Behind Bars: Rookie Year: FULL EPISODE - Is It Worth It? (Season 1, Episode 1) | A&E

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[chains clanking] [gate squeaks] Zach>> You guys coming in or no? Producer>> Yeah. [music] Zach>> Ever since I was in high school, I always wanted to be in law enforcement. CO>> Sign right here when you come in all the time. Always sign next to your name so you can get paid. Zach>> Okay so I chose corrections because I think more stuff happens here in a facility than on the streets. You don't run after any of these guys. They come to you. CO>> Where you working at? Zach>> Housing unit and two escorts. Feeling good. A little bit tired but it's alright. I'm ready to do this. Zach>> My unit, there are two officers responsible for 48 inmates. I'm paired with Officer Salazar who's a veteran. I'll be looking to him to learn the ropes. Zach>> 10-32. 10-32. [music] - Let's go guys get to your unit! Marcantel>> Welcome to the penitentiary of New Mexico. Inmate>> Hey New Mexico. Live all day! Alright! Marcantel>> Here we house the predators of society. Marcantel>> February second, 1980 stands as the most violent prison riot that ever occurred in our entire nation's history. Reporter>> The rioters got into records, found the names of prison informers, then the orgy of killing began. Marcantel>> We had a beheading here of one of the inmates. 33 of our inmates died and several of our officers were brutally assaulted. To prevent this from happening again the state created a new classification system ranging from level 1 through level 6. 1 being minimum risk to level 6 housing the worst of the worst. Marcantel>> Here at PNM we house levels 2, 5, and 6. Marcantel>> You don't just get sentenced to prison forever. 96% of these people, they're coming to our communities whether we like it or not. Inmate>> Hey! I get out next month. Marcantel>> So if the reality is, is they're gonna join my family in our grocery lines, then we've got to make sure they come out better than when they came. Marcantel>> So we do things differently now. We've done away with solitary confinement and emphasize a job skills and vocational program. So we give the prisoners more freedom. Does it make the officer's job more dangerous? Yes it does. Salazar>> Go back. Zach>> 10-32. 10-32. Two officers, 10-32. Salazar>> Get his legs. Yea we got it under control. Zach>> I didn't expect anything to happen my first day at work and bam, it just happened, fireworks were flying. Honestly at first it was just a rush. Then my training kicked in and I knew I had to radio it in for help. SGT.>> So what happened? Salazar>> Started cussing cause the cameras were here. He got in my face. I told him come on man, quit being disrespectful and go back. He's stayed in my face, so then I took him down. that was it. SGT.>> I'll go talk to the lieutenant now. [music] Aaron>> Get in step class 3-1-9. Aaron>> Let's go! Why aren't you in step? Montoya>> I was going to UNM and then I couldn't afford to go the next semester so I started working at Enterprise. I was just barely making ends meet. Montoya>> My brother applied here and he kept telling me how great it was. So then he started making a lot of money and kind of kept rubbing it in my face like 'why are you going to school' like 'I don't have a degree and I make just as much as somebody with a degree. And decided to apply. Aaron>> New Mexico state corrections academy is the best in the nation. Why? Cause we have to be. Aaron>> Three strikes, you go back home to mommy and daddy, Do you understand!? Cadets>> Sir, yes sir! Aaron>> They come from everywhere. Truck drivers, construction, individuals right out of college. People who are looking for a steady paycheck and feel that they're making a difference in their community. Aaron>> This academy is a filtration system for what we put into our facilities and if you're not meeting those expectations, goodbye. Bottom line. It's not personal. It's business. [gun shots] Aaron>> There's more PTSD with law enforcement collectively than in the military alone. Aaron>> In PNM right now, we rookie officers fresh out of the academy being put to the test everyday. From the first time they're left alone in a unit, to the first time they're assaulted by an inmate. Aaron>> Everyday they're faced with life and death situations and they have to ask themselves every morning when they wake up; "is this job worth it?" Aaron>> One year from today, half of you will not be here. Aaron>> You will decide this job is not for you. You will move onto other careers. You are our future. Do you have what it takes to make it? Aaron>> Ms. Montoya, you need to cover that elbow. You gotta be covering it right here, or you're gonna fail. Montoya>> PT kind of sucks. Aaron>> Take 'em down! She's a question mark to me right now. She's very small statured, very quiet, very timid. She definitely has a deer in the headlights look. That's why we're pushing her a little bit more than normal to make sure she's ready for the prison environment. Aaron>> Ms. Montoya, throw those kicks! Let's go! Aaron>> it's the first day when she has a convicted felon that's killed or mutilated people yelling and screaming at her. And it's scary. How is she going to put up with that? Angel>> Rookie CO's, they're not correcting us, they're just creating more animosity towards us. They come in here thinking that they gotta prove something Montoya>> You can just tell by their mannerism, the way they carry themselves. They act like [beep]. Inmate3>> See with these rookie cops, the ones who don't get along with the inmates, they don't make it. Inmate1>> Let's get one thing straight... they just work here, this is our house. [ominus music] Carlos>> I have 48 inmates in each dorm, roughly around 150 inmates and there's one officer which is myself that watches them for 12 hours a day. just me, that's it, no one else. [door squeaks] Inmate>> Hey rookie, hey! Carlos>> When I came into this job, I wasn't expecting level 2. Carlos>> Let's go guys, go into your unit! Carlos>> There's just so many inmates, so many different personalities, they're all put in this one little box and they're all expected to get along which is impossible. Carlos>> You're told in the academy that there are inmates that will stab you so they're walking you know inches away from you passing you, you can smell their breath, they're that close to you. It takes kind of a lot of guts to be around this many inmates all at once by yourself. Carlos>> Being a rookie CO is very hard because sometimes you don't know what you're doing. Now you really gotta use what you learned but then you know, you got a big brain fart. You're like oh, what am I doing? You can't show them that 'hey, I'm scared to do this'. You are scared. You can't say you're not scared. But you gotta show you're not scared. Carlos>> I do think to myself that this job isn't worth it a lot of times. But I have a family. That's not a word you use in prison. Somebody calls another guy a bitch, it's on, it's go time. Because you know what? That word does go far. I mean I don't know if you want an explanation from an inmate, you want to, you want to hear it from an inmate? That would be nice. Guzman. Come here real quick. I'm explaining to them how far the word 'bitch' goes. Guzman>> you call somebody a bitch in here you're asking for a fight. You're asking for a fight or get stabbed or... it's a big word. If you get called a bitch in front of somebody, you gotta defend yourself. You gotta do something cause if you don't, then you're gonna get beat up. Carlos>> Kill or be killed. That's what it is. Carlos>> They're very tense right now. And they keep mad dogging each other. Just giving mad looks back and forth as he's been slamming cards so it's not squashed. So what I want to do is just make sure if it does happen I'll be right there. Keep an eye on them for the rest of the time I'm here. [music] Aaron>> Within these fences, on this compound, there's 3 different facilities. To my right, this is the level 6. This is the worst of the worst. Twenty three hour lockdown. One hour a day of rec. These inmates will kill you if they get the chance. Aaron>> Directly to my left is the level 5 facility. This is gang land. Out of the murderers that you hear on the streets come directly out of this facility. Aaron>> Directly in front of you is the level 2 facility. Aaron>> This is where the inmates from the Levels 5 and level 6 go before they're released. They're given more freedoms -- making it one of the most dangerous assignments. [music] Carlos>> When I saw those two guys confront each other, call each other bitches, you know for a fact that those are fighting words, especially in prison. Once I saw that, I immediately told my sergeant the exact situation that was going on and how it felt. If he wouldn't have been there probably something would've happened. Zach>> He just had you like this huh? Zach>> Well I got his ankle and just pushed that [beep] in. Zach>> You're good Salazar. Zach>> I was gonna scram but then I was like... Salazar>> If you could um, Salazar>> I told him to go back like several times and that's when he started being disruptive and acting aggressively. By the time he got in my face, I had to do what I had to do, take him down. Zach>> From here on, they're gonna take our statements and they're gonna see if the takedown was warranted. Zach>> Did I do a good job? Did I do the right thing? Zach>> That [beep] happened so fast though. Zach>> I'm pretty hopefully that they'll see that we did the right thing at the end of the day. <i>[singing] Drill Instrudtor>> We are corrections!</i> <i>Officers>> We are corrections!</i> <i>Drill Instrudtor>> Mighty, mighty, corrections!</i> <i>Officers>> Mighty, mighty, corrections!</i> <i>Drill Instrudtor>> Oh yeah!</i> <i>Officers>> Oh yeah!</i> <i>Drill Instrudtor>> Oh yeah!</i> <i>Officers>> Oh yeah!</i> <i>Drill Instrudtor>> Ah!</i> <i>Officers>> Ah!</i> <i>Drill Instrudtor>> Going home safely,</i> <i>Officers>> Going home safely,</i> <i>Drill Instrudtor>> bad guys where they need to be!</i> <i>Officers>> bad guys where they need to be!</i> Aaron>> You can't carry this old gangster gangster attitude. Officer>> I didn't. Aaron>> Yeah you did. Pack your stuff and go home. Aaron>> This is the first time that she's had to endure anything like this. Aaron>> Zip up your jacket! Move! Zip it up! Let's go! Aaron>> But she's going through it. She hasn't quit. Montoya>> it's been a little overwhelming. They want you to sit in these lectures that are kind of boring Instructor>> Utility failure. How about if the power goes out. I want to see where you guys are as far as this test. Naumann>> Cadet Montoya, she's quite reserved. We'll have to uh, kind of work that out of her a little bit because offender's instincts are very keen and they have an ability to pick up you know if somebody is reserved, withheld, or doesn't have much experience. going to walk into when I goI'm into the prison. When I first came to apply, I seen an inmate in the hallway and I got a little scared, and it's definitely a little intimidating. So yeah. Tyler>> We're gonna go do our perimeter. Tyler>> So I'm just checking. Making sure the fence is intact. Ain't nothing wrong with it. out dude come this way, come this way, come this way. Tyler>> Don't get near that fence. Tyler>> It'll shock the [beep] outta you. says powerfence. So it's uh common sense, it's an electric fence but not everyone has it so it's okay. Tyler>> It's a tough job sometimes you know? Especially being 19 you know? When I was 10 years old, my mother had a stroke and uh, I hadn't seen my dad very much in my life and so I moved in with my father. It was good at first but then I started realizing hey this guy uses a lot of drugs and drinks a lot of alcohol. And that's when things got really bad. He used to beat the [beep] outta me every night so I'd have to go to school with makeup on or long sleeve shirts just to cover up my bruises. [radio] Tyler>> Eventually, I got put into foster care and I found a good family. A lot of these inmates, they probably had very bad childhoods like I did and they didn't get the chance I got. They weren't able to get that good family to take care of them and I could be on the inside of the bars instead of standing on the outside going home everyday. Tyler>> Whats up dude, hey, where were you today? Tyler>> that's what motivates me to do this job knowing that that could have been me. Tyler>> Or earlier huh? Tyler>> I want to help the inmates. I want to give them a chance to make something of themselves like I did. Tyler>> Hey did you put the pudding in the thing? In the cooler yeah, throw it in the cooler. Tyler>> The only post open for my seniority since I'm a rookie was the kitchen. Tyler>> We have a delivery today correct? Tyler>> In training, I was shocked that they told us that inmates have access to flame and knives in the kitchen. You have to pay attention because it's extremely dangerous in there. You can get a knife to the neck, a paddle to the back of the head, then the inmates have your keys, they can take over the kitchen. Tyler>> We have a tool log and it keeps us accountable for every single tool. Something goes missing, we go on lockdown and we keep looking until we find it. Tyler>> Everybody line up in your units! Inmate>> Yeah, you're a rookie. Tyler>> I'm still pretty new to this so I'm also, don't get me the respect I deserve. Tyler>> You think you can get it done by 10? Inmate>> Maybe. Tyler>> Not only am I a rookie, I'm also technically a teenager. The only way to earn respect is to do my job to the best of my ability, showing them that I'm not here to punish them further. I'm looking after their safety, even at my own risk. Tyler>> Right behind you. Tyler>> I was doing my security check in the kitchen and I looked down over by the mixer and I noticed the sharp object on the lower shelves. There's a piece of metal right here that he's gonna use to cut it and that's what it is. This is considered contraband cause it could be used to kill somebody. It's like a cheese grater, you slide that across somebody's throat...they're pretty sharp. [keys jingle] [radio chatter] Tyler>> It's pretty stressful in there at times. I pretty much have cigarettes done by the time I get up to the smoking booth so I walk up that way. It's nice to have this like little break in between. I don't know what I'd do if I was stuck in there straight you know. It's kind of hard. You kind of walk through that front door, and you don't know what's gonna happen. I don't know if you guys, when you guys walk in if you're scared. I know I am. Everyday, walking into that place, I do wonder if this job is really worth risking my life. Every time you walk through that door, you don't know if you're walking out. [music] Carlos>> Hey this is Rivera. Oh I know again. Third day in a row. Oh this shift kills me bro, it always hit's me. Okay, alright. Carlos>> My shift starts at 6AM and ends at 6PM. When I do mandatory, it usually ends at 10 o'clock. By the time I take a shower it's already 12, 1 o'clock in the morning. I go to sleep, wake up at 3:30, get ready, come to work. Carlos>> I'll do like a 16 hour shift everyday. I guess it's just the way it goes I can't find my laundry so can I go look around? Carlos>> Nope. Neal>> Why? Carlos>> Cause. I"ll have Martinez look for you. Neal>> Hey, I need my laundry. Carlos>> Hey, that's the last time I ask you. You can get it later. Neal>> Write me up, fine write me up, I want my laundry. Carlos>> Okay we'll get it for you, but it's lost. Carlos>> The thing that makes me wonder if this is the job for me is getting in confrontations with inmates. Carlos>> Neal! It's the last time I ask you to go to your unit. Carlos>> This inmate is one of mytroublemakers in this pod. Actually the biggest one. [Music] Carlos>> Cigarette. When they like to smoke, they open up their windows and this is what you find. Carlos>> Inmates smoking in prison, it is illegal to do it inside a facility, not even a CO. and you could get a felony charge for having it. It might be just a little bit of tobacco but it causes greater things. It does cause gambling. An inmate can be stabbed for just a little cigarette. The earthquake it causes is just dramatic. Carlos>> I found a cigarette butt outside his window so I thought I'd maybe check his bunk and see what I can find. See if there is anything else that I...something, some treasure. Carlos>> As a cadet when I was in the academy, I didn't know what to look for. I didn't know what to look in and they said you know what, here's a good way, think like an inmate. If you were an inmate, where would you hide it? Carlos>> Mind waiting in the day room, Neal? Carlos>> [beep] Carlos>> Oh yeah, yeah. He's packing. Probably a lot whether it be drugs, tobacco and he knows I can't find it. They love it when I can't find iso that's why they taunt me. Like "oh you didn't find my..." he's saying what he has. But I'm pretty sure he has it in a place where I can't touch. Carlos>> They keep them in their anal cavity. They walk around all day with them and at nights, they take them out. If I had enough suspicion, and you know what, I say you know 'he has something', I can take him to the strip cage right away. I would have to have reason. And I don't have reason right now so. I am, yeah I am not done. I will find what he has and give it a few days and I'll get it. Aaron>> When you mess up in society, you come to prison. When you mess up in prison, you come to the level 6. [screaming] Inmate>> [beep] Keith>> I've always been interested in the criminal mind. I've always been interested in what makes a person tick. I've always wanted to know why a person could assault, rape, or hurt another person. That's why I joined the academy. And here at Level 6, listening to the inmates, gives me a better chance of going home safe each night. [metal door closing] Keith>> Alright so uh we have this inmate here, his name is Jonathan Martinez. He's actually one of our dangerous inmates. Be aware that when he comes in, when you guys go to talk to him that anything can happen. He could spit at you, he could try and strike you. We left the belly chains on for additional security. So lets go talk to him. Martinez>> I viewed COs that they're pieces of [beep]. Just come and do your job, get your paycheck and go home. Producer>> What about rookies? Young CO's, guys that don't know the ropes yet, I mean whats your view on them? Martinez>> We have rookies that come in that want to be supercops that want to just be on you about every little thing. And that doesn't fly in here. But then you have other CO's that want to come in and they just want to do their job. They want to get their paycheck and go home and they don't bother you. That's the kind of CO that make it. But whenever you want to be a supercop and you want to be up someone's ass, that's not gonna come off good. Martinez>> I've been in the pods where we beat up the CO, the whole pod comes together. Carlos>> Hey, I already told you once, you gotta wait. Martinez>> This isn't the petting zoo. You know what I mean? This is real. [music] Aaron>> Kick that butt! Aaron>> Go with your training right? You're gonna get sprayed. Learn how to fight through it. Cadet>> God [beep]. Aaron>> Fight through it, Raymond. [cadets groan] Fight through it! Cadet>> I can't see anything! Aaron>> Where's your radio, find the radio, get your radio, call it in. Cadet>> Aw [beep]. Aaron>> Find it, get it. Instructor>> Alright Montoya you ready? Montoya>> No. Aaron>> Alright hey, just relax. [moans] Montoya>> [beep] Aaron>> shake, shake, shake, do the strain. How do you do the strain? Disengage, disengage, Good job. Find the radio, get the radio, call it in. Aaron>> Alright, good job, good job, relax. [applause] Aaron>> Ariel's doing a good job. Today she got sprayed with OC; she did just as well as her male counterparts. I'm still slightly concerned about her quiet demeanor, but I believe she has what it takes to be a CO. Montoya>> I think going through everything that we're going through now is going to help me in the facility. I think as soon as I walk into PNM, I think I'll have a whole different look on my face. Montoya>> I had to go in super bitchey so that's my plan. [music] Zach>> Hands up, spread your feet . [radio chatter] Zach>> It's my second day on the job so I'm still learning everything. [keys hitting the floor] What happened yesterday was yesterday. That's done. Can't take nothing personal. It is what it is. Just keep moving on throughout your day and just keep doing what you're doing and be the best officer that you can. That's it. today, he's just going to havet to let things play out. And he has to trust his partners that he works with on a day-to-day basis. And he also has to trust our system. What Zach needs right now is my support. Aaron>> Um let the investigation come out, and you know, you're fighting with an inmate. You don't know if he has a weapon on his person. You're scared. That inmate may pull out a knife in that second of half that you're thinking about it and now it goes from a hand to hand to a knife fight. Your buddy's walking around with a piece of steel in his neck. No one knows what's going to happen. You just gotta stop the action. Zach>> Immediately? Aaron>> Immediately, no matter what. Zach>> What happened to me and Brian, my partner, um it was my first day and it was like a rush. It was a wakeup call for me. Aaron>> You know, I told you you were going to be a leader in there. We've got a few cadets that come through here that you know by the end of the first day, beginning of the second day you can tell someone is going to go in there and fit in. Not only fit in doing your job, but fit in with the other staff and be a leader some day. [music] Carlos>> It smells like baby powder which means it smelled like cigarettes at one point in time. Carlos>> Marlboro, was that you? It was someone. Was it you? Inmates>> booty call! Carlos>> Hey, Inmates>> Booty call! Inmate>> Hey Rico! [slapping] No? [radio chirp] [inmates yelling] Inmate>> Whoo! [door squeaks] Carlos>> They were smoking. See how they got up really fast? When I asked him to empty out his pockets, Probably still have tobacco in there. Carlos>> Yeah, he's just taunting me that I didn't find it. That's all he was doing. Carlos>> I know. [laughing] Inmate>> Who'd you catch it smells like cigarettes. Carlos>> I do drive home at the end of the day sometimes thinking "this isn't for me." [inmates laughing] But I mean it's just, I like to you know, I just want to do my job. If these guys can grow up, it'll be nice. They won't but I don't let it get to me it's just that I haven't been here that long so I haven't learned how to let it just go through one ear and out the other. You know it just sometimes it gets rough so. [omious music] Tyler>> In the kitchen, tensions are brewing. This is considered contraband cause it could be used to kill somebody. Tyler>> Everybody line up in your units! Tyler>> After finding the weapon I need to pat down the inmates to make sure there is not another one. Cause you don't know if someone is gonna get stabbed, hit, beat up. You gotta keep an eye out for everything. Tyler>> [whistle] jacket off. Tyler>> When I was in training, they told us that if you found a weapon, there's probably another one close by. It could be a beef between two inmates, meaning the other guy could be stashing a weapon as well. Maybe I'll find something. Tyler>> These guys have 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to hide things. [radio] So if you want to find something, you can't think like a normal person. You have to think like an inmate. [radio chatter] Tyler>> Where are you going? [radio] Tyler>> What's this? Ok. Tyler>> I didn't find anything else, hopefully that's because there wasn't anything else to find. But that's the scariest part of this job, not knowing if you overlooked something that could get yourself or somebody else killed. [door slam] [music] Carlos>> After I caught them in there, they came out here and they went to go smoke in the bathroom. I can't say they did though cause I didn't catch them but I knew they were cause you can smell it too. Carlos>> sometimes it is cause could be a loudmouth cause if I, if I write him up, actually there's my lieutenant. Lieutenant Andy Ray. Hold on one second. [on radio] Go ahead. Carlos>> Hey Neal Garcia is pissing me off man. Lt. Ray>> What happened? Carlos>> Hey he's smoking and he taunts me like crazy bro. And then he goes into the bathroom and smokes and he's just taunting me. Lt. Ray>> Did you catch him? Carlos>> No man. Lt. Ray>> You tell him one time to do what you need him to do. And if he don't do it then you give him a directive. Carlos>> He knows he's getting out so if he gets... Lt. Ray>> It doesn't matter he's still here. So he ain't out yet. As long as he's here he's gonna do like you say. He's gonna do like we tell him to do. He got a problem with that, we'll address it. Lt. Ray>> Neal he's just pretty much a big manipulator. You know he tries to you know manipulate the system as well as the officers. Carlos>> And every time I shake him down he's like 'you didn't find my cigarettes, you didn't find...' Lt. Ray>> Yeah, he's being sarcastic. Lt. Ray>> Carlos being a new officer, Neal thought that he can target him and taunt him and get away with it. [radio] Lt. Ray>> That's his? Carlos>> Yeah. -Here he is now. Lt. Ray>> Why are you giving this officer a hard time? Neal>> What have I done to you? What have I done? Carlos>> Your mouth is what's got you in trouble. If you were to stay quiet, then nobody would... Neal>> Every time these people come, you shake my bunk down. lets go to the shakedown log and look at how many times you even tried to write me up for some bull[beep] that the LT [beep] threw out. [beep] you. Straight up. Every [beep] day you come, you [beep] with me. I'm [beep] tired of you. I'm fed up with you. I don't care, you can write me up. I'm [beep] tired of you, I am. I'm [beep] fed up with you. I don't [beep] like you. Carlos>> Good. Neal>> I don't. Every [beep] day, you [beep] with me. You [beep] with me. So yeah I'm [beep] fed up. Lt. Ray>> Okay hold up, Neal... Neal>> I'm [beep] fed up with this fool. Let's go. e. I'm tired of it. I'm [beep]ing tired of it, I'm [beep]ing tired of it. If I'm doing something wrong, come you guys don't catch me? Have you found me in the act of smoking? Lt. Ray>> We have proof that you have been smoking. you maybe one day we'll get luckying and find it but until then, that goes away, until you stop admitting, then we'll stop searching you. Neal>> You already searched me. Female CO>> Go sit on that table over there. Neal>> No and you told me to come Female CO>> Go sit on that table over there. Go sit down. Neal>> [beep] that. Carlos>> He just looked like he wanted to fight so... Carlos>> Alright. Lt. Ray>> Okay? Carlos>> Alright sir. Carlos>> He does have something, I know he does but I don't have any evidence. [music] Marcantel>> What you see in front of you right here, this is the future of public safety. It's men and women who have their hearts to care for something bigger than their own lives. They're gonna be asked everyday to run towards danger. They're gonna be asked to lead and believe in people who others don't. Montoya>> I am a little nervous. Aaron>> You did it good job. Montoya>> Being a girl and smaller than most of the inmates, I have to make sure they know where they stand and where I stand. Aaron>> This job is a stressful, stressful job. Not everybody can do it. Knowing that you're coming into an environment that you may not go home that night. Zach>> People will never understand what we go through on a daily. If they put their life in our boots for a day, I think probably the majority of them wouldn't last. Aaron>> The first couple of years, it changes you as a person. Aaron>> Whether you live or die, you sacrifice a lot. Every CO has to ask themselves; "Is this worth it?" Tyler>> Everyday walking into there, I do think about my life. I think about is it really worth risking my life? And the answer is always yes because these guys need someone who's been through what they've been through. Their bad childhoods. I'm not in there concerned about my life, I'm more concerned about theirs. Carlos>> You do ask yourself in the mirror, you say; "Is this what I wanna do for the rest of my life is to be threatened or even killed?" Aaron>> Pretty much you're walking into war everyday. All it takes is a few months in this place to decide it's not worth it. [music] Aaron>> Be advised this is the lion's den. Inmate>> Give us respect, you're a rookie esay! Tyler>> To them I'm just the boy with the badge . Inmate>> Watch that one, he's dangerous. Ariel: You all do. Decarlo>> You don't come up to me, especially a rookie, acting like you know me. I'm an inmate...I'll wait til they're walking me back and beat 'em up, just for show. Cordova>> I don't look mean I'm a nice guy. Cordova: [Beep] you! You ain't hard mother [beep], don't blow up. Inmate>> it's gonna be on. Cordova: What are you gonna do? Inmate>> I ain't [beep] playing man. -Get off your [beep] phone. - [beep] you. - Get off your [beep] phone! Neal>> I was a sly mother [beep]. Rookie>> I have talked to you several times! Inmate>> Why are you being a [beep] smart ass? Marcantel>> Probably the most harmful misconception is that corrections officers is simple guards. Those young men and women come in through those doors that's the real corrections. Cordova>> There was a prison break over in upstate New York. They had some power tools. A dirty officer had to have given them access to them because that stuff does happen. Who's dirty here? Marcantel>> This building represents the most violent prison riot that ever occurred iour entire nation's history. Aaron>> History always repeats it'self. [alarm sounding] [over radio] Level 5, we have a fight! Everyday you come to work it's war.
Channel: A&E
Views: 2,200,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Is It Worth it, Rookies, Prison, First Day, Behind Bars Rookie Year Season 1, Behind Bars Rookie Year Season 1 Episode 1, Behind Bars Rookie Year 2019, Behind Bars Rookie Year 1X01, Behind Bars Rookie Year s1 e01, Behind Bars Rookie Year Season 1 full episodes, Behind Bars Rookie Year episodes, a&e, a&e tv, ae, a&e television, a&e shows, a and e, a+e, Behind Bars Rookie Year full episodes, Corrections Officer, physical demands, emotional rollercoaster, rookie Corrections Officer
Id: Ugz5xFLlnkc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 24sec (2604 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 16 2019
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