How to make the BEST Campfire Curry

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[Music] [Music] welcome back guys I hope you're all well it's been a rainy morning here but it starting to clear up now and the sun's out but a couple of weeks since I've been out for something to cook so I thought that'd be a great opportunity do a bit of a campfire curry or bushcraft ball tea whatever you'd like to call it yeah so I need to get some wood prepped for the fire now we can get going [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] I've got here some just bread flour really in the east - I'm just gonna add some yogurt got some cumin seeds and some Nigella seeds or onion seeds what if you'd like to call them and if you touch of water let it bit at a time give that a mix that dough is now coming together so I'm going to divide that into three and leave it to rest near the fire not too close and they will start to proof and they'll be out naan breads just a few things to prepare here got some onion garlic ginger and chili the onions going to be for the curry itself and some will go in the rice also [Applause] [Applause] I've got some washed rice here with a bit paprika and tumeric in I'm just gonna add double the amount of water right let's sit for a bit while my rice is simmering away I'm just gonna slice up some chicken breasts into the kind of inch slice chunks that's going to be the basis of our tikka into that chicken we're gonna put some yogurt bitter tumeric some paprika and a bit of chilli powder - I'm just going to give that a good old mix I'm just going to leave that sit for a minute while I grab some green tweeks a couple of branches here that come down pretty recently so they're pretty green yeah they'll do nicely I've taken the rice off from the fire and that's just going to rest and steam which is the best way to do rice they would steam for at least half an hour one got a better really so get wash it steam it they're the most important steps I'm just Fred in my chicken chunks onto this piece of greenish wood the reason this needs to be green is so it doesn't just burn over the fire and the reason we take the bark off because that's where most of the bacteria is although this is going over a fire anyway just rearrange the rocks a little they're gonna hang the chicken like that on a high heat driver scale don't want it to burn just cha got here some garam masala chilli powder paprika turmeric some cumin some salt and right on the end there that little red patch is some food dye they can get from Asian shops [Music] I'm just gonna move one of these rocks down here Marit sir nice and warmed up I can put on my naan breads now I'm adding in here the curry sauce curry gravy you can call it what you want an Indian restaurant will make this by a giant pot and then spoon out for a base for all the different curries and it's just water onions tomatoes salt and turmeric and paprika you can add or take away from that wall you want but they'll start to form the basis for your curries we've got our lovely charred chicken it doesn't matter if it's not cooked all the way through because we're putting it in here now well I'm pretty happy with this I must admit gopher rice first rooting nice and fluffy oh yeah main event chicken tikka masala I do love bit of coriander oh that's good all the fresh chili in there is it's nice you probably don't put that much chili in a standard one oh wow now this is a good lunch today try on that nice and fluffy brushed it with some garlic butter and sprinkled on the the coriander there and you've got the onion seeds Nigella seeds and the cumin in it oh yes they're lovely I'll put the recipes like I say a lot I don't really follow recipes but uh I'll do the nearest approximation and I'll include that curry gravy I didn't do it out here cuz it takes too long and you kind of need a blender really to do it properly and just show you if you do rice correctly don't over boil it you won't get anything stuck on the bottom that was a superb meal I know if you have done a curry on video yet but that's kind of the typical kind of curry that I do when I'm at home I'm glad to come out so well it's a nice cook naan bread I just think the rock cooking in somehow well that's it for today I've got a few more things to do around camp here before I head off home I didn't eat all of that by the way I've got some in the Dutch oven to take back with me so yeah I'm gonna clean up the fire and all of that so thank you very much for watching it's been a good one hope you enjoyed it see you again soon goodbye [Music]
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 281,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: INedkYy6BNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 22 2020
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