pin that wanna to harm themselves, which amplifies the risk of them harming you, another inmates and support staff. Regardless of how violent it is, the correctional officers and staff here has to be able to maintain, you know, the well being and health of the inmate. That's our first and foremost job. (yelling) - Since the attack, my guard has been very high. - Close the door! - It's even higher than before. - It's here in the unit still. - Okay, you're only allowed one book so being as though it's religion, let me check with lieutenant. - Relax. Just relax. (intense music) - Let me talk to lieutenant real quick. Just calm down, we'll get this squared away okay? - So his main gripe was the Quran? If there's nothing in there go ahead and give it to him. If he's got paper and envelopes in there too, go ahead and give him those. - Rookie officers dealing with an inmate who harms himself don't understand the gravity or the situation based on the special needs that this inmate may have. - [Purto] Alright, we will see how this goes. - They're going to deal with it as just a disciplinary inmate trying to act out for attention. - Here's a pen, here's a pen. We'll get you some paper and envelopes so you can write. - I got my own paper I'm not a (bleep) little kid. I don't need you guys special (bleep) paper. - Okay okay, so here is your Quran book. Okay? And this is the one he is allowing you to have okay. - No you're not. - Just take this stuff right here and just relax. - What do I look like, your maid? Today is my very first day since the incident about two and a half weeks ago. So, you know what? I'm not gonna play his games. (calm music) - I think some people are a little surprised I made it this far. But, I'm still here so. I've been working at PNM for 10 months now as a rookie officer. I was really nervous when I first walked into the prison. I've never been around convicted felons all day long, so I didn't really know what to expect from them. Let's go. - Old enough to work here. - You don't need to know my age. I think being a girl, they look at me as kind of weak. I don't want them to think that they can walk on me. The last 10 months has been a little rough because I had to prove myself, I'm a lot stronger than I was when I first started. Housing unit 3A definitely kicks your butt sometimes. When I first got here, I was told if you could survive in the level six, then you can survive anywhere in the prison because of the inmates 'cause they literally are the worst of the worst. With the APA, there's a lot of schizophrenic people, diagnosed with mental illness and violent tendencies. They're in here for murder or assaulting a staff member. These guys can flip a switch at any second and if they wanna hurt you or kill you they will. - Most everyone who goes to prison, they're gonna return back to our neighborhoods and they're gonna join our families and our grocery lines. We're reducing our use of segregation. Segregation is more difficult for those with mental illness. So for these predatory mentally-ill inmates, if we're not careful we will exacerbate that mental illness and just simply made it worse. - I'm Tim Allen, I've been in prison 20 years. I'm on death row. - When I heard Timothy Allen is coming out on tier time I wasn't really sure what to think because he's a death row inmate. And he's already murdered someone. I don't trust him at all. He's not scared to hurt anybody or kill somebody. (eerie music) - You too. The first few weeks on the line, it was harder than I expected. I did get inmates trying to flirt with me. - [Lilly] Whistling at me or being disrespectful. - There were times where I thought about quitting but I didn't, this is the profession I chose. So I have to try at least. I'm not just gonna quit. I'm gonna be working in 5B today. - Southern houses the majority of the prison gang members in the state. Syndicato Nuevo Mexico brought the most dangerous ones you have to watch out for. They have green lights on our administrative staff. But we have the California Surenos. Those are two rival prison gangs that cannot cross paths. [bleep] let me out! (banging on the door) - The Surenos, they are a very well known gang here in prison. They are dangerous. COs do get attacked. (yelling) Esse! - Anything could happen. (inmate chatter) The level fours they have tier time, guys roaming around just free, you have to go in there, you have to watch what they're doing, you have to make sure they're not doing anything they're not supposed to, you have to make sure they're not fighting or doing drugs, or who knows. - Open the back door. - It is scary going in there by yourself. They all look alike they all have a lot of tattoo's, they just looked very intimidating. - Cruces baby! - She's a rookie. - Everybody's just staring at you and you feel their eyes on you. When that happens you pretty much freeze, you don't know what to do. - In an alpha male environment like a prison. The challenges for a young female correctional officer are 10 fold that of a young male officer. - I could honestly say, I thought to myself, what the hell am I doing here? (loud whistling) (calm music) (inmate chatter) - Hey, it's Abeyta, are they starting the searches? Okay. The security level in Unit two is pretty low. There's about 60 inmates that I constantly have to be watching. There's guys inside, there's guys outside the unit, and I have to go do security checks to make sure they're not getting into fights. I have to do perimeter checks to make sure the fence that's keeping them in is not broken. I have to do cell searches. I have to hand out mail to the inmates. Things like that. There's a million things going on at once and it makes it stressful. Can't hide in the control forever. Where's my keys? - Security checks are very important at the Level twos to make sure that contraband, drugs, weapons, whatever it may be is not able to get into the facility. But, if you show up to a prison with predatory inmates and you have no command presence and don't show authority, yes they will bully you. They're gonna push you all around. - When I first walked in, I was like, I was just scared. You're so close to the inmates that they're pretty much breathing, breathing on your neck. The pods inside Unit two are small and cramped and I just get claustrophobic in there. I'm pretty sure this is broken. I'm just gonna have to go around. A little boy like me with 64 convicted felons. I'm new, I'm an 18-year-old kid, I don't know what I'm doing. It can get stressful. - Yellow, por favor. Count time. Count time. - Ms. Rodriquez or officer Rodriquez. - Officer! - It frustrates me, I want them to see me as a CO not just as a female and they need to respect me just like any other CO. - The gang members once they see Lily and her physical stature they're gonna probably think right away that they can intimidate her, it's gonna really be up to Lily to do her job and write them up and make them accountable for their actions. - [Lilly] Count! - Not yet, I guess I should have written some people up. But knowing what they're capable of I just don't want them to try anything. I do get more careful with them. - No. - Just take this stuff right here, and just relax. - When an inmate starts threatening to harm themselves, pretty much the only thing that comes to mind is please do it, I'd love to just gas you and stop the action. - This individual was threatening to 'cause he's not happy with the accommodations. - [Lt. Salazar] What's going on Davis? - [Davis] I want my stuff! - You got your stuff. We gave you your Qur'an, uh, we're giving you envelopes and paper and a pen to contact your family, what more do you want, other than to complain? - All of the stuff that I have should be permitted to me! - You can't have any more than that. And you know that. What else? - Here's the deal Davis, we don't want you to hurt yourself. We don't want you to go off. - But look, but then I'm gonna continue doing what I'm gonna do until I get [beep] done here. - Send it. - 10-4. Alright Ruben, you ready to be restrained, okay. - If an inmate is threatening to harm himself, I don't necessarily have to stay there. Our policy states that as long as we provide these inmates with a welfare check every 30 minutes, then that's all I really need to do. I'm doing my job and I'm doing it the way it's supposed to be done. (prison chatter) Level six. I have an inmate in W106 harming himself. A laceration on his left arm. (on radio) - Stop that action! - I was recently attacked by inmate Joshua Martinez today's my first day back. What in my right mind made me think, Oh Rueben's coming back, it'll be cool, put him in his cell and call it a day. - Certain inmates have special needs. They may decide not to take their medication. They do certain things, they cut themselves to relieve pain, whatever that is. - I just need some tissue to wrap it, you know what I mean? Just give me some tissue. - The way that you deal with that goes a long way in the inmate population and also with staff. Alright. - Let me have your arm. Surrender your arm. Okay this is my directive. - Watch out for the blood on the ground. Move your stuff. - Just stay right there, stay right there. - Watch out for his arm, look at the cut. Watch the blood. I'm not trying to kill myself. I'm smarter than that and I know how to stop my [beep], you read me? - Yeah it is. They can't stop me. - [Purto] Dealing with inmates can be mentally exhausting. Today's my first day back. Inmate Ruben Davis isn't exactly a welcome back cake. Just one thing after another though. It never ends. (calm music) - Timothy Allen really has nothing to lose, you don't know what's gonna happen, you don't know if he's gonna assault you. Killing one of us or another inmate wouldn't really add on to his sentence 'cause he's here for life. - She's pretty and she's young and she's smart. There's a lot more women working here then there used to be and there's a lot of pretty women that work here. - When he opened my door today to pat search me and let me out, I restrained myself. - That'll be alright, huh? - Yeah that'll be alright. - These programs are extremely important but there's gonna be some reluctance on behalf of our staff. Some natural fear and opposition to these programs and, the reality is, we could lose a few. - Even though there's only one lock door between me and timothy Allen my guard is still high up. Letting these high risk inmates out can make you feel a little uncomfortable. Obviously I know how to do my job and can do it well but this is making an already difficult job even harder. I don't plan on staying at Level six. (upbeat music) - [Lilly] Nope. - [Lilly] Pat down, right? - We're gonna pat you guys down real quick. Yeah. Thank you. It was just two for you guys. - Denise is a tough girl and she's a very good CO. She has been here longer than I have so, I look up to her. - Let's go gentlemen I've been here just under two years now, it's a little intimidating when you first come in. Right away when I first saw Lilly I was like oh man, I know what she's gonna go through, all the same things. You basically just have to show that you're here, you're taking charge essentially. You can do ports and I'll carry trays. Make sure you take down your cover, man. Can't have that up right now. Nah, no newspaper today. - Denise, whenever she would walk in the pods, she was confident in her job and they treated her with respect. - What's up? - It's already passed. - Alright. - There's nobody in there. - But she also made it clear that there was boundaries. That's how I want the inmates to see me. - Count time, gentleman! - [Lilly] You're acting up. Can you take off your window cover? We're doing count. I can't hear you. - Okay that's all I needed, I needed to see your face. If I don't set boundaries the inmates they'll think they can get away with anything - [Denise] You're liking it? - Yeah, it's alright. I mean, it's a good job. We're so outnumbered. - None of them give you issues or anything? - The sweet talking went on. - Being a female you have to find your own voice. It's a matter of just keeping that same demeanor of you're here to do a job. You just don't let it get to you. You do feel that pressure of, you know, everyone's watching and they wanna see what kind of person you're gonna be, cause you are a female and there's not a lot of females here. It's just a matter of just establishing who you are as an officer. But, I mean, it's a matter, you just gotta be consistent. You can't go in one day saying, you know, don't do any of that stuff, and then the next day they do it and you just let it pass by. Just be consistent and you'll be alright. (calm music) (upbeat music) - I have a name, Abeyta. Okay? - (bleep) you, (bleep) outta here. - The inmates have been awful today. - They taunt me, they call me names, they call me Rookie, all this stuff. - I do find it hard to show my authority because I am so young. They look at me as just a little kid because I kind of am a little kid. - It's easy to tell the difference between a rookie CO and an old-school CO because the rookie will come in, he'll be kind of timid, might be a little fidgety. - Sometimes they have a little shaky voice you can shake him with loud. What you doing get out of here! They back up. Yeah you can shake them. You're supposed to test them see where they're at. You got to teach them like we get taught. - [Fabian] These guys are being annoying. Inmates are not allowed to enter your control. Because we do have stuff in there that they can't get ahold of. Like the paper work on there is kinds of sensitive information because those are state documents. - Operating a control center within a unit, that's a post you can never ever take for granted. February of 1980, New Mexico witnessed one of the most violent prison riots of American history - The small group of inmates were able to gain control of master control - The rioters got into records. Found the names of prison informers, then the orgy of killing began - Its sobering to think of the life that was lost here and how quick it could happen again - Oh! (bleep bleep) (bleep bleep) - Alright. - Alright. We're helping out, took your job. - My control room, a group of inmates just started going through my paperwork and I really didn't know how to react. I started to panic. Luckily, they didn't get into anything dangerous. - If you're a control center officer, you have to be on your toes 24/7. If you're not doing your job guess what, you're gonna get fired, once someone's not going home that night. - It could've been a lot worse but it's a lesson learned. I just gotta remember that I can't let these guys run over me. - Hey brother. - Okay yeah so once we returned him to his cell from suicide watch you know he was requesting all of this property of his. He was telling me what to do with his property whenever he was shoving it back out of the food port and you know what do I look like your maid? You know, I mean. - Okay, I know its really frustrating when you've got a guy that you're having to deal with constantly repetitive negative behavior. I know you're thinking in your head man I'm here I'm helping right now and here you're treating me like this or whatever. I can see where that would be extremely frustrating for you. But, even though it's difficult to deal with, we also have to be there to help him. Because, if we let him slide further into depression, it doesn't work for any of us. Remember, that he is injuring himself and he's gonna have to deal with the repercussions of that in terms of the pain he's created for himself, the trouble that he's getting in 'cause he is getting write-ups you know for this kind of stuff. Regardless of how much of a pain in the butt they are, our job is to not only protect them from other inmates but to protect them from themselves as well and sometimes it takes and requires a different approach a lot of patience, self-control, a lot of maturity and a lot of professionalism. Aaron has a lot of strengths. He is truly dedicated to his job he's got a really good heart. A job like this requires finesse at times and those are the things you learn as the years go by. You know what I'm glad you're back. I'm glad you're here with us. Umm I wish you a speedy recovery I know you wanna be a 100%, but uh its good to have you. - Yeah I appreciate that lieutenant. - Lieutenant Salazar is a great lieutenant. He definitely knows how to deal with these people. And I learn a lot from him. In life there are two different types of people there are your wolves and there are your sheep. You have a lot of inmates here that given the opportunity, will harm you. I thought I was mentally prepared. - Imma go head and cut my wrist again. - I wasn't. It was a big eye opener. - Coming in as a rookie, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. A lot of guys tease me 'cause my size. They say you're so little and stuff like that. - You can be writing these inmates up for this right. Sexual misconduct or however they are engaging you on that. - Just learning from not only Denise, but I've seen other great COs, it has helped. - You should be alright. You're still here and I am very proud of you. Its very hard to be the alpha, omega. But in here, there's no excuses, if you're not able dominate, the inmates will dominate you. - I think the inmates think I'm scared of them, so even if these guys are bigger than me, they're crazier than me, I have to control them. And that's all I can do. - A lot of people don't make it as far as I've made it. I'm not as scared as I used to be. I'm leaving level six starting a new post. I'm pretty glad to be done with level six. - Regardless if you work in Level five, Level six, or a Level one, two, and three every day you show up to work, it's a battle for survival. - New details tonight about the death of an inmate at Southern New Mexico correctional facility. Javier Molina was attacked and murdered by fellow gang members last night. - Knowing that the Surenos killed that guy is pretty scary. - They see the opportunity they'll take it and they'll try to kill you. - Walking around with these inmates unrestrained is definitely a nerve wracker for me. - I'm still on the phase of finding my own identity as an officer. No! But if they wanna mess with me I can make their life just as hard as they wanna make mine. Hey you don't (bleep) tell me to shut up! - You get the new guys they think they're superman behind these prison walls - Just hope he doesn't run out to me in the streets, you know what I mean. Smash a meter man you get 15 years. You smash one of these guys you get 18 months.
Channel: A&E
Views: 2,892,381
Rating: 4.785315 out of 5
Keywords: predator vs. prey, behind bars rookie year, fear, behind bars, rookie, year, Inmates, Breaking Point, Prison, Rookie Year, Corrections officers, prison guards, Andrew, Zach, rookies, Gangs, prison gangs, Rookie Year Behind Bars, Behind Bars Rookie Year Season 2, Behind Bars Rookie Year Season 2 Episode 3, Behind Bars Rookie Year 2019, Behind Bars Rookie Year 2X03, Behind Bars Rookie Year s2 e03, a&e, a&e tv, ae, a&e shows, Behind Bars Rookie Year 2X3, Behind Bars Rookie Year Se2 Ep3
Id: SsbQrRk6fv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2019
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