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I wanted to try these last year and couldn't find a US seller.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Feb 06 2018 🗫︎ replies

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/dark_frog 📅︎︎ Feb 07 2018 🗫︎ replies

I think it could be a huge waste of these aren’t 100% recycled plastic and are at some point going to end up in a land full. But I wonder if it’s more insulated for winters? I would try one for sure.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/duncym 📅︎︎ Feb 09 2018 🗫︎ replies
what's up guys I come across of something very unique I got here plastic beehives I ordered two of them because most people use wooden beehives that's what they recommend when you go to the B school or whatever they will recommend regular wooden beehives but I thought why not order this two plastic big heist and put bees in there and take care of them and we'll see if the bees are actually going to enjoy this new house better than the wooden one so we're gonna put that to the test in the next beekeeping videos but for today I wanna do unboxing and show you what this plastic beehives are all about boom and guess what it's already comes fully assembled when you open it check this out look at this instruction very well-made instruction now look how cool this is I know a lot of people probably will say you plastic do not use plastic for beekeeping but I don't know I think we should explore all the options boom check this out you can open this up and adhere the mouth guard already included that's pretty pretty cool for sure and also you can open this up for ventilation you can let the bees go in and out this part or you can close it off that's very very cool I like that a lot I'll just put on clothes for now same ventilation so it's only each box I got eyes here two boxes because I keep my bees into both boxes right here little handles so that way you can lift it up or if you don't want to use handles there's that here little notches so you can lift it anyways very very cool I love how easy is to close it and open it if you need to transport the Beehive look at that that's awesome okay let's open the night she said here one and two I loved the notches option and it slides in and now so well boom look at that ventilation right here and down that's beautiful looks like it's a psycho bomb material and as you can see there is a wine glass and a fork okay and this side here is a big high feed on so that way you don't have to mess with the just you open this thing there is explanation how to use the feeder solid feeding you open it up like that so they can call and get that stuff liquid Fijian you put it like this so that where they climb down and doing this you you can lift this cover and pour sugar syrup into here and there's quite a bit of syrup you can pull it into it okay close it back up I guess this knob so this two pieces does not fly out actually so let's take this part out the feeder oh cool I actually didn't know that I ordered it with the plastic frames I didn't mean to I think I'm just gonna use a regular wooden bar date is you can actually put in box foundation and that comes apart pretty easily and I feel this is spacers that's pretty unique too so that way your behalf has perfect spaces plastic frame is excluded I like metal ones but it comes with that so we'll put that one to the test well what I want to put to the test also let's see if the wooden frame is actually going to feed this plastic beehive so this is the wooden frames I'm actually going to use instead of this plastic frames but wow it works super well what about the spacers wow it works for the space as well for the wooden frames too as you can see it fits pretty good look at that that's awesome maybe one big hive I'll use use up these plastic frames but what you do also be come apart and then you can slide in this box foundation into here so that way it makes it easy to replace it for any reason it comes off like that this is not my favorite it's looks a little bit brittle for the using them plastic frames you can open it apart put the Box Foundation and then close it this looks awesome it's a very design but I don't like really small plastic key pins it seems like it's might breaker is simple especially those notches wooden frames they don't really get destroyed that easier because they already inside of a beehive they don't get exposed to the weather or rain or water or snow and the cold so I'm not worried about the frames wooden frames a lot they don't go bad for many many many years so probably will stick with wooden frames but it's also a little cool design I got it so now let's do this what the bottom board looks like I guess oh yeah this is actually cool too I wanted to show you that will actually work probably with any beehives if you need to join or divide a beehive look at this you can slide this board boom and now your hive is divided so that way if you have two big beehives you can put one in here one in here and open this little notch it's so that way they can smell each other and get used to each other and then after a few days couple of days you just take this off and keep the business that's very very cool so as you can see it's already comes assembled with everything you need to start beekeeping let's see how the bottom board walks I guess you open this up are they go I got kind of stuck there's a little red piece I think that's what it wasn't no way okay you just kind of slide it out use a little bit of force I did not want to break it okay this is the bottom boy right here whoa look at this and I think this is a pollen table if you're going to have a spa one that's really cool maybe one day we're going to put it to the test I don't usually have us pollen but it's still a really cool option and I'd hear we got screen bottom board so in the summer time if you like to open it you can open it but awesome what you can do is put over here let the misha's birth or something like that and slide it in inside and that way the beetles and mites that going to fall in they are going to die inside here this bottom board is made for the warmer climates because they'd here this layer slots for the ventilation I would like to see the different butter board they make they actually school in from the bottom but I like that you can just slide it out that's actually easy I guess they keep changing the designs a little bit and I think this supposed to somehow maybe lock it in oh okay this part if you don't need to use this you can just plug them in like this with this plastic piece you can just pop it out okay let's put it this in also should mention they advertise it I'm not really sure if it's do or not but that what dies it this insulated plastic inside of it there is actually between plastic there is insulation material and they supposed to be insulate be six times more than the wooden big hives which is pretty awesome well in the winter time the business to stay warm in a summertime they need to stay cool so that way with better insulation they will stay cooler in the summertime and warmer in the winter time also something really amazing I want to put out when you put it together you don't have to line up make sure you put it sideways or it's not lined up if has a little go over it here so that way it pops in really easily you can just move it okay it sink same thing with the tops right here it feels very very doable feels like the PVC look at that because glue so you don't have to line them up it just slides in so well I love this egg here so much as well so that way I don't have to worry about boom it's all stopped down together one more thing I forgot to mention you can stuck we have some top of each other not no problem it fits right in it's made this way so that way it stays in well you can put regular beehives the wooden ones and they fit just right and then you can put the cover on the wooden beehive and boom it works well by the way they actually sell separately the tops and the bottoms for the wooden behave so it's all interchangeable so that way when I'm going to have a shiny for the supers I won't put wooden beehives so that way honey stays in the wooden beehives and of course they also sell this hollow box is like a super boxes boom so that way it's a lot lighter if you don't want to those heavy big boxes have this kind very cool I think it's really cool bees if they're going to like it and it does not hurt them it does not hurt the honey I don't see nothing on with this and right now this plastic beehives so this is going to be a very experience I did not see that many videos of these beehives on YouTube so it's going to be a really cool test and we're going to have two big hives also I'm very interested to see how much honey the bees will produce inside of this bee highs versus the wooden ones so there's going to be a lot to learn and to see how bees will react to these beehives and how much productivity they will have versus the wooden beehives also I have polished all beehives I put the links in the description if you haven't seen that video and that's pretty much it thank you for watching don't forget to thumbs up this video and I'll see you next time
Channel: Taras Kul
Views: 1,091,711
Rating: 4.8058128 out of 5
Keywords: Taras kul, taras, origamy768, Beehive, Advanced Beehive, beekeeping, beekeeping 101, beekeeping for beginners, plastic beehives, Apimaye Bee Hive, Apimaye Bee Hive Review
Id: H6CIs-Os6js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 34sec (694 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 05 2018
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