2 Nights Off Grid in a Bell Tent with a Wood Burning Stove.

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[Music] hello guys welcome back as you can see i'm on an ultra light camping expedition here you may also see up here i've got the truck not too far away at all um yeah i thought i'd bring the bell tent out i've got work to do down here in the woods um sheltered to tidy up and bits and bobs uh so i thought i'd do a couple of nights two maybe three we'll see how we get along um and how things are going in the real world but uh yeah i've got bell ten new awning to add to it a new carpet to try out food dutch oven stove everything and the weather is beautiful so i better get this started because it takes a little while it takes a day to pack all this get it together and pack it and uh yeah it's gonna take a little while to put up another new thing i've got for the build tent set up is a like a footprint um because it's four meter built in it's so hard to clean it and things and um the last time i used it it got pretty muddy and if i was in the street getting it out cleaning it down trying to dry it's a lot of work um so yeah this should help a bit with that uh trying to avoid this bit of a stump here so i'm hoping maybe it could just be on the edge or um maybe i can get this side of it we'll see this is the kind of biggest flat ish area i've got here in the woods it's the same build tent i've used a couple of times before from the canvas temp shop [Applause] [Applause] 10. so [Applause] it's the main structure up i just need to go around and re-peg these because it goes a bit slack when you put these ones on but uh it's looking good not used this in just over a year i think for obvious reasons really all right so this is my new awning i've bought to go with the bell tent just for a little outside space because the built-in i'm most likely to use in winter this gives me a little porch area for leaving boots and stuff some poles some cordage you want to get yourself in some pegs right this should be fun i bought this a little while ago i should have looked at the picture of exactly how they had it set up but uh i think i know the gist of it this is the same kind of heavyweight canvas [Applause] now i think the middle point here goes on the peg here hmm [Applause] well it's up this is pretty cool loads of room in there for four people to sort of sit around if it was raining or something and obviously if i'm on my own or whatever very good for keeping stuff under i don't want in the tent you can better see the size of the thing from the side here i think it's 2.9 meters out something like that but it's the bigger size they do yeah lots of extra room not that we're going to be getting any rain i don't think over the next couple of days we'll see so with all the outside up i can turn my attention to the inside and i've got this new carpet to try out pure luxury because in the winter when you're using it it's um it is a waterproof thick lining but you know the cold comes through it so if you want to walk around without your boots on this is going to be perfect [Applause] trustee levelman [Applause] so these are in two halves obviously because of the center pole [Applause] [Applause] just needs a bit of flattening out but look at that keep your feet warm i think the center pole is not quite center but uh we're on a slight incline here it's just going to have to do like that i've got my winnewell stove it's my favorite one but i have to worry about weight and heat proof matt nice nice thing about doing multiple nights compared to them single overnights is you know all the time in the world i'm not rushing here i don't know how long this has taken so far but it wouldn't be worth it for one night and my big airbed i've used many a time in churches in the bell tent a lot of you would have seen when i've used this kind of setup i put a large foil blanket on the bed then i'll just use an ordinary bed sheet on top of that i've even got a quilt and pillows i have got a sleeping bag with me as well because the stove won't be going all night and it is still february the temperature is still going to drop i got one of these ages ago little heat powered stove fan um i need a little bendings it's been in the bag with the stove but um it'll be interesting to see um not going to be so necessary on this one but in future when it's very cold it just pushes that heat around just a little bit because you're quite far from the stove and a couple of finishing touches i've got my comfy chair and a handy table flexes down it's quite a nice big one this if i can remember how it goes right just like that folds open they swing over and lock in like so and your tabletop locks in to the base just handy for food prep and well when you've got a lot of junk with you like i have today there we go [Applause] table sure ah so we've got the office got the bedroom and we've got the uh kitchen over there with the stove pretty much there and because i'm no peasant nice pair of slippers for when i'm in the tent how's that for survival well i need to get some firewood for tonight i'm gonna get it from the wood store up over there i've got a log carrier for that which is very handy canvas thing or as tom called it the bushcraft handbag as you can see i've got a lot of pieces of chestnut here just leaning up against the wood store a bit messy but that's for a project i'm starting this week so looking forward to showing you that so just doing a little bit of kindling just to help get the stove going later should have put my gloves on really [Applause] a great place to keep firewood right in the awning here right by the stove pretty much nice dry area and if i put this log here by the other side of the entrance i can put on my water bottle or the tank or the holder whatever you want to call it and that can also go that way when it's tightened up to actually use the tap on it a lot of water there i've had a bit of a rest it's getting close to dusk now i need to put up my uh fairy lights they're good because um they put a light around you rather than one spot casting shadows everywhere on what you're trying to do because that'd be in the middle but also look at the roof i can see got a little bit of uh mold growing so it kind of been super dry when i put it away it's the downside of not having a big space to dry it out properly and everything so i'll have to attend to that at some point but yeah i'd put on the lights [Applause] these use a mains adapter and i've got my inverter power bank power station whatever you'd like to call it i've used tape for this before but uh it can get hot up here with the stove on so it just loses its tackiness just test them out boom i do have a lantern as well so should have plenty of light got a couple of paraffin lanterns with me some i just have one here at the entrance and we'll think about the other one i need to get them filled up anyway if i'd come down by the stream check things out and the ransoms are starting to come up so i'll have to use some tomorrow for cooking yeah it's good to see a bit of green coming back i thought i'd show you guys just that i've got a carbon monoxide alarm here i'll suspend it up off the pole but this one it does show you a readout as well i've never got anything but you know it's one of them things they're not expensive so it's good to have it i always have this when i'm using a tent stove unless i forget it i'm getting peckish i need a pre-dinner snack [Applause] i'm just gonna use these fire lighters there's no point pretending to do bushcraft today [Applause] don't really need anything smaller than this kindling i'm just going to use the collapsible oven i didn't bring the stove type one notice that the fan's going i've only just lit it it's not even warm yet i don't need that yet i need this looks like we're going oven temperature's starting to get up now as well this one takes a little longer than the flu oven incidentally i showed both of them on the review channel recently when i went over camping ovens if you wanted to check that out and i mentioned the thing i'm gonna cook today a bit of a fight over a roosting spot it's nice just sitting here by the doorway not too cold not too warm stove's warming the tent up a little bit even with the doors open just looking out in nature and uh watching that sunset not watching it set but watching it get dark it's not quite up to temperature but i'm losing patience i'm hungry go to chicago town just the one to keep me going done bread and chicken roast dinner everything in this so they do work pretty well yeah just a snack for the minute i'll do some cooking a bit later there we go let's take a look at this pizza oh it looks good i might just give it a few more minutes oh and my fans started going on top of the oven do like a camp cooked chicago town pizza it's hot start with a little bit it's really good to be back in this bell tent it's absolutely luxury to think a week ago i was under a tarp a week before that it was snowing and today's been glorious it's uh really chilled down now so the stove is uh coming into its own i think that fan is doing a good job too i've had that for ages just haven't thought to use it it's quite bulky if you're kind of using a collapsible stove and that but uh for this setup it's great i'm gonna chill out for a little bit and cook some dinner because that pizza wasn't that filling i've got another one of them but i'll prove that for lunch tomorrow looks like we've got a full moon coming up or thereabouts i've got very unlike me some pre-seasoned meat and peppers and onion so let's see if we can do this dignified [Applause] oh the answer to that is no [Applause] that's cooled down the pan a bit i'll get going shortly that's all cooked up nice got like a smoky chilli sauce on there and uh just got some wraps going easy tonight i'll do something more involved tomorrow i've got my beer i've got my first of probably several wraps kind of a sweet and smoky chili sauce very nice so [Applause] good morning i got a great night's sleep i must admit really really good i woke up once for a pee and that was it really love sleeping in this bell tent for processed little firewood and just got the stove going maybe some breakfast but mainly to take that chill off that morning chill um yeah got a few jobs to do today around the woodland i may film a bit of it but uh it's not exactly the most interesting stuff to take down that natural shelter uh tidy up a couple of fire pits that sort of thing um i was gonna bake some bread today i haven't got the loaf pan but i've got bread mix that i made so i might make some kind of rolls for lunch we'll see i've got no strict time table today a couple of nice pork sausages and put in a bit of bacon i think just the one egg today we're on a slope here just used my enamel plate to make sure the eggs cooked on top just worked a tree i'm pretty much there so i'm at the natural shelter i'm just gonna be taking it down it's not too much work there's some good wood on the bottom there for the bed that i need to take over and a fire bit to clean up as well maybe some good wood up here a lot of it's rotting so that can go back on the floor of the woodland keeping some of the better bits here i can use on other projects and stuff i'll just lean them up for now most of it's rotten now it's pretty much the bed lift i know this stuff's pretty good so i'll put it up in the tree as well i'm sure there'll be future projects to use them on nice straight ones now these though these are nice bits of pine because the other score marks in them um i'll use these for firewood so i'll take them with them so had a couple of fire pits here but the last time i cooked here i was rushing a bit to get out of here so i just doused it and i left it knowing i'd come back so time to tidy it this will just spread out the charcoal is good for the ground and the rest here i'll just dig in [Applause] so see the clay underneath there here's just them straight ones i'm keeping it's mainly birch and hornbeam uh bracken on the floor they'll rot down no problem looking good so this so oh that was handy having them score marks from the chainsaw when this pine was taken down makes life a bit easier probably have a little outdoor fire tonight mix things up and do some roasting with the dutch oven um i'll dig a shallow pit this time just to make clean up a little bit easier that's most of the pine this is some other bits and bobs i'll probably grab some of that chestnut as well for a better coals as you can see there's ransoms coming up everywhere now some wild garlic so i'll be getting some of this for dinner tonight and beautiful colors such a nice smell temperature's really plummeted as soon as that sun goes down just gonna put a bit of a base in here and i'm just gonna use firelighter again got on with me that's the order of the weekend use one of these a bit of a brace and start putting on this kindling plenty of it that fire lighter i go for a little bit as well now some of this have battened down so that's some welcome heat for sure building it up with this pine and i'll get the chestnut on for coals i'm thinking of cooking on the stove and the fire at the same time something i've never tried before getting the timings is going to be a bit funny and now definitely going to hear some coals in here i think i've changed my mind i've got my zebra billy here i'm gonna parboil the vegetables and do them in the dutch oven with the um meat otherwise i'm running in and out in and out it'll be crazy see how i should do potatoes and i'll keep these chunkyish i can hear some geese outside so i'm just going to oil and season this piece of beef both sides i've got a salt pepper mix here that should also season our veg a bit too as it drips i'm going to down in the dutch oven here i'm just going to place my piece of beef there and i'm just going to put this veg which i've put a little oil in already around perfect lid on and put it over the coals with some on top give that a good roasting oh some nice coals there a little bit of clay too [Applause] i've just taken it off for a moment just to check on it and do a couple of things it is looking good just wanted to move this stuff around i completely forgot i was going to use this meter which we've simply used before you just need to stick it in up to the line i'm just going to do that again just so i know it's right in the middle there that's going to give me the ambient temperature on my phone and the internal temperature of the beef there i just have to set up a cook beef and roast to get silver side and we'll go medium rare and i've got some time to rest and stuff start the cook because you estimate cooking time and everything right so here is our beef i think i let it over run a little bit probe out we'll see very juicy oh it's pink that's uh lovely give it a little bit of a rest so i'll stick these on my plate i've got the potatoes and carrots and you can see i put the garlic in as well i didn't want to put it in too long nice roasted carrots roasted bits off of the trivet and a bit more of that beef why not yeah so let's try this beautiful i should have put the um potatoes in a bit before but i'm sure that'll still be nice bit of wild garlic time to load up the stove again and retreat into the tent i keep doing this blind for the camera it was time for a hot drink i think been chilling out for a little while and that stove should be good and hot such a hot chocolate i think [Applause] good morning another sunny day by the looks of it birds are singing slept really well really do sleep well in this setup to be honest i've slept well quite a lot lately camping like all the way through i suppose i should get up and do some breakfast got a few jobs to do today i am managed to take down the shelter yesterday cleaned up a fire pit elsewhere as well do some alpha bits and bobs but uh yeah a few more jobs first thing is to get this stove on take that chill off and get some breakfast so i've got some bacon on and i think i'm gonna do some pancakes for various foods with me to choose from yeah it feels like a pancake and bacon day today [Applause] just got a ziploc bag here with some flour sugar baking powder a little salt some vanilla extract i've just cracked two eggs in there and the zip seems to have broken [Applause] there we go i'm just gonna mix that together add some milk as i need it time to use that bacon grease do a [Applause] pancake [Applause] i didn't get the flip on camera looking good though do a couple of these there we go fluffy pancakes bacon and maple syrup well that is lovely i think what i'm going to do is cook up a couple of sausages while i've got the stove going because it's a little bit of a chill but it's going to warm up so if i cook these sausages off now i can have them for some lunch in a bit after i've done a few odd jobs and i'll give the stove time to cool down as well because probably gonna leave this afternoon i think get a few bits done i feel like i need a shower well one of my first jobs let's be tidy up this fireplace and i may as well save these bits of wood take them to the wood store first [Applause] before i take down the awning here just makes access to the tent a bit easier when i do take it all down don't really need it it's not raining but i did want to try it out ah here's a spot i used a little while ago i just thought collect up the rocks from the fireplace that i used here fireplace is cleaned up but i left the rocks here so i'll take them over for another project so one thing i want to do is uh rebuild the camp kitchen up here by the wood shed i was never really happy with this i didn't have as many rocks as i needed or as much time as i needed for the video so i'm going to spend a bit more time and do something a bit more properly tear this down well i've done a lot of work and i personally think i deserve a cup of tea and some lunch and to go with my cup of tea them sausages i cooked earlier in a wrap with a bit of ketchup of course that's hot so not as warm as it's been the last couple of days but it's still a beautiful day i've got most of the tent emptied now so it's just really taking the tent down getting all loaded up to get out of here i think i've done the jobs i'm gonna do for today so bringing the chill for half hour or so just enjoy the woods without the camera and then pack up [Applause] [Applause] so so uh so [Applause] you could make out that mostly dry circle oven towards the front here ground was still quite wet from all the rain we had i'm all packed up trucks all packed up up there so i'm heading off thank you guys for watching i hope you enjoyed it it's um a relaxing camp when you're in the tent when you're doing this sort of thing but it's a lot of work to get there and get back and take all down and put up um yeah i think we'll be doing some simple ones after this i'll see you soon goodbye [Music] you
Channel: Kent Survival
Views: 1,344,925
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S7MQqEeorgY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 35sec (4055 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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