Animate Video Font in DaVinci Resolve

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so cool, will have to try this in the future

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/alc59 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2018 🗫︎ replies
[Music] alright so in this episode we're going to make this [Music] let's get rid of everything and recreate that so so the primary thing - that was the font and then the video behind the font the font I got off of Google Fonts they have a ton of fonts you would want to use a thicker font for for this so let's get our clips quick so this was the first clip that I picked and because I worked on this before I already have the in and out points that I used so and then this is just a shot that goes over the rock and then over the edge so I grabbed that one and that wasn't the one that was the one and then this was the other shot this is just people at a ski resort going down a hill okay so these are my three clips that I'm going to use and I am now going to come up here to the effects library and click on titles click on text we're gonna drag that on top of everything and now in our inspector over here we're gonna click on that and let's say that we were in this video we were doing a vlog of NYC so NYC and then I'm going to pick the font and this font you can pick up on google fonts it's just a thicker font that I can use and then what I did is I increased the tracking but it really if you notice it goes to like the left so that was one thing that I had to fix let's make it a little yeah big I can make this so I think that's good NYC okay and then I want to Center this up and I would say something like that it's pretty centered right now to be able to do things to this if you've seen any of my previous videos where I work with fonts you'll notice or you'll know that font don't come over into the color tab so we have to make this into a clip so you'll just right click on it and then new compound clip and you can name it whatever you want create then I've become a compound clip and then from here what I'm gonna want to do and this will make it easier is I'm just going to bring the percentage down the opacity just to go through the clips and set them up so the first clip here when we're going through here I want to have this guy in the end so I'm clicked on this clip then I'm going to be editing and it's right here let's open our inspector and all we're gonna do is we're gonna crop the right side all right just so we have it in there and then I guessing you get where I'm going with this and then the rock is a little to the left so I'm just going to take that clip and I'm going to move the position over just a little bit so it's in the middle of the Y something like that and because this is underneath it ought to be concerned with the black space that's now over here so that's fine and the only other thing that I want to do is move the right crop over so that I'm not blocking the other clip and then for this other clip if we turn these off there's a truck here and I want the truck to be in this C so I'm going to click on this clip I'm going to move the position over to here let's play this through quick then I can see the truck is staying in the C so that's good and I turn all these on oh what's going on here okay I turn them all on and now I have all three where I want them so that's great and come back up here to my compound clip and we can turn this back to a hundred percent now let's go over into the color tab and then in the color tab I'm going to click on that compound clip and then I'm going to add a alpha node I'm going to copy this or drag this little arrow here and put that into the Alpha and then click on my little qualifier and I'm going to qualify out the brighter side of the luminance so we're going to turn down the hi until it's see-through if we play it then we have all three of my shots I want them to be displayed all right so the other thing that was in that video at the beginning was instead of just having them all here I had them pop up with music so one other thing that I want to do here is I just noticed is there's a line here so I'm going to turn up the blur radius and then pull in where I effect in it so I'm just turning in the in rate so now I don't have any of the white that was previously there I don't know what's going on with this shot over here but yeah alright so now I have them right and I'm gonna come back over to the Edit tab then we're gonna bring in that audio track so we're gonna come back over to my media pool and this audio track I have it already where I want to the audio and the idea here is there's these three little I want to have each letter pop up for those what I'm gonna do now is I'm gonna zoom in so I can see in waveform a little bit better if you don't see the waveform what you can do is click this little guy right here and then show waveform and you just click that the show waveform if you want to make the height bigger you could so you can see your waveform so just about like that then we're gonna take everything and we're gonna drag over and what I want to do is I want to have all of my clips start one frame before the note so as you can tell right there is where that note starts so back one frame that's where I want the bottom clip or I want this clip to start so that's that one now I'm going to come over here one clip back have that clip there's that one one frame back have that guy now there we go and it's just that simple and then fur over here right where that comes in I'm just going to cut or drag stop everything and then I'm going to start my next track which was this guy so I just started it right where starts moving put that on there then right where the second part starts up gonna have my next track which was just this little clip here and now let's let everything render quick already [Music] all right and that's pretty much that simple and the other thing that you could do is you can come in and let's say this shot is too blue so you can just come over and click on that shot and if you want it to you could just turn this off for now so you can see this and then for this shot you could just color this that you know how you want it to so let's save this quick and let's say we want it to throw a little white on there and maybe we're here so you can see what I'm doing I'm just pulling here pulling this up a little bit make a bit brighter and also moving the gamma I guess this would make it a little easier to see just so we're a little brighter something like that then come over to this one and what we could do is in here our tint we could add a little bit of green in there and then maybe warm it up just a little bit I'm using my panels but these are the two things and I'm adjusting to take some of that green out of there so are the the pink out of there so that's how it was before and then how it is now make it a little brighter something like that and then our middle shot let's first come over here we can turn off these so we can see a little bit more of the shot and then a middle shot here we could bring it up a little bit but all I'm really doing is just adding more contrast in here I'm just using my the Y curve for the for the lift gamma and gain so it's this little bar here that I'm moving do you pull a little more contrast in there so with it off with it on making amuck of the sky but I mean it's already blown out so is what it is if anything I gave it better roll off all right so let's come back over here turn these back on and see how it looks now after it renders all righty now if you notice we see a little bit here and a little bit here so we have to fix that okay so what how to fix that now is we want to go over to our compound clip which is our letters and we want these to not be like this and the reason why they're like that is because when I'm adjusting this clip I'm just in the black value which then you know is coming through those letters so now we have to fix this so what I'm going to do is I'm going to make a node before this and you can just right click Add serial node before or you could come up to nodes add serial node before or just hit shift s so I'm gonna hit shift s making a node before now I'm gonna come into my power windows I'm gonna make a power window and I'm going to increase the size to fill up this whole thing and I'm gonna take off the softness and you'll see why here in a second alright so now I'm gonna bring down my levels so I'm just in my offset I'm gonna bring them all the way down so we have pure black okay now we're all the way down then we're going to bring up our timeline here and because we're going off with music we need to set keyframes for when we're showing each of these letters so we're gonna come over here to tracker we're gonna come into frame and now that we're in frame any time we move this it's going to make a keyframe let's come back over here and remember it everything was set up for one frame in okay so one frame in so we have this lined up here one frame in we reveal and we come over here and we have to just adjust it a little bit it's fine you just move it around a little bit just so it makes another keyframe one frame in and show the letter okay then we come over oops - here we go little a little bit one frame show now let's play and see how it's looking [Music] okay so now we're pretty good back to how it was previously but now that we colored it we don't have that little bit of black value that that got changed and all that's happening is we're just revealing it so when I as I play through here it's just revealing them and then once you had your reveal of oh this is New York City then you can just as the music goes on you could edit your video or whatever it may be I just wanted to show a cool way of displaying letters and in each letter having a different video let me know in the comments what you think about this if you have any suggestions or comments about this let me know down there as well again my name is JR and thanks for watching [Music]
Channel: JayAreTV
Views: 42,596
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: blackmagic, DaVinci Resolve, resolve, tutorial, how to, video font, overlay, Animate, intro, video clips
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 24 2018
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