Saving Dee's Honey Bees

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hey folks JP here it's August 3rd 2019 I am an Harahan Louisiana there's a beehive in the wall here I leave this window you can actually see the hive I'll show you what that looks like in a minute you can see comb see bees on the comb so we're gonna take this little piece of trim out then we're gonna pull this section out and our hives to be right here I did I did take a thermal reading the other day they look like it's a huge high we're gonna get the girls out [Music] and we're gonna put them in this nuke today hope y'all enjoyed video [Music] [Music] know if y'all can tell that this wall is in pretty bad shape we're not doing repairs today we just actually try to put that piece of wall paneling back just until the lady can get proper repairs but it's in bad shape it's gonna have to be redone my disco right here is not lucky just pull it right out there's some nails in there too oh if this is coming right off all right the other side oh man this this this whole piece of wood might come before all this folks it's really rotten at the bottom yeah do that well full motion termite [Music] hello but definitely reacting to the smoke as I can hear it's like a little roar what sounds like electricity a little bit alright yeah at all alright so now we're just going to type the cell paper and I will be right there and we'll just pull that piece off and get ready you will see the hive in just a second and gently pull the tar paper off more termites here termites and beads they actually go together see these girls they haven't been that too long and they might have taken some hits some setbacks brother that's what I mean by that because of that big hole that was in the exterior and every time it rains a good bit that water's going in there and that might set them back so you know we're gonna set up our nuke and this shouldn't take too long so this is the kind of Beaver move will beginners dream about okay yes just D she's the homeowner and she's the one that call me and being when did you first noticed that the bees were there actually I we were treating all the trees overgrown shrubs and we found this treasure well they well behaved at that point did anybody get popped oh one kind of couple in I was staying okay but they were using a chainsaw to cut some overgrown trees they're burning incentives okay well you know that's that's understandable I guess but biggest city that they've pretty general it's not a real big hi folks okay because of that hole up there on the top left before we open it up you know I think whenever it rained it would probably set them back a little bit so I'm gonna guess they probably been here maybe two three months is that sound about right I couldn't I couldn't even go went when did y'all discover them again women how long ago a few weeks ago about two weeks ago okay now you have to have enough bees you have to have enough nectar you know the flowers have to be producing enough nectar for them to build comb there's not only do they make honey from nectar but they built home from nectar so naturally if be show up and there's a really connector flow they can do a lot more than if they showed up and there was a poor nectar flow and actually if you have more bees show up in the swarm than a smallest warm and do the math so you know guesstimating if this was a really small swarm when we call an after swarm when they showed up and if there was a really good nectar flow but it was a really small swarm you know they kind of charge of so happening it could have taken them I'm still gonna say two to three months to do that but you know we had a good swarm show up and a decent nectar flow heck they can do this literally and probably a week and a half yeah yeah so what we're gonna do they this is called the nucleus hi but this these are these explaining right here okay and so you have rubber bands on them so I'm gonna try to utilize these comb sexes I'll have to trim them and fit them in these these frames and I'll put this in the box so essentially what we're doing is we're transferring the hive from there to here this little device here helps us to catch the Queen and so we get the Queen this is a cage in here and I get asked this all the time so what happens after you cage the Queen so the reason we can't you're a is so that we know where she is okay if we're doing this and we transfer comb and all this stuff and the Queen decides she wants to be up on the roof on that end then the majority B is gonna go with her how do we get all the coma because then at that point they're essentially back to being the swarm know what I'll do is after I cager I'll put her on one of the frames and I'll show you what that looks like and which is secure down here and we'll leave her caged for approximately three days yeah once we move it to the new site they may decide hey you know what we really don't like this box and if they try to leave guess what they got to come back because she's caged and I yeah and I've seen them do that multiple times over the course of three four days after a while you know they pretty much have to the commit to the setup because they have to start building comb to get hurt start land as a short window there where they have to get things going because bees only live about six weeks so they need replacements so in after about three days or so they're gonna start committing to and then I'll go ahead and release her that's about that so it's a neat little contraption yeah call it a hair clip Queen country stainless steel that's all right so anything else you want to say about this situation handy does it have honey right down in the cool there's probably a little bit of honey like you could see that little bit of glistening up here right okay that's honey but it may or may not have been cured yet what I mean by that is beast will bring the moisture content the nectar down there's ways they do that actually regurgitate back into the cells other bees take it mix it with enzymes they really very Tutte to the back and that helps bring the moisture content down they also fan in the hive like a lude amid affine effect and once they bring the moisture content down below 20% and that's where fermentation starts by the way they'll cap the cells with beeswax and that's kind of like put honey in a Jordan putting a little and a little preservative but this honey might be cured okay and one quick little way we ascertain that and we'll take the comb sections or a frame and we'll kind of shake it a little bit and if the nectar flies out it has a high moisture content if it doesn't fly out it's more than likely cured and you can harvest it say the darker parts in a cone is that very scary it's a two-speed not really sure why this is right here but it's a funny little spot it could be because it was the Torah paper was right against there and they attached it and for some reason those cells are just more shallow and so that when they're really shallow there's not much they can do with them it's almost kind of like a dead spot so anyway well let's let's get on with it while we have good weather because we have been getting a lot of rain I'm seeing some clouds come in yeah I appreciate you calling me and we'll get started we'll just buzz along thank you the Heat's getting to it okay these are very soft trying to use what I can shake my shake him in front of the box they shouldn't run in watch this see they'll know law secure the cone to the top and the bottom of the frame and usually like over the course of three four days or so and they'll start chewing on these rubber bands and they'll actually chew them to where they pop in they'll push them right out of the hive sometimes they want up in the hive and then later on while I'm doing an inspection I'll take the rubber bands oh but a lot of times they'll push them right out all right so we'll put this here for now and we want to the next one they're the same thing give these a little smoke sucking I want them suck and grab that tone I'm gonna show you those cells you were asking about did ya see how shallow they are I think they were just too close to the tour paper and so they stopped using them for whatever reason see that there's nothing they can do with that these are baby bees they just hatch down look at this folks you know if y'all getting this or not but these are your house they're kind of wildly like a young falling it just my mother gave birth to and they're kind of wobbly and they're a little bit lighter than fuzzy see that's a baby bee they've just hatched out that's another one that's a little bit older it's getting along a little bit better than that one and you can see the difference this one's a little lighter than that one let's go to shake them down in there now I cut that with a little bit to show it my bad this next piece out try not to trip over the was that great Myrtle something def def Wednesday y'all get a cut some crepe myrtles tight we have so many different kind ropes right here not really sure one of these i'ma pull out of the Queen's going to be on it I don't see you yet alright let's put this one in I'm gonna cut this one a little bit too short perfect well now we'll go ahead and put this one in here and now that we have this one framed up any bees that I shake in front of the hive should run in because of these these framed up comb sections it'll look make them think that this is the new hive there are some bees in the box already this box is house house before we're gonna we should see the Queen sugar you might be on the back side of this home secondly I have to cut this one again because it's a little Pete's behind that so now I can shake this in front that should start going in the Box a little bit more oh well maybe a little more they don't always do exactly what you want they really reacted to the smokes how they running down there Dee that's a big trauma let you try this honey to pee try this so these things are top-heavy so when you flip it over like that it's easy to hold it you grab it from the top it's a lot softer and wants to come up it's off just for me well it's good because it's kind of new but also it's because of the honey has weight it was a bunch of weight to it this is probably the last home section that we frame it has a theater key yeah sake job cook this a little bit now I have it upside down that I'm a lot more manageable I'll just put a rubber band on there and then I'll go ahead and I'll flip it over to do that town with make sure nobody's pinched it's all downhill from here now well again they need that to be able to do that so you know we're getting on in the year so these will probably we're going to see how they do but I'll keep them in this box right here for a while and going in the winter it's getting close this winter here looks like in December which stilling we just got into August you can always give them frames from another hive with what's called capped brood and those are young bees that are gonna hatch out and when they do they'll instantly boost the numbers of the hive the same thing it's just easy to hole like this let's see this right here you get to enjoy that empty that's the good stuff his piece of honeycomb this is a little bit of pollen right here okay and you ever tried honey how to highlight this we ever I just I don't want you to remember I was telling you about when they cure the honey and then they the captive cells right when beeswax kind of like putting honey in a Jordan put the lid on it yeah so that's what you have right here these are capped these haven't been capped yet I see but watch we're gonna shake to come see if anything flings out see there's a little bit flinging out on this backside right actually that was probably honey on my hand hey it's not really coming out this is probably all cured it was just something on my head so what I want you to do just take your finger and stick it down in there don't be bashful and uh oh yeah try yeah try that Oh what do you think oh my god that is tool isn't it isn't it a try now go get you a plate or a little container hmm actually metal my hand this to you can open your hand like that Billy is there any bees in there no B now this is a little bit of pollen and this is this is good it's just a lot of vitamins stuff in there you know a lot of B vitamins that is amazing gotta love be violent a lot B laughs I'm just like like a I'm like inside but you can eat the honey will help offset the pollen taste politics sometimes a little bit so what you can do with this there's not a lot of it someone tell you like to crush it and strain it all that and put in a jar of food enjoy just like this put it in the container that has a lid like a Tupperware and you cut little small squares okay and put the whole thing in your mouth and chew it you could really think of it kind of like gum okay and as you're chewing it you're getting the honey out now there's a lot of honey in this so just make you a little squiggle that diabetic oh yeah okay not yet it's actually a piece like this it'll probably sent a normal person into a sugar induced coma that's what I want you to do now bring that inside putting a little container with the lid and we'll talk more about what you can do with that okay okay thank you yeah I'm that good though and they're delicious see the stuff in the stores just it's very mild usually you know it's ultra filter than this pasteurized and you really don't need to do that with honey [Music] [Music] so that has all the goodness you know to me it can help with that you know but to me it's kind of like the difference between like the commercial-grade time of the mill dairy milk or really good stuff good stuff all right folks you know what time it is this time let's give an answer we can just open the meat and see if I can I want any that up down here oh there's a big she's down there we almost got this look folks I mean you know you're defending and all that stuff taking the market sound but I mean something like this you can knock this out literally I mean in like ten minutes boy come on she could be in the hive or she could be below the ice yet water bucket to show to people queen what dang it folks all right all right folks we back on this job and there's no bees in the wall void okay but there's a pile of them still on the exterior I'm gonna check the box see if the Queen's in there if they were in that wall they may have gone in from underneath because it was rotten at the bottom then I'll have to open this wall section up and then we'll cage the Queen and put her in there and we'll be done with that I had to run off because it was pouring down rain and I have this gonna go all over the side of it the grounds uneven okay they had to cut a bunch of saplings and crap that was growing up against against the building so we don't have a real stable working area ready to let's pull this out just see I'll see the Queen right now I thought I saw her have them so she might be getting him in this wallet see it's right at the bottom here see how I see that completely rotted oh there she is alright we got over there you see what which is hugging this edge right here is hearing from his father just saw Ana lost where'd you go wow she's a slip one this show right here she's running up and running down not want to be caught you can go I mean she's bright bright too as she is alright forgot certain long enough I mean she's not a huge clean but we certainly stands out you got it right before anyway see look at exactly that what I tell you right abdomen is alive definitely Wow so now we'll go ahead and put her in the setup and they pretty much have no choice what they're doing hopefully they go in tonight okay let me discuss something so in the springtime when we have temperature differentials or fluctuations rather say in the daytime it might get up into the pen on what month is let's say March April even May maybe we're getting up into the high 70s maybe a little 80s and at night time we get down anywhere from the mid 60s to lower 70s let's say whether the temperature drops say 10 degrees something like that the beasts feel that and they're inclined to cluster okay so you do a removal transfer your comb sections until you set up the beasts because it's cooler then the beasts are going to want to incubate the eggs they want to cover the brood nest or nightfall if you leave the set up there ordinarily they're always in the box okay fast-forward to now we're in August 3rd and it's probably actually hadn't been real - - too hot but it's probably close to 90 right now maybe high 80s I would say somewhere there but tonight it's not going to be much cooler than that so I did a job yesterday in a crawlspace of the house and Gretna [Music] remove all the comb was able to frame up three brood comb sections put them in a deep underneath a sill underneath the house because they were flying in and going in when the nest was from the exterior maybe about three and a half feet went back last night and what bees in the box but the majority of them was still clutched at under the house and that's all because of the heat they will eventually go into that box in fact I'm gonna be checking on them in a little while but like I said when the temperatures dip some beach feeling and they'll cluster when it's warm like this they lose that innate sense to cluster so it kind of drives you crazy sometimes you know the job like this yeah I could have used a bee vac but I mean they're so close to the ground they're gonna get it done this is a service alley right here so it's not like a threat to anybody the bees are nice and gentle so if it takes another day or two for them to go in the box so so be it but now that we got the Queen cage all the combs out this should work out they should go into this setup by tonight if not we'll leave them here another day and I'll come back the next night but eventually they won't work their way into the hobby so there you have it we're gonna go ahead and set this back up hope y'all enjoy the video and element from JP the bee man hope you're having a great day cuz you know I am no I am ma'am she tried some more that honey yeah like I said you could cut little squares and you can enjoy just like that alright so our Queens said you waiting we're gonna go ahead and put her in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you [Music]
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 297,839
Rating: 4.8724456 out of 5
Keywords: Saving Dee's Honey Bees, dees bees, live honey bee removal, bee removal, JPthebeeman, JP the bee man, jp the beeman, bee hive removal, bee hive, bee man, jp beeman, beekeeping videos, save the bees, beekeeping 101, jpthebeeman 2019, jpthebeeman youtube, bee removal video, honey bees, honey bee, new orleans, louisiana, louisiana bee man, bee man near me, swarm of bees, bee hives, new orleans bee man, bee hive in house
Id: VUmTy5hBh10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 43sec (2203 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 10 2019
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