Beef Madras and Naan Bread. Delicious Curry Cooked on a Campfire. Making Naan Bread. Making Ghee.

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] oh [Music] so morning folks and welcome back to maggie and simon's sunday morning curry club we've come up to my new permission this morning and um i've set a tarp up as you can see uh behind me um there's a good chance of some rain a little bit later on this morning so i'm just being prepared really it may or may not happen but always better to be prepared um i've collected a load of firewood uh this woodland there's lots of oak and hawthorn so both good burners um i've gathered up a few bits that were just lying around i haven't had to take anything down um there are a few well quite a few dead trees in this woodland but um yeah they can stay where they are there's plenty plenty of wood just lying around leaning up against trees and on the on the ground so that should do nicely so i'm going to get a fire lit and get things organized ready for a bit of cooking well i'm gonna use fatwood to get my fire going today um those of you who don't know fatwood is is pinewood which is rich in resin um often found where limbs come out from the main trunk of the tree um or in the root ball and yeah that resin that's in there is really flammable and takes a spark nice and easily i've had this for ages so it's bone dry so it should hopefully do the job and then i've collected a load of small thin twiggy material um which hopefully that fat wood will just get going and that'll be the start of my fire and this was just small twigs and things that were caught up in the trees so they were off the ground and nice and dry so i'm just gonna take some shavings off this fat wood and then i'll burn what's left of it as tinder as uh kindling add it to my kindling foreign not quite see that black smoke coming off there that's all that resin so i'm going to be cooking one of my favorite curries today a beef madras um but before i get on and do the curry itself i've got a couple of other things i need to do i'm going to make some naan you know there's nothing better than naan dunked in your curry and to mop up all those juices at the end and i'm going to make some some ghee um i need ghee for for both the naan recipe and for the um and for the curry itself and i couldn't find any in my local supermarkets and i was too late to order any so i thought i'd just make some it's easy enough to make just out of unsalted butter so i'll be doing that as well right so in here i've got all of my dried ingredients so there's plain flour there's wholemeal flour there's salt sugar and baking powder i'll put the full uh recipe in the description box down below as for all of the other things i'm cooking today with all of the quantities in there but i've just put that together in a ziploc bag at home just to make it easier to mix and then into that i've got some oil that's half a tablespoon of oil and make a little well in the middle and pour the oil in and then i've got some yogurt you need about half a cup for this recipe there's obviously more than that here but i'm just going to put a bit in a time and mix it until it seems about right i'm looking for a slightly sticky dough it's always worth bringing a little bit of extra flour with you it's very easy to add too much liquid and make your dough too sticky and if that's the case you can just add a bit more flour and bring it back just gonna get some flour on my hands so yeah that seems pretty good to me it's a little bit stickier than normal bread dough just a bit but yeah i'm pretty happy with that so i'm gonna put that back in the bag zip it up and just let that rest [Music] so right to to make the ghee i'm literally just going to melt normal unsalted butter um gears just clarify butter which means it's heated up and the kind of milk solids which separate from the from the fat of the butter um you can you can separate them you can scoop them off and and then you can pour it through um cheesecloth or muslin or something like that and you can kind of filter out all those solids and what you're left with is clarified butter so i'm just going to add this butter to my billy can here and heat it up over the fire just carefully and slowly oops then my spoon right while the um butter is melting i thought i'd make a start on preparing some of the veg to go in this curry so i've got two onions and in here i've got garlic and ginger i'm gonna make a paste out of those in a minute but first off we'll just get these onions chopped really nice and finely excuse the uh manky plaster on my thumb um i put a wood screw through my thumb at work yesterday and believe me the plaster looks better than what's underneath it so i want to try and make a paste out of the um i have the garlic and the ginger so i'm gonna kind of chop them as finely as i can and then try and sort of smush it up with my spoon okay the spoon wasn't really working but the end of my pastry brush is i don't normally take a pastry brush out into the woods with me but i need it for today's recipe so there we go it's starting to look a bit more mushed up and pasty well that butter has completely melted now all right let's try and get some of these solid bits off the top of the top of the butter you can see all the white solids just come to the surface and you can just lift them off quite easily with your spoon okay so i've just got a nalgene bottle here and inside i've got a couple of my reusable tea bags that you'll have seen me use for making tea and coffee they're just little muslin sacks basically with a draw cord on the top i'm going to put one inside the other just to double up i'm going to put that over the top of my nalgene bottle and just pull the draw cords tight and hopefully that will just collect any other solids that might be in there and there we've got our clarified butter so so i'm going to be using a four and a half quart dutch oven um to cook this in not because i need it as an oven but just because it's a good thick cast iron pan basically all the heat is going to be from underneath it's going to just cook over the over the heat of the fire so i'm going to add to that some of my lovely ghee that i just made and i'm going to start by cooking those onions down get them nice and soft before i start adding any other big flavors wait you're such a lazy toad while those onions cook down i'm gonna toast my dried spices i'm gonna use the steamer dish out of my zebra billy pot just because it's nice and small and about the right size so in here i've got garam masala ground cumin um turmeric what else chili chili powder uh i think that might be it so i'm just gonna literally just dry toast them over the heat and that will just release them flavors [Music] right those onions are softening up nicely we're now going to add the beef so i've just got some cubed beef steak here which i'm just going to pop right in the eye just get that browning off in the middle there right the beef is browned onions are nice and soft i'm going to put the um garlic and ginger paste in there now top and the spices oh and then in goes a can of chopped tomatoes stock cube and enough water just to cover then we're just going to let that cook down and reduce and thicken so [Music] so so uh it's starting to look pretty good now the curry is ready it's thickened up nicely and smells amazing i've just put the lid of the dutch oven um over the fire upside down i'm gonna use that to cook the uh the naans on um but i want that to be really really hot so i've just put some more wood on i'm gonna just give that a minute or two just to get get up to temperature um that needs to be super hot and um the curry can just sit for the time being because it's going to be it's going to be like napalm at the moment that's been bubbling away for probably an hour i should think close to an hour and obviously it's you know thickened down nicely and looking good the lid of the dutch oven is nice and hot so it's time to do these naans this has been resting for well well over well over an hour probably an hour and a half so um i should be good i'm gonna divide it into two make two naans one for me and because maggie can't have you neither curry the other one's going to be for her so i just want to flatten it out as best i can i'm not too fussed about neatness of shape here of course you could roll it out if you wanted using whatever you had available that's probably just gonna oh no that's all right well that might stick to my table but it's not too bad there we go so there's one i'm just going to sprinkle them with a bit of water before they go on and then just to finish them off this is where my pastry brush comes in a coating of ghee oh hmm well it certainly smells good i'm uh really hungry i didn't have any breakfast before i left the house this morning i wanted to be good and hungry for this curry and i do like curry for breakfast so let's give it a well the beef is actually just a little bit chewy but it was bubbling away quite furiously there for for a while with the heat heat from the fire this is really tasty so i mustn't forget poor old maggie she's sitting over there so patiently just watching me come on and go that was delicious was that the best curry in the world ever i think so i love a madras and i hit the spot really good yeah there's something about cooking outdoors cooking over a campfire and um having something you really enjoy thanks for watching i'll see you soon [Music] so [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Simon, a bloke in the woods
Views: 106,768
Rating: 4.9455323 out of 5
Keywords: beef curry, beef madras, camping curry, campfire curry, open fire curry, hot curry, homemade curry, best curry, making naan, making naan bread, making ghee, making clarified butter, campfire cooking, cast iron cooking, dutch oven cooking, plough point tarp, tarp shelter, campfire
Id: 8_bn4zI443g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 26sec (1706 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 07 2021
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