Beginners 3D Modeling Tutorial on Rule Based Selection in Creo Parametric Exercise - 30

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hello everyone in this video tutorial we are going to create a 3d model from this 2d drawing in Clio parametric this was one of the requests from subscriber so that is the reason I am doing this video even though it looks very very simple but it is not there are one or two things which you will learn as you follow this tutorial so with that let's get started and before I begin let me just quickly tell you how I am going to proceed on the front plane I am going to draw this outer profile and then extrude it up to the depth of say what is the depth up to certain depth more than just a 50 diameter so that will be creating this profile to remove the material so I will be incorporating this circle sorry yes this circle this complete profile and this hole now I generally don't incorporate believe in incorporating everything in a single profile but over here our design intent is such that we are creating a through through wall cut out from this material so it becomes quite easier to create and handle this model so there won't be limitation of depth anywhere like there will be out of 14 your 8 mm depth will be there so that is the reason I will take the leverage of creating the through all cut out and after that it is simple to create the fill it's one thing to mention over here you can see this 20 and 10 mm flats over here now generally this is second thing which I don't generally recommend to create the fillets in this sketch unless those fillets are quite to functional in the way that they will on tribute in your base profile so over here the dimension is also with respect to the extension of these straight lines so there are valid reason to incorporate this large Phillips in your base which are using this sketch profile so these are the one or two things you will see which I will be not doing normally same same thing let's start from the front plan and I will create this sketch extrude so let's create the centerline first because the sketch is symmetric with respect to this horizontal center line and now create the sketch arbitrarily like this is make sure they are parallel and then select everything click on mirror center line first of all we will give this constraint to it now we should have you could have done it after assigning the Phillips now as I told like whenever the fields are kind of large and being used as the parent for some of the features it is better to help them in the Bay sketch itself so this is one of the component in which that feel--it should be in the sketch itself as I always recommend to help them as a separate feature so make sure you have circular selected so select these two edges and the same thing over here then select the circular trim you don't need this extension point over here and also you can create this filete inside the feature on visuals feature also because there is no requirement of or say use of these bullets in the base catch mostly we required those 20mm fill it's only so ok maybe a stream will be helpful this fill that and yes now I'm not missing anything equal so which Philips are equal one two and three if I select this one then all this for radius will be equal which is not the case because this one two third one two three and four flats are equal so what I will do is I'll press middle mouse button once so that I remain in the constraint of equal constraint only but my parent fill that will be changed so now if I click this Vinit it will act as a parent and this will be equal to this one and third and fourth fill it done and now we will just assign the horizontal constraint wherever it is not this one this one yes rest of the things are good coming to the dimensions now this extension point it is quite critical selected I will just make it coincident for the sake of simplicity and let's assign the dimensions which are not there so this angle we want and we didn't make it coincident over here yes dimension this angle is also required yes this dimension is there but still we will make it strong then we need total length we need total height then we have this radius we want this billet is required this one and this one this one select all the dimensions go into the modify tab and check the regenerate going back let's assign the dimensions so this is 135 angle press enter that is also 135 1460 and 137 60 that is 20 that is 10 that's 8 that is again 8 8 then regenerate this sketch okay if everything looks ok we will move ahead sure just not that I haven't used the offset because here 14mm is the width while over here it is 8 which is not exactly the double of what is over here except and depth you can keep anything greater than 50 we will use midplane 70 except the reason is we have circle of 50 diameter right that is the reason once that is done I will select the top plane and I will create the sketch and not the extrude the reason is if you want to reuse any of these gates or something like that then it will be really helpful because we are going to create multiple sketches in a single one so let's start like this like this these are the two outermost profile I'm creating this one and this one then I will create the over this whole and this one I will create this small profile then and finally this whatever it is that cut out so let's start just be remain focused and everything should work out as I mentioned this will be tangent this and this line and the same over here it is quite obvious then I'll create the tangent line like this middle mouse button to come out I will delete these segments which I don't want and assign the dimension the radius is 25 times it is 15 this one is where it is okay yes 12 is the radius perfect now create a circle just make sure you don't assign unnecessary relations this one and we have this way create few center lines like this vertical and one at some angle which we will assign the dimension is 45 the diameter of this is 12 this is 36 and select this slanted rectangle so make sure it is parallel and like this it is yes and make it symmetric select select and centerline remove what we don't want and like this this if there are overlapping the entities then it will not turn into this shaded region like pink color from this point to this point this distance is 22 the dimensions are quite obvious that is the reason I am not bringing the drawing into the picture or else it will consume more time 10 perfect now creating this inside sketch so let's start where is the circle over here we create just make sure whatever you create you remove these segments properly I will go and touch it like this touch it like this and make what this equal then we have a circle over here which is at a distance of 20 now it has taken the relation with this circle even though both of them are having same dimension but we will still assign them as individual line tangent like this and like this let's start removing the unwanted segments so I want you don't want this this perfect this is is remove it remove it and we move let us constraint this sketch start locking this dimension if you want and now these two are equal already yes then we have this dimension of angle then we have this point of this one this centre line that is concentric to it then we have this final flat this is 26 and yes this angle is 7.5 so all the dimensions are covered for this I will accept this sketch and with the sketch selected you can definitely use the sketch region over here but some users are using 3 or 2.0 3.0 so they don't find this case region over here so I'll be using the normal extrude cut out with since the previous width we selected over here was random we'll move ahead with that only we just want to remove the material and flip its side so that we get exactly our profile and done once we do that it's time to assign the fielitz I will uncheck this and go inside the round tool and select these sets now in the previous video I mentioned as much as possible use the rule based selection so what I will do over here is since the complete our model is tangent hey with having the tangent edges in the loop what we'll do is we will select the tangent option over here and then anchors select any one of the edge and by itself it will figure out okay select the complete loop fit which is tangent that is chain 1 Eady similarly select this chain and select this chain and and finally what is left this one Edie and this one yes Edie and this one too once that is done click OK oh I forgot to assign - mmm - mmm done and let's control D and our model is ready which will look similar to the drawing that is shown over here I will be uploading this sketch on my Pinterest account under the YouTube tutorial drawings board you can have have it from there so I hope this tutorial was helpful if you have any doubt you can ask in the comment section we made it in the three feature Congrats and see you in the next video
Channel: CADskool - Quick start your CAD Journey!
Views: 2,855
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creo, parametric, 6.0, tutorial, advanced, complex, round, rule based, rule based selection, basic 3d modeling tutorial, 2d to 3d modeling tutorial, 3d, modeling
Id: 5IwfF0dv8oM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 10sec (1030 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 16 2019
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