Bee Man Vs Jungle Of Bees

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[Music] foreign [Music] service this is so cool folks like to pull this piece back and the paper thin with these uh if sheetrock ain't nothing left to it was just the paint look at me all right actually [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] something huh [Music] all right so I think we just need to go ahead and see if I can't take the section out [Music] of the job taking a nap you want this we want to frame this up okay come on [Music] needs to come apart it's absorb some heat from the Sun it is a hot day all right okay come on oh ratsy hot teleport God blessed dang it let me see if I can sound let's just rubber band in place reinforce this today we might be able to make this work [Music] I like that pretty if we get pretty right now Let's uh see if we can't get that other section right now okay all right I'm not gonna add anything more to this I'm just going to go ahead and place this in is just to get them interested you know in our setup all right let's put this in yeah all right let's just get this out Shake something off so this one might not be as tall as I want but want to be able to use it without its falling apart let's see what we can do here at the neighbors pulling up actually removed the bees from the neighbor a while back I think he tried to kill him you kind of white power over the windowsill it's been a while so I can't remember all right this one's coming out let's see if we can keep it in one piece let's see what we can do all right that was better before anyway see if we can get some rubber bands around it one more oh definitely one more turn this around there you go all right let's put this in all right let me just show you look at this big old lava beans up here we got two comb sections framed up not the prettiest but once you know get all this out meaning the tree plant whatever you want to call it in the comb and we can get them situated in that box you know we're gonna force them to accept they'll set up see okay [Music] move some of the beads on over here I mean like you know a little trip just for the hot film luck and see the queen at some point now damn at least somewhat interest in the Box you know look at the beach all right oh my foot is definitely uh no I don't need any cheese with that wine I don't know if I'm feeling rain grabs or bees peeing on me folks but I felt something either one of them not that big of a deal we don't get a correction down Pull which I don't think we're gonna have any time soon anyway don't look like it let's get this piece out if we can more that's a big thick piece huh all right let's get this out Loosely honey a little bit of Brew that over here for now maybe concentrate on that next long section down here all right you know what else takes over three cavities like this folks Yellow Jackets Yellow Jackets are famous for doing it you don't like Yellow Jackets probably some money out there that does but if you do it's probably from before or you're a glutton with sheer punishment folks because that's what the yellow jackets will do they just will hand you I couldn't imagine food with them things 24 7 uh because you'd have to be suited up and it gets hot down here that's you know again the primary reason I don't shoot up here because it gets so hot like right now it's around 90 degrees but the bees are nice fudge if uh you know they're aggressive I have to shoot up and uh do have a ventilator jacket with me so I'm glad they're nice it's hot maybe pushing 90 degrees and uh wearing shorts and not short sleeve shirt so thank goodness for nice bees right all right let's see if we can get this exception out go ahead and move out the way now man get this up all right come on all right all right that's a good one yeah all right framed it up didn't sound good huh we got here [Music] all right this bad put this one in this oh all right move another good one behind it but oh that is good this is probably the best one yes [Music] all right I'm already thinking that uh I don't know if they'll off hitting this box so I may have to get a deep we can always transfer them later but good look at this folks that's a lot of freaking things [Music] huh she's got to be up here foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] well [Music] all right so we got all this up here we got five frames of brood in our box okay we're all gonna get to beans except this box and uh but I don't know if it'll all fit in now I think they might sit in there temporarily but we're gonna have to move them into the 10 frame deep I believe tomorrow for sure this is what's left in here okay yeah it's a little bit of bees [Music] [Music] I want to be stopping I'm going to get it out that way we can force them to start accepting the box they're not going to do it on there and we're gonna have to just slide this thing shake it in front of them and all that stuff okay look at that just wanted to get them accept the Box huh you know it [Music] I'm just glad they're nice because I'm wedged in here folks yeah literally I'm just like wedged in here [Music] [Music] [Music] I just saw the piece to grab onto trying to grab it onto 20 beads see if I can break this off [Music] I need is there huh yeah I know you're faking it I know you're wanting a comment hey they need another bot what are they gonna get another box I promise you they're gonna get another box [Music] all right I think I'm gonna go ahead and leave this like it is go off do my thing and uh I'll be back with a 10 frame deep folks will be all back and we have a humongous amount of bees still clustered on this thing some in the Box but most of them up here so we got a 10 frame deep with us today and we're gonna we're gonna transfer those frames in here and uh inevitably I'm gonna have to some kind of way dislodge this thing and whatever it takes to get them in into our setup so anyway part two begins now foreign comb but it's been warm ordinarily I'd be maybe a little concerned if the weather wasn't quite as warm you know because they need to incubate their brood but the Heat and these that are on these frames comb rather looks like they're keeping everything going I don't see any Laura be sticking out the shelves sometimes when they get chilled the larvae you know better uh in cells of course that aren't capped because they're still coming out of the cells I don't see any of that happening so that's good I think this last one the biggest issue you can run across if they don't cover comb the small Hobbies be a chill Brew but mainly small high boots this will work [Music] a lot of bees folks what I might do is take some honeybee going be repellent maybe spray a little bit down here in a minute before I do that I'd give them a little smoke first to run about the that might get them watching folks that might do it right now they're just being very stuffed thank you go ahead and oh it's got a little Airborne here sometimes they'll do that the queen will take flight she'll land somewhere oh no but they're running up on the box and they go to airport come back [Music] you know we got a queen uh she's not in bad shape we know we got it clean see where they're going to land hopefully they come back and land and uh and get to them yeah can I get in your backyard you don't have a dog back there or anything huh right side right side yeah all right good deal thanks man okay bye [Music] oh there's the bees Where Y'all Gonna land girls where are y'all gonna land in the neighbor's tree huh I went in a neighbor's fig tree that's when you're gonna land the neighbors fig tree it's a lot of these so why wouldn't we need to go in the Box I think you're definitely going to land on that fig tree when you're knocking these people's door right now oh hammers sorry about it all right your neighbor right to the right of you they're not answering the door do you think I can go in their backyard uh I'm on my way right now give me okay yeah because the bees uh went airborne and they're landing on their fig tree in the backyard all right thanks bye all right folks if I can walk up on this one look how big it looks hahaha wow okay so here they are so we're doing a move and shaking it small all right I got a pro nuke with me took all the frames out because y'all know the what we're trying to do here is uh get this queen I'm trying to do here folks you just take a take a look at this thing I gotta get lucky and spot on you I'll run a rescue I'm going airborne again though you know well she uh she's plenty capable of flying though huh what choices I have here folks put the cake and see if I can't thank you I do I'm gonna bring him back over where we've been working go for it I guess let's go for it oh boy [Music] get this I don't see her here shake the other shake the rest of them [Music] [Music] there she is [Music] sitting down [Music] oh God she got out oh this thing is bad she freaking got it what really happens with these but she did she got out she probably went that oh man I gotta find her again what an adventure this is becoming folks huh folks here's our Queen and she's little okay she got out the queen catcher twice I'm gonna put her in a cage so let me go to my truck and grab me a cage what an adventure this is folks she almost got on my hand Lord she's not very big God blessed all right let me turn this off from concentrate I'll show you a minute holy smokes folks here she is wow I had to get it to my truck and uh put the windows up it's so hot out here that my phone uh heated up and I couldn't use it so I had to wait just about a minute for it to cool down so now I'm filming the queen but she got out that stainless Queen catcher twice on me okay I guess she'd think she's actually elongated her decent bit just being in the uh Queen cage right here this is the Jay-Z Beezy queen cake so you know the whole idea with these Daisy beezies is that um you can see that square it comes with a little uh strip right in the middle and you pull that out and that allows the bees to get in out of this thing to tend to her but she should be able to get out of this okay but she got out the uh the stainless data and queen catcher twice on me it rarely happens it I have had it happen on like really small queens and I guess she just thinned down so such a degree where she was able to slip out that thing twice on me good thing the second time she slipped out of it was just still in my hand and I was able to grab her so uh all right well let's uh get things uh organized now what an adventure let's put her in the setup I gotta actually I gotta go get the bees are in two yards over let's go do that all right folks huh 20 is cage let's go ahead and uh get these beads and bring them back over okay I'm gonna do this maybe these will fly back over I don't know she got out of this thing twice folks let's see if I can uh all right I'll just bring it over like this foreign [Music] thank you [Music] all right folks I'm gonna cut the rest of that tree down we're gonna put the queen in a 10 frame box we're gonna set this up real nice and uh we got it going on now though finally folks what an adventure whoa what an adventure let's go ahead and do what we need to do now wow okay [Music] get her in there [Music] I'm trying to go Airborne again let me go to her cage [Music] all right I'm gonna go ahead and just shake them right on top just go ahead and go ahead and do that that's a little pile of bees what do you think it's a few beads that's a few [Music] so they'll probably fly around a little bit and they'll start landing on the box on the entrance rather they should start growing in so we'll probably get a little more see what's happening right now see if I can show you it should drop down push these bees have not cooperated with me today at all all yesterday evening other than I did I mean they've been very gentle so that you know hey if uh we get it done and they're nice and gentle beans I'm happy you got the bunch here all right we'll give this a little time but they should just go right in our box all right let me back away let them reorient wow Adventure well I'll be back tonight folks hopefully uh it's so hot folks I've said this before bees when it gets real warm like this they don't always go out pretty you know they don't have to Cluster to generate heat because it's so hot so uh I'm not too concerned with the brood although I need him to go in there today and of course I need them in the box tonight so uh like I said Earl I didn't see any larvae coming out of the cells or anything so it's plenty warm enough we have had bees that we did have somebody spend the night in the uh six frame new but so now that they're Queen's in the 10 frame at some point they got to go in there right all right so uh that's it for now I hope you all enjoyed this video another one from JP to be man plenty more coming to you uh it's warm and uh I'll be back tonight to pick them up to the next one hope y'all having a great day because you know I am all right that's more like it hey girls what an adventure this one has been all right I'll be back later to pick you all up okay all right time to pick them up folks looks like we're gonna have to smoke a little bit just to run them in normally what I do is I'll just puff them a good bit and then I give them time they run in a little different at night I gotta kill this light because uh anyway so it was going a little bit get a little bit more smoke and then I'll place them on the floor there's no need to seal the entrance up I'm not going too far with them and um I'm not going to be stopping underneath any bright lights or anything like that so all right all right okay I haven't got them in the truck we're gonna go bye-bye you're gonna you're gonna need another box folks good numbers let's turn this around and show you the queen take a wrap all right I think they like her we're just going to do a direct release look at all the bees inside that'd be something else they're gonna get out of that I don't think so let's see it's really wanting to come out towards let me see if I can do this let's see so we're being released boy it's hard to do it the handfuls Let's see we can do just to pull this I mean she's right out she's wanting to come out I think that shot right there yeah down in that girl [Music] one down put this lid on and I gotta go build another box because uh
Channel: JPthebeeman
Views: 976,085
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bee Man Vs Jungle Of Bees, bee man vs bee tree, live honey bee removal, save the bees, live bee removal, JPthebeeman, jpthebeeman youtube, louisiana, louisiana bee man, the louisiana bee man, honey bee removal expert, honey bee removal, bee swarm, swarm of bees, killer bees, yellow jackets, honeybgone, bees, honey, metairie, kenner, new orleans, queen cage, queen catcher, shaking a swarm of bees, Bee Man Vs, Bee Man Vs Yucca Tree, honey bee removal specialist, bee removal expert
Id: mhHcOZxU6Ns
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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