Basic 3D Modeling Exercise for Beginners in Creo Parametric 6.0 - 15

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hello everyone in this video tutorial we are going to create a 3d model from this 2d drawing this is a very really good drawing to practice especially when you are pressure and going for the tool test in any design interview so we'll be creating this model step-by-step and what matters the most is the workflow of the model created so do try it by yourself at first then watch this video I am sure you will learn a lot from this video and we will really create this model named pressive where so stick to this video and I will start with the modeling but before that let me show you how I'm going to approach I'll be creating this base sketch and the only one Filat I will be creating in the base sketch since it is the functional filler and then I will go this will be on the top plan this will be on the front plan it looks like counterbore geometries but since there are diameters assigned diameters and depth assigned separately I will create oh as it is a revolt geometry and then on the side or right plane I'll be creating this small extrude holes will be separately created as the whole feature that is the correct way of creating it and finally before that I will be creating Phillips and finally the holes so that where everything will be quite organized I bring in the drawing when there is something to really important to point out till then I hope you are at least good in drilling dimensions so first of all go and create these centre lines I will whatever clicks or keystrokes I will be pressing will appear over here so just keep a watch I won't be speaking what keys I'm pressing so yes centrelines helped me creating this metric relationship first of all I will just create a sketch so it looks like similar to the best sketch and then us in the dimensions first of all assign those dimensions which are actually required let me create a flat - yes no need to worry about the dimensions for now so that dimension is required we want this angle this angle is already there we want location of this point I'm sure what happened yes and its location by axis and this angle also they think all the required dimensions are available to modify I want to keep on check with regenerate since it will clutter the dime sketch a lot 15 sorry that angle is 30 press step second time tab control a 1:45 this is 42 this one is 135 this is 15 hundred and fifty regenerate the sketch click OK finally a circle whose diameter is 30 why I created this circle I will let you know in a moment till then 12 is the depth and now I will be creating a revolved geometry so cross-section is available from the front plan I will be creating the geometric center line and right click to select the line command I will go into wireframe because I want inside in line just look out watch out for the accidental relations I want to diameter dimensions see there is some issue that's fine come inside it's good and there is this equal relationship unnecessary delete all the dimensions which are required are available is the big dimensions I will select all of them go to modify and this diameter is 40 I will just uncheck the reason that this is 60 this is 16 okay I didn't select this one let me select it that's 83 gendered okay now I think it would be clear why I created that circle on the desk edge if not let me clear it so if I create 30 die diameter on the best sketch then it will not create extract well mm material on the base sketch and that we don't even require so if I would have performed without that circle on the best sketch then there would be 12 mm extra material then I will be creating this revolved geometry so I would require to perform an extra operation to remove this material that was added in deep a sketch to avoid that I created that circle and then created this revolt geometry this diameter is driven by 30 this is driven by the sketch that I have created on the base catch if you are noticed then I gave the coincident relationship between this to the dimension then this line is coinciding with the diameter that I have created on the best sketch so if I change it that change will reflect in the let me just make it 32 and that will affect indeed reward on the world portion tool so that is one of the trick you need to take from this video now coming to the right plane the profile is very simple I will go no requirement of creating the centerline one dimension we have 42 they go right click clear the line delete this segment this is 15 and click OK now from the center it is 45mm let me quickly show you so this is our region that we have kept it throughout the model and from there the outside of this extrude balls is 45 but you can see we don't want any material and they inside the revolved geometry which is here so this can be done in many ways one is you can create the datum plane and then create sketch on that plan and extrude up to this surface but I want to show you an interesting way of doing this go to the side to blind you can see the material is added but what if I start extruded extruding in the opposite direction then you can see the material is removing from that feature itself only it is not affecting any other feature and in this way if we arbitrarily end up anywhere this will create the perfect extruded but we don't want it to be that way so I will go to the selected surface option and select this face it will end up over here so no matter what dimension I change for this usual geometry it will adjust accordingly now if I click middle mouse button that will conform it is OK finally I will be creating the round of 15 on the four edges going T references selectees okay I forgot to press control this is another thing think you need to notice that press ctrl key and create all the flats of same radius in one set only it looks bad if you create four sets of the same radius so that is another thing that interviewer will notice in your workflow okay now finally the whole so first all the diameter is 15 death is to this face then I will look at the collectors this is 42 and this one from this actually on the plane effect still cash showing offsets make it zero click okay that looks good finally we need to create a hole now one good thing about creo is it doesn't allow you to create what we say concept concentric relationship between the hole and TC let's because that will be hard to heart for a manufacturer to find out so it allows you to give two locations and since we know it is concentrate yes definitely if it is concentric that relation will be its radius on that distance will be its radius only that is 15 by 15 but still you don't take everything for granted or else you need to put some not so that manufacturer can figure it out I will click OK everything is good deft is and done and finally I will go and create the pattern of the same point pattern fine this is actually not the correct way because the location of pole will change over here I want to show you something new and that is the reason I am creating the all using point better okay sorry so yes select the datum points before that click on the reference because you want reference point so the center of this circle will be the reference to create on yes definitely don't go for this unless you are creating a pattern this is not a pattern this is the points I'm placing so that holes will be created easily and okay so I think the model is complete it looks good fine finally the flat the Filat radius is 4 press ctrl to select the edges so this is how it looks thank you for watching if you're any doubt you can ask in the comment section and thank you
Channel: CADskool - Quick start your CAD Journey!
Views: 67,822
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: absolute, beginners, 3d, modeling, exercise, part, 2d to 3d, mechanical, interview, solidworks 2d to 3d practise, hole, sketching, revolve, fillets, tool test creo parametric, creo parametric interview drawings, creo parametric 6.0, creo parametric 2d to 3d modeling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2019
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