Beginner's guide to building motion graphics in Davinci Resolve 15

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now that fusions integrated into the venturi resolve we can now make motion graphics so let's do that [Music] all right so now we're in fusion first thing that we're gonna want to do is add in a tool what you'll notice is that the add tool symbol is grayed out as well as pulling any of these tools down they don't do anything because we're gonna have to add in some type of footage but if you're working with motion graphics you're not going to be using footage you can you know make a whole video without using any actual like camera footage so the workaround for that I don't have any footage in here is to come up to the effects library and then come over to generator and then bring in a solid color which is just a solid black and then we will want to add this into a new compound clip and now that we have that clip in here if we come over to the fusion tab we can now add because these two little guys are here we can now add tools into here and we can start working on our motion graphics so how this works is it's just all node based and our background is just a solid black background we can change the color of it so let's do that let's do something like that like a blue and now that we have our background in here we can start to add elements and you want you create elements all different ways but how we're going to be creating elements today is we're just going to use a background and what I'm doing here is I'm just taking whatever my notice and I'm dragging it up to the viewer and then I can see whatever that note is also you can click on one and then it'll just show it I think by default you see two viewers so it'll be the left ones one and then the right ones too on your on your keyboard so we're working with this background too and it's right it's showing that it's being displayed on the left monitor but I I'm in one view so I'm only seeing one here so what I'm going to do for this is I'm just going to make it white and we want to make a shape out of this so down here we have all of our different masks that we can use I'm just going to grab well I'm just going to grab a rectangle shape and if you are highlighted on one of the nodes and then you click the rectangle it'll automatically connect it so let's come over to our width and change that and then our height and if you find it difficult to get the accurate amount what you can do is you can hold ctrl and it allow you to fine-tune it'll take a lot more input from from your hand too to fine-tune it and if you hold ctrl and mouse wheel in you can zoom in and then you control mouse wheel out and I'll zoom out so now I have a little element here and it's on a transparent background I'm actually going to switch over to my mouse to make this easier for me what I'm going to do now I'm just going to move this to the left a bit so right now if you look at this it's centered I'm just going to move it out a little bit so I'm gonna click on my rectangle and just move it out a little bit so like that so now I have a a rectangle that is masking this white which then gives me this element and then here I have the blue background if I take the output of this node and connect it to this output it'll then create a merge if I take the merge and view that merge I will see the blue background with the white stroke so now let's animate that stroke I click on this rectangle copy it and then paste it it'll add it below and make all my connections for me automatically one of the other things we're going to do is I'm going to right click I'm gonna add I'm going to change this to grid because then these will snap and make it a little easier to keep this clean now this second rectangle here if I move it you'll see that right now it's just adding to it you can change this to several different things if you go to the subtract and you look at this it's subtracting that rectangle what we're going to be using today is multiply if that means is the masks have to be laying on top of each other to be able to visibly see what they're representing so what that enables you to do is it enables you to make like a loading bar sort of effect like that so that's what we're going to be doing with that is let me go back to that and multiply and this first note here we have the size that we are the location that we want so I just want to add that over here so now it's centered and go back to fit now this one little piece I have the ability to manipulate its shape so what I'm going to do now is I'm going to take this lower node and I'm gonna come to frame let's say 20 or let's go to frame 15 so right down here it says what frame it is and we're going to click on the center keyframe folder we're gonna click on the keyframe to start recording keyframes then I'm going to come over to frame zero and I'm going to come into the circle so now it's not visible and I'm going to and it made a keyframe and record the keyframe and then I'm gonna go out to 30 I'm gonna click on that note again so I have the little bars to change the size of it and then now if I play this through it's almost like a linear move so you could say well why did you make three points and you could have made one inside the circle inside this circle and then one all the way on the outside or do the same thing they're correct but what I can do now is I come into the spline editor if I click on the one I want to manipulate which is the rectangle it's the only thing that has keyframes my project right now and then click this little button to see all keyframes now I can take these keyframes and highlight them and hit F and it'll ease in and ease out of each key so if I play this back now it'll what what happened there is it went in and then it paused because there was a little bit of a slowing here and I can show you that a little bit better if I hit T I can change the ease-in and ease-out so if I change this to like let's say 50 and the out to 50 now if I play this it'll kind of like pause in the middle there it'll stay a little longer so now that we have that what I'm gonna do is I'm going to add a little element on the outside of here just to spice up the tip just a little bit I'd sound it very weird but okay so I'm just adding another background I'll zoom in a little bit here I hate that we have so little space but whatever for this one I'm going to let's make it like a lime I think that's lime we will add well click on it and add a actually we won't do that what we'll do is we'll click on this top rectangle and because it doesn't have any keyframes I won't copy those keyframes over and we can paste it and then connect it to this guy and all I'm going to do is change the size of it and now I can't see where the other ones are so I'm just going to move them up a little bit but I'm going to take the output of this one and connect it to the merge which will then make this merge the background and the green is the foreground so it'll put this on the foreground if we play this node we can see the little piece there so what we'll do is we'll just move it out I'm going to zoom in so we can see outside there okay so now that we have it in its position copy/paste and for this one I'm just going to do the first frame and the last frame and just let it go without having that like pause in the middle so I'll click here click on this side obviously now there's two of them I changed the mode add a interact and then we'll come to frame 30 and we'll go to the other side here and now if we play this I see a little bit of a white speck in there so that's just saying that this keyframe didn't go far enough so we get in to fix that quick okay so now play this a full-screen let's go to the beginning so there we go now we have two little pieces alright so now we have our little graphic now let's say we wanted to add more of these we could do that but how we have this currently set up is our background comes in as the background node then the white bar gets then add it and then the background which is the blue and that white bar coming out of there and it goes into this next one where the green then gets added so the problem here is if I was to do something outside of here we have the background and these bars there's no transparency so I can't take those bars and do anything with them because they have the the background the blue already added to it so we need to get the blue out and just have the little elements my bars on a transparent background so to do that this merge here we would need to get rid of so if we just delete this merge and take this background and add it to this merge now playing this note here we have both of those elements on a transparent background so now what we can do is we can if we wanted to we could just bring this down here add this node to this node and then we're back to where we were before so on this node here we have our elements already so if we wanted to add more of these you know we could recreate these nodes but we already have a full element here what the best option would be is to make a transform and if we bring our transform out on this transform node we could take and go 180 now we have that same piece over here if we take this little merge and we get rid of the background and we can come out of merge two and connect that here and then our transform into our foreground now if we play this node now we have two so we could continue to keep creating this so if we take these two here we come out of the merge down here we go into the transform and now for this transform we could change this to 90 degrees and let's play this one and we have those and remember all we did is make this element one time and then manipulated it so what we're gonna do next is copy this paste this and coming out of here because this node already has four coming out of here into this node we can change this to 45 if we play that it's moving for their bring this down here now we have a full star and we can play this star and now we have a piece of a motion graphic so we can take this background node that we've been dragging around and coming out of our element that we've made and our background to it if we play this now we have that and we created all of this from just these two little pieces so at any point in time we could come into let's say the this little element that we have here we could change the color of it if we come down now that's reflected here with everything okay so we could continuously keep adding things to this so let's add a piece of text and let's just add and we can change the color of this maybe we'll make this one the one that was the lime and play this note so we can actually see it will increase the size of it we can rotate it so let's say rotate it like that and we can add a little bit of motion into here too where are we yet so now goes through but maybe we want it to hang out a little bit for this this is just text one so it'll close this will open up our spline we can turn off all of these and our text one show all keyframes hit F highlight just this one maybe something see how that looks okay it slows down just a little too much for my liking at least okay I think that looks a lot better the other thing that we can do to make this look a little better is our text one we can turn on motion blur the higher this quality is the better it looks obviously but the longer it takes to render so we'll just turn it all the way up and I'm going to add one more thing into this mix and that is for the center to disappear so kind of like you know how the cartoons like would go and like I don't know [Music] but yeah I'm gonna do that but have it like open up so this this is all going to happen right it's gonna this is all gonna happen but then it's gonna go and it's gonna reveal on the inside because all of these are going out like that I just feel like maybe it should then you know open up and reveal what's behind it okay so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to bring in a background node I'll play that quick and I'm gonna make this completely transparent we're gonna come out of this we're gonna come we're gonna take everything that we currently have made and we're gonna make that the overlay for this node and then we're going to add in a Clips node and the eclipses node we're just going to invert it we're and we're going to add motion blur to this and we're going to pick the frame when we see the text start to disappear so I would say look right in there we're gonna actually come in and we're going to make this completely small keyframe it here and then by the time it gets here my time it gets to about here I would say I'm gonna have this get completely full so let's play this alright that's a little quick okay so we're actually just going to change these two top keyframes maybe bring them out just a little bit not too here now let's play this all right so now that we have our effect created they're all in this case almost like a transition I'm gonna come back to our editor I'm gonna bring in a piece of footage to put underneath of it because currently this has a transparent effect to it and that would interact as if it was a transition so I'm going to add something real quick okay there we go then in this video I'm just going to say okay here and here looks great just make it as long as this oh I forgot to don't forget to take your in and outs and make sure you add your out or else you won't have a working a working effect so here's my out so out of my last note that looks good I'm going to take out of here and then into the background which is the out for the media out so that it gets spit back onto our timeline and then it'll be everywhere so if we play this it kind of looks really cool so let's fullscreen this and there you go a very simple very very basic but very simple motion graphics that you can use for your project in the coming weeks I am definitely going to have a lot more on motion graphics it's something that I actually really like doing even though fusion can do a lot more in 3d and a lot of other things but motion graphics is something that I'm going to make a little series about but yeah with that said let me know down in the comments what you think about this one if you have any suggestions on something I should do in the future let me know that in there as well again my name is jr. thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 233,343
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, Davinci Resolve 15, fuison, motion graphics, guide, elements, animate, nodes, motion, graphics
Id: J-YvvLzE7ck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 12 2018
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