Absolute Beginners 3d Modeling Tutorial in Creo Parametric Exercise - 32

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hello everyone in this video tutorial we are going to create a 3d model from this drawing the model is very simple the main thing about creating this model is how you approach towards the model so let's start and if you want you can take this finish or tour I have already uploaded this drawing on Pinterest as well as Facebook page link will be in the description so with that let's start the modeling I am going to start with this view this you is containing all the radius dimensions overall width and height dimensions are given over here as well as the thickness so we'll be starting off with this view create the full radius after giving the depth she'll this component out create this profile remove the material like this and finally we will be creating the rib so I will take this joint in another screen and I will start I will definitely keep on bringing once I complete that particular feature so yes one thing is whenever you create a base sketch in creo parametric try to have it is a separate sketch so that you can reuse that sketch whenever you want if you use it inside the extrude it would be hard to retrieve that sketch and you need to go for a few extra steps so yes do remember that we can start it from anywhere this drawing like there is no restriction area just make sure you don't assign unnecessary relations and I will be creating all the fillers or arcs in the best sketch only the reason is they are creating the base of our complete model so rather than making it dependent on feature I would say integrate it in the sketch only so that is the reason I am I will be creating this circular train pilots because none of this relates are being dimensioned with the extension points is that where these two line meets so first of all assign all the constraints you know I know these three Phillips are equal so I'll do that then I will make this two parallel and yes this line is perpendicular so no issues I think all the constraints are complete now I will be creating grib in our base sketch only because in order to assign the total width they have taken the reference of this ribbed feature so I will simply go and select the line yes make sure it is collinear and it goes like this yes that's the dimension I wanted I will create the fill out for this one - yes circular flat thing and that's not the dimension I want let's yes I think all the constraints are completed so let's start assigning the dimension one thing to note over here is we generally assume that the most of the phillotson arcs are concentrate but to not over here they aren't they are not concentrate so do take care while assigning the constraints you should definitely know it by constraining this sketch with dimension there won't be any weak damage on it at the end so now let's see what dimensions we are looking for you want this then in the construction mode the dimension is being given from the tangent of this fill at till this line right so what I'll do is I will create a construction line and make it tangent to this we let done and now if you want you can dream this off if you don't know it we won't be able to drink this construction line let it be it wouldn't be a matter of issue we want this dimension then we want this dimension fill it is there we want this angular dimension then this total width is there and finally this dimension yes so all the dimensions that I want are present I will make this dimension arbitrary because that is construction only anywhere yes still this dimension is extra need to deal with that one from where it is coming okay okay so that is for this construction line no issues rest of the dimensions are perfect so what I will do is I will select all the dimensions go to modify uncheck the region that I don't want them to regenerate as I edit assign the dimensions because that will create a messed up sketch so now total height is 132 if you look at both the views that I mentioned like this two you will get all the dimensions but still I will definitely show you from where I found it the dimension that you are editing will appear in a rectangular box so you will come to know eventually what you are editing ok let's enter note yes that is this dimension six plus six enter that is 12 that's nine degree that is one one eight I have practiced this sketch some time for some time and I have created the tutorial in soidiers also so I'm pretty thorough with the Domitian so that is the reason I am doing it to fast lane nothing else 12:28 well and that is as I told like arbitrary you can keep it anything total width 1:07 that's 20 and that is 6 again this one whatever you want to keep 50 and done regenerate this sketch and accept yes I think that is very close to what I wanted don't worry this about this construction line let it go anywhere until and unless it is constrained with the filete by a tangent relation everything is fine but still if it looks odd I can give it like 12 6 18 maybe around 20 yes now let's go over the dimensions so total width 160 from this line that is 107 you see this empty portion it is because when we take the cross section there is yes cross section this portion is empty because the material is not no material is being interests is intersecting over here so that portion is empty and our rib is ending at this point which is 6 mm thickness right so that is the reason I assigned 6 distance from this line so that will be lying on the thickness part and apart from that all the dimensions are pretty simple total width is 20 height of this straight line is 12 for rib its radius is 12 Engel is 9 this radius are 28 118 degree between these two lines and find out ul mm fill it now I will create a full radius and then I will jump on to this profile except make sure that you extrude this sketch with respect using the symmetric relation with respect to the front plane total width is 52 and then create the filete just notice how I'm creating this fill it go into the reference I mean by default that is there press ctrl select this space select this face and you can see only one option is available that is full round now what it is asking me like which face you want to fully make it fully round right if I select this as the drying surface then it will create full round over here if I select this face sorry sorry that was my mistake if I select this by pressing the ctrl and you can see this is completely fileted now once that is done after that you need to simply select the shell of cell option and yes the thickness is 6 not 2.61 press ctrl select all the faces that you don't want perfect and yes that's what we want now going over here and creating that profile now one thing to notice I could have created this extrude cut out and then create this boss feature and using the same profile create that cut out but you need to optimize your model so what I will be doing is I will initially create this cut out with this extrusion and since this face and this cut out both are matching and on the same plane so that will save me an extra feature by creating a cut out of both the materials at the same time let me show you what I am saying for example I am creating a cut out right now that cut out is of 20 width with respect to the midplane right and now if i create another extrusion that is very similar to the one shown over here like this keep it arbitrary and maybe up to next done now again I need to remove the material feel respect to the midplane also the our front plane right so that will be that we need to create same feature twice in order to perform the exact operation right so we will not be doing that what we will do is first of all create the feature I might not use the sketch because I don't want to reuse that profile so so let me change this to redone line now create a circle and press Alt key to create that reference very good I just came out of the command so you can go over here and take the reference clothes make them coincident that's the very first thing you should do then create the center line which is at 45 degree now this is 10 you need to create an offset of 3mm that side close make sure you make this dimension strong dimension and now change this inside circle to construction we don't want to use them now don't make this circle initially construction and then try to offset you want to be able to offset the construction entities now create this line like this make sure it is tangent to this circle and you can see definitely that this line is ending on this particular radius that is the nut that is nothing but the 6mm offset I will project this line and close it and I will mirror this entity with respect to this center line start deleting these segments you don't want like this and you want angle between these two okay I just yes 38 is the angle between two yes that's how exactly the profile looks like accept it and now change the view style with respect to the mid plane now if you want to keep it parametric I mean then definitely you can go for to next to next both the sides and accept it so whatever be the thickness change it will adjust accordingly and accept once that is done if you want you can create the whole at the same time also that is 10 mm hole we created as a construction geometry I will go in this feature and select this now as usual I always prefer to assign the dimensions and not concentric relations because manufacturer or machine neither of them understand this concentric relation the deal with the distances so that will be 1212 how I got that you can see this one lies at the command center over here but this and this should be by default well only no rocket science and yes just make sure death is to all and done now I will create this cutout so two distances are there from this point it is 45 and from top it is at 60 and width is 20 quite simple now you can understand why the symmetricity of symmetricity is important with respect to the front line front plane that I mentioned we create while creating the extrusion of 52 mm so rectangle as simple as that select this line select this line 45 and from the door to this entity it is 60 let it be like this it is not going to affect our current approach midplane 20 and done so all the material gets removed I will create this fillet at last before that let's create the rib so here comes the sketch which will help me not it should help okay there is no construction geometry appearing okay nice shoes we will go for the rib and that will be profile rib sketch so quite simple you can find the reference over here also make sure they are collinear perpendicular anything is fine this distance is well this angle is we don't want it to be perpendicular and where is that another dimension okay yes and this dimension related okay okay my mistake it will be still perpendicular unless you tell it to be angular so 9 degree that is correct not correct actually it is after the filete so that here this filete is 12 12 and now everything is perfect except thickness is 6 and done finally tools are remaining and to fill out this is again 10 mm whole distance is 26 from each side because diameter is 52 and over here also radius is 12 so again 12 white well dimension and this is full radius feel that while over here it is 3 mm only oh yes we forgot one cut out on this face that is there it is yes this one 32 by 32 pretty simple generally we have confusion like if I don't create a fill at over here using the feature then will it be a correct dimension or not so we will be not creating flat in the sketch itself so that will create clear your another doubt if you have them try to do is create the line like this sketch select each of them mirror with respect to the centerline now from this to this point is 32 did it that midpoint do we want this dimension not slant one but here - here it is 32 and that zero distance done if you want to close this sketch then find if not then also it is fine we want to remove the material through all and except since this dimension is from here which is the extension of these two lines if we assign flat over here it will go inside removing the material there are two kind of fillers like one adds the material another one removes it so this one will be removing so we call it like concave and convex Philips but yes that's for some another day now what remains is fellating and creating the holes as I mentioned I will be creating holes not using the concentric relations through all placement from here it is 12 mm same thing goes like this the outermost radius is 12 mm let me bring it this one is 12 mm so that distance is supposed to be 12 by 12 then only it will be concentric else not accept and done coming to this hole at the top same thing but we will not be able to select one of the reference from this side since it is cylindrical face over here so there are few things you can do like this is you know at 26 you can create a temporary axis or point over here from which you can assign the distance point should work okay resume it selected item I guess no that won't work okay then we can take the exes so select that point select this point accept and resume now so that dimension is now available 26 by 26 and through all depth except you can see those features are merged also falling under the hierarchy of all three now what is left yes finally the filete so let's do that over here press control this and the driving surface is this one another set select this edge press ctrl select this edge so that they don't go on in under the different sets and finally the third one press ctrl select them and I guess 10 in them yes and done so this is how your model looks like press control D and done so if you have any doubt you can ask in the comment section thank you for watching I hope it was very informative for you see you in the next video
Channel: CADskool - Quick start your CAD Journey!
Views: 2,894
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creo, parametric, absolute, beginners, 3d, modeling, practice, exercise, tutorial, 2d to 3d modeling practice, creo parametric 3d modeling tutorial, creo 5.0, creo parametric beginners exercise, hole, rounds, interview 3d modeling tool test, 3d modeling in interview tool test of creo parametric, 3d modeling best practices, best, practices, design intent, correct way of creating 3d model in creo
Id: QogA64qTpl8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 14sec (1454 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 06 2019
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